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Limbah cair dari industri jumputan telah menjadi fokus penting dalam penelitian lingkungan karena potensi pencemarannya terhadap ekosistem air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan bukaan operkulum ikan nila dalam limbah cair industri jumputan, menganalisis perbedaan pola gerak renang ikan nila dalam limbah cair tersebut, serta mengidentifikasi pengaruh limbah cair industri jumputan terhadap bukaan operkulum dan gerak renang ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus L). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan melakukan perhitungan terhadap bukaan operkulum ikan nila dan pengamatan pola pergerakan renang ikan pada kondisi air tanpa limbah dan dengan limbah selama 5 menit dan 4 kali pengulangan. Data hasil bukaan operkulum ikan nila akan dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan program SPSS, sedangkan hasil pengamatan pola gerak renang ikan nila dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian ini adalah ikan nila dengan ukuran 5-6 cm, yang diberi perlakuan kondisi air tanpa limbah cair industri jumputan dan dengan kondisi yang diberi limbah cair industri jumputan. Parameter kualitas air yang diteliti yaitu pH, TDS, TSS dan DO. Hasil penelitian didapati bukaan operkulum ikan nila mengalami penurunan seiring dengan lamanya waktu pemaparan. Analisis ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa limbah cair industri jumputan memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap bukaan operkulum (F = nilai ANOVA, p < 0.05). Uji lanjut Duncan menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi limbah cair 100% memberikan pengaruh paling signifikan terhadap bukaan operkulum. Sedangakan hasil pengamatan gerak renang ikan nila menunjukkan bahwa pada awal pemaparan dalam limbah cair industri jumputan, ikan berenang dengan lebih aktif, cenderung berubah-ubah, dan tidak stabil. Namun, seiring waktu pemaparan, pola gerak renang ikan nila menjadi lebih pasif, ditandai dengan berenang diam di dasar air. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa, jumlah bukaan operkulum ikan nila dalam limbah cair industri jumputan mengalami penurunan dibanding awal pemaparan, hal ini menunjukkan ada kerusakan pada insang yang mengakibatkan tanda-tanda kematian. Selain itu, ikan nila yang berada dalam limbah cair industri jumputan menunjukkan gerakan renang yang relatif lebih aktif dan tidak teratur dan mengalami perubahan di akhir pengamatan dengan pola gerak yang cenderung lebih pasif yang ditandai dengan diam di dasar air, dan limbah cair industri jumputan memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap bukaan operkulum dan gerak renang ikan nila. Hasil penelitian ini akan digunakan sebagai LKPD untuk kegiatan praktikum dalam materi pembelajaran Perubahan Lingkungan Fase E Kelas X SMA, dengan tujuan agar peserta didik mampu menciptakan solusi atas permasalahan berdasarkan isu lokal, nasional, atau global terkait pemahaman perubahan lingkungan. Liquid waste from the tie-dyeing industry has become an important focus of environmental research due to its potential pollution of aquatic ecosystems. This study aims to compare the operculum openings of Nile tilapia in the liquid waste from the tie-dyeing industry, analyze the differences in swimming patterns of Nile tilapia in that liquid waste, and identify the effects of fluid waste from the tie-dyeing industry on the operculum openings and swimming movements of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L). This is a quantitative study using an experimental method by counting the operculum openings of Nile tilapia and observing their swimming patterns in clean water and polluted water for 5 minutes, repeated 4 times. The data on the operculum openings of Nile tilapia will be statistically analyzed using SPSS. In contrast, the observations of the swimming patterns of Nile tilapia will be analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The subjects of this study are Nile tilapia measuring 5-6 cm, exposed to conditions of clean water and water with liquid waste from the tie-dyeing industry. The water quality parameters examined include pH, TDS, TSS, and DO. The results showed that the operculum openings of Nile tilapia decreased with the duration of exposure. ANOVA analysis indicated that liquid waste from the tie-dyeing industry had a significant effect on operculum openings (F = ANOVA value, p < 0.05). Duncan's post hoc test showed that a 100% concentration of liquid waste had the most significant impact on operculum openings. Observations of the swimming movements of Nile tilapia showed that at the beginning of exposure to the liquid waste from the tie-dyeing industry, the fish swam more actively, tended to be erratic, and were unstable. However, over time, the swimming patterns of Nile tilapia became more passive, marked by remaining stationary at the bottom of the water. From these results, it can be concluded that the number of operculum openings of Nile tilapia in the liquid waste from the tie-dyeing industry decreased compared to the initial exposure, indicating damage to the gills resulting in signs of mortality. Additionally, Nile tilapia in the liquid waste from the tie-dyeing industry showed relatively more active and erratic swimming movements. They experienced changes towards the end of the observation period with more passive swimming patterns, marked by remaining stationary at the bottom of the water. The liquid waste from the tie- dyeing industry had a significant effect on the operculum openings and swimming movements of Nile tilapia. The results of this study will be used as a practical worksheet (LKPD) for activities in the Environmental Change material for Grade X SMA, to enable students to create solutions to problems based on local, national, or global issues related to understanding environmental change.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Operkulum, Gerak renang, Ikan nila, Limbah cair jumputan
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General) > L7-991 Education (General)
Divisions: 06-Faculty of Education and Educational Science > 84205-Biology Education (S1)
Depositing User: Nurhaliza Agustria
Date Deposited: 22 Jul 2024 07:05
Last Modified: 22 Jul 2024 07:05

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