Setiawati, Eva and Fajar, Nur Alam and Hasyim, Hamzah (2022) Hubungan Perawatan Anak Dan Kebersihan Diri Dengan Kejadian Stunting (Similarity). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya, Indralaya.
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Statusstuntingpada anakmerupakan salahsatu masalahkesehatanmasyarakatdidunia dan juga Indonesia. Kecamatan Jambi Timur adalah salah satu wilayah yang termasuk lokus stunting di kota Jambi dengan kejadian stunting mencapai 142 anak. Tujuan penelitian ini Menganalisis pola asuh dan status social ekonomi dengan kejadianstuntingpadaanak balita usia24-59 bulan di kecamatanJambi timur kota Jambi tahun 2022. Stuntingadalah status pendek atau gagal tumbuh pada anak akibat kekurangan asupan gizi kronis. Pola asuh adalah salah satu factor lansung dan tidak lansung yang dapat menyebabkan stunting. Sedangkan factor dasarnya adalah social ekonomi karena mempengaruhi kemampuan keluarga menyediakan kebutuhan makan yang bergizi bagi anaknya. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Survey Analitikdengan desain Cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Ibu yangmemiliki balita usia 24 -59 bulanyang berada di Kecamatan Jambi timur. Pengambilan sampel secara RendomSampling yang berjumlah 116 ibu balita.Hasil pengukuran tinggi badan didapatkan 16,4% balita usia 24 -59 bulan mengalami stunting. Hasilpenelitianmenggunakanujichi squaremenunjukkanbahwapolaasuh berdasarkan praktik pemberian makan, praktik kebersihan diri, praktik kebersihan lingkungan, danpraktikperawatananak berhubungandengankejadianstunting padaanak usia24-59 bulan, masing-masingp-value< 0,05.Sementarastatussosial ekonomiberdasarkanpendidikanibu,pekerjaan ibu,dan jumlahanggotakeluarga tidakberhubungandengankejadianstuntingpadaanak,masing-masingpadap-value>0,05 kecuali variabel pendapatan keluarga pada p < 0,05. Hasil Analisa multivariat didapatkan praktek perawatan anak dengan p-value< 0,1 sehingga menjadi variable yang paling dominan mempengaruhi stunting. Menurut peneliti orang tua perlu memperhatikan bagaimana praktek perawatan anak dengan baik dan menerapkan dengan konsisten sehari-hari dalam praktek pola asuh orang tua pada anak.Stunting status in children is one of the public health problems in the world and also in Indonesia. Jambi Timur sub-district is one of the areas included in the locus of stunting in the city of Jambi with stunting incidence reaching 142 children. The purpose of this study is to analyze parenting patterns and socioeconomic status with the incidence of stunting in children under five aged 24-59 months in the eastern Jambi district of Jambi city in 2022. Stunting is a short status or failure to thrive in children due to chronic nutritional deficiency. Parenting is one of the direct and indirect factors that can cause stunting. While the basic factor is socioeconomic because it affects the ability of families to provide nutritious food for their children. This research method is an analytical survey research with a cross sectional design. The population in this study wereall mothers who had toddlers aged 24 -59 months who were in the East Jambi District. Sampling was done by random sampling, amounting to 116 mothers of children under five. The results of height measurements showed that 16.4% of toddlers aged 24-59 monthswere stunted. The results of the study using the chi square test showed that parenting based on feeding practices, personal hygiene practices, environmental hygiene practices, and child care practices was associated with stunting in children aged 24-59 months, each p-value <0.05. Meanwhile, socio-economicstatus based on mother's education, mother's occupation, and number of family members were not associated with stunting in children, each with p-value > 0.05 except for family income at p < 0.05. The results of the multivariate analysis showed the practice of child care with p-value <0.1 so that it became the most dominant variable affecting stunting. According to researchers, parents need to pay attention to how to practice child care well and apply it consistently on a daily basis in the practice of parenting in children.
Item Type: | Other |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine #3 Repository of Lecturer Academic Credit Systems (TPAK) > Results of Ithenticate Plagiarism and Similarity Checker |
Divisions: | 10-Faculty of Public Health > 13201-Public Health (S1) |
Depositing User: | Hamzah Hasyim, S.K.M, M.K.M |
Date Deposited: | 31 Mar 2023 12:52 |
Last Modified: | 01 Apr 2023 06:32 |
URI: | |
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