
PISA’s Influence on Thought and Action in Mathematics Education

  • Kaye StaceyEmail author
  • Felipe Almuna
  • Rosa M. Caraballo
  • Jean-François Chesné
  • Sol Garfunkel
  • Zahra Gooya
  • Berinderjeet Kaur
  • Lena Lindenskov
  • José Luis Lupiáñez
  • Kyung Mee Park
  • Hannah Perl
  • Abolfazl Rafiepour
  • Luis Rico
  • Franck Salles
  • Zulkardi Zulkardi


This chapter contains short descriptions from contributors in ten countries (Chile, Denmark, France, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Korea, Singapore, Spain and USA) about some ways in which the PISA Framework and results have influenced thinking and action about mathematics education. In many countries, the PISA results have been a call to action, and have stimulated diverse projects aimed at improving results, principally for teacher education but also some involving students. PISA resources, including the released items, have been used as a basis for assessment as well as for teacher development. Some countries have established national assessments with noticeable consistency with PISA ideas. In many countries, PISA’s concept of mathematical literacy, with its analysis of what makes mathematics education useful for most future citizens, has been extremely influential in curriculum review and also for improving teaching and learning. Countries have also incorporated or adopted the way that PISA describes mathematical competence through the fundamental mathematical capabilities.


Mathematics Education Mathematics Teacher Mathematics Curriculum Mathematical Literacy Mathematics Textbook 
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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

Authors and Affiliations

  • Kaye Stacey
    • 1
    Email author
  • Felipe Almuna
    • 1
  • Rosa M. Caraballo
    • 2
  • Jean-François Chesné
    • 3
  • Sol Garfunkel
    • 4
  • Zahra Gooya
    • 5
  • Berinderjeet Kaur
    • 6
  • Lena Lindenskov
    • 7
  • José Luis Lupiáñez
    • 2
  • Kyung Mee Park
    • 8
  • Hannah Perl
    • 9
  • Abolfazl Rafiepour
    • 10
  • Luis Rico
    • 2
  • Franck Salles
    • 11
  • Zulkardi Zulkardi
    • 12
  1. 1.Melbourne Graduate School of EducationThe University of MelbourneMelbourneAustralia
  2. 2.University of GranadaGranadaSpain
  3. 3.Office for the Evaluation of Educational Activities and ExperimentationsMinistry of National EducationParisFrance
  4. 4.Consortium for Mathematics and its ApplicationsBedfordUSA
  5. 5.Shahid Beheshti UniversityTehranIran
  6. 6.National Institute of EducationSingaporeSingapore
  7. 7.Institut for Uddannelse og PædagogikAarhus Universitet i EmdrupCopenhagenDenmark
  8. 8.College of EducationHongik UniversitySeoulSouth Korea
  9. 9.Ministry of EducationJerusalemIsrael
  10. 10.Shahid Bahonar University of KermanKermanIran
  11. 11.Office for Students’ AssessmentMinistry of National EducationParisFrance
  12. 12.Sriwijaya UniversityPalembangIndonesia

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