Treatment of Peat Water Using Local Raw Material Formulations of Jambi, Indonesia

Muhammad Naswir1,*, Susila Arita2, Marsi3 and Salni4

1Education Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi University, Jambi, Indonesia

2Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Sriwijaya University, Jl. Padang Selasa N0.523, Bukit Besar Palembang, Indonesia

3Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Jl. Padang Selasa N0.523, Bukit Besar Palembang, Indonesia

4Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Sriwijaya University, Jl. Padang Selasa No. 523, Bukit Besar Palembang, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: E-mail:


The parameters such as colour, pH, iron, TDS and organic matter are the indicater of water quality and these can be improved using specific treatment. In present study, clean chemically bentone (CCBN) a local raw material was used to process peat water. The ISO and ASTM, UV-visible and AAS standard methods were used to measure the respective parameters. Bentonite, active carbon, seashells and clean chemically bentone were characterized by X-ray diffraction and SEM-EDS. By supporting bentonite on material clean chemically bentone was prepared, total 61 combination was prepared and four best formulations were CCBNBT56’5’1, CCBNBB56’5’1, CCBNBCs5651 and CCBNBP5651 used for peat water treatment. These best formulations showed good ability to improve the peat water quality and dose of 1 g/500 mL increased the pH up to 7. As a result of treatment, the peat colour reduced up to 93.99 %, whereas 86.69 % organic matter and 89.47 %. Fe concents were reduced using CCBN56’5’1 formulation. The composition of formulation was kaolinite mineral [Al2Si2O5(OH)2], quarsa (SiO2), montmorillonite (OH)4Si8Al4O20·nH2O, cristobalite (SiO2), portlandite [Ca(OH)2], calcit (CaCO3) and muscovite (KNaAl2(SiAl)4O10(OH)2, with an average specific gravity (density 2.5245 g cm-3 and μ/dx mix 52.8 cm2 g-1). From results, it can be concluded that the material prepared from bentonite can be used for the removal of colour, organic matter and Fe contents of peat water.


Water peat, Bentonite, Active carbon, Shell, CCBN5651.

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