Items where Division is "11708-Obstetric and Gynecology (Sp" and Year is 2020
DANLES, WILLYAM (2020) SURAT KETERANGAN BEBAS PUSTAKA Nomor:1629/OL/UN9/UPT.PUS.SIRK/8.2020. Sriwijaya University Library. (Submitted)
JULLIUS, ANDRY (2020) SURAT KETERANGAN BEBAS PUSTAKA Nomor:298/OL/UN9/UPT.PUS.SIRK/6.2020. Sriwijaya University Library. (Submitted)
Martadiansyah, Abarham (2020) Corespondence author_Cephalothoracopagus janiceps disymmetros: A comparison between antenatal and postnatal findings. Wiley-Blackwell. (Unpublished)
Martadiansyah, Abarham (2020) Lolos Kaji Etik_Abarham Martadiansyah_Cephalothoracopagus janiceps disymmetros: A comparison between antenatal and postnatal findings. Komite Etik Penelitian Kesehatan RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang.