LINDITA, TIARA and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2021) Pembimbing : PERKEMBANGAN SANGGAR TARI PESONA NUSANTARA DI KABUPATEN LAHAT TAHUN 1992-2019. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

[thumbnail of SK Pembimbing Tiara Lindita September 2020, SK No.1788-UN.9.FKIP-TU.SK-2020.pdf]
SK Pembimbing Tiara Lindita September 2020, SK No.1788-UN.9.FKIP-TU.SK-2020.pdf

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The research entitled "The Development of Sanggar Tari Pesona Nusantara in Lahat Regency 1992-2019". The problem discussed was how the development of Sanggar Tari Pesona Nusantara in Lahat Regency in 1992-2019. The purpose of this research is to explain the development of Sanggar Tari Pesona Nusantara in Lahat Regency in 1992-2019. The method used in this research is the historical method through stages, namely heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The data stages are carried out through literature study and interviews conducted with the founder of Sanggar Tari Pesona Nusantara. The analysis is assisted by the approach of anthropology and sociology. The results showed that Sanggar Tari Pesona Nusantara was founded by Suharni on June 5, 1992 at Bandar Jaya street, Block A No. 35 Bandar Jaya Subdistrict, District of Lahat. From 1992-2019, this sanggar experienced developments in terms of performance, the number of students and the number of dance lessons. The performance which initially only filled events in developing weddings by filling in various events such as the Lahat Regency Birthday, the inauguration building, and participating in dance competitions. The number of students in 1992 was only 10, increased to 64 in 2019. Dance learning at the beginning of its establishment there were only 5 dances teaching and increased to 30 dances in 2019. The factors that made this sanggar develop were from the studio management, facilities and infrastructure and the community of Lahat Regency.

Item Type: Other
Additional Information: SK Pembimbing
Uncontrolled Keywords: Perkembangan, Sanggar Tari Pesona Nusantara, Kabupaten Lahat
Subjects: #4 Decrees > SK Pembimbing (Supervisor)
Divisions: 06-Faculty of Education and Educational Science > 87201-History Education (S1)
Depositing User: Dr. Syarifuddin, M.Pd.
Date Deposited: 06 Apr 2022 02:20
Last Modified: 06 Apr 2022 02:20

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