Behavior in Early Childhood (2-3) Years: A Case Study on the Use of Gadgets in Social Environments

Sumarni, Sri and Pertiwi, Shelly Tri Yuni and Rukiyah, Rukiyah and Andika, Windi Dwi and Astika, Ruri Tria and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Umam, Rofiqul (2019) Behavior in Early Childhood (2-3) Years: A Case Study on the Use of Gadgets in Social Environments. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 8 (8). pp. 384-404. ISSN 2201-1323

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This study aims to find in-depth meaning regarding the behaviour of gadget-users in children aged (2-3) years. This study uses qualitative approach with a case study. This research uses qualitative data in the form of words, visual, and audio-visual documentation collected through participant, observation, and in-depth interviews about children's behaviour while using gadgets. The analysis of the data will be conducted according to Creswell. This includes providing raw data in the form of transcripts, field notes, and the researchers' own views, storing and organizing data to be analyzed, reading all data, coding, compiling themes and descriptions of the data, constructing between theme, interpretation and assigning meaning to the themes arranged so that a conclusion can be drawn. The study used three research subjects aged (2-3) years who use gadgets in their daily lives. The results showed that 1) Children assign other people as role models in using gadgets, 2) Child behaviour in a motoric physical aspect, demonstrates that children mimic the movements performed by the characters in the video, 3) Child behaviour in cognitive aspects, children learn from what that they see and practice in their activities. 4) Child social development is lacking, because when playing with gadgets, children focus on what they see and do not care about the state of their environment, 5) Development of children's behaviour in an emotional aspects is more likely to show an attitude of joy, anger, and temper tantrums. 6) Children use the YouTube application to view video content of children playing on the playground, and animated videos of songs. 7) Children use gadgets for 30 minutes to 2 hours per use.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: #3 Repository of Lecturer Academic Credit Systems (TPAK) > Corresponding Author
Divisions: 06-Faculty of Education and Educational Science > 86202-Early Childhood Education (S1)
Depositing User: Dr. SRI SUMARNI, M.Pd
Date Deposited: 02 Jul 2021 03:56
Last Modified: 02 Jul 2021 03:56

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