Items where Division is "88203-English Linguistics Education (S1)" and Year is 2013
Inderawati, Rita (2013) The Application of Literature for All And Literature Across Curriculum Concept by Responding Literary Works to the Enlightenment of Character Education In Indonesia Context. Journal of Teaching and Education, 2 (1). pp. 13-24. ISSN 2165-6266
Inderawati, Rita (2013) Humanism As One Of Value-Based Approaches In Language Teacher Education: Learning From Experience. In: International Teacher Education Conference. University of Lampung. ISBN 978-979-3262-10-9
Inderawati, Rita and Sofendi, Sofendi (2013) Building Teachers? Positive Perspective Towards The Role Of Literature In Elt For Character Building. In: Proceeding Literature and Nation Character Building. Lambung Mangkurat University. ISBN 602-7762-18-7 (Unpublished)
Inderawati, Rita and Sofendi, Sofendi (2013) Building Teachers? Positive Perspective Towards The Role Of Literature In Elt For Character Building. In: Literature And Nation Character Building. Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, pp. 161-171. ISBN 602-7762-18-7
Sofendi, Sofendi (2013) The EFL Acquisition Orders of Tense-Aspect of the Students. Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif (JPP), 3 (1). ISSN 2087-9849
Sofendi, Sofendi (2013) Iepc Reading Strategy. Simetri. ISBN 978-602-18914-9-0
Sofendi, Sofendi (2013) Kurikulum 2013 dan Kesiapan FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya dalam Implementasinya. Kurikulum. (Unpublished)
Sofendi, Sofendi (2013) Optimalisasi Kualitas Kegiatan Pembelajaran di Dalam Kelas. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional ITEC. FKIP Universitas Lampung. ISBN 978-979-3262-10-9
Sofendi, Sofendi (2013) Strategi Respons Pembaca dan Respons Simbol Visual dalam Mata Kuliah Literary Appreciation untuk Pengembangan Budaya Literasi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unsri. Project Report. FKIP Unsri.
Sofendi, Sofendi (2013) The Students Perceptions Toward the Teaching of English at The Non-English Departement, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Sriwijaya. In: Proceeding International Teacher Education Conference. Proceeding International Teacher Education Conference. ISBN 978-97903262-10-9