Items where Division is "56201-Computer Systems (S1)" and Year is 2017

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 40.

Erwin, Erwin (2017) Content based image retrieval for multi-objects fruits recognition using k-means and k-nearest neighbor. In: 2017 International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICoDSE), 1-2 Nov. 2017, Palembang.

Erwin, Erwin (2017) Image enhancement using the image sharpening, contrast enhancement, and Standard Median Filter (Noise Removal) with pixelbased and human visual system-based measurements. In: 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS), 22-23 Aug. 2017, Palembang.

Erwin, Erwin (2017) LAPORAN AKHIR PENELITIAN UNGGULAN PERGURUAN TINGGI- Sistem Cerdas Deteksi Dini Penyakit Berbasis Mobile Berdasarkan Perubahan Citra Digital sebagai Media Penunjang, Layanan Kualitas Sumber Daya Masyarakat, Tahun 2017. LPPM Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Erwin, Erwin (2017) Similarity-Content Based Image Retrieval for Multi-Objects Fruits Recognition using k-Means and k-Nearest Neighbor. IEEE.

Erwin, Erwin (2017) Similarity-Image enhancement using the image sharpening, contrast enhancement, and Standard Median Filter (Noise Removal) with pixel-based and human visual system-based measurements. IEEE.

Erwin, Erwin (2017) Similarity-Pemrosesan Citra Berwarna & Aplikasi dengan JAVA. UPT. Penerbit dan Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya.

Erwin, Erwin (2017) Similarity-Segmentation and classification models validation area mapping of peat lands as initial value of Fuzzy Kohonen Clustering Network. IOP Publishing.

Erwin, Erwin (2017) Similarity-Tongue Segmentation Using Active Contour Model. IOP Publishing.

Erwin, Erwin and Fachrurrozi, Muhammad (2017) Pemrosesan Citra Berwarna & Aplikasi dengan JAVA. UPT. Penerbit dan Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang. ISBN 978-979-587-655-7

Passarella, Rossi (2017) Bukti korespondensi Disaster mitigation management using geofencing in Indonesia. IEEE.

Passarella, Rossi (2017) Bukti korespondensi The user engagement impact along information technology of infrastructure library (ITIL) adoption. IEEE.

Passarella, Rossi (2017) Using Pressure Sensors towards Pipeline Leakage Detection. In: 2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS).

Passarella, Rossi (2017) The user engagement impact along information technology of infrastructure library (ITIL) adoption. In: 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS).

Rossi, Passarella (2017) bukti koresponden MISSIONS: The Mobile-Based Disaster Mitigation System in Indonesia. IOP, Medan.


Stiawan, Deris (2017) Analysis of Custody Transfer on Moving Bundle Protocol of Wireless Router in Delay Tolerant Network (DTN). IEEE.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Analysis of Custody Transfer on Moving Bundle Protocol of Wireless Router in Delay Tolerant Network (DTN). 2017 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering (ICITACEE). ISSN 978-1-5386-3947-4

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Anomaly Detection and Monitoring in Internet of Things Communication. IEEE.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) The Authority of Government in Clearing Hatefull and Hostilities Electronic Information Based on Tribe, Religion, Race and Intergroup. Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) The Authority of Government in Clearing Hatefull and Hostilities Electronic Information Based on Tribe, Religion, Race and Intergroup. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE). ISSN 2088-8708

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Comparative Analysis of K-Means. IEEE.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Comparative Analysis of K-Means Method and Naïve Bayes Method for Brute Force Attack Visualization. 2017 2nd International Conference on Anti-Cyber Crimes (ICACC). ISSN 978-1-5090-5814-3

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Cyber- Attack Penetration Test and Vulnerability Analysis. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering. ISSN 1868-1646

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Cyber-Attack Penetration Test and Vulnerability Analysis. Kassel University Press GmbH.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Denial of Service Attack Visualization with Clustering using K-Means Algorithm. IEEE.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Denial of Service Attack Visualization with Clustering using K-Means Algorithm. 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS). ISSN 978-1-4799-7675-1

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Energy-Aware Optimal Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network Using Integer/Linear Programming. IEEE.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Information Framework of Pervasive Real Time Monitoring System: Case of Peat Land Forest Fires and Air Quality in South Sumatera, Indonesia. Institute of Physics Publishing.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Information Framework of Pervasive Real Time Monitoring System: Case of Peat Land Forest Fires and Air Quality in South Sumatera, Indonesia. International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics. ISSN 1757-8981

Stiawan, Deris (2017) IoT Smart Device for e-Learning Content Sharing on Hybrid Cloud Environment. Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) IoT Smart Device for e-Learning Content Sharing on Hybrid Cloud Environment. International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI). ISSN 978-1-5386-0549-3

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Network-on-Chip Paradigm for System-on-Chip Communication. Computer Engineering and Applications.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Network-on-Chip Paradigm for System-on-Chip Communication. Computer Engineering and Applications.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Optimizing Subgroups Formation for E-MBMS Transmissions in LTE Networks. Institute of Physics Publishing.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Optimizing Subgroups Formation for E-MBMS Transmissions in LTE Networks. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. ISSN 1757-8981

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Payload Recognition and Detection of Cross Site Scripting Attack. IEEE.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) Payload Recognition and Detection of Cross Site Scripting Attack. 2017 2nd International Conference on Anti-Cyber Crimes (ICACC). ISSN 978-1-5090-5814-3

Stiawan, Deris (2017) correspondence: Analysis of Custody Transfer on Moving Bundle Protocol of Wireless Router in Delay Tolerant Network (DTN). IEEE.

Stiawan, Deris (2017) correspondence: Denial of Service Attack Visualization with Clustering using K-Means Algorithm. IEEE.

Tutuko, Bambang (2017) Tracking control enhancement on non-holonomic leader-follower robot. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS). ISSN 978-1-5386-5721-8

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 22:16:09 2025 WIB.