Items where Division is "44201-Mathematics (S1)" and Year is 2012

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 16.


Resti, Yulia (2012) Mathematical Modelling for Claim Severities using Normal and t Copulas. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, 27 (3). pp. 8-19. ISSN 0973-7545

Suprihatin, Bambang and Guritno, Suryo and Haryatmi, Sri (2012) NONPARAMETRIC BOOTSTRAP CONFIDENCE INTERVAL FOR MEDIAN (artikel). IAOS2012 Conference, Kiev.

Suprihatin, Bambang and Guritno, Suryo and Haryatmi, Sri (2012) Consistency and Accuracy of The Bootstrap Estimator for Mean Under Kolmogorov Metric. The 6th SEAMS-GMU 2011 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications. pp. 679-688. ISSN 978-979-17979-3-1

Suprihatin, Bambang and Guritno, Suryo and Haryatmi, Sri (2012) Delta Method for Deriving the Consistency of Bootstrap Estimator for Parameter of Autoregressive Model. Proceeding of the 8th World Congress on Probability and Statistics, Istanbul. (Submitted)

Suprihatin, Bambang and Guritno, Suryo and Haryatmi, Sri (2012) NONPARAMETRIC BOOTSTRAP CONFIDENCE INTERVAL FOR MEDIAN. IAOS2012 Conference, Kiev.

Book Section

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Cahyono, Endro Setyo and Marlina, Novi (2012) BOOK SECTION OF_Penerapan analisis dua grup untuk melihat kemiripan antar jurusan di FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika 2012. Universitas Andalas, pp. 90-98. ISBN 978-602-95343-2-0

Maiyanti, Sri Indra and Cahyono, Endro Setyo and Winata, Weni (2012) APLIKASI METODE TWO STEP CLUSTER UNTUK PENGELOMPOKKAN MAHASISWA FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA (STUDI KASUS : MAHASISWA ANGKATAN 2010). In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerapan MIPA. Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Conference or Workshop Item

Puspita, Fitri Maya and Seman, Kamaruzzaman and Taib, Bachok M and Shafii, Zurina (2012) Models of Internet Charging Scheme under Multiple QoS Networks. In: International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Computer Engineering, 5-6 December 2012, Kuala Lumpur.

Puspita, Fitri Maya and Seman, Kamaruzzaman and Taib, Bachok M. (2012) Optimization of Internet Pricing under Multiple Qos Networks. In: 6th ResearchPresentation Seminar for Graduate Students 2012, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Suprihatin, Bambang (2012) Cover, Daftar Isi, Dewan Redaksi, dan Sertifikat_BOOTSTRAP CONFIDENCE INTERVAL FOR MEDIAN (Paper). In: Challenges for Analysis of the Business and the Economy – Scientific Conference.

Suprihatin, Bambang and Guritno, Suryo and Haryatmi, Sri (2012) Cover, Daftar Isi, Dewan Redaksi dan Sertifikat_Delta Method for Deriving the Consistency of Bootstrap Estimator for Parameter of Autoregressive Model (Paper). In: The 8th World Congress in Probability And Statistics, 9-14 Juli 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.

Suprihatin, Bambang and Guritno, Suryo and Haryatmi, Sri (2012) Cover_Daftar Isi_Dewan Redaksi_Sertifikat_NONPARAMETRIC BOOTSTRAP CONFIDENCE INTERVAL FOR MEDIAN. In: IAOS, 12-14 September 2012, Kiev, Ukraine.


Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2012) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Clique Identification in Flight Route Problem. Yildiz University, Istanbul Turkey. (Unpublished)

Puspita, Fitri Maya and Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2012) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Preprocessing techniques in SCVRP model: case of rubbish transportation problem in Kecamatan Ilir Barat II Palembang South Sumatera Indonesia. Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES). (Unpublished)

Resti, Yulia (2012) iThenticate Article of Mathematical Modelling for Claim Severities Using Normal and t Copulas. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Suprihatin, Bambang (2012) Correspondence author of_CONSISTENCY OF THE BOOTSTRAP ESTIMATOR FOR MEAN UNDER KOLMOGOROV METRIC AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION ON DELTA METHOD. South East Asian Mathematical Society - Gadjah Mada University Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications.

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