Murti, Krisna and Putri, Siti Sarahdeaz and Irfanuddin, Irfanuddin (2023) Similarity : PENGARUH DIET KETOGENIK TERHADAP PROLIFERASI DAN KETAHANAN SEL PADA JARINGAN OTAK. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

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Pengaruh Diet Ketogenik Terhadap Proliferasi Dan Ketahanan Sel Pada Jaringan Otak.pdf

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Background : The main energy substrate of the neuron system is glucose, but there are also alternative substrates, namely the ketone body in the form of b-hydroxybutyrate. Most ketone bodies used by the brain are supplied by liver, but they can also be synthesized in astrocytes, which are the only cell type in the brain that can oxidize fatty acids. The ketogenic diet is a diet that uses a lot of fat as an energy source and reduces carbohydrate and protein consumption when the body does not get enough glucose from carbohydrates, the body usually uses alternative energy sourced from the ketone body, namely acetoacetate and b-hydroxybutyrate. The ketone body comes from the breakdown of fatty acid metabolism in the liver. The ketogenic diet that is carried out for a long time will cause a reaction to the body, including the brain. On prolonged hunger, 75% of the fuel needed by the brain is obtained from a ketone body. The brain can carry out its functions through energy derived from glucose which is transported by blood. All factors that affect blood flow to the brain can have an impact on the proliferation and resistance of internal cells in the brain, including the decrease in glucose in the blood caused by the ketogenic diet. Keywords: ketogenic, diet, brain, proliferation, cell resistance

Item Type: Other
Subjects: #3 Repository of Lecturer Academic Credit Systems (TPAK) > Results of Ithenticate Plagiarism and Similarity Checker
Divisions: 04-Faculty of Medicine > 11718-Pathology Anatomy (Sp
Depositing User: dr., Ph.D. Krisna Murti
Date Deposited: 11 May 2023 07:43
Last Modified: 11 May 2023 07:43

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