Characteristic of Coal Stockpile in Lowland and the Effect to Environment
Coal stockpile is a temporary shelter before they are sent to the consument and is the operational center for a coal port. Stockpile is also used to mix coal in order to fit the needs of homogenization. Coal stockpile has wetlands in the flat topography lowlands affected by the tide. Influence the ups and downs of sea water is higher in this region compared to the influence of rainfall. Liquid waste from run-off and coal stockpile wetting is containing suspended solids and some dissolved substances. The existence of liquid waste from leachate can reduce the degree of acidity (pH) and increase the content of total suspended solids (TSS), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn). Monitoring the effect to the environment on the coal stockpile is intended to perform an environmental assessment of the effect which arise due to the existence and operation of coal accumulation. Effect analysis based on the value of the effluent, air pollution (dust), soil and water by looking at the parameters of the coal waste water pH, TSS, metals Mn, and Fe, the total suspended particulates (TSP) parameters of air pollution and noise, and soil pollution in the form of physical and chemical characteristic of the soil.
Particulate Dust Total Suspended Solid Nitrogen Oxide Total Suspend Particulate Environmental Quality StandardReferences
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