Items where Division is "84102-Mathematics Education (S2)" and Year is 2013

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Number of items: 62.

Agie, Thyas and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2013) Developing Instructional Materials Complement of Set Based On Indonesian Version of Realistic Mathematics Education in 7th Grade of Junior High School. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Alriavindrafunny, Rindu and M.Amin, Siti and Lukito, Agung and Wijers, Monica (2013) Understanding the Concept of Conservation of Area: Recomposing a Shape Will Preserve Its Area. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Ardoni, Ardoni (2013) The Learning Medium Engineering Based On Expert System for Information Services Sources Course in the Study Program of Library and Information Science. In: Zulkardi(Eds).The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Arieyantini, Pramanika and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra and Kesumawati, Nila (2013) The Context of Animal Vegetative Propagation in Exponential Learning at Junior High School. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Astuti, Puji (2013) Learning One-Digit Decimal Numbers by Measurement Activity. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Asy-Syifaa, Ismi Ridha (2013) USING ARRAY REPRESENTATIONS TO SHOW THE COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY OF MULTIPLICATION. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Desi, Desi (2013) Identifikasi Miskonsepsi Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia pada Pokok Bahasan Stoikiometri Mata Kuliah Kimia Dasar I. Desi. (Unpublished)

Dhany, Achmad and Salmah, Ummy (2013) The Development Of Students Worksheet Using PMRI Approach On Materials Of Rectangle And Square For The Vii Grade Students Of Junior High School. In: Zulkardi(Eds).The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Fadli, Fadli and Wibawa, Basuki and Syahrial, Zulfiati (2013) Design of Social Network Learning Model. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Fajri, Sakinah Nurul and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra and Hartono, Yusuf and van Galen, Frans (2013) INTRODUCING THE POSITION OF NUMBERS WITH NUMBER LINE ACTIVITIES. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Febrian, Febrian and Wijers, Monica and Juniati, Dwi and Lukito, Agung (2013) Developing Students? Initial Understanding of Area Measurement through the Unit: Teaching Experiment on a Lesson with Cashewnut Cookie Context Conducted In Third Grade Students of Elementary School. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Fiangga, Shofan (2013) First Cycle on Designing the Tangram Game Activities as an Introduction to the Concept of Area Conservation Game Activity for 3rd Grade (9-10 Years Old). In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Fuadiah, Nyiayu Fahriza (2013) Design of Teaching Materials Based On Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) To Improve Students Creative Thinking Ability. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Harja, Media and Zulkardi, Zulkardi and Santoso, Budi (2013) Teaching Materials Development Volume Objects to Play The Valid Blog. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Harun, Mardiah and Helsa, Yullys (2013) The Development of Mathematics Assessment Model in Elementary School. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Hiltrimartin, Cecil (2013) Quality of Students Problem Solving Worksheet Designed By Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Gunung Megang. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2013) Implementation of Experiential Learning Methods on Environmental Lesson for Elementary School. In: Zulkardi(Eds).The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Jaelani, Anton and Ilma, Ratu and Hartono, Yusuf (2013) Students? Strategies of Measuring Time Using Traditional Gasing Game in Third Grade of Primary School. IndoMS. J.M.E, 4 (1).

Johar, Rahmah and Khairunnisak, Cut (2013) Supporting Students in Learning Multiplication through Splitting Strategy. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Johar, Rahmah and Khairunnisak, Cut (2013) Supporting Students in Learning Multiplication through Splitting Strategy. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Julie, Hongki and Suwarsono, St. and Juniati, Dwi (2013) First Cycle Developing Teaching Materials for Integers in Grade Four with Realistic Mathematics Education. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Kertayasa, I Ketut and Sukayasa, I Wayan (2013) Design Research In PMRI: Flash Media To Support The Fourth Grade Student Learn Great Common Divisor (GCD) Materials. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Kesumawati, Nila (2013) Development Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability Problems On The Topics Of Fractions For 7 Grade Students. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Kohar, Ahmad Wachidul and Rosyidi, Abdul Haris (2013) The Development of Mathematics Learning Instruments Integrating Multiple Intelligence on Topics of Cuboid and Cube for The Eighth Grade Students of Junior High School. In: Zulkardi(Eds).The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Komariyatiningsih, Novi and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra and Kesumawati, Nila (2013) Communication Mathematics in Probability of Students Grade XI IPA Using PMRI Approach. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Kurniadi, Elika and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra and Hartono, Yusuf and Abels, Meike J (2013) MAP as a Tool to Support the Development of Spatial Ability. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Kusumaningrum, Dwi Sulistya and Meiliasari, Meiliasari (2013) Developing Students? Spatial Visualization on Volume Measurement. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Lisnani, Lisnani and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra and Somakim, Somakim (2013) QUADRILATERAL MATERIALS DESIGN WITH FABLE "CATCHES DOG CAT" TANGRAM PUZZLE FOR STUDENTS AND CLASS II. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Lisnani, Lisnani and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra and Somakim, Somakim (2013) Quadrilateral Materials Design with Fable "Catches Dog Cat" Tangram Puzzle for Students and Class II. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

M.Z, Zubaidah Amir and Risnawati, Risnawati and Defi, Defi (2013) Constructivism-Based Development Workbook Lectures On Linear Program In The Department Of Mathematics Education, Faculty And Teaching Tarbiyah Uin Riau Suska. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Misdalina, Misdalina (2013) Instructional Design of Integration Factor Based on Reciprocal Teaching Approach. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Murdiyani, Nila Mareta and Zulkardi, Zulkardi and Ilma, Ratu and Galen, Frans Van and van Eerde, Dolly (2013) Developing a Model to Support Students in Solving Subtraction. IndoMS. J.M.E, 4 (1). pp. 95-112.

Netti, Syukma (2013) The Development of Interactive Mathematics Instructional Media for Application of Integral Materials. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Nursyahidah, Farida and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra and Somakim, Somakim (2013) Supporting First Grade Students? Understanding of Addition Up To 20 Using Traditional Game. IndoMS. J.M.E, 4 (2). pp. 212-223.

Palupi, Evangelista L.W. and Zulkardi, Zulkardi and Darmawijoyo, Darmawijoyo and Abels, Meike J. (2013) How Can The Students of 5th Grade Make Up a System To Locate an Object: Level of Child?s Developmental Thinking Of Locate A Point. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra (2013) Designing Division Operation Learning In the Mathematics of Gasing. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Pramarista, Adelia (2013) LEARNING DESIGN ON WHOLE NUMBER ADDITION USING GASING METHOD. In: Zulkardi (Eds).The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Pratiwi, Weni Dwi and Amin, Siti M. and Lukito, Agung and Galen, Frans Van (2013) Supporting Students? First Conception about Addition of Integers through Number Line Activities for Third Grade Primary School. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Puri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2013) MODUL STATISTIK NON PARAMETRIK. In: Metode Penelitian. Lemlit Unsri.

Putrawangsa, Susilahudin and Lukito, Agung and Amin, Siti M and Wijers, Monica (2013) Educational Design Research: Developing Students? Understanding of Area as the Number of Measurement Units Covering a Surface. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2013) The Role Of Model In Design Research At Sriwijaya University. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2013) The Role Of Model In Design Research At Sriwijaya University. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Risnawati, Risnawati and Amir, Zubaidah and Defi, Defi (2013) DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING INSTRUMENT OF OPPORTUNITIES THEORY USING PROBLEM BASED INSTRUCTION (PBI) MODEL FOR STUDENTS OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION PROGRAM EDUCATION AND TEACHERS? TRAINING FACULTY, UIN SULTAN SYARIF KASIM RIAU. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Risnawati, Risnawati and Amir, Zubaidah and Defi, Defi (2013) TRIGONOMETRY MODULE DEVELOPMENT APPROACH USING APTITUDE TREATMENT AND INTERACTION (ATI) FOR EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING FACULTY STUDENTS AT MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT OF STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SUSKA UIN RIAU. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Riyanti, Friska (2013) DEVELOPMENT OF CONTEXT-BASED MATHEMATICS LEARNING TOOL FOR FIFTH-GRADE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Rosyadah, Muchlishah and S, Pinta Deniyanti and Meiliasari, Meiliasari (2013) Develop Inductive Reasoning on Pattern Numbers with a Realistic Mathematics Education Approach in the Ninth Grade Students in MTs Al-Kenaniyah, Jakarta. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Roy, Meldariani and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra and Somakim, Somakim (2013) STUDENT?S ABILITY TO CONSTRUCT MATHEMATICAL IDEAS IN THE TOPIC OF COORDINATE CARTESIAN SYSTEM IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Safitri, Karin Amelia and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2013) Learning Design Using Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) Approach for the Topic Surface Area and Volume of Cuboid for 2nd Grade Junior High School. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Sagirani, Tri and Dewiyani, M.J. (2013) Design Research for Exploring Cognitive Process and Soft Skill Attributes Based On Personality Type Classification. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Sari, Puspita (2013) An Empty Number Line to Develop Mental Arithmetic Strategies. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Sari, Rala Novita and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2013) The Development of Learning Set Material Comparison Using Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI) To Determine the Ability of Students Representation. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Sumarto, Sylvana N. and Zulkardi, Zulkardi and Darmawijoyo, Darmawijoyo and van Galen, Frans (2013) Design Research: Ratio Table and Money Context as Means to Support the Development of Student?s Proportional Reasoning. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Suwasti, Petra (2013) The Use Of Gassing Method For Teaching Two-Digit Subtraction For 2nd Grade Students Of SDN Cihuni II Tangerang. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Tanzimah, Tanzimah (2013) LEARNING DESIGN ON THE INTEGERS ADDITION AND REDUCTION USING "KAKISAMBE". In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Tomita, Koichi N. (2013) TO DESIGN LESSON WELL WE'LL RECONFIRM THE SEQUENCE OF TEACHING FRACTIONS: HOW TO DESIGN CLASSROOM LESSON. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2013) Design Research: Why, how and What? In: The first SEA-DR, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2013) Designing Joyful And Meaningful New School Mathematics Using Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education. Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal 2013, Vol. 3 No. 1, 17 - 25, 3 (1). pp. 17-26.

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2013) Innovation and exemplary practices in mathematics education in Indonesia. In: Earcome6, 17-23 March 2013, Phuket, Thailand.

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2013) Proceedings. In: the First Southeast Asian Design/Development Research International Conference, Palembang, April 22-23th. Unsri.

Zuzano, Fazri and Telaumbanua, Aliran (2013) DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION GAME BASED INTERACTIVE MATHS TEACHING MEDIA ONPROBABILITY FOR YEAR ELEVEN STUDENTS. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

van Eerde, Dolly (2013) Design Research:Looking Into The Heart Of Mathematics Education. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

van Galen, Frans (2013) Contexts And Models In Mathematics Education. In: Zulkardi(Eds). The First South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, 22-23 April 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.

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