Items where Subject is "Corresponding Author"

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ADEROBEN, ANDROMEDA and Ira, Septiansi and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) Ekonomi Perang Jepang di Palembang, 1942-1945 (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

ADEROBEN, ANDROMEDA and Ira, Septiansi and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) Ekonomi Perang Jepang di Palembang, 1942-1945 (Corresponding Author). Universitas Hamzanwadi. (Submitted)

ADILAH, META and Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Amran, Ali (2022) CORRESPONDING AUTHOR OF_Hubungan Persepsi Alumni Terhadap Kompetensi yang Dikuasai Dengan Kompetensi yang Dibutuhkan Dunia Kerja. Universitas Bengkulu, Bengkulu.

AGUSTIN, YESI TRI and Ermayanti, Ermayanti and Susanti, Rahmi (2022) Corresponden Author artikel: Leaf trichomes identification in lamiaceae family plants and contribution to high school biology learning. Biology Education Study Program of STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang.

AGUSTINA, PUTRI and M. Diah, Yuliansyah and A. Bakri, Supardi (2021) PENGARUH KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA (K3) TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PABRIK PUSRI II-B PALEMBANG. Undergraduate thesis, Sriwijaya University.

AJI, DWI PURNOMO and Akhsan, Hamdi and Marlina, Leni (2024) Hasil Turnitin Artikel Preliminary Study on Critical Thinking Skills of Learners in South Sumatra Related to Climate Change (Global Warming). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

AJI, DWI PURNOMO and Akhsan, Hamdi and Marlina, Leni (2024) Preliminary Study on Critical Thinking Skills of Learners in South Sumatra Related to Climate Change (Global Warming). International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 6 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2582-2160

AJI, DWI PURNOMO and JANNAH, FATHYA NURUL and Akhsan, Hamdi and Ismet, Ismet (2024) Hasil Turnitin Artikel REVIEW JURNAL: PENGAPLIKASIAN KONSEP LAGRANGIAN DALAM KEHIDUPAN SEHARI-HARI. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

AJI, DWI PURNOMO and JANNAH, FATHYA NURUL and Akhsan, Hamdi and Ismet, Ismet (2024) REVIEW JURNAL: PENGAPLIKASIAN KONSEP LAGRANGIAN DALAM KEHIDUPAN SEHARI-HARI. Jurnal Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Fisika, 11 (1). pp. 67-80. ISSN 2355-7109 (p-ISSN) 2657-0971 (e-ISSN)

ALFATIH, ANDY and PRATIWI, WINDA AULIA (2019) Implementation of the Regional Regulation of Palembang City Number 03 of 2017 Concerning the Establishment of RT / RW (Study of Plaju Village, Plaju District). Implementation of the Regional Regulation of Palembang City Number 03 of 2017 Concerning the Establishment of RT / RW (Study of Plaju Village, Plaju District), 2 (1). pp. 16-23. ISSN 27224252,

AMIN, FILZAH IZZATI and Sumarni, Sri and Somakin, Somakin (2021) PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA INTERAKTIF PADA MATERI BANGUN RUANG MENGGUNAKAN ADOBE ANIMATE DI KELAS V. Jurnal Sekolah Dasar: Kajian Teori dan Praktik Pendidikan, 30 (2). pp. 147-158. ISSN 2581-19832

ANWAR, PRATIWI INEKE and Pasaribu, Abidin and Ariska, Melly and Akhsan, Hamdi (2021) Character Education Oriented Physics E-Module Development in the Static Fluid Section. Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika, 9 (2). pp. 174-184. ISSN 2337-604X (p-ISSN) 2549-2764 (e-ISSN)

ANWAR, PRATIWI INEKE and Pasaribu, Abidin and Ariska, Melly and Akhsan, Hamdi (2021) Hasil Turnitin Artikel Character Education Oriented Physics E-Module Development in the Static Fluid Section. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Abdul Nadjib, AN (2021) Corespondence author_Accountability Analysis of the Performance of the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) of Muara Enim Regency, Indonesia. BIRCI Journal. (Unpublished)

Abdul Nadjib, AN (2020) Corespondence author_How Social Capital Work: The Role of Social Capital in Acts of Corruption. International Journal of Psyosocial Rehabilitation. (Unpublished)

Abdul Nadjib, AN (2022) Corespondence author_World Health Organization (WHO) and Global World Health Governance in the Post-Pandemic Era from the Perspectives of Neorealism and Neoliberalism. NEUROQUANTOLOGY The Revista Journal. (Unpublished)

Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Romli, Sunaryo and Distrik, I Wayan and Herlina, Kartini and Umam, Rofiqul and Ramadhani, Rahmi and Sumarni, Sri (2020) Development and Validation of Open Ended Based on Worksheet for Growing Higher Level Thinking Skills of Students. European Journal of Educational Research, 2 (9). pp. 445-455. ISSN 2165-8714

Abyudaya, Rillo and Yunani, Yunani and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) EKSISTENSI TEATER GARDA ANAK BANGSA INDONESIA ’91 (Corresponding Author). Universitas Negeri Raden fatah Palembang. (Unpublished)

Abyudaya, Rillo and Yunani, Yunani and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) EKSISTENSI TEATER GARDA ANAK BANGSA INDONESIA ’91 (Corresponding Author). Universitas Negeri Raden fatah Palembang. (Unpublished)

Ade, Ulansari and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) DINAMIKA HARGA KARET DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP PEREKONOMIAN PETANI KARET KECAMATAN MUARA KUANG KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR TAHUN 2009-2020. Jurnal Penelitian Karet, 40 (1). pp. 41-48. ISSN 2503-0469

Ade, Ulansari and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) DINAMIKA HARGA KARET DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP PEREKONOMIAN PETANI KARET KECAMATAN MUARA KUANG KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR TAHUN 2009-2020 (Coresponding Author). Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah, FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Adila, Hikmah and Alfitri, Alfitri and Alfatih, Andy (2023) Corresponding Author Of Community Participation in the Village Fund Program in Kemang Manis Village, Tebing Tinggi District, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Taman Siswa Palembang, collaborated with CMHC (Research & Sains Center) and HM Publisher.

Adiyanto, Johannes (2021) Corespondence author of Archi-text-ture: Architecting Through Writing. Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik dan Perencanaan, Universitas Warmadewa. (Submitted)

Adiyanto, Johannes (2021) Corespondence author of Arsitektur Sebagai Manifestasi Identitas Indonesia. Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta.

Adiyanto, Johannes (2019) Corespondence author of Kajian Etis Normatif dalam Pendidikan Arsitektur di Era Industri 4.0. Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.

Adiyanto, Johannes (2015) Corespondence author of Kajian Perubahan Ruang Terbuka pada Kawasan Bersejarah dengan Metode Space Syntax (Studi kasus Kawasan Kampung Kapitan Palembang). School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Adiyanto, Johannes (2021) Corespondence author of Perwujudan Bentuk Arsitektur Berbasis Aktivitas Sehari-hari: Studi Kasus: Pendekatan Maya Lin dan Eko Prawoto. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana.

Adriani, Dessy (2019) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Impact of Conversion From Rice Farms To Oil Palm Plantations on Socio-Economic Aspects of Ex-migrants in Indonesia. Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Adriani, Dessy (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul:Stakeholder mapping for scaling up purun woven agroindustry as an alternative to strengthening livelihoods on peatlands. IOP Publishing.

Adriani, Dessy (2013) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul - Penyelesaian Pengangguran melalui Identifikasi Perilaku Permintaan Tenaga Kerja Sektor Pertanian dan Non Pertanian dalam Perspektif Pendidikan di Indonesia. Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).

Adriani, Dessy (2018) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Comparing Rice Farming Appearance of Different Agroecosystem in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Agricultural Academy, Bulgaria.

Adriani, Dessy (2015) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Rasionalitas Sosial-Ekonomi dalam Penyelesaian Pengangguran Terselubung Petani Sawah Tadah Hujan. Universitas Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Afriansyah, Azmi (2024) HUBUNGAN PANJANG-BERAT DAN FAKTOR KONDISI IKAN SELUANG BATANG (Rasbora lateristriata, Bleeker 1854) DARI DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI KOMERING, KAYUAGUNG, SUMATRA SELATAN. Jurnal Ilmu Perikanan Air Tawar (clarias), 5 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2774-244X (Unpublished)

Agustiarini, Vitri (2023) PEMANFAATAN BUNGA ROSELLA MENJADI PEWARNA ALAMI PADA PEMBUATAN MIE KAYA ANTIOKSIDAN. Jurnal Abdi Insani, 10 (2). pp. 741-750. ISSN 2828-3155

Agustina, Annisa Fitria and Saloma, Saloma and Nurjannah, Siti Aisyah and Usman, Arie Putra and Hanafiah, Hanafiah (2020) Numerical analysis of the behavior of light concrete panels with variations of thickness and door opening position in resisting static monotonic loads (Corresponding Author). The Association of Computer, Communication and Education for National Triumph Social and Welfare Society (ACCENTS). (Unpublished)

Agustina, Tria and Sumarni, Sri and Hasmalena, Hasmalena (2017) PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN SOSIAL MELALUI TARI KREASI PADA ANAK KELOMPOK B DI TK KARTIKA X-6 PUSLATPUR MARTAPURA OKU TIMUR. Jurnal Tumbuh Kembang : Kajian Teori dan Pembelajaran PAUD, 4 (2). pp. 2355-7443. ISSN 2657-0785

Ahmad, Alim Wijaya and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Adhitya, Rol Asmi (2022) Learning Media Based on Local History in Improving the Quality of Distance Learning (Coresponding Author). Universitas Negeri Semarang. (Unpublished)

Ahmad, Alim Wijaya and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Adhitya, Rol Asmi (2022) Learning Media Based on Local History in Improving the Quality of Distance Learning (Coresponding Author). Universitas Negeri Semarang. (Unpublished)

Ahmad, Alim Wijaya and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Adhitya, Rol Asmi (2022) Learning Media Based on Local History in Improving the Quality of Distance Learning (Coresponding Author). Universitas Negeri Semarang. (Unpublished)

Ainy, Asmaripa (2018) Correspondence author of_Analisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan pada peserta jaminan kesehatan nasional di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Payakabung, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. FKM UNSRI.

Ainy, Asmaripa (2016) Correspondence author of_Analisis pelaksanaan program ASI ekslusif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Lumpatan Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin. FKM UNSRI.

Ainy, Asmaripa (2023) Correspondence author of_Correlation Analysis between Information Exposure and Knowledge of National Health Insurance among The Community in Sungai Lebung Village. UNUSA.

Ainy, Asmaripa (2020) Correspondence author of_Determinan keputusan pekerja mandiri menjadi peserta jaminan kesehatan nasional. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Ainy, Asmaripa (2022) Correspondence author of_Evaluasi program pencegahan stunting di Puskesmas Simpang Periuk Kota Lubuklinggau. CHPM UGM.

Ainy, Asmaripa (2021) Correspondence author of_Implementasi program inovasi payung penting dan gaya puspaku di Puskesmas Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman. CHPM UGM.

Ainy, Asmaripa (2021) Correspondence author of_Overview of health program innovation “fun for mom”. Poltekkes Mataram.

Ainy, Asmaripa (2023) Correspondence author of_Pemanfaatan Layanan Kesehatan Peserta Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Kecamatan Jejawi. Yayasan RS Dr Soetomo.

Ainy, Asmaripa and Misnaniarti, Misnaniarti and Fatmalina, Febry and Safriantini, Dian (2019) Correspondence author of_Mothers knowledge regarding local-based complementary feeding for supporting healthy indonesia program with family method. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication.

Ainy, Asmaripa and Rosyada, Amrina and Idris, Haerawati (2022) Correspondence author of_Unmet need for healthcare among people with hypertension in Indonesia. Department of Health Policy and Administration Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga.

Ainy, Asmaripa and Stia Budi, Iwan (2018) Correspondence author of_Stakeholder analysis of active alert village program for sustainability of public health empowerment in Ogan Ilir District. R.K. Sharma, Institute of Medico-Legal Publications.

Ainy, Asmaripa and Stia Budi, Iwan and Safriantini, Dian (2020) Correspondence author of_Efficiency of outpatient service at three health centers in Palembang City, Indonesia. Atlantis Press.

Aisyah, Nyimas (2023) Mathematics value oriented in problem based learning during pandemic Covid-19. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2811 (1). ISSN 15517616

Aisyah, Nyimas and AFISSA, ADELIA and Scristia, Scristia and Araiku, Jeri (2021) STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICS EDUCATIONAL VALUES IN PROBLEM-SOLVING AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Aksioma, 10 (4). pp. 2093-2106. ISSN 2089-8703

Aisyah, Nyimas and Chotimah, Umi and Meryansumayeka, Meryansumayeka (2019) Developing e-learning content based on character values in mathematics teaching and learning. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1166. ISSN 1742-6596

Aisyah, Nyimas and Scristia, Scristia and Santoso, Budi and Mulyana, Andi (2020) Problem solving-based learning on systems of linear equation in three variables at SMA Srijaya Negara Palembang. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 11 (6). pp. 210-222. ISSN 2201-1323

Aisyah, Nyimas and Susanti, Ely and Meryansumayeka, Meryansumayeka and Siswono, Tatag Yuli Eko and Maat, Siti Mistima (2023) Proving geometry theorems: Student prospective teacher’ perseverance and mathematical reasoning. Infinity Journal - Journal of Mathematics Education, 12 (2). pp. 377-392.

Akbar, M Rido and Taqwa, Ferdinand Hukama and Ridho, Moh. Rasyid (2023) Bukti korespondensi: Evaluation of Various Fishing Gear for Domestication of The Striped Barb (Desmopuntius gemellus). European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), Palembang. (Submitted)

Akhsan, Hamdi (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Artikel El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), and the Rise of Extreme Temperatures in Eastern Sumatra: Exploring Climate Change Dynamics. Universitas Mataram. (Submitted)

Akhsan, Hamdi and Ariska, Melly (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Artikel Newtonian Yoyo (Lato-Lato) Phenomenon in Indonesia: An Innovative Resource for IGCSE Physics Teaching and Learning? Universitas Negeri Jakarta.

Akhsan, Hamdi and Muslim, Muhammad and Ariska, Melly and RIANTI, SALMAH (2020) Hasil Turnitin Artikel PENGEMBANGAN HANDOUT DIGITAL PADA MATERI RELATIVITAS UMUM DAN RELATIVITAS KHUSUS MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI 3D PAGEFLIP. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Akhsan, Hamdi and Muslim, Muhammad and Ariska, Melly and RIANTI, SALMAH (2020) PENGEMBANGAN HANDOUT DIGITAL PADA MATERI RELATIVITAS UMUM DAN RELATIVITAS KHUSUS MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI 3D PAGEFLIP. Jurnal Ilmu Fisika dan Pembelajarannya, 4 (2). pp. 43-51. ISSN 2614-7467

Akhsan, Hamdi and PRATIWI, SRI MINDIA VANESSA and Ariska, Melly (2023) Hasil Turnitin Artikel Profile of the Needs of Sriwijaya University Physics Education Students Against the Solar Observation Module. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Akhsan, Hamdi and Putra, Guruh Sukarno and Ariska, Melly (2023) Newtonian Yoyo (Lato-Lato) Phenomenon in Indonesia: An Innovative Resource for IGCSE Physics Teaching and Learning? Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika (JPPPF), 9 (1). pp. 119-126. ISSN 2461-0933 (p-ISSN) 2461-1433 (e-ISSN)

Akhsan, Hamdi and Putra, Guruh Sukarno and Wiyono, Ketang and ROMADONI, MUHAMMAD and Furqon, M (2023) Development of A STEM-Based Introduction to Quantum Physics Module on the Sub-Subject of Potential Variations in the Physics Education Study Program. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9 (9). pp. 7408-7412. ISSN 2460-2582(p-ISSN) 2407-795X(e-ISSN)

Akhsan, Hamdi and RIANTI, SALMAH and Muslim, Muhammad and Ariska, Melly (2021) Development of digital handout on particle wave dualism material. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1816. ISSN 1742-6596

Akhsan, Hamdi and RIANTI, SALMAH and Muslim, Muhammad and Ariska, Melly (2021) Hasil Turnitin Artikel Development of digital handout on particle wave dualism material. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Akhsan, Hamdi and ROMADONI, MUHAMMAD and Ariska, Melly (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Prediction of Extreme Temperature in South Sumatra and Its Applications at The End of The 21st Century. Universitas Mataram.

Akhsan, Hamdi and ROMADONI, MUHAMMAD and Ariska, Melly (2022) Prediction of Extreme Temperature in South Sumatra and Its Applications at The End of The 21st Century. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8 (2). pp. 925-931. ISSN 2407-795X

Akhsan, Hamdi and ULFA, MARIA and Ariska, Melly (2023) Analysis of Studens’ Understanding on Electrical Dynamics using Certain Response Index (CRI). Proceedings of the 3rd Sriwijaya University International Conference on Learning and Education (SULE-IC 2018). pp. 178-182. ISSN 978-989-758-575-3

Akhsan, Hamdi and ULFA, MARIA and Ariska, Melly (2023) Hasil Turnitin Artikel Analysis of Studens’ Understanding on Electrical Dynamics using Certain Response Index (CRI). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Akhsan, Hamdi and Wiyono, Ketang (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Artikel Development of A STEM-Based Introduction to Quantum Physics Module on the Sub-Subject of Potential Variations in the Physics Education Study Program. Universitas Mataram. (Submitted)

Akhsan, Hamdi and Wiyono, Ketang and Ariska, Melly and Melvany, Nanda E (2020) Development of Higher-order Thinking Test Instrument on Fluid Material for Senior High School Students. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6596

Akhsan, Hamdi and Wiyono, Ketang and Ariska, Melly and Melvany, Nanda E (2020) Hasil Turnitin Artikel Development of Higher-order Thinking Test Instrument on Fluid Material for Senior High School Students. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Akhsan, Hamdi and Yusup, Muhamad and Ariska, Melly and HUSNA, TSABITA and SARI, DWITA KARTIKA (2023) Effectiveness of Dry Lab Based Augmented Reality to Overcome the Misconceptions of Students on Solar System and Eclipse Learning Topics. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9. pp. 37-43. ISSN 2407-795X (p-ISSN) 2460-2582 (p-ISSN)

Akhsan, Hamdi and Yusup, Muhamad and Ariska, Melly and HUSNA, TSABITA and SARI, DWITA KARTIKA (2023) Hasil Turnitin Artikel Effectiveness of Dry Lab Based Augmented Reality to Overcome the Misconceptions of Students on Solar System and Eclipse Learning Topics. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Al-Amien, M. Razif and Iyakrus, Iyakrus and Sumarni, Sri (2021) Improvement Learning Outcomes of Sepaktakraw Basic Techniques Using Audiovisual Media During Covid-19 Pandemic in PJOK Students of Sriwijaya University. Journal Reasearch and Education Reasearch Evaluation, 10 (2). pp. 74-85. ISSN 2503-1732

Aldi, Aldi and Hawali, Egy Gusti and Irwan, MHD and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) SISTEM PEMERINTAHAN ONDERAFDEELING OGAN ILIR TAHUN 1906-1942 (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. (Submitted)

Aldi, Aldi and Hawali, Egy Gusti and Irwan, MHD and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) SISTEM PEMERINTAHAN ONDERAFDEELING OGAN ILIR TAHUN 1906-1942 (Corresponding Author). History Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. (Unpublished)

Aldi, Aldi and Hawali, Egy Gusti and Irwan, MHD and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) Sistem Pemerintahan Onderafdeeling Ogan Ilir Tahun 1906-1942 (Corresponding Author). History Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. (Unpublished)

Alfatih, Andy and Alfitri, Alfitri and Azhar, Azhar and Malek, Jalaluddin Abdul (2018) Corresponding Author Of The Transformation of Smart Village Development through Independent and Integrated City Program in Indonesia. International Information Institute.

Alfatih, Andy and KURNIAWAN, MUHAMMAD RIO and Meilinda, Nurly (2023) Corresponding Author Of Psychological Aspects of the Role of Product Advertising Against Consumer Purchase Interest: Study of Gain Mass Milk Advertising at Gymnastic. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Taman Siswa Palembang, collaborated with CMHC (Research & Sains Center) and HM Publisher.

Alfatih, Andy and Nugraheni, Dyah Hapsari Eko and Sartika, Diana Dewi and can, ngo thant (2017) Coresponding author of The Effectiveness of Kambang Iwak Besak Park as a Public Spaces, in Palembang City, Indonesia. American Scientific Publishers, USA.

Alfatih, Andy and Sartika, Diana Dewi and ENH, Dyah Hapsari (2018) Corresponding Author Of Public Policy on Green Open Space Development in Palembang City, Indonesia. Portoviejo: Universidad Técnica de Manabí.

Alfatih, Andy and Sartika, Diana Dewi and ENH, Dyah Hapsari (2018) Public Policy on Green Open Space Development in Palembang City, Indonesia. Public Policy on Green Open Space Development in Palembang City, Indonesia,, 8 (2). pp. 55-58.

Alfatih, Andy and Sartika, Diana Dewi and Nugraheni, Dyah Hapsari Eko (2019) Corresponding Author Of Empowerment Program Implementation on Small and Medium Businesses Positively Influenced the Performance of the Businesses: (Study towards Small and Medium Businesses Empowered by the Cooperative and Small and Medium Office of Ogan Ilir Regency, Indonesia). Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP).

Alfatih, Andy and Sartika, Diana Dewi and Nugraheni, Dyah Hapsari Eko (2021) Corresponding Author Of Implementasi Kebijakan Pembentukan dan Pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa di Indonesia. Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia.



Alfitri, Alfitri (2021) Coresponden author_The complexity of integrating indigenous knowledge for ecotourism planning: a case of Mude Ayek’s customary forests, Indonesia. International Journal of Tourism Anthropology. (Unpublished)

Alfitri, Alfitri (2021) Corespondence author of_Dilema industri padat modal dan tuntutan tenaga kerja lokal. Indonesia Institute for Counselling, Education and Therahy (IICET). (Unpublished)

Alfitri, Alfitri (2021) Corespondence author of_Socio-Ecological Support and Physical Facilities Satisfaction: How They Link to Social Participation and Well-Being among Urban Residents in Malaysia. MDPI journals. (Unpublished)

Alfitri, Alfitri (2022) Corespondence author of_Strategi Pendampingan Inovasi Produk Olahan Kopi di Desa Palak Tanah, Muara Enim. Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat - Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Pertanian Bogor (LPPM-IPB). (Unpublished)

Alfitri, Alfitri (2022) Corespondence author_Community Resilience Related to Community Resources Access to Peatland in Political Ecological Perspectives: A Case Study of Purun (Eleocharis dulcis) Craftmen in Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatera, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. (Unpublished)

Alfitri, Alfitri (2022) Corespondence author_Ecological Adaptation Patterns and Household Livelihood Strategies for Purun Craftsmen Around Peatlands in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, Indonesia. European Alliance for Innovation. (Unpublished)

Alfitri, Alfitri (2020) Corespondence author_The implementation of community based tourism model in the development of the Semambu Island tourism village, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra. Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. (Unpublished)

Alfitri, Alfitri and Alfatih, Andy and kholek, abdul and M izzudin, M izzudin and Santoso, Anang Dwi (2022) Corresponding Author Of The complexity of integrating indigenous knowledge for ecotourism planning: a case of Mude Ayek’s customary forests, Indonesia. INDEXSCIENCE Publisher.

Alfuady, Febriyandi and Saloma, Saloma and Idris, Yakni (2019) Characteristics Foam Concrete with Polypropylene Fiber and Styrofoam (CORRESPONDING AUTHOR). IOP Publishing. (Unpublished)

Ali, Asep (2021) Heavy metals accumulation in forages and buffalo hair on flooded pasture (Korespondens). Springer, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.

Ali, Asep (2022) Organic acid and probiotic derived from grass silage improved egg quality in Pegagan laying duck: a research note (Korespondens). Springer, Tropical Animal Health and Production.

Ali, Asep (2019) Seasonal influence on mineral concentration of forages on flooded pastures in south Sumatra of Indonesia (Korespondens). Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales.

Ali, Asep Indra M (2021) Effect of feeding Asystasia gangetica weed on intake, nutrient utilization, and gain in Kacang goat (Korespondensi). Faculty of Agriculture, Ain-Shams University.

Ali, Asep Indra M (2022) Effects of acid drinking water on nutrient utilization, water balance, and growth of goats under hot-humid tropical environment (Korespondensi). Elsevier ScienceDirect.

Ali, Asep Indra M (2015) Evaluation of Yeast Supplementation with Urea-Molasses in Rice Straw-Based Diets on in vitro Ruminal Fermentation (Korespondens). Asian Network for Scientific, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition.

Ali, Ibrahim (2022) Bukti Korespondensi: Implementation of the Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (Smart) Method for Support Selection of Coffee Shop Business Location. Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya.

Ali, Ibrahim (2021) Bukti Korespondensi: Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Apotek Mega Mulia. JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer).

Ali, Ibrahim (2022) Bukti Korespondensi:Social Impact of CRM on Customer Engagement and User Loyalty to Services by.U. JITE (Journal of Informatics and Telecommunication Engineering).

Ali, Ibrahim (2023) Corespondence author of The function of social media as a supporting tool for lecturer career development in universities in the industry 4.0 Era. Universitras Nusa Mandiri Research Center.

Ali, Ibrahim (2023) Corespondence author: Assessing User Experience and Usability in the OVO Application: Utilizing the User Experience Questionnaire and System Usability Scale for Evaluation. Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII).

Ali, Ibrahim (2021) Hasil Korespondeni Paper: Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Unipin. Journal of Information System Research (JOSH).

Ali, Ibrahim (2022) Koresnpondensi paper: Analisis Pengaruh Sosial CRM Terhadap Loyalitas Customer Pada Layanan Pengguna Aplikasi DANA. Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya.

Ali, Ibrahim (2022) Koresnpondensi paper:Analysis of the Influence of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty of Indomaret Palembang City. Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya.

Ali, Ibrahim (2021) Korespondensi : Pengaruh E-Service Quality Terhadap Loyalitas Pengguna Aplikasi MyTelkomsel. Building of Informatics, Technology and Science (BITS).


Ali, Ibrahim (2024) Korespondensi: Evaluation of Information Systems on the SIMDAPRO using the Unfield Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Method. Universitas Bina Darma.

Ali, Ibrahim (2021) Korespondensi: The implementation of social customer relationship management for tourism information system. Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya.

Alian, Alian and Dedi Irwanto, Irwanto (2013) Uji Coba Model RDL & RDED (Resourches Documentary Library & Resourches Data E-Digital) di Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya. Jurnal Ripteksi PGRI, 2 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1907-2295

Amarto, Usman and Yusup, Muhamad and Kistiono, Kistiono (2022) Using the Rasch Model to Measure Students' Argumentative Ability in the Context of Socioscientific Issues About the Covid-19 Pandemic. IJIS Edu : INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED SCIENCE EDUCATION, 4 (2). pp. 125-132. ISSN P-ISSN : 26552388 E-ISSN : 26552450

Ambarwati, Belinda and Aisyah, Nyimas and Hapizah, Hapizah and Ismail, Norulhuda (2024) Similarity -STEM-based 2D Shapes Learning Design in Parachuting Context to Support Student’s Flexibility Ability. Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Matematika.

Amin, Mohamad (2024) Bukti Korespodensi _The Effect of Additional Phytase Enzymes with Different Dosages on Feed to Growth, Feed Efficiency, and Survival of Snakehead Fish (Channa striata). Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Amin, Mohamad (2023) Bukti Korespodensi_Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Bahan Baku Lokal Sebagai Pakan Ikan Terhadap Peningkatan Produktivitas Budidaya Ikan Lele (Clarias Sp.) Di Desa Sakatiga, Kecamatan Indralaya, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Amin, Mohamad (2023) bukti_korespodensi_Investigation of Lake Ranau water quality on Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) culture area using difference embedded net cages (KJT) density at district Warkuk Ranau Selatan, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Amrina, Dian Eka and Barlian, Ikbal and Fatimah, Siti and Hasmidyani, Dwi and Mardetini, Edutivia (2023) Artikel_Pelatihan Pembuatan Iklan Digital dengan Aplikasi Canva untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Wirausaha Pemula Milenial. Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri (JMM), 7 (4). pp. 3286-3295. ISSN 2614 - 5778


Andika, Windi Dwi and Akbar, Ma"ruf and Yufiarti, Yufiarti and Sumarni, Sri (2019) Playing board games with mathematical self-concept to support early numeracy skill of 5-6 years old children. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series (The 3rd Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference), 1166. pp. 1-6. ISSN 17426588

Andika, Windi Dwi and Sumarni, Sri and Utami, Febriyanti (2021) Hula Hoop Dance Video Tutorial to Stimulate Children’s Development Aspects. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 513. pp. 204-219. ISSN 2352-5398

Andriani, Nely and Widodo, Slamet and Alfatih, Andy (2020) Corresponding Author Of Implementation of the Regional Regulation of Palembang City Number 03 of 2017 Concerning the Establishment of RT / RW (Study of Plaju Village, Plaju District). Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Taman Siswa Palembang, collaborated with CMHC (Research & Sains Center) and HM Publisher.

Andriani, Nety and Widodo, Slamet and Alfatih, Andy (2023) Coresponding author of Implementation of East Ogan Komering Ulu Regent Regulation Number 17 of 2015 Regarding Technical Guidelines for Implementing Micro and Small Business Permits. Open Access Indonesia Journal of Social Sciences V.

Anggarwati, Happy and Nyimas Nuria, Hasnah Anggraini and Chotimah, Umi (2024) Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila Menggunakan Media Spin Game. Asanka : Journal of Social Science and Education.

Anjarsari, Y and Syaifudin, Mochamad and Jubaedah, Dade and Taqwa, Ferdinand Hukama and Yonarta, Danang (2020) Bukti korespondensi: Phylogenetic of Featherback Chitala sp from South Sumatra Based on Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I (COI) Gene. IOP Publishing Ltd., Palembang.

Apriandi, Mada (2017) Bukti Koresponden Jurnal Bina Hukum Lingkungan. Jurnal Bina Hukum Lingkungan. (Unpublished)

Apriandi, Mada (2022) KORESPONDENSI: Exercising No Harm Rule: Claims for Damage and Loss Due Climate Change Effects. Sriwijaya Law Review. (Unpublished)


Apriandi, Mada (2016) KORESPONDENSI: Rethinking Legality of State Responsibility on Climate Change in International Law Perspectives. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum. (Unpublished)


Aprianti, Nabila and Faizal, Muhammad and Said, Muhammad and Nasir, Subriyer (2021) Corresponding Author Valorization of Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Waste for Syngas Production Through Gasification. Journal of Ecological Engineering. (Unpublished)

Aprianti, Nabila and Faizal, Muhammad and Said, Muhammad and Nasir, Subriyer (2022) Corresponding_CATALYTIC GASIFICATION OF OIL PALM EMPTY FRUIT BUNCH BY USING INDONESIAN BENTONITE AS THE CATALYST. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)


Ariani, Menik and Royani, Idha and Monado, Fiber (2020) DESAIN KONSEPTUAL REAKTOR CEPAT BERPENDINGIN KARBONDIOKSIDA DAN BERBAHAN BAKAR URANIUM ALAM DENGAN DAYA 2400 MW. Desain Konseptual Reaktor Cepat Berpendingin Karbondioksida dan Berbahan Bakar Uranium Alam Dengan Daya 2400 MW, 17 (2). pp. 125-130. ISSN 2514-1713

Arif, Rahman Gani and Diki, Wahyudi and Farida, Husna and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) Adat Sedulang Setudung di Desa Gelebak Dalam Banyuasin, 1999-2019 (Cooresponding Author). Universitas Hamzanwadi.

Arifin, Amir (2023) Bukti Koresondensi_Taguchi Approach of Dissimilar Welds for AISI 4340 Steel and 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel. UITM.


Arifin, Amir (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Improvement Incoloy Alloy 800 Weldability After 10 Years of Service through Solution Annealing and Normalizing Method. Journal Engineering Research.

Arifin, Amir and Gunawan, Gunawan (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Fabrication of Titanium-matrix composite with 40 wt% hydroxyapatite by Powder Injection Molding. Springer Link.

Arifin, Amir and Gunawan, Gunawan (2023) Bukti Korespondesi_Flow Rate Effects on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties for Titanium Weld Joint. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

Arifin, Amir and Gunawan, Gunawan and Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Investigation of Welding Parameters of Dissimilar Weld of SS316 and ASTM A36 Joint Using a Grey-Based Taguchi Optimization Approach. MDPI.

Arifin, Sujinal and Zulkardi, Zulkardi and Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra and Hartono, Yusuf (2021) Corespondence Author of_On Creativity through Mathematization in Solving Non-Routine Problems. Journal on Mathematics Education.

Arifin, Amir and Sipahutar, Riman and Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma and Bizzy, Irwin and Purba, Dwi and Gunawan, Gunawan (2018) EFFECT OF FLY ASH AS REINFORCEMENT ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ALUMINUM SCRAP BASED HYBRID COMPOSITE. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC), 13 (10). pp. 3080-3091. ISSN 1823-4690

Arista, Hakiki (2023) Corespondence author of _ Viable System Model (VSM) : A Holistic Approach to Organization Sustainability. Origins Publication.

Arista, Hakiki (2023) Corespondence author of_The Effect of Technological Advance to Accounting Information System Performance. EJBMR. (Submitted)

Arita, Susila (2022) CORRESPONDING AUTHOR Treatment of Laboratory Wastewater by Using Fenton Reagent and Combination of Coagulation-Adsorption as Pretreatment. Polskie Towarzystwo Inzynierii Ekologicznej, Universities and Research Institutions in Poland. (Submitted)

Arita, Susila (2022) Corresponding Author Effectiveness of Biomass flyash in Pulp and Paper Liquid Waste Water. Copyright © 2022 Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). Published by Elsevier B.V., Universities and Research Institutions in Netherland. (Unpublished)

Arita, Susila and Kristianti, Devi and Nurul Komariah, Leily Corresponding author_Effectiveness of biomass-based fly ash in pulp and paper liquid waste treatment. Elsevier.

Arsyad, Fitri Suryani and Royani, Idha (2021) Review of The Effectiveness of Plant Media Extracts in Barium Hexaferrite Magnets (BaFe12O19). The Characteristic Analysis of Caffeine Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Synthesized Using The Cooling-Heating Method, for Application as a Sensor Material, 6 (2). pp. 39-52. ISSN 25804391 / 2580-4405

Arsyad, Fitri Suryani and Royani, Idha (2019) The effect of drying temperature on chemical composition of chitosan powder from fishbone waste to hydroponic Deep Water Culture (DWC) application. The effect of drying temperature on chemical composition of chitosan powder from fishbone waste to hydroponic Deep Water Culture (DWC) application. pp. 1-4. ISSN 17426588/ 17426596

Aryani, Desi (2021) Dokumen Bukti Korespondensi Untuk Karya Penelitian dengan Judul Artikel : Instrumen Pengendalian Harga Beras di Indonesia : Waktu Efektif yang Dibutuhkan. Pusat Riset dan Perencanaan Strategis Perum BULOG. (Unpublished)

Aryati, Amin and Alfatih, Andy (2023) Corresponding Author Of Does the Implementation of the Village Financial System (Siskeudes) Program Improve the Quality of Financial Reports and Village Government Performance? Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Taman Siswa Palembang, collaborated with CMHC (Research & Sains Center) and HM Publisher.

Aryzona, Ayu Putrisia and Alfatih, Andy and Effendi, Sofyan (2023) Corresponding Author Of Accountability of Partnership Program Funds in State-Owned Enterprises. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Taman Siswa Palembang, collaborated with CMHC (Research & Sains Center) and HM Publisher.

Asmiani, Asmiani and Windusari, Yuanita and Hasyim, Hamzah (2021) Malaria Vector Control and The Electronic Malaria Surveillance Information System (E-Sismal) in Bangka Barat Regency Indonesia (Corresponding). JURNAL KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN. (Submitted)

Asmiani, Asmiani and Windusari, Yuanita and Hasyim, Hamzah (2021) Analisis Strategi Pengendalian Vektor Malaria di Kabupaten Bangka Barat. MPPKI (Media Publikasi Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia): The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion, 4 (4). ISSN 2597-6052

Asmiani, Asmiani and Windusari, Yuanita and Hasyim, Hamzah (2021) Malaria Vector Control and The Electronic Malaria Surveillance Information System (E-Sismal) in Bangka Barat Regency Indonesia. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia (JKLI), 13 (4). pp. 241-249. ISSN 1829 – 7285

Asmirin, Asmirin and Hasyim, Hamzah and Novrikasari, Novrikasari and Faisya, Fickry (2021) Analisis Determinan Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita (Usia 24-59 Bulan). Jurnal ‘Aisyiyah Medika, 6 (2). pp. 16-33. ISSN 2622-3872

Asof, Marwan CORRESP. : The study of Landslide using Slope Stability Radar within Failure SS_P4-028 in PT Newmont, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. Korean Geosynthetic Society.

Asof, Marwan Response Clay Shale to The Variation of Moisture Cotent. UTM-Malaysia.

Asof, Marwan and Arita, Susila (2023) Characteristics of Char from Low-Rank Coal Gasification (CORRESP. AUTHOR). Polskie Towarzystwo Inzynierii Ekologicznej.

Asriani, Mitsalia and Hasyim, Hamzah and Purba, Imelda G (2011) Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Tidak Aman (Unsafe Act) di Bagian Pabrik Urea PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2 (02). pp. 103-109. ISSN 20866380

Aswardi, A and Gevira, Z and Cindy, C and Putri, M.D. and Putri, F.H. and Taqwa, Ferdinand Hukama (2020) Bukti korespondensi: Pemanfaatan Tepung Tapioka sebagai Alternatif Subsitusi Molase dalam Budidaya Ikan Nila Sistem Bioflok di Lahan Suboptimal. Pusat Unggulan Riset Lahan Suboptimal, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang.

Aulia, AS Clarissa Putri and Hasyim, Hamzah and Purba, Imelda G (2010) FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KAPASITAS VITAL PARU PADA OPERATOR SPBU 24.301.118 PALEMBANG TAHUN 2010. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 1 (03). pp. 217-224. ISSN 20866380

Azizah, Immatul and Syafitri, Riska and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2021) Struktur Pemerintahan Palembang Syu Pada Masa Pendudukan Jepang Tahun 1942-1945 (Correspondig Author). Universitas Hamzanwadi. (Unpublished)

Azmi, Zahara Lutfiya and Fathurohman, Apit and Marlina, Leni (2022) Korespondensi_The Validity and Practicality of Student Worksheets on Waves and Sounds for Junior High School Students. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA.

Azwardi, Azwardi and Igamo, Alghifari Mahdi and Wijaya, Wahyu Aji Bukti Korespondensi The Concept of Waste Management on Economic Development in the European Union. Repository Universitas Sriwijaya.

Azwardi, Azwardi and Sukanto, Sukanto and Igamo, Alghifari Mahdi and Kurniawan, Arika (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Carbon Emissions, Economic Growth, Forest, Agricultural Land and Air Pollution in Indonesia. Repository Universitas Sriwijaya.

ali, ibrahim (2021) Bukti Korespondensi paper An Educational Game Application to Assist The Community in Remembering Road Directions and Places In Palembang. Jurnal Riset Informatika. (Unpublished)

arsita, ririn and Vianty, Machdalena and Mirizon, Soni (2017) IMPROVING STUDENTS’ NARRATIVE WRITING ACHIEVEMENT THROUGH READER’S THEATRE STRATEGY. JELE: The Journal of English Literacy Education, 4 (2). pp. 155-170. ISSN 2355-7486




Bakri, Bakri and Bernas, Siti Masreah and Budianta, Dedik and Said, Muhammad (2015) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : The Change of Nutrrien in Tidal Swamp Soil and Palm Oil Plant Due to Several Dosage of Aplication Palm Oil Mill Effluent on Planting Media. Fakultas pertanian UNS.

Bakri, Bakri and Imanuddin, Momon Sodik and Bernas, Siti Masreah (2015) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul - Water Retention Option Of Drainage System for Dry Season Corn Cultivation at Tidal Lowland Area. Fakulty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya.

Bakri, Bakri and Imanuddin, Momon Sodik and Chandra, L. (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Water Management and Soil Fertility Status at A Reclaimed Tidal Low Land of Telang Jaya Village, South Sumatera Indonesia. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas lambung Mangkurat.

Bambang, Tutuko Bukti Korespondensi Artikel Ilmiah AFibNet: an implementation of atrial fibrillation detection with convolutional neural network. Unsri.

Bambang, Tutuko Bukti Korespondensi Karya Ilmiah Enhancement of Non-Holonomic leader-follower formation using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller. Unsri.

Bambang, Tutuko Bukti Korespondensi Karya Ilmiah Route optimization of non-holonomic leader-follower control using dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization. Unsri.

Bambang, Tutuko Bukti Korespondensi Karya Ilmiah Short Single-Lead ECG Signal Delineation-Based Deep Learning: Implementation in Automatic Atrial Fibrillation Identification. Unsri.

Bambang, Tutuko (2019) Bukti Korespondensi Substantif Artikel "AFibNet: an implementation of atrial fibrillation detection with convolutional neural network". Unsri.

Barlin, Barlin (2020) Korepondensi Taguchi Method for Optimizing Process Parameters. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya.

Barlin, Barlin (2021) Korespondensi Artikel BO001. Fakultas Teknik, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.

Barlin, Barlin (2021) Korespondensi Fabrication of Titanium-Matrix Composite. Springer Singapore. (Unpublished)

Barlin, Barlin (2022) Korespondensi Investigation of Effect Garbage Leve. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya.

Barlin, Barlin (2023) Korespondensi_Assessment Material Selection For Chain-Submerged Scrapper Conveyor. Asosiasi Peneliti Sriwijaya.

Barlin, Barlin (2022) Korespondensi_BO0011. Research Center of Inorganic Materials and Coordination Complexes, FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Barlin, Barlin (2021) Korespondensi_Chassis frame design and analysis based on formula SAE Japan. Asosiasi Peneliti Sriwijaya.

Barlin, Barlin (2021) Korespondensi_Fabrication of Titanium-Matrix Composite with 40 wt% Hydroxyapatite by Powder Injection Molding. Springer Nature Singapore.

Barlin, Barlin (2015) Korespondensi_THERMAL EVOLUTION PROFILE ANALYSIS FOR PYROLYSIS OF COAL – ACACIA MANGIUM WOOD BLENDS. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia.

Barlin, Barlin (2021) Korespondensi_The effect of blade curvature angle of savonius wind turbine on the performance. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya.

Bashir, Abdul and Susetyo, Didik and Suhel, Suhel and Azwardi, Azwardi (2020) Relationships between Urbanization, Economic Growth, Energy Consumption, and CO2 Emissions: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia (Bukti Korespondensi). Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business.

Bayu, Wahyu Indra (2022) Aktivitas fisik, perilaku menetap, dan perilaku merokok pada calon guru pendidikan jasmani-sebuah studi cross-sectional. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Bayu, Wahyu Indra (2021) Gambaran aktivitas fisik dan indeks massa tubuh calon guru pendidikan jasmani selama pandemi Covid-19. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Bayu, Wahyu Indra (2023) Improving critical thinking ability using teaching game for understanding. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Bayu, Wahyu Indra (2023) Korespondensi Author of Physical Activity Level and Body Mass Index Profile of Physical Education Teacher Candidates in Palembang City. Korespondensi Author.

Bayu, Wahyu Indra (2022) PON XX: Bagaimana image masyarakat terhadap penyelenggaraan PON di papua? Universitas Sriwijaya.

Bayu, Wahyu Indra (2022) Peer observation, self-assessment, and circuit learning: improving critical thinking and physical fitness in physical education. Universita Sriwijaya.

Bayu, Wahyu Indra (2021) Pemenuhan kebutuhan aktivitas fisik peserta didik selama pandemi Covid-19. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Bizzy, Irwin Bukti Korespondesi Determining of Drying Characteristics for South Sumatera Low Rank Coal using Solar and Laboratory Scaled Oven. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology. (Unpublished)

Bizzy, Irwin and Mataram, Agung and Firmansyah, Hari and ZAHIR, MUHAMMAD and RACHMAN, FADHIL FUAD (2023) corresponding author_The Chimney Heat Potential to be Converted into Electrical Energy with Thermoelectric Generator: Dimensionless Analysis. akademia Baru, Malaysia.

Bizzy, Irwin and Mustafrizal, Lutfi (2019) PV Panel Cooler to Enhance Output Performance Using Perforated Aluminium Plate. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1198 (042003). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6596

Bizzy, Irwin and Sipahutar, Riman and Ibrahim, Eddy and Faizal, Muhammad (2017) Determining of Drying Characteristics for South Sumatera Low-Rank Coal using Solar and Laboratory Scaled Oven. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 7 (6). pp. 1998-2003. ISSN 2088-5334

Bizzy, Irwin and Sipahutar, Riman and Ibrahim, Eddy and Faizal, Muhammad (2019) Experimental Study of Low-rank Coal from South Sumatra used in Humidifier and Flash Dryer. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1167 (012003). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1742-6596

Budianta, Dedik (2023) Corresponding author : Growth and Yield of Rice Planted in a Tidal Soil Under NPK in situ and Cow Manure Application. Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung. (Unpublished)

Budianta, Dedik and Febriana, Erlia and Fitri, Siti N A (2022) Korepondensi: Application of Cow Manure Combined with Rice Husk Ash to Increase Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) Production in Indonesia Ultisol. David Publishing. (Submitted)

Budianta, Dedik and Napoleon, A and Paripurna, A and Ermatita, Ermatita (2018) Korespondensi:Growth and production of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) with different fertilizer strategies in a tidal soil from South Sumatra, Indonesia. Soil Science research of Spain. (Submitted)

Budianta, Dedik and Napoleon, Adipati and Nanthi, Bolan (2022) Korespondensi: Heavy Metals in Indonesian Paddy Soils (Boook Chapter). Intechopen. (Submitted)

Budianta, Dedik and Warsito, Warsito and Ardiansyah, Ardiansyah (2022) Korespondensi: Lead Accumulation in Tidal Swamps: Case Study at Transmigration Area of South Sumatra Indonesia after 40 Years Cultivation. David Publishing. (Submitted)

Burhanudin, Burhanudin and Yusnaini, Yusnaini and Arista, Hakiki (2023) Korespondensi_Belief Adjustment Model in the Revision of Beliefs: An Experimental Study of the Role of Order Effect and Cognitive Style. Services for Science and Education, United Kingdom., Archives of Business Research.


Cahyono, Endro Setyo and Faruk, Alfensi and Suprihatin, Bambang (2018) Bukti Korespondensi_Analysis of The Transmission of Dengue Fever Disease Using Suspected-Infected-Recovered (SIR) Model. Sriwijaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Sciences 2018. (Submitted)

Chandra, Hendri Corresponding Author of Mechanical fracture characterization of rice kernel under milling process. Hendri Chandra. (Submitted)

Chandra, Hendri Corresponding Author of The characterization of mechanical property and fatigue life of betel-falm fiber composite as environmentally-friendly material. Hendri Chandra. (Submitted)

Chandra, Hendri and Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma and ZAHIR, MUHAMMAD (2018) Corresponding author of High-temperature quality of accelerated spheroidization on SUP9 leaf spring to enhance machinability. Helyon.

Chotimah, Umi (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Artikel Sinta 2, judul:Meningkatkan High Order Thinking Skills Mahasiswa Semester III PPKn dalam Pembelajaran Psikologi Sosial melalui Penerapan Metode Six Thinking Hats. Repository Universitas Sriwijaya.

Chotimah, Umi (2023) Bukti Korespondensi:Analysis of Competency and Performance of Secondary Teachers: Case Study at Five Cities/Districts in South Sumatra. Repository Universitas Sriwijaya.

Chotimah, Umi and Emil, El Faisal and Camellia, Camellia and Sulkipani, Sulkipani (2024) Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Penyusunan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Satu Lembar Bagi Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. ISSN 2655-2221

Chotimah, Umi and Emil, El Faisal and Sri Sumarni, Sri Sumarni and Rini Setiyowati, Rini (2022) Actualizing the Values of Pancasila Student Profiles Through the Little Journalist Project. SULE-IC 2022.

Chotimah, Umi and Sumarni, Sri and Ferdianty, Windy (2024) Realizing the Profile of Pancasila Students Through Short Film Project-Based Learning. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU), 11 (7). ISSN 2364-5369

Chotimah, Umi and Yanzi, Hermi and Kurnisar, Kurnisar and Emil, El Faisal (2024) Strengthening students’ character through TPACK-based learning. Jurnal Civics : Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan. ISSN 2656-9620

Chresty, Angreani and Syafdaningsih, Syafdaningsih (2019) Pengembangan Buku Ajar Mata Kuliah Matematika pada Anak Usia Dini. Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 4 (1). pp. 124-132. ISSN 2549-8959

Cundari, Lia (2019) Bukti Korespondensi Adsorption Model in Removal of Direct Synthetic Dyes in Aqueous Solution onto Tea Waste. International symposium of indonesian chemical engineering (ISIChem). (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2020) Bukti Korespondensi Adsorption of Synthetic Dye by Betel Nuts Activated Carbon in a Fixed-bed Column, Experiments and Prediction of Breakthrough Curves. In: FIRST 2019 IOP Conference Series, 2019, Palembang. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2020) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Adsorption of Synthetic Dye by Betel Nuts Activated Carbon in a Fixed-bed Column, Experiments and Prediction of Breakthrough Curves. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2019) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Karakteristik Karbon Aktif Biji Pinang Hias (Chrystostachys Lakka) Dan Aplikasinya Dalam Menurunkan BOD, COD, TSS Dalam Limbah Cair Kain Jumputan. Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2020) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Model Adsorpsi Pada Larutan Pewarna Sintetik Direct Secara Kontinyu: Pengaruh Konsentrasi Zat Warna. Jurnal Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Pengaruh Dosis Biokoagulan Biji Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) Dan Waktu Pengadukan Terhadap Nilai Ph Dan Turbiditas Pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tempe. Seminar Nasional AVoER XIV, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2021) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Pengaruh Tegangan Pada Pengolahan Synthetic Oily Wastewater Dengan Metode Electro-Adsorption Menggunakan Karbon Aktif Dan Elektroda Aluminium. Jurnal Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2019) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Pengaruh Waktu Dan Temperatur Terhadap Sifat Fisik Cairan Hasil Proses Perengkahan Limbah Plastik Jenis Expanded Polystyrene. Jurnal Dinamika dan Penelitian Industri, Balai Riset dan Standarisasi Industri Palembang, Kementerian Perindustrian. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Processing Of Tempe Liquid Waste in Stages Using Combination Of Coagulation And Electrocoagulation Methods. Konversi - Program Studi Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, LMU Press (member of APPTI). (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Proses Pengeringan NPK Berdasarkan Evaluasi Rotary Dryer dan Kadar Air NPK di PT. Petrokimia Gresik. Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin, Mechanical Engineering Department, Universitas Brawijaya. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2020) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Rancang Bangun Alat Produksi Asap Cair Dengan Metode Pirolisis Menggunakan Software Fusion 360. Jurnal Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Reduction of Turbidity, Color Intensity and COD of Jumputan Wastewater with Electrocoagulation Method. Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia dan Lingkungan, Jurusan Teknik Kimia Universitas Syiah Kuala. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2020) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Review: Penjernihan Minyak Goreng Bekas Menggunakan Berbagai Jenis Adsorben Alami. Jurnal Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Studi Kasus Terhadap Alat Penukar Kalor 127-C PUSRI IV Berbasis Simulasi Program Heat Transfer Research Inc. (HTRI) Dengan Variabel Jumlah Plug dan Material Tube. Faktor Exacta, PSTBM – BATAN. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2020) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: The Effect Of Adsorbent Type And Ratio on Removal Of Methylene Blue and Its Isotherm Adsorption. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, PSTBM - BATAN. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2019) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: The Investigation on Physical Characteristics of Cracked Plastic Waste. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2020) Bukti Korespondensi The Investigation on Physical Characteristics of Cracked Plastic Waste. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (FORUM IN RESEARCH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY). (Submitted)

Cundari, Lia (2019) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Adsorption Capacity and Isotherm of Methylene Blue Removal in Aqueous Solution onto Regenerated Activated Carbon. IOP Conf. Series: Material Science and Engineering. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2019) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Adsorption Model in Removal of Direct Synthetic Dyes in Aqueous Solution onto Tea Waste. IOP Conf. Series: Material Science and Engineering. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Characterization of Biosorbent from Musa acuminata balbisian Peel using FTIR Spectroscopy and Its Application to Cadmium (Cd) Removal: Effect of Activator Type, pH, and Biosorbent Ratio. Chemica: Jurnal Teknik Kimia, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: Efektivitas Karbon Aktif Eceng Gondok (Eichornia crassipes) Pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tempe. Jurnal Sains dan teknologi, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Judul: The Effect of Flowrate on Dye Removal of Jumputan Wastewater in a Fixed-Bed Column by Using Adsorption Model: Experimental and Breakthrough Curves Analysis. Reaktor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University. (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2019) Bukti Korespondensi Adsorption Capacity and Isotherm of Methylene Blue Removal in Aqueous Solution onto Regenerated Activated Carbon. International symposium of indonesian chemical engineering (ISIChem). (Unpublished)

Cundari, Lia (2022) Bukti korespondensi artikel: Electro-adsorption as a Hybrid Processing to Removed Oil from Synthetic Oily Solution by Using Activated Carbon and Iron Electrodes. Science and Technology Indonesia.

chandra, hendri and lutfi, muhammad and lamin, fauzianah and Ariffin, Akhmad (2018) Corresponding author of Evaluation of Torsional Vibration on Vertical-type Centrifugal Pump Shaft. Universiti teknologi MARA.


Dahlan, Muhammad Hatta (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Jurnal : Impact of Latex Coagulant Various from Rubber Industry in South Sumatera. universitas sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Dahlan, Muhammad Hatta (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Jurnal Separation Of Metal Elements From Used Engine Oil By Using Ceramic Membrane Technology. universitas sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Dahlan, Muhammad Hatta (2017) Bukti Korespondensi Jurnal: Pulp and Paper Liquid Waste Treatment Using Electro Coagulation Membrane. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Damiri, Nurhayati (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Co-infection of two Ganoderma boninensis strain on oil palm seedling. Universitas Lancang Kuning.

Damiri, Nurhayati (2021) Bukti Korespondensi Jacfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) a new host plant of Ceratocystis wilt in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.

Damiri, Nurhayati (2021) Bukti corespondensi Covid-19 and its effect. IOP Publishing.

Damiri, Nurhayati (2021) Bukti korespondensi Drying methods and diversity. Society for Indonesian Biodiversity.

Damiri, Nurhayati (2023) Bukti korespondensi Effect of mix cropping of water yam. Update publishing house, powered by Cyber dairy.

Damiri, Nurhayati (2021) Bukti korespondensi Estimation of growth parameter on Sailfin Catfish. IOP Publishing.

Damiri, Nurhayati (2020) Bukti korespondensi Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) infection. Walailak University.

Damiri, Nurhayati (2020) Bukti korespondensi Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) infection. Walailak University.

Damiri, Nurhayati (2021) Bukti korespondesi First report of bullet wood (Mimusops elengi) sudden decline disease caused by Ceratocystis manginecans in Indonesia. Society for Indonesian Biodiversity.

Damiri, Nurhayati (2022) Korespondensi Pestalotiopsis sp. Infection causes leaf fall disease of new arrivals in several clones of rubber plants. Society for Indonesian Biodiversity.

Damiri, Nurhayati (2022) Korespondensi biological control spodoptera. Society for Indonesian Biodiversity.

Damiri, Nurhayati (2021) korespondensi Effect of Three composts. Society for Indonesian Biodiversity.

Dari, Tita Ratna Wulan (2023) Correspondence author of Videotaped Children Song: How to Use it in English Young Learner Classroom? Jurnal Bina Edukasi, Palembang.

Dariyani, Nuriz and Marlina, Leni and Sriyanti, Ida and Sudirman, Sudirman and Meilinda, Meilinda (2022) Korespondensi_Learning Style Analysis for Differentiated New Paradigm Learning in Public Senior High School 1 Semendawai Suku III East Oku. Jurnal IPA dan Pembelajaran IPA.

Darmawi, Darmawi (2021) The Effective Pitch Of Scoop Blade Operating on Undershot Waterwheel With Water Current of 0.8 m/sec – 2.26 m/sec. Sriwijaya International Conference on Engineering and Technology (SICETO. ISSN -




Darmawi, Darmawi Bukti korespondensi dengan Editor Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments untuk artikel berjudul: UNDERSHOT FLOATING WATERWHEEL A CONCEPT OF SMALL HYDROPOWER ENERGY DEVELOPMENT FOR RURAL AREAS OF INDONESIA. Darmawi.

Dedi, Irwanto (2017) Malaise dan Lambang Kekayaan Ekonomi Penguasa Lokal di Palembang, 1929–1942. Lembaran Sejarah, 13 (1). pp. 48-71. ISSN 1410-4962

Dedi Irwanto, Irwanto (2023) Corespondence author of_Buku Jalan Kembali ke Sistem Marga di Sumatera Selatan. Aksara Pena Palembang.

Dedi Irwanto, Irwanto (2022) Corespondence author of_Buku Sejarah DPRD Sumatera Selatan: Tiga Masa Menjaga Pembangunan di Bumi Sriwijaya. Aksara Pena Palembang.

Dedi Irwanto, Irwanto (2023) Jalan Kembali Ke Sistem Marga Di Sumatera Selatan. Aksara Pena, Palembang. ISBN 978-623-8099-02-3

Dedi Irwanto, Irwanto (2022) Sejarah DPRD Sumatera Selatan: Tiga Masa Menjaga Pembangunan di Bumi Sriwijaya. Aksara Pena, Palembang. ISBN 978-623-9945-57-2

Dedi Irwanto, Irwanto (2013) Simbol Kejayaan Ibukota Sriwijaya dalam Tiga Prasasti Sriwijaya di Palembang. MOZAIK HUMANIORA, 13 (2). pp. 136-148. ISSN 239-252

Dedi Irwanto, Irwanto and Susanti, L.R Retno (2022) The Relationship Between Buddhist Education in Sriwijaya and Buddhist Education in India. Ilomata International Journal of Social Science, 3 (3). pp. 303-313. ISSN 2714-8998

Dedi Irwanto, Irwanto and Susanti, Retno (2022) The Educational Relations and Agrarian Life Orientation in the Majapahit Period. Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 5 (3). pp. 281-293. ISSN 2615-0891

Defa, Anprema and Alfatih, Andy and Ermanovida, Ermanovida (2023) Corresponding Author Of Implementation of Handover and Savings of Print and Record Works Policy at the Library of South Sumatra. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Taman Siswa Palembang, collaborated with CMHC (Research & Sains Center) and HM Publisher.

Delita, Krisna and Damiri, Nurhayati and Sitorus, Rico Januar and Hariani, Poedji Loekitowati (2023) Phytochemical and Larvicidal Activity of Pineapple (Annanas comusus L.) Peel Extract Against Aedes aegypti of Dengue Vector. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 14 (1). pp. 36-40. ISSN 2229-7723

Desiandi, Muhammad and Sitorus, Rico Januar and Hasyim, Hamzah (2010) PEMERIKSAAN KUALITAS AIR MINUM PADA DAERAH PERSIAPAN ZONA AIR MINUM PRIMA (ZAMP) PDAM TIRTA MUSI PALEMBANG. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 1 (01). pp. 67-72. ISSN 20866380

Desiandi, Muhammad and Sitorus, Rico Januar and Hasyim, Hamzah (2010) PEMERIKSAAN KUALITAS AIR MINUM PADA DAERAH PERSIAPAN ZONA AIR MINUM PRIMA (ZAMP) PDAM TIRTA MUSI PALEMBANG TAHUN 2009. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat,, 1 (1). pp. 74-79. ISSN 2548-7949

Desiani, Anita (2023) CORRESPONDENT- Analisis Kebutuhan Waktu Algoritma Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, dan Quick Sort dengan Kompleksitas Waktu.

Desiani, Anita (2023) CORRESPONDENT- A Reasoning Technique for Taxonomy Expert System of Living Organisms.

Desiani, Anita (2023) CORRESPONDENT- A Rule-Based Method for Living Organisms Classification.

Desiani, Anita (2023) CORRESPONDENT- Pattern Recognation for Study Period of Student in Mathematics Department with C4.5 Algorithm Data mining technique at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Universitas Sriwijaya.

Desiani, Anita (2023) CORRESPONDENT- Penerapan Fuzzy Analitical Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) Untuk Mendukung Seleksi Penerima Beasiswa PPA ( Studi Kasus Fakultas MIPA Universitas Sriwijaya ).

Desiani, Anita (2023) CORRESPONDENT- Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Karyawan Baru dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytic Network Process (ANP) (Sudi Kasus di PT Batavia Prosperindo Finance Palembang).

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Application of the Relief-f Algorithm for Feature Selection in the Prediction of the Relevance Education Background with the Graduate Employment of the Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Application of the Waterfall Method in Software Design on Android-Based Programming Language Course Applications. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Classification of Geometric Batik Motif Typical of Indonesian Using Convolutional Neural Network.

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Combination Contrast Stretching and Adaptive Thresholding for Retinal Blood Vessel Image. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Combination of KNN and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) on Air Quality Prediction.

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Contrast enhancement for improved blood vessels retinal segmentation using top-hat transformation and otsu thresholding. International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics.

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Handling Missing Data Using Combination of Deletion Technique, Mean, Mode and Artificial Neural Network Imputation for Heart Disease Dataset. Research Center of Inorganic Materials and Coordination Complexes, FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Handling the imbalanced data with missing value elimination SMOTE in the classification of the relevance education background with graduates employment. Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama.

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Implementasi Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) dan Single Layer Perceptron (SLP) dalam Prediksi Penyakit Sirosis Biliari Primer. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Implementation of Sample Bootstrapping for Resampling Pap Smear Single Cell Dataset. Institute for Research and Community Services, Udayana University, Bali-Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Liver Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Network Method with U-Net Architecture.

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Majority Voting as Ensemble Classifier for Cervical Cancer Classification. Science and Technology Indonesia.

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN PCA-Based on Feature Extraction and Compressed Sensing for Dimensionality Reduction.

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Perancangan Perangkat Lunak pada Aplikasi Pelayanan dan Pemesanan Laundry Online Berbasis Android.

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Prediksi Tingkat Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif Akademik Mahasiswa dengan Menggunakan Teknik Data Mining. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Rancangan Acak Lengkap untuk Mengetahui Pengaruh Pemasaran Melalui Media Sosial Terhadap Penjualan Unique Hijab Bouquet. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Rancangan Acak Lengkap untuk Mengetahui Pengaruh Pemasaran Melalui Media Sosial Terhadap Penjualan Unique Hijab Bouquet. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Segmentasi Citra Nukleus Sel Kanker Serviks Menggunakan Otsu Thresholding dan Morfologi Closing.

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Segmentasi Citra Nukleus Sel Kanker Serviks Menggunakan Otsu Thresholding dan Morfologi Closing. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Segmentation of the Lungs on X-Ray Thorax Image with CNN Architecture U-Net.

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN Variasi Thresholding untuk Segmentasi Pembuluh Darah Citra Retina. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) A rule-based method for living organisms classification. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Prediksi Tingkat Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif Akademik Mahasiswa dengan Menggunakan Teknik Data Mining. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) A Combination of Image Enhancement and U-Net Architecture for Segmentation in Identifying Brain Tumors on CT-SCAN Images. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) A Novelty Patching of Circular Random and Ordered Techniques on Retinal Image to Improve CNN U-Net Performance. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) A Reasoning Technique for Taxonomy Expert System of Living Organisms. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) A Robust Techniques of Enhancement and Segmentation Blood Vessel in Retinal Image Using Deep Learning. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Analisis Kebutuhan Waktu Algoritma Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, dan Quick Sort dengan Kompleksitas Waktu. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Application of the Waterfall Method in Software Design on Android-Based Programming Language Course Applications. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) BVU-Net: A U-Net Modification by VGG-Batch Normalization for Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Bi-path architecture of CNN segmentation and classification method for cervical cancer fisorders based on pap-smear images. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Combination Contrast Stretching and Adaptive Thresholding for Retinal Blood Vessel Image. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Combination of KNN and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) on Air Quality Prediction. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Contrast enhancement for improved blood vessels retinal segmentation using top-hat transformation and otsu thresholding. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Handling missing data using combination of deletion technique, mean, mode and artificial neural network imputation for heart disease dataset. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Handling the Imbalanced Data with Missing Value Elimination SMOTE in the Classification of the Relevance Education Background with Graduates Employment. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Implementasi Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) dan Single Layer Perceptron (SLP) dalam Prediksi Penyakit Sirosis Biliari Primer. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Implementation of Sample Sample Bootstrapping for Resampling Pap Smear Single Cell Dataset. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Liver Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Network Method with U-Net Architecture. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Majority Voting as Ensemble Classifier for Cervical Cancer Classification. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Pattern recognation for study period of student in Mathematics Department with C4.5 algorithm data mining technique at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Penerapan Fuzzy Analitical Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) Untuk Mendukung Seleksi Penerima Beasiswa PPA ( Studi Kasus : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)


Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Karyawan Baru dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytic Network Process (ANP) (Sudi Kasus di PT Batavia Prosperindo Finance Palembang. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) The Augmentation Data of Retina Image for Blood Vessel Segmentation Using U-Net Convolutional Neural Network Method. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) VG-DropDNet a Robust Architecture for Blood Vessels Segmentation on Retinal Image. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (KORESPONDEN) Variasi Thresholding untuk Segmentasi Pembuluh Darah Citra Retina. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN-Application of the Relief-f Algorithm for Feature Selection in the Prediction of the Relevance Education Background with the Graduate Employment of the Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN-Classification of Geometric Batik Motif Typical of Indonesian Using Convolutional Neural Network. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN-PCA-Based on Feature Extraction and Compressed Sensing for Dimensionality Reduction. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN-Perancangan Perangkat Lunak pada Aplikasi Pelayanan dan Pemesanan Laundry Online Berbasis Android. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN-Segmentasi Paru-Paru pada Citra Thorax Dada dengan Menggunakan Metode CNN U-Net. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) KORESPONDEN-Segmentation of the Lungs on X-Ray Thorax Image with CNN Architecture U-Net. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) Koresponden Penerapan Metode Support Vector Machine Dalam Klasifikasi Bunga Iris. IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics). (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (Koresponden) A Hybrid System for Enhancement Retinal Image Reduction.pdf. International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS). (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (SERTIFIKAT) A Hybrid System for Enhancement Retinal Image Reduction. International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS). (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita (2023) (koresponden) Perbandingan Klasifikasi Penyakit Kanker Paru-Paru menggunakan Support Vector Machine dan K-Nearest Neighbor. PROCESSOR Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi dan Sistem Komputer.. (Unpublished)

Desiani, Anita and Alfan, Anggi and E, Erwin and Suprihatin, Bambang and Adrezo, Muhammad (2021) Correspondence author of_A Hybrid System for Enhancement Retinal Image Quality by Contrast Improvement and Noise Reduction. International Conference of Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber, and Information System.

Desnelli, Desnelli (2019) Korespondensi dari Synthesis of Copolymer of Chitosan with Acrylamide as an Adsorbent for Heavy Metal Waste Treatment. IOP. (Submitted)

Desnelli, Desnelli (2020) korespondensi Synthesis of Copolymer of Chitosan with Acrylamide as an Adsorbent for Heavy Metal Waste Treatment. IOP publisshing. (Submitted)


Devina, Meliani and Rosada, Mita and Alfania, Nadiah and Akhsan, Hamdi (2024) Hasil Turnitin Artikel PENERAPAN PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL BAKIAK BERBASIS KUIS BOOMBAZLE UNTUK MENDUKUNG PENGUATAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Devina, Meliani and Rosada, Mita and Alfania, Nadiah and Akhsan, Hamdi (2024) PENERAPAN PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL BAKIAK BERBASIS KUIS BOOMBAZLE UNTUK MENDUKUNG PENGUATAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA. Pendas : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar,, 9 (2). pp. 858-863. ISSN 2477-2143 (p-ISSN) 2548-6950 (e-ISSN)

Dewi, Nurhaqiqi and Dinda, Himawati and Sani, Safitri and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2023) TANTANGAN PEMBELAJARAN DARING DAN SOLUSI DALAM MENINGKATKAN PROFESIONALISME GURU DI SMA NEGERI 10 PALEMBANG. AL-MUADDIB: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Kependidikan, 5 (1). pp. 1-12.

Dewi, Safira Permata and Ermayanti, Ermayanti and Santoso, Lucia Maria (2020) Corresponden Author artikel:Development of Cell Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Instrument: Small Group Review. Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Unsri.

Dewi, Siti swasti Eka and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Oktarina, Santi (2021) Museum Virtual Tour Development Using 3D Vista as a History Learning Source (Coresponding Author). Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran. (Unpublished)

Dewi, Tri Septiana and Pelita, Tri and SHINTIA, SHINTIA and Akhsan, Hamdi (2024) Hasil Turnitin Artikel PENGEMBANGAN PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL KELERENG UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KERJASAMA SISWA. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Dewi, Tri Septiana and Pelita, Tri and SHINTIA, SHINTIA and Akhsan, Hamdi (2024) PENGEMBANGAN PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL KELERENG UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KERJASAMA SISWA. Didaktik : Jurnal Ilmiah PGSD FKIP Universitas Mandiri, 10 (2). pp. 790-799. ISSN 2477-5673 (p-ISSN) 2614-722X (e-ISSN)

Dewi, Yulyana Kusuma and Sitorus, Rico Januar and Hasyim, Hamzah (2009) FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KELELAHAN MATA PADA OPERATOR KOMPUTER DI KANTOR SAMSAT PALEMBANG TAHUN 2009. Jurnal Publikasi Ilmiah Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sriwijaya.

Diansah, Defri Okta and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Alian, Alian (2022) Eksistensi Pondok Pesantren Ditengah Arus Modernisasi (Studi Pada Pondok Pesantren Muqimus Sunnah Di Kecamatan Ilir Barat II Kota Palembang)(Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Diansah, Defri Okta and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Alian, Alian (2022) Eksistensi Pondok Pesantren Ditengah Arus Modernisasi (Studi Pada Pondok Pesantren Muqimus Sunnah Di Kecamatan Ilir Barat Ii Kota Palembang) (Corresponding Author). Fakultas Tarbiyah IAI Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi. (Submitted)

Dwijayanti, Suci (2021) Corespondence author of Position Control System of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle using PID Controller. IEEE.


Dwijayanti, Suci (2021) Corresponding author: Case study: Security system for solar panel theft based on system integration of GPS tracking and face recognition using deep learning. The Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Dwijayanti, Suci (2021) Corresponding author: Desain dan Implementasi Mesin Pembersih dan Pemotong Ikan Otomatis Berbasis Arduino. Universitas Bangka Belitung.

Dwijayanti, Suci (2022) Corresponding author: Design of Real-Time Face Recognition and Emotion Recognition on Humanoid Robot Using Deep Learning. Universitas Bangka Belitung.

Dwijayanti, Suci (2022) Corresponding author: Electro-adsorption as a Hybrid Processing to Removed Oil from Synthetic Oily Solution by Using Activated Carbon and Iron Electrodes. Research Center of Inorganic Materials and Coordination Complexes, FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Dwijayanti, Suci (2023) Corresponding author: Pengaruh tegangan pada pengolahan oily wastewater dengan metode electro-adsorption menggunakan adsorben karbon aktif dan elektroda aluminium. Jurusan Teknik Kimia Unsri.

Dwijayanti, Suci (2021) Corresponding author: Pengenalan Dialek Di Sumatera Selatan Menggunakan Algoritma Deep Neural Network. Fakultas Teknik Unsri.

Dwijayanti, Suci (2022) Corresponding author: Position Control System On Autonomous Vehicle Movement Using Fuzzy Logic Methods. IEEE.


Dwijayanti, Suci (2022) Corresponding author: Smart manufacturing workplace safety with virtual training, AR and haptic technologies. The Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Dwijayanti, Suci (2021) Corresponding author: The Design of Real-Time Location Detection Application on Android for Trans Musi to Help the Use of Trans Musi Bus in Palembang City. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.

Dwijayanti, Suci and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2021) Corresponding author : Pemanfaatan Logika Fuzzy sebagai Pengendali Steering pada Hardware In the Loop Mobil Listrik Otomatis. Universitas Bangka Belitung.

Dwijayanti, Suci and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2022) Corresponding author : Real-Time Implementation of Face Recognition and Emotion Recognition in a Humanoid Robot Using a Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE.

Dwijayanti, Suci and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2019) Corresponding author : Security System Using A Robot Based On Speech Recognition. STMIK AKAKOM Yogyakarta- IEEE, Yogyakarta.

Dwijayanti, Suci and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2022) Corresponding author : Speaker Identification Using a Convolutional Neural Network. Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII).

Dwijayanti, Suci and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2021) Corresponding author : Speech-to-Text Conversion in Indonesian Language Using a Deep Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Algorithm. The Science and Information Organization.

Dwijayanti, Suci and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2020) Facial Expression Recognition and Face Recognition Using a Convolutional Neural Network. STMIK AKAKOM Yogyakarta- IEEE, Yogyakarta.

Dwijayanti, Suci and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2021) Indonesia Sign Language Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network. The Science and Information Organization.

Dwirini, Dwirini and Roostartina, Eka and Gozali, Efva Octavina Donata (2019) Pelatihan Mengenai Pengembangan Produk Pada Usaha Mikro (UM) Kue Semprong di Desa Meranjat Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. PROSIDING HASIL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT SEMIRATA FEB BKS - PTN BARAT 2019. pp. 103-112. ISSN 978-979-587-8209

dewi, anggi purnama sari and Iqbal, Maulid Muhammad and Sutejo, Yulindasari and Dewi, Ratna and Adhitya, Bimo Brata (2022) Korespondensi IJSTR Jurnal Internasional 5: Factors Causing Landslides on Highways in Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra Province. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.


Edianta, Jaya and Cakra Satya, Octavianus and Saleh, Khairul and Virgo, Frinsyah and Monado, Fiber and Royani, Idha (2023) Corespondence author of REVIEW OF ION IMPRINTED POLYMERS NANOFIBER WITH TECHNOLOGY ELECTROSPINNING: AN ADVANCED MATERIALS FOR REMOVAL OF HEAVY METAL IONS. Drupal. org.

Elake, Alexander Yosep and Virgo, Frinsyah and Nanlohy, Pieldrie (2021) Corespondence author of Self Potential (SP) Measurement in Whe Geothermal Field of Penantian and Airkelinsar Village, Pasemah Airkeruh District, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra Province. AIP Publishing.


Ermatita, Ermatita (2024) Bukti Korespondensi Artikel: Analyzing Factors Contributing to Research Performance. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Ermatita, Ermatita (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 using Multimodal Fusion Neural Networks. TEM Journal.

Ermatita, Ermatita (2024) Korespondensi A Novel Approach Tokenization Framework based on Sentence Structure in Indonesian Language. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Ermatita, Ermatita (2024) Korespondensi An approach for sales forecasting. Elsevier.

Ermatita, Ermatita (2024) Korespondensi Effect of Random Splitting and Cross Validation for Indonesian Opinion Mining using Machine Learning Approach. Thesai.

Ermatita, Ermatita (2024) Korespondensi Fine-tuning transfer learning model in woven fabric pattern classification. ICIC International.

Ermatita, Ermatita (2024) Korespondensi Hyperparameter Optimization of Support Vector Regression Algorithm using Metaheuristic Algorithm for Student Performance Prediction. Thesai.

Ermatita, Ermatita (2024) Korespondensi Proposed threshold-based and rule-based approaches to detecting duplicates in bibliographic database. Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).

Ermatita, Ermatita (2024) Korespondensi SECI Model Design with a Combination of Data Mining and Data Science in Transfer of Knowledge of College Graduates’ Competencies. Thesai.

Ermatita, Ermatita (2024) Korespondensi The Preliminary Results of the Kms Model with Additional Elements of Gamification to Optimize Research Output in a Higher Education Institution. BEIESP.

Ermatita, Ermatita (2024) Korspondensi Determining Appropriate Classification Method Based on Influential Factors for Predicting. Telkom University.

Ermayanti, Ermayanti and Anwar, Yenny and Santri, Didi Jaya (2021) Corresponden Author Artikel: Analysis of students’ creative thinking skills on Plant Microtechnique laboratory practices. Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Unsri.

Ermayanti, Ermayanti and Anwar, Yenny and zein, Djunaidah (2018) Corresponden Author artikel: Analyzing Scientific Reasoning Skills of Biology Prospective Teachers. Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Unsri.

Ermayanti, Ermayanti and Rustaman, Nuryani Y and Rahmat, Adi (2016) Corresponden Author Artikel: Improving Preservice Biology Teachers' Spatial Thinking in Plant Anatomy Course Through Framing. Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Unsri.

Ermayanti, Ermayanti and Santri, Didi Jaya and Dewi, Safira Permata and Riyanto, Riyanto (2020) Corresponden Author artikel: Effectiveness of Practicum-Based Project in Enhancing Students’ Learning Outcomes in Plant MicroTechnique Courses. Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Unsri.

Ermayanti, Ermayanti and Susanti, Rahmi and Anwar, Yenny (2018) Corresponden Author artikel:Profile of biology prospective teachers’ representation on plant anatomy learning. Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Unsri.


Erna, Riani (2023) Corespondence author of_Anti-receptor advanced glycation end products decreases inflammatory pathways in retinopathy diabetics: In vivo study. Anti-receptor advanced glycation end products decreases inflammatory pathways in retinopathy diabetics: In vivo study. (Unpublished)

Erna, Riani (2020) Corespondency Author of Anti-receptor advanced glycation end products decreases inflammatory pathways in retinopathy diabetics: In vivo study. Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Ss Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje. (Unpublished)

Erna, Riani (2022) Corespondency Author of Clinical Characteristics of Post-surgical Ptosis Patients at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang. Sriwijaya Journal Of Ophthalmology. (Unpublished)

Erna, Riani (2020) Corespondency Author of Skrining retinopati hipertensi di layanan kesehatan primer di Palembang. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Humanity and Medicine. (Unpublished)


Erna, Riani (2023) Correspondance author of Effects Of Sodium Hyaluronate Compared with Steroid Eye Drop Against The Degree Of Canalicular Stenosis In Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Docetaxel. IOP. (Submitted)

Erna, Riani (2023) Korespondesi_Perbandingan Ekspresi Protein P53 Mutan Pada Kelompok Corespodensy of Pterygium Dengan Dan Tanpa Injeksi Triamcinolone Acetonited. JISM. (Unpublished)

Ernie, Hendrawaty and Widiyanti, Marlina and Sadalia, Isfenti (2020) C.E.O FINANCIAL LITERACY AND CORPORATE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE IN INDONESIA MEDIATING ROLE OF SOURCES OF INVESTMENT DECISIONS. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 9 (10). pp. 118-133. ISSN 2029-7025

Erwin, Erwin (2021) Bukti Koresponden Erwin R-Peak Detection of Beat Segmentation and Convolution Neural Network for Arrhythmia Classification. Erwin. (Unpublished)

Erwin, Erwin (2022) Bukti Koresponden IJIG-Erwin-Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction using A New Enhancement Technique of Modified Convolution Filter and Sauvola Thresholding. IJIG. (Unpublished)


Erwin, Erwin (2022) Bukti Koresponden-A Hybrid CLAHE-GAMMA Adjustment and Densely Connected U-NET for Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation using Augmentation Data. International Association of Engineers. (Unpublished)

Erwin, Erwin (2022) Bukti Koresponden-BME-Erwin-A Robust Techniques of Enhancement and Segmentation Blood Vessels in Retinal Image using Deep Learning. BME. (Unpublished)

Erwin, Erwin (2021) Bukti Koresponden-IJCS. Erwin. (Unpublished)

Erwin, Erwin (2020) Thank you for completing the Review | BMS-CSENG-2020-HT41-807-11. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Erwin, Erwin (2019) Thank you for submitting your review of Sensors-30179-2019. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Eryansyah, Eryansyah (2024) Bukti Korespondensi_Multimodal Content Analysis ff 21st Century Skills in an English Textbook. Universitas Kuningan.

Eryansyah, Eryansyah (2024) Correspondance of Exploring the impacts of social media On EFL communication: Lecturers and students’ perspectives. Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia.

Eryansyah, Eryansyah (2024) Correspondance of Impact of Micro Teaching Program on English Education Fresh Graduates’ Teaching Skills. Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya.

Eryansyah, Eryansyah (2024) Theme-based Instruction and Factors Affecting Non-English Major Students' Motivation and Engagement in EFL Teaching and Learning Activities. Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan, 16 (4). pp. 4762-4778. ISSN : 2597-940X,

Eryansyah, Eryansyah and Amrullah, Amrullah and Nurfadila, Sari (2024) Bukti Korespondensi_English Teaching Practices at Local Primary Schools: Teachers’ Problems and Solutions. Universitas Jambi.

Eryansyah, Eryansyah and Erlina, Erlina (2023) Korespondensi_EFL Teachers’ Perception of ICT Integration in EFL Teaching and the Current Practice of ICT in EFL Teaching. Language Institute, Thammasat University, Thailland.

Eryansyah, Eryansyah and Rita Inderawati, Inderawati and Ummy, Wahyuni (2022) Korespondensi_Android-based Palembang Local Culture Procedure Text for Vocational High School: A Students’ Needs Analysis. LP2M STAI Hubbulwathan Duri.

Eryansyah, Eryansyah and Silvhiany, Sary and Yenny, Anggraini (2022) Korespondensi_The factors of students’ investment in learning English during online learning at one of SMPN in Musi Rawas. Universitas Kuningan.

Eryansyah, Eryansyah and Sitinjak, Margaretha Dinar and Rahayu, Aprilia Sari (2022) Korespondensi_Four Strategies in teaching speaking during covid-19 pandemic at SMAN 04 Palembang. Universitas Kuningan.

Eryansyah, Eryansyah and Sitinjak, Margaretha Dinar and Rahayu, Aprilia Sari (2022) Korespondensi_The Correlation between Students’ Learning Styles and the Eleventh Grade Students’ Speaking Ability at SMA N 4 Palembang. ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education, 10 (2). pp. 579-586. ISSN p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643

Eryansyah, Eryansyah and Sitinjak, Margaretha Dinar and Triani, Silvia Indri (2022) Korespondensi_Developing Palembang Local-Culture Narrative Reading Materials for the Eleventh Graders of SMA Srijaya Negara Palembang. LP2M STAI Hubbulwathan Duri.

Eryansyah, Eryansyah Correlation between Self-esteem and Reading Comprehension of Students at SMA Negeri 5 Palembang (Correspondence Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Eryansyah, Eryansyah (2022) Developing Sekayu Local Culture-Based Descriptive Texts (Correspondence Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Eryansyah, Eryansyah (2022) EFL Students’ Digital Literacy: Barriers to Development and Effective Web Application Programs (Correspondence Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Eryansyah, Eryansyah (2022) Travel Agent Students' English Reading Materials: Students' Perspective (Correspondence Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Eryansyah, Eryansyah and Erlina, Erlina and Fiftinova, Fiftinova (2018) EFL Students' Needs of Digital Literacy to Meet the Demands of 21stCentury Skills. IRJE (Indonesian Research Journal in Education), 3 (2). pp. 442-460. ISSN 2580-5711

Evy Ratna Kartika Waty, Waty (2023) Corespondence author of Examining the Psychological Factors Impacting Teachers' Constraints in Creating and Administering Final Examinations. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities 6(7s):530-540. (Unpublished)

eriyanto, Eriyanto and Mardalena, Mardalena (2021) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Usaha Mikro di Kota Palembang ( Bukti Korespondensi ). CONVERGENCE : The Journal Of Economic Development. (Unpublished)

ermatita, ermatita (2022) Bukti koresponden paper dengan judul :Effect of Random Splitting and Cross Validation for Indonesian Opinion Mining using Machine Learning Approach. Science and Information Organization. (Unpublished)

ermatita, ermatita (2023) Bukti koresponden penulis artikel berjudul:A Novel Approach: Tokenization Framework based on Sentence Structure in Indonesian Language. Science and Information Organization. (Unpublished)

ermatita, ermatita (2024) Bukti korespondensi artikel berjudul: Sentiment Analysis of Covid-19 using Multimodal Fusion Neural Networks. UIKTEN.

ermatita, ermatita (2023) Bukti korespondensi artikel berjudul:Fine-Tuning Transfer Learning Model In Woven Fabric Pattern Classification. yushu Tokai University. (Unpublished)

ermatita, ermatita (2024) Korespondensi Analyzing Factors Contributing to Research Performance using Backpropagation Neural Network and Support Vector Machine. KSII.

ermatita, ermatita (2024) Korespondensi Palembang songket fabric motif image detection with data augmentation based on ResNet using dropout. Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).

ermatita, ermatita (2024) Similarity dan Korespondensi Improving Student’s Cognitive Performance during the Pandemic through a Machine Learning-Based Virtual Museum. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

ermatita, ermatita (2024) Similarity dan Korespondensi Influence of Membership Function and Degree on Sorghum Growth Prediction Models in Machine Learning. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

ermatita, ermatita (2024) Similarity dan Korespondensi New AHP Improvement using COMET Method Characteristic to Eliminate Rank Reversal Phenomenon. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)


FAUZI, RAHMAT and Aisyah, Nyimas and Susanti, Ely and Kurniadi, Elika (2021) Mathematical Modelling Based Learning Design on Relation and Function for Junior High School Students. Atlantis Press. ISSN 2352-5398

Fachrurrozi, Muhammad (2020) Bukti Korespondensi: Face detection using the viola jones method with segmentation of skin color on face images. Email Unsri. (Unpublished)

Fachrurrozi, Muhammad (2018) Bukti Korespondensi: Real-time Multi-object Face Recognition Using Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). Email Unsri. (Unpublished)

Fachrurrozi, Muhammad (2018) Bukti Korespondensi: Tongue Image Segmentation using Hybrid Multilevel Otsu Thresholding and Harmony Search Algorithm. Email Unsri. (Unpublished)

Fachrurrozi, Muhammad (2017) Hasil Korespondensi: Real Time Monitoring System of Pollution Waste on Musi River Using Support Vector Machine. Email Unsri. (Unpublished)

Faizal, Muhammad (2022) Corresponding_Utilization Biomass and Coal Mixture to Produce Alternative Solid Fuel for Reducing Emission of Green House Gas. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Faizal, Muhammad and Aprianti, Nabila and Said, Muhammad and Nasir, Subriyer (2022) Corresponding_SYNGAS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC GASIFICATION OF FINE COAL WASTE USING INDONESIAN POTENTIAL CATALYST. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Faizal, Muhammad and Said, Muhammad and Nurisman, Enggal and Aprianti, Nabila (2019) Corresponding Author Purification of Synthetic Gas from Fine Coal Waste Gasification as a Clean Fuel. Journal of Ecological Engineering. (Unpublished)






Fajar, Nur Alam and Hasyim, Hamzah and Ainy, Asmaripa (2010) PENGARUH METODE PEMICUAN TERHADAP PERUBAHAN PERILAKU STOP BABS DIDESA SENURO TIMUR KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil-Hasil Penelitian dan Pengkajian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, Palembang. ISBN 978-602-98295-0-1

Fajar, Nur Alam and Hasyim, Hamzah and Ainy, Asmaripa (2010) PENGARUH METODE PEMICUAN TERHADAP PERUBAHAN PERILAKU STOP BABS DIDESA SENURO TIMUR KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil-Hasil Penelitian dan Pengkajian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, Palembang. ISBN 978-602-98295-0-1, 13-14 Desember 2010, Palembang.

Fajri, Hanafziah Miftahul and Inderawati, Rita and Mirizon, Soni (2015) THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PEER EDITING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' WRITING ACHIEVEMENT. JELE: The Journal of English Literacy Education, 2 (2). pp. 48-57. ISSN 2355-7486

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2019) Corespndence Author of CFD SIMULATION COLD FLOW INSIDE BOILER THE EFFECT OF BOILER HEIGHT ON TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION. Fast Track Publications. (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2019) Corespondence Author of A Short Review and Development of Rope Brake Dynamometer for Measurement of Brake Power on Small Scale Engine. CODEN: JERDFO. (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2019) Corespondence Author of APPLICATION OF PRODUCER GAS FROM SOUTH SUMATERA, INDONESIA,LOW RANK COAL GASIFICATION ON SPARK IGNITION ENGINE OR GASOLINE. Transstellar Journal Publications and Research Consultancy Private Limited (TJPRC). (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2020) Corespondence Author of An Experimental on Small Scale Gasoline Engine Performance. Horizon Research Publishing. (Submitted)


Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2023) Corespondence Author of CFD Simulation of Low Pressure Motive Fluid of Air-Air Ejector. PEARL MEDIA PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD. (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2019) Corespondence Author of CFD simulation 3D premixed combustion of methane influence of the excess air. Science Publishing Corporation Inc. (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2021) Corespondence Author of CYCLE-TEMPO SIMULATION OF ULTRA-MICRO GAS TURBINE FUELED BY PRODUCER GAS RESULTING FROM LEAF WASTE GASIFICATION. A. Pidhornyi Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems National Academy of Science of Ukraine. (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2016) Corespondence Author of Combustion of producer gas from gasification of south Sumatera lignite coal using CFD simulation. SICEST Fakultas Teknik Unsri. (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2017) Corespondence Author of Design, Construction and Experiment on Imbert Downdraft Gasifier Using South Sumatera Biomass and Low Rank Coal as Fuel. : [Ghaziabad] : International journal of engineering research and applications,. (Submitted)


Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2023) Corespondence Author of Integrated Coal Gasification Steam Power Plant Simulation Using Cycle Tempo. IJSRP Inc. (Submitted)


Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2022) Corespondence Author of PREDICTION OF PRODUCER GAS COMPOSITION FROM COAL GASIFICATION USING CYCLE TEMPO. International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET). (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2018) Corespondence Author of Preliminary study on single stage micro gas turbine integrated with South Sumatera Indonesia low rank coal gasification. EM International. (Submitted)


Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2015) Corespondence Author of STUDI AWAL GASIFIKASI SERBUK KAYU PADA OPEN TOP STRATIFIED DOWNDRAFT GASIFIER. Panitia SNTTM 14. (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2023) Corespondence Author of Simulation Integrated Low Rank Coal Gasification SOFC Fuel Cell Using Cycle Tempo Energetic Analysis. Semarak Ilmu. (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2019) Corespondence Author of Simulation of 25 MWe Steam Power Plants Using Gate Cycle. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2021) Corespondence Author of Steam Power Plant Simulation Using Cycle Tempo Investigation of Generator Power. Quest Journals. (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2015) Corespondence Author of Thermodynamic Model for Updraft Gasifier with External Recirculation of Pyrolysis Gas. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2022) Corespondence Author of Thermodynamic Simulation of Producer Gas Combustion from Biomass Gasification. European Alliance for Innovation. (Submitted)

Fajri Vidian, Fajri (2019) Corespondence Author of experimental operation of diesel and gasoline engine in dual fuel mode using producer gas from wood charcoal gasification. IAEME Publication. (Submitted)

Fama, Gala Tea and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Adhitya, Rol Asmi (2022) PENGEMBANGAN VIDEO PEMBELAJARAN MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE WONDERSHARE FILMORA PADA MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH (Cooresponding Author). Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah. (Unpublished)

Fanani, Zainal (2021) Comparison of Cr/C and Cr2O3/Z Catalysts on Hydrocracking of Bio-Oil from Pyrolysis of Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (corespondence author of Zainal Fanani). Universitas Jendral Soedirman. (Unpublished)

Farhan, Muhammad and Kusumawardani, Media and Mukhlis, Mukhlis and Soediro, Achmad and Adhitama, Fardinant and Saputra, Anton Sufi (2019) Public Sector Financial Prototype without Riba based on Masjid Funds (Exploratory Study of Masjid Jogokariyan Yogyakarta). In: Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference 4th 2018, 8-9 November 2018, Palembang.

Fathoni, Fathoni (2022) Corespondence author of_Extraction Of Event Sentence Information In The Covid-19 Distribution Location Detection System Based On The Indonesian Language Corpus.

Fathoni, Fathoni (2016) Corespondence author of_Implementasi Electronic Supply Chain Management (E-Scm) Untuk Menentukan Jumlah Distribusi Semen Pt. Xyz. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Fathoni, Fathoni (2023) Corespondence author of_Multilabel sentiment analysis for classification of the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia using machine learning. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Fathoni, Fathoni (2016) Corespondence author of_Perancangan Manajemen Pengetahuan Teknik Pemasangan Tiang Listrik Tegangan Menengah Menggunakan Metode Case Based Reasoning. Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana.

Fathoni, Fathoni (2019) Corespondence author of_Security Audit On Loan Debit Network Corporation System Using Cobit 5And Iso 27001: 2013. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Fathoni, Fathoni (2018) Korespondensi_Security Audit On Loan Debit Network Corporation System Using Cobit 5And Iso 27001: 2013. IOP Publishing.

Fathurohman, Apit (2022) Correpondence of The Effectiveness of MPI BeWe to Improve the Learning Quality of Prospective Elementary School Teachers in the Elementary Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) FKIP Unsri. Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI.

Fathurohman, Apit (2022) Correspondence of Developing Mobile Learning of Physics (MOBLEP) with android-based problem-based learning approach to Improve Students’ Independence of Learning. Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang.

Fathurohman, Apit (2023) Correspondence of Effectiveness of Using the Mobile Learning App for STEM-Based High School Physics Materials as Indonesian Student Learning Resources on Learning Outcomes. Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram.

Fathurohman, Apit (2020) Corresponding Author of Physics module based on STEM problem based learning on newton’s motion law material for senior high school. In: the 2nd Annual Conference of Science and Technology (Ancoset) 2020, 28 November 2020, Malang.


Fatma, Fatma (2021) Corespondence author of _ Effect of silica addition on mechanical properties of eggshell-based hydroxyapatite. Universitas Syiah Kuala.

Fatma, Fatma (2019) Correspondence author of Synthesis of chitosan/alumina composite by sol gel method for adsorption of procion blue MX-R dye from wastewater songket industry. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. (Unpublished)

Fatmalina, Febry (2021) Korespondensi Balanced Nutrition and Nutrition Status of Schoolchildren in Rural Areas of Ogan Komering Ilir District South Sumatra Indonesia. JIKM FKM unsri. (Submitted)

Fatmalina, Febry (2020) Korespondensi Food Familiarity Influence Food Preferences Among High School Student in Ogan Ilir District. JIKM FKM unsri. (Submitted)

Fatmalina, Febry (2019) Korespondensi Relationship of Parenting Styles and the Incident of Overweight Among Pre-School Children Aged 3-5 Years in the Work Area of Puskesmas Kalidoni Palembang. JIKM FKM unsri. (Submitted)

Fatmalina, Febry and Asmaripa, Ainy and sabri, sudirman (2022) Korespondensi Identification of Food Diversity Factors to Overcome Stunting in Toddlers on the Musi River Suburbs, Palembang South Sumatra, Indonesia. JIKM FKM unsri. (Submitted)

Fatmalina, Febry and Fenny, Etrawati and Ditia Fitri Arinda, Ditia (2019) Korespondensi The Determinant of Chronic Energy Deficiency Incidence in Adolescent Girls in Ogan Komering, Ilir Regency. Atlantis press. (Submitted)

Fauzaania, Aannisah and Hasyim, Hamzah and Wulandari, Atik and Sumarni, Deasy and Fitrianto, Aidil and Anggriani, Bayu and Meliyani, Ani and Taher, Ahmad The Main Cause Of HIV/AIDS Infection Disease. Jurnal Kesehatan, 12 (2). pp. 656-670. ISSN 2657-1366

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and A. E. PUTRI, WIKE and I. S. PURWIYANTO, ANNA and AGUSTRIANI, FITRI and Z. MUSTOPA, APON and FATIMAH, FATIMAH (2022) Corresponding Author_The morphometric variability of the mangrove horseshoe crab (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda) from Banyuasin estuarine of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Ecologica Montenegrina. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and AYU EKA PUTRI, WIKE and ARIANTI, DESI and AGUSTRIANI, FITRI and ROZIRWAN, ROZIRWAN and NURJULIASTI NINGSIH, ELLIS and IDA SUNARYO PURWIYANTO, ANNA Discarded Species in Artisanal Fisheries South Sumatra, Indonesia: Case Study on Crab Gill Nets (Corresponding Author). Sains Malaysiana.

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Agustriani, F and I S Purwiyanto, A and A E Putri, W and Suteja, Y (2022) Corresponding Author_Influence of environmental parameters on the shrimp catch in Banyuasin Coastal Water, South Sumatra Indonesia. IOP Publishing Ltd. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Agustriani, Fitri and Melda Situmorang, Desi and Suteja, Yuliyanto (2022) Corresponding Author_Fishing seasons of fish landed at Sungailiat Archipelago Fishing Port in Bangka Regency. E3S Web of Conferences. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Agustriani, Fitri and Rozirwan, Rozirwan and Z. Mustopa, Apon and C. Gozali, Irianes and Iqbal, Muhammad and N. Ningsih, Ellis (2022) Corresponding Author_Historical and new records of the Irrawaddy Dolphins, Orcaella brevirostris (Owen in Gray, 1866) (Cetacea, Delphinidae) from the east coast of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Centro de Referencia em Informacao Ambiental. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Agustriani, Fitri and Satria, Bakti and Putra, Apriansyah and Nailis, Welly (2022) Corresponding Author_Penilaian jenis multigear pada usaha perikanan tangkap skala kecil di Perairan Sungsang Kab Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan. DEPARTEMEN PEMANFAATAN SUMBER DAYA PERIKANAN, FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTAN, INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Ayu Eka Putri, Wike and Ida Sunaryo Purwiyanto, Anna and Agustriani, Fitri and Ermatita, Ermatita and Putra, Apriansyah (2022) Corresponding Author_The stock status of the pelagic fishes in Banyuasin coastal waters, Indonesia. BdFISH. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Hadi, Hadi and Saleh, Khairul and Supriyadi, Freddy (2022) Corresponding Author_Distribusi Ukuran Ikan Teri (Stolephorus sp) yang ditangkap pada perikanan bagan tancap di muara sungsang sumatera selatan. DEPARTEMEN PEMANFAATAN SUMBER DAYA PERIKANAN, FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTAN, INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and I S Purwiyanto, A and Agustriani, F and A E Putri, W and Ermatita, Ermatita and Putra, A (2022) Corresponding Author_Detection of bottom substrate type using single-beam echo sounder backscatter: a case study in the east coastal of Banyuasin. IOP Publishing Ltd. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and I S Purwiyanto, A and Agustriani, F and A E Putri, W and Ermatita, Ermatita and Putra, A (2022) Corresponding Author_Determining the stock status of snapper (Lutjanus sp.) using surplus production model: a case study in Banyuasin coastal waters, South Sumatra, Indonesia. IOP Publishing Ltd. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and I S Purwiyanto, A and Agustriani, F and A E Putri, W and Liyani, M and Aryawati, R and N Ningsih, E and Suteja, Y (2022) Corresponding Author_Detection of bottom substrate type using single-beam echo sounder backscatter: a case study in the east coastal of Banyuasin. IOP Publishing Ltd. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and I. S. PURWIYANTO, ANNA and A. E. PUTRI, WIKE and AGUSTRIANI, FITRI and Z. MUSTOPA, APON and FATIMAH, FATIMAH (2022) Corresponding Author_The first investigation record of threatened horseshoe crabs in the Banyuasin estuarine, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Ecologica Montenegrina. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and I.S. Purwiyanto, Anna and Agustriani, Fitri and A.E. Putri, Wike (2022) Corresponding Author_Growth aspect of squid (Loligo chinensis) from the Banyuasin Coastal Waters, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Center for Biodiversity of Montenegro. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and M. Aprilita, Assyifa and A.E. Putri, Wike and N. Ningsih, Ellis and I.S. Purwiyanto, Anna and Agustriani, Fitri (2022) Corresponding Author_Using the hydroacoustic and mini trawl data for estimating fish density in the eastern part of Banyuasin Coastal Waters, South Sumatra of Indonesia. BdFISH. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Nurhayati, Nurhayati and M Bernas, S and Putera, A and Suteja, Y and Agustiani, F (2022) Corresponding Author_Biodiversity of fish resources in Sungsang Estuaries of South Sumatra. IOP Publishing Ltd. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Priatna, A and F Prakoso, W and Hidayat, T and Surbakti, H and Nurjuliasti, E (2022) Corresponding Author_Measurement and analysis of acoustic backscattering strength for characteristics of seafloor sediment in Indian Ocean WPP 572-573. IOP Publishing Ltd. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Z. MUSTOPA, APON and FATIMAH, FATIMAH and I.S. PURWIYANTO, ANNA and ROZIRWAN, ROZIRWAN and AGUSTRIANI, FITRI and A. E. PUTRI, WIKE (2022) Corresponding Author_Distribution pattern of potential fishing zones in the Bangka Strait waters: An application of the remote sensing technique. Biology department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. (Unpublished)

Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Z. MUSTOPA, APON and FATIMAH, FATIMAH and I.S. PURWIYANTO, ANNA and ROZIRWAN, ROZIRWAN and AGUSTRIANI, FITRI and A. E. PUTRI, WIKE (2022) Corresponding Author_Morphometric variation of the horseshoe crab Tachypleus gigas (Xiphosura: Limulidae) from the Banyuasin estuarine of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Biology department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. (Unpublished)

Febrian, Febrian (2022) Bukti Koresponden-The Standing of the Regional People's Representative Council Secretariat in Indonesia. Gmail. (Unpublished)

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Firdaus, Mgs Afriyan (2022) Bukti Korespondensi: Gamification using Octalysis Framework in Knowledge Management System for Vocational High Schools during the Covid-19 Pandemic. ICIC 2022.

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Firdaus, Mgs Afriyan (2014) Korespondensi: Detecting Major Disease in Public Hospital Using Ensemble Techniques. ISTMET 2014.

Firdaus, Mgs Afriyan (2021) Korespondensi: Implementation of Knowledge Management to Support the Knowledge Sharing for Rural Community Empowerment Programs during the Covid-19 Pandemic. UniSZA Press.

Firdaus, Mgs Afriyan (2019) Korespondensi: Penyelesaian Masalah Pengelolaan Lumbung Pangan Desa Menggunakan Case-Based Reasoning dengan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor. JSI : Jurnal Sistem Informasi (E-Journal).

Firdaus, Mgs Afriyan (2019) Korespondensi: Requirement Engineering for Traffic Information Application Using GPS Based on Motivations to Contribute. ICECOS 2019.

Firdaus, Mgs. Afriyan (2022) Korespondensi: Gamification using Octalysis Framework in Knowledge Management System for Vocational High Schools during the Covid-19 Pandemic. ICIC 2022.

Fitriani, Heni (2022) Analisa Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu Berbasis ISO 9001:2005 pada Perusahaan PT. Waskita Karya (Correspondence Email). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2021) Analisis Persepsi Perusahaan Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) terhadap Adopsi Building Information Modeling (BIM) (Corresponding email). Correspondence. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2023) Analisis of tariff adjustment for clean water usage (Correspondence Email). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2022) Analysis of the Underlying Causes of Waste Generation in Indonesia’s Construction Industry (Corresponding email). Sustainability. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2022) Barriers to Sustainable Practices in the Indonesian Construction Industry (Corresponding email). Journal of Environmental Planning and Management). (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2022) Barriers to sustainable practices in the Indonesian construction industry. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. ISSN 1360-0559


Fitriani, Heni (2023) Determination of Prioritization for Maintenance of the Upper Structure of Truss Bridge (Correspondence Email). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2023) Economic Analysis of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (Correspondence Email). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2021) Energy Analysis of the Educational Building in Palembang Indonesia (Corresponding email). Horizon Research Publishing, USA. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2019) Implementing BIM in Architecture, Engineering and Construction Companies – Potential Benefits and Barriers (Corresponding email). International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2022) Investigation of Energy Saving Using Building Information Modeling for Building Energy Performance in Office Building (Corresponding email). Horizon Research Publishing, USA. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2022) Investigation of requisite measures for enhancing sustainable construction practices in Indonesia (Corresponding email). Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. (Unpublished)

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Fitriani, Heni (2022) Just-in-Time Application on Readymix Concrete Production (Corresponding email). IJATEE Journal. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2021) Kajian Persepsi dan Hambatan Konsultan Perencana Dalam Mengadopsi Konsep Bangunan Ramah Lingkungan (Corresponding email). Correspondence. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2023) Kegiatan Tambahan_Mendapatkan Hibah Penelitian Kompetitif (sebagai ketua)_Penelitian Kerjasama Luar Negeri (Newton Fund). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2021) Kesiapan Adopsi Building Information Modeling (BIM) pada Konsultan Perencana di Kota Palembang (Corresponding email). Correspondence. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2023) Klarifikasi Journal of Environmental Planning and Management_published 19 June 2023. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2023) Klarifikasi Jurnal_Analysis of the underlying causes of waste generation in Indonesia’s construction industry. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2023) Klarifikasi Jurnal_Preparing Indonesian Civil Engineering Graduates for the world of work. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2023) Laporan Penelitian_Mendapatkan Hibah Penelitian Kompetitif (sebagai Ketua)_Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi. Project Report. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Universitas Sriwijaya, Inderalaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2022) Optimizing Compressive Strength Properties of Binary Blended Cement Rice Husk Concrete for Road Pavement (Corresponding email). Correspondence. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2018) Penelitian Kerjasama Luar Negeri (KLN) Tahun 2018 dengan judul "Development of high performance Concrete using agricultural waste from rice harvestation". Kerjasama dengan Dr. Ash Ahmed dari Leeds Beckett University dan anggota Gunawan Tanzil, Yakni Idris (Tahap 1) (Laporan Penelitian). Project Report. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2019) Penelitian Kerjasama Luar Negeri (KLN) Tahun 2019 dengan judul "Development of high performance Concrete using agricultural waste from rice harvestation". Kerjasama dengan Dr. Ash Ahmed dari Leeds Beckett University dan anggota Gunawan Tanzil, Yakni Idris (Tahap 2) (Laporan Penelitian). Project Report. LPPM Unsri, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2022) Pengaruh Kebijakan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Hutama Karya (Correspondence Email). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2021) Preparing Indonesian civil engineering graduates for the world of work (Corresponding email). SAGE and Industry and Higher Education.. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2021) Students Perception towards Green Building Practices (Corresponding email). Correspondence. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2021) Students' Perception towards Green Building Practices. Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability, 5 (3). pp. 88-94. ISSN 2598-6279

Fitriani, Heni (2023) Variability and Uncertainty in Characterizing Emission Rates of Heavy-Duty Diesel Construction Equipment (Correspondence Email). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2022) Waste Analysis of Ready Mix Concrete Production. Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 7 (6). pp. 17-22. ISSN 2321-8193

Fitriani, Heni (2018) "Penelitian Kompetitif Tahun 2018 dengan judul ""Kajian Implementasi Building Information Modeling (BIM) untuk Evaluasi Biaya dan Jadwal Proyek Konstruksi Gedung di Kota Palembang"" dengan anggota Gunawan Tanzil, Yakni Idris" (Laporan Penelitian). Project Report. LPPM Unsri, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fitriani, Heni (2021) Understanding Civil Engineering and Architectural Engineering Students’ Perceptions about BIM Practices (Corresponding email). Correspondence. (Unpublished)

Flora, Rostika (2023) Bukti Corresponding Author Artikel Kadar Zat Besi Serum dan Hemoglobin Pada Anak Stunting dan Tidak Stunting Di Kabupaten Seluma. Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau. (Unpublished)

Fuadah, Luk Luk Determinant Factors Effect Environmental Disclosure and Firm Value at Mining Companies (Bukti Korespondensi Prosiding Scopus New). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fuadah, Luk Luk and Mukhtaruddin, Mukhtaruddin and Andriana, Isni and Arisman, Anton (2021) The Ownership Structure, and the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Disclosure, Firm Value and Firm Performance: The Audit Committee as Moderating Variable (Bukti Review dan Korespondensi). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Fuadah, Luk Luk and Mukhtaruddin, Mukhtaruddin and Andriana, Isni and Arisman, Anton (2022) The Ownership Structure, and the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Disclosure, Firm Value and Firm Performance: The Audit Committee as Moderating Variable (Bukti Corresponding). MDPI Publisher. (Unpublished)

Fujianti, Poppy and Hasyim, Hamzah and Sunarsih, Elvi (2015) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Timbulnya Keluhan Gangguan Pernapasan Pada Pekerja Mebel Jati Berkah Kota Jambi. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat,, 6 (3). pp. 186-194. ISSN 2548-7949

firdaus, firdaus (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Paper pada Jurnal dengan judul "Neural network technique with deep structure for improving author homonym and synonym classification in digital libraries". Universitas Sriwijaya.


GULTOM, HENNY PURNAMA and Sari, Dwi Wulan and Husin, Dwi Wulan and Malini, Henny (2023) Analysis of factors that influence the food security of rubber farming households in Musi Rawas regency. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews. ISSN 2581-9615 (In Press)

Gatot, Priyanto (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Fruits Enriched by Nanoparticles as an Edible Coating. WJARR International Journal. (Submitted)

Ghiffari, Ahmad and Hasyim, Hamzah and Iskandar, Iskhaq and Kamaluddin, Muhammad Totong (2022) SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern Increased Transmission and Decrease Vaccine Efficacy in the COVID-19 Pandemic in Palembang Indonesia (Corresponding Author). Acta Biomedica. (Submitted)

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Gunawan, Gunawan (2023) Korespondensi Characterization Porous HA/SiO2 Composite Prepared Using Natural Space Holder. FT. Unsri.

Gunawan, Gunawan (2023) Korespondensi Improvement Incoloy Alloy 800 Weldability After 10 Years of. FT. Unsri.

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Hafy, Zen (2023) Corespondensi Author_Analysis of the Interferon Lambda 3 and 4 Gene Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Vaccine Response against COVID‑19. Fakultas Kedokteran Unsri.

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Hafy, Zen and Ziske, Maritska (2023) Korespondensi_Analysis of the interferon lambda 3 and 4 gene single nucleotide polymorphisms vaccine response against COVID-19. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hakim, Masagus M and Irfannuddin, Irfannuddin and Hermansyah, Hermansyah and Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2021) ENVIRONMENTAL AND HOST FACTORS OF DIARRHEA OCCURENCE IN TODDLERS OF BANYUASIN DISTRICT. EM International, ECC. (Unpublished)

Hakim, Yusuf Mathiinul and Risfidian, Mohadi and Mardiyanto, Mardiyanto and Royani, Idha (2023) Ammonium-Assisted Intercalation of Java Bentonite as Effective of Cationic Dye Removal (Correspondence author). Polish Society of Ecological Engineering (PTIE), Lublin University of Technology, POLAND., Poland.

Halimi, Entis Sutisna and Panji Negara, Zaidan and Susilawati, Susilawati and Adriansyah, Fikri and CAHYANI, ASSIFA INTAN and PANJAITAN, MEGA SARIANA and Agustina, Peni and Nuraini, Habibah (2023) Growth Yield and Segregation of several F3 Generation of Pepper Accessions Selected from the Cross of Curly and Cayenne Peppers. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal. (Unpublished)

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Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Saloma, Saloma and Idris, Yakni and Yahya, Julius (2017) The Behaviour Study of Shear Wall on Concrete Structure by Pushover Analysis (Corresponding Author). INSIGHT Publishing. (Unpublished)

Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Saloma, Saloma and Victor, Victor and Amalina, Khoirunnisa Nur (2017) The Effect of w/c Ratio on Microstructure of Self- Compacting Concrete (SCC) with Sugarcane Bagasse Ash (SCBA (Corresponding Author). American Institute of Physics (AIP). (Unpublished)

Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Saloma, Saloma and Whardani, Putri Nurul Kusuma (2017) The Behavior of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) with Bagasse Ash (Corresponding Author). American Institute of Physics (AIP). (Unpublished)

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Hanum, Herlina (2015) Correspondence author of Modeling Extreme Rainfall with Gamma Pareto Distribution. Applied Mathematical Sciences. (Unpublished)

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Harapan, Harapan and Yufika, Amanda and Anwar, Samsul and Te, Haypheng and Hasyim, Hamzah and Nusa, Roy and Dhewantara, Pandji Wibawa and Mudatsir, Mudatsir (2020) Effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation and Dipole Mode Index on Chikungunya Infection in Indonesia. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 5 (3). ISSN 2414-6366

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Harnan, Hafyrie (2023) Bukti korespondensi Epidemiologi Infers Kecacingan Pada Anak. Amerta Media.

Hartati, Hartati (2022) Basic Locomotor Learning Model: New Approach Using Small Games Competition in Elementary School (Correspondence Author). -. (Submitted)

Hartati, Hartati Improving creativity and learning motivation in basketball through a tactical approach (Correspondence Author). Cakrawala Pendidikan, Jakarta, Indonesia. (Submitted)

Hartati, Hartati and Nining, Widyah Kusnanik and Bayu, hardiyono and Yongki, yardinal (2023) Basic Locomotor Learning Model: New Approach Using Small Games Competition in Elementary School (Correspondence Author). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Hartati, Hartati (2020) Development of Physical Test Brake Speaker Speed Data Model Application in (PPLPD) (Correspondence Author). Universitas Negeri Semarang. (Unpublished)

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Hartati, Hartati and Herri Yusfi, Herri Yusfi and Destriani, Destriani (2017) Designing The Scientific Characteristics of Learning Model to Improve The Mastery of Concept on Nutrition Science II of Prospective Teachers of Physical and Health Education (Correspondensi author). IOP Publishing. (Unpublished)

Hartati, Hartati and Meirizal, Usra and Bayu, Hardiyono and Rendi, Rendi (2022) Improving creativity and learning motivation in basketball through a tactical approach (Correspondence Author). -. (Unpublished)

Hartati, Hartati and Silvi Aryanti, Silvi Aryanti and Achmad Roby Khadafi, Achmad Roby Khadafi (2020) Development Learning Model Variation Techniques of Volley Ball Services Using Visual Audio Media (Correspondence Author). Scitepress. (Unpublished)

Hartati, Hartati and Silvi Aryanti, Silvi Aryanti and Ahmad Richard Victorian, Ahmad Richard Victorian (2020) Development of Physical Test Applications Basketball Sports Model in Regional Student Education and Training Center (Correspondence Author). Atlantis Press SARL. (Unpublished)

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Hartati, Hartati and Silvi Aryanti, Silvi Aryanti and Muherman, Muherman (2020) Anthelmintic Intake on the Nutritional Status, Hemoglobin Content, and Learning Achievement of the Elementary School Student in Sukarami Palembang (Corespondensi Author). Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)

Hartati, Hartati and Silvi Aryanti, Silvi Aryanti and Pajar Al Qodar, Pajar Al Qodar (2020) DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING ATHLETIC LEARNING MODELS RELEASE DIRECTLY BASED GAMES IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (correspondence Author). Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)

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Hartono, Yusuf (2019) Corespondence Author of Aquatic in Asian Games: Context of PISA-Like Mathematics Problem. Journal on Mathematics Education.

Hartono, Yusuf (2017) Corespondence Author of Developing Open-Ended Questions for Surface Area and Volume of Beam. Journal on Mathematics Education.

Hartono, Yusuf (2022) Correspondence Author of Design Numeration Activity Assisted E-Learning Sisfo Using Covid-19 Context Relating Statistical Topic For Pre-Service Teacher. International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education.

Hartono, Yusuf (2021) Correspondence Author of_Building a Weighted Performance Indicator Concept utilized The Respondent's Opinion Approach. The 3rd ICERA 2021.

Hartono, Yusuf (2022) Correspondence Author of_Comparison of Simple Additive Weighting Method and Weighting Performance Indicator Method for Lecturer Performance Appraisal. MECS Press.

Hartono, Yusuf (2021) Correspondence Author of_Natural Extensions and Entropy of alpha-Continued Fraction Expansions with Odd Partial Quotients. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems.

Hartono, Yusuf (2021) Correspondence Author of_The Numeration with Lesson Study Assisted by E-Learning Merdeka Campus with Context Covid-19 of Primary School Teacher PGRI University Palembang. The 6th Progressive and Fun Education "The Role of Educational Researchers in Facing Global Challenges during Pandemic Covid-19".

Hartono, Yusuf (2022) Correspondence author of_Curious Mind and Early Childhood in The Learning of Introduce Early Mathematics Using Mini Games. Journal on Mathematics Education.

Hartono, Yusuf (2008) Correspondence author of_Mixing Properties of (\alpha,\beta)-expansions. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.

Hartono, Yusuf (2022) Correspondence author of_Penggunaan Flow Proof dalam Pembelajaran Geometri. AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika.

Harunurrasyid, Harunurrasyid and Mardalena, Mardalena and Imam, Asngari and Siti, Rohima and Ariodillah, Hidayat and Fera, Widyanata (2021) Kajian Pengaruh Permintaan Dan Penawaran Valuta Asing Terhadap Nilai Tukar Di Kelompok Negara Berpendapatan Rendah, Menengah Ke Bawah, Menengah Ke Atas Dan Berpendapatan Tinggi (Bukti Korespondensi). UNSRI PRESS. (Unpublished)

Hasanah, Mauizatul and Juleanti, Novie and Priambodo, Aldi and Arsyad, Fitri Suryani and Lesbani, Aldes and Mohadi, Risfidian (2022) Utilization of Rambutan Peel as a Potential Adsorbent for the Adsorption of Malachite Green, Procion Red, and Congo Red Dyes (Corespondence author). Polish Society of Ecological Engineering (PTIE), Lublin University of Technology, POLAND., Poland. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin (2023) Conversion of crude palm oil to biofuels via catalytic hydrocracking over NiN-supported natural bentonite (Corresponding Author). AIMS Press. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin (2023) Potential of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester as Diesel Blends Produced from Free Fatty Acid in Waste Cooking Oil Catalyzed by Montmorillonite-Sulfonated Carbon (Corresponding Author). Universiti Putra Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and HUSNIA, LEPA and Fanani, Zainal and Maryana, Roni and Al Muttaqii, Muhammad and Zhu, Zongyuan and Sagadevan, Suresh (2023) Catalytic dehydration of 2‑propanol over nickel phosphide immobilized on natural bentonite (Penulis Korespondensi). Springer Nature. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and ANDINI, LOLA and Riyanti, Fahma and Mara, Ady and Hadiah, Fitri and Fanani, Zainal (2022) Enhanced Isopropyl Alcohol Conversion over Acidic Nickel Phosphate-Supported Zeolite Catalysts (Corresponding Author). American Chemical Society. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and Fanani, Zainal and Adisti, Selvi Julpani and Hadiah, Fitri and Maryana, Roni and Al Muttaqii, Muhammad and Zhu, Zongyuan and Machado, Nelio Teixeira (2022) Facile Fabrication of SiO2/Zr Assisted with EDTA Complexed-Impregnation and Templated Methods for Crude Palm Oil to Biofuels Conversion via Catalytic Hydrocracking (Corresponding author). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and MEILANI, AFRIANTI and Yuliasari, Nova (2022) Kinetics Study of Free Fatty Acid Esterification from Sludge Palm Oil Using Zeolite Sulfonated Biochar from Molasses Composite Catalyst (Corresponding author). Trans Tech Publications. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and Mara, Ady and Suheryanto, Suheryanto and APRIANSYAH, APRIANSYAH (2022) Optimization of biodiesel production via esterification of sludge palm oil (SPO) over montmorillonite sulfonated carbon catalyst from glucose (Corresponding author). AIP Publishing. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and PUTRI, QODRIA UTAMI and Fanani, Zainal and Bahrin, David and Agustina, Tuty Emilia and Wijaya, Karna (2022) Montmorillonite-Zirconium Phosphate Catalysts for Methanol Dehydration (Corespondence Author). Shahreza Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and Purwaningrum, Widia and Riyanti, Fahma and Novia, Novia and Maryana, Roni and Al Muttaqii, Muhammad (2022) Kinetic Parameters Investigation for The Esterification of Free Fatty Acid from Coconut Oil Mill Waste using Montmorillonite-Sulfonated Carbon from Glucose Composite Catalyst (Corresponding author). Jurusan Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and Said, Muhammad and Hidayati, Putri Tamara and Purwaningrum, Widia and Novia, Novia and Wijaya, Karna (2022) Hydrocracking optimization of palm oil to bio-gasoline and bio-aviation fuels using molybdenum nitride-bentonite catalyst (corespondence author). RSC Publishing. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and TAMPUBOLON, KRISTINA and Riyanti, Fahma and Purwaningrum, Widia and Wijaya, Karna (2022) Dehydration Isopropyl Alcohol to Diisopropyl Ether over Molybdenum Phosphide Pillared Bentonite (Corresponding author). Universiti Putra Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and Wijaya, Karna (2022) Lump Kinetic Method in Solving Kinetic Problems and Cracking Reaction Mechanism: A Review (Corespondence Author). Shahreza Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and ZULAIKHA, INDAH SARI and AYU, CIK and Rachmat, Addy and Riyanti, Fahma and Zainul, Rahadian and Maryana, Roni (2022) Hydrocracking of crude palm oil to a biofuel using zirconium nitride and zirconium phosphide- modified bentonite (Corespondence Author). RSC Publishing. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and ZULAIKHA, INDAH SARI and AYU, CIK and Rachmat, Addy and Riyanti, Fahma and Zainul, Rahadian and Roni, Maryana (2022) Hydrocracking of crude palm oil to a biofuel using zirconium nitride and zirconium phosphide modified bentonite (Corresponding author). RSC Publishing. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and Asri, Wan Ryan and ANINDIA, JENIVA RINDI and Suheryanto, Suheryanto and Fanani, Zainal and Rinaldi, Nino and Al Muttaqii, Muhammad (2022) Diisopropyl Ether Production via Isopropanol Catalytic Dehydration over Zirconium Phosphate Modified Natural Zeolite (Korespondensi). Shahreza Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and PUTRI, QODRIA UTAMI and Agustina, Tuty Emilia and Hadiah, Fitri (2022) Esterification of Free Fatty Acid in Palm Oil Mill Effluent using Sulfated Carbon-Zeolite Composite Catalyst (Korespondensi). Universiti Putra Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and Rachmat, Addy and Said, Muhammad and Wijaya, Karna (2020) Kinetic Model of Crude Palm Oil Hydrocracking Over Ni/Mo ZrO2 –Pillared Bentonite Catalyst Corespondence Author). Budapest University of Technology and Economics. (Unpublished)

Hasanudin, Hasanudin and Wijaya, Karna and Santoso, Budi (2009) Preparation and Catalytic Activity for Isopropyl Benzene Cracking of Co, Mo and Co/Mo-Al2o3-Pillared Montmorillonite Catalysts. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 9 (2). pp. 189-194. ISSN 1411-9420

Hasmalena, Hasmalena and Mahyumi, Rantina (2017) Implementasi Cerita Rakyat melalui Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Seni Tari Usia Dini untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Pada Mahasiswa PG-PAUD FKIP UNSRI. Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 1 (2). pp. 81-85. ISSN 2549-8959

Hasmalena, Hasmalena and Rukiyah, Rukiyah and Mahyumi, Rantina (2018) Pengaruh Penggunaan Multimedia Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Pada Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Kognitif dan Kreatifitas Anak Usia Dini Di UNSRI Palembang. Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 2 (1). pp. 85-93. ISSN 2549-8959

Hasmidyani, Dwi (2019) Correspondence Author of Conceptual Model on Entrepreneurial Intention in Higher Education. GIAP Journals.

Hasmidyani, Dwi (2022) Correspondence Author of Generation Z And Entrepreneurship: Revealing Factors That Affect The Entrepreneurial Intentions. SRAC - Societatea Romana Pentru Asigurarea Calitatii.

Hasmidyani, Dwi (2021) Correspondence Author of Learning Trends in the Knowledge Age: Changes in Patterns and Learning Technologies. TechniumScience.

Hasmidyani, Dwi (2021) Correspondence Author of Motivasi Belajar Sebagai Determinan Prestasi Belajar Dalam Pembelajaran Daring Dengan Menggunakan Elearning. Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya in collaboration with Asosiasi Profesi Pendidik Ekonomi Indonesia (ASPROPENDO).

Hasmidyani, Dwi (2020) Correspondence Author of The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education and the Subjective Norm towards Entrepreneurial Intention Mediated by Entrepreneurial Attitude: A Study in Higher Education. Primrose Hall Publishing Group.

Hasmidyani, Dwi (2023) Corresponding Author of Generasi Z Dan Kewirausahaan: Mengukur Intensi Berwirausaha Berbasis Theory of Planned Behavior. Universitas Negeri Surabaya.

Hasyim, Hamzah and Camelia, Anita and Fajar, Nur Alam (2014) Determinan Kejadian Malaria di Wilayah Endemis (Corresponding). Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia.

Hasyim, Hamzah and Dale, Patricia (2021) COVID-19 and the city: A Healthy City Strategy for Pandemic Challenges, from Planning to Action (Correspondence Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Hasyim, Hamzah and Putri, Giszka and Dale, Patricia (2022) Analysis of COVID-19 Prevention Behavior in Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Literature Review (Correspondence Author). Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal). (Submitted)

Hasyim, Hamzah and Widjajanti, Hary and Febry, Fatmalina (2022) Analysis of personal hygiene and sanitation facilities in the implementation of food stalls serving on campus (Correspondence Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)


Hasyim, Hamzah (2021) Analysis of the Electronic Implementation of A Malaria Surveillance Information System (E-SISMAL) in the Lahat District. In: Medical Informatics 2021 as a Webinar (Online), 13-14 December 2021, Webinar.

Hasyim, Hamzah (2013) Linkages Between Climate Variability and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Palembang Indonesia. In: The 45th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Conference in Wuhan, 24-27 October 2013, School of Public Health, di Wuhan University, China.

Hasyim, Hamzah and Camelia, Anita and Fajar, Nur Alam (2014) Determinan Kejadian Malaria di Wilayah Endemis. Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 8 (7). pp. 291-294. ISSN 1907-7505

Hasyim, Hamzah and Camelia, Anita and Fajar, Nur Alam (2012) Environmental Risk Factors of Malaria Cases, at Lahat Regency, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia (Speaker). In: Asian Academic Society International, 2012, 7-8 December 2012, Thailand.

Hasyim, Hamzah and Dale, Pat and Groneberg, David A. and Kuch, Ulrich and Müller, Ruth (2019) Social determinants of malaria in an endemic area of Indonesia. Malaria Journal, 18 (134). ISSN 1475-2875

Hasyim, Hamzah and Dale, Pat and Groneberg, David A. and Kuch, Ulrich and Müller, Ruth (2022) Social determinants of malaria in an endemic area of Indonesia (Correspondence Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Hasyim, Hamzah and Dale, Patricia (2021) COVID-19 and the city: A Healthy City Strategy for Pandemic Challenges, from Planning to Action. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal), 16 (1). pp. 189-197. ISSN 2460-0601

Hasyim, Hamzah and Dhimal, Meghnath and Montag, Doreen and Groneberg, David A. and Kuch, Ulrich (2020) Does livestock protect from malaria or facilitate malaria prevalence? A cross-sectional study in endemic rural areas of Indonesia (Corresponding Author). BioMed Central.

Hasyim, Hamzah and Firdaus, Firdaus and Prabawa, Artha and Pat, Dale and Harapan, Harapan and Groneberg, David A. and Kuch, Ulrich and Müller, Ruth (2020) Potential for a web-based management information system to improve malaria control: An exploratory study in the Lahat District, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. PLOS ONE, 15 (6). ISSN 1932-6203

Hasyim, Hamzah and Firdaus, Firdaus and Prabawa, Artha and Pat, Dale and Harapan, Harapan and Groneberg, David A. and Kuch, Ulrich and Müller, Ruth (2022) Potential for a web-based management information system to improve malaria control: An exploratory study in the Lahat District, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia (Correspondence Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Hasyim, Hamzah and Misnaniarti, Misnaniarti and Heroza, Rahmat Izwan and Sunarsih, Elvi (2020) Pelatihan E-Sismal Mobile Berbasis Android Bagi Petugas Puskesmas Di Daerah Endemik Malaria. Jurnal Pengabdian Sriwijaya, 8 (4). pp. 1151-1156. ISSN 2614-0144

Hasyim, Hamzah and Nursafingi, Alfi and Haque, Ubydul and Montag, Doreen and Groneberg, David A. and Dhimal, Meghnath and Kuch, Ulrich and Müller, Ruth (2018) Spatial modeling of malaria cases associated with environmental factors in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Malaria Journal, 17 (1). ISSN 1475-2875

Hasyim, Hamzah and Nursafingi, Alfi and Haque, Ubydul and Montag, Doreen and Groneberg, David A. and Dhimal, Meghnath and Kuch, Ulrich and Müller, Ruth (2018) Spatial modeling of malaria cases associated with environmental factors in South Sumatra, Indonesia (correspondence author). BioMed Central.

Hasyim, Hamzah and Samsuryadi, Samsuryadi and Purnomo, Mulyadi Eko and Brata, Bimo and Adhitya, Adhitya and Fajar, Nur Alam (2021) Community Empowerment to Improve Clean and Healthy Living Behavior [Chlb]: An Action Research. International Journal of Community Service (IJCS), 1 (3). ISSN 2797-2984

Helen, K and Hasyim, Hamzah and Najmah, Najmah (2012) EFEKTIFITAS KOAGULAN EKSTRAK BIJI KELOR (Moringa oleifera) TERHADAP DAYA HIDUP IKAN MAS (Cyprinus carpio L.) PADA PENGOLAHAN AIR LIMBAH MINYAK GORENG RESTORAN CEPAT SAJI X DI PALEMBANG. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 3 (01). pp. 47-53. ISSN 20866380

Hendri, Muhammad (2023) Cultivation of Seaweed E. spinosum in Open Waters Using Bags Methods around Pahawang Island Waters, South Lampung (Korespondensi). Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Hendri, Muhammad (2023) Gracilaria sp Seaweed Cultivation with Net Floating Method in Traditional Shrimp Pond in the Dungun River of Marga Sungsang Village of Banyuasin District, South Sumatera (Korespondensi). Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Hendri, Muhammad (2023) Growth of Euchema denticulatum (spinosum) cultivated with a Net Bag Verticulture Method (Korespondensi 2). Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Hendri, Muhammad (2023) Growth of Euchema denticulatum (spinosum) cultivated with a Net Bag Verticulture Method(Korespondensi). Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Hendri, Muhammad (2023) Intensification of seaweed cultivation Euchema cottonii with verticulture method in the water of Kelagian Island, Lampung Bay (Korespondensi). Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Hendri, Muhammad (2023) Optimization of Cultivated Seaweed Land Gracilaria sp Using Vertikultur System (Korespondensi). Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Hendri, Muhammad (2023) The potential of bioactive compound seaweed Halimeda micronesica and Halimeda macroloba species of seaweeds, obtained from Maspari Island, South Sumatera to express antioxidant activities and the phytochemical screening of their active extracts (Korespondensi). Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Hendrian, Hanoora Sarah Anindita and Saloma, Saloma and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Iqbal, Maulid Muhammad and Juliantina, Ika (2020) Physical and Mechanical Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) with Pineapple Leaf Fibre and Polypropylene (Corresponding Author). IOP Publishing. (Unpublished)

Henny, Henny and Hasyim, Hamzah and Syahputra, Ibrahim and Ramatilah, Imat and Arifin, Jafar and Aini, Kurnia and Zuliana, Linda and Pitrianti, Lisa (2021) Challenges in the prevention and control of rabies disease. Jurnal Kesehatan, 12 (2). pp. 632-642. ISSN 2657-1366

Hepiman, Fison and Sitorus, Rico Januar and Hasyim, Hamzah (2009) RANCANGAN DAN TANGGAP DARURAT TERHADAP BAHAYA KEBAKARAN DI RUMAH SAKIT Dr. ERNALDI BAHAR PALEMBANG TAHUN 2009. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 6 (3). ISSN 2086-6380

Herlina, Herlina (2021) Corespondence authof of_Antihyperlipidemia Activity of Ethyl Acetate Fraction from Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon Linn.) Leaf in White Male Wistar Rats Induced by Propylthiouracil. Atlantis Press International B.V.. (Unpublished)

Herlina, Herlina (2020) Corespondence author of_Acute Toxicity Test of Kenikir Leaf (Cosmos caudatus H.B.K) Ethanolic Extract on Wistar White Male Rats with Fixed Dose Procedure Method and Its Effect on Histopathology of Pancreatic Cells. Wolters Kluwer - Medknow. (Unpublished)

Herlina, Herlina (2022) Corespondence author of_Antidiarrheal Activity of Extract Ethanol Melinjo Leaves (Gnetum gnemon L. (Linn.)) in Wistar Male White Rats Induced by Escherichia coli and Extract Standardization. Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd. (Unpublished)

Herlina, Herlina (2023) Corespondence author of_Antioxidant test of ethanolic extract Chromolaena colorata leaves by in vivo. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Herlina, Herlina (2019) Corespondence author of_Efektivitas Ekstrak Etanolik Daun Ketepeng Cina (Senna alata L.) Sebagai Aktivitas Antidiabetes Pada Tikus Wistar Jantan yang Diinduksi Alloxan. IOP Publishing Ltd. (Unpublished)

Herlina, Herlina (2023) Corespondence author of_Steroid Compounds from Gynura pseudochina (Lour) DC. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Herlina, Herlina (2023) Corespondence of author_The Standardization of Ethanolic Extract of Tahongai Leaves (Kleinhovia hospita L.). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Herlinda, Siti (2019) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Abundance and species diversity of predatoryarthropods inhabiting rice of refuge habitats and synthetic insecticide application in freshwater swamps in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Arboreal Entomophagous Arthropods of Rice Insect Pests Inhabiting Adaptive. Brawijaya University.

Herlinda, Siti (2021) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Arboreal arthropod assemblages in chili pepper with different mulches and pest managements in freshwater swamps of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2019) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Arthropods inhabiting flowering non-crop plants and adaptive vegetables planted around paddy fields of freshwater swamps of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Community structure of arboreal and soil-dwelling arthropods in three different rice planting indexes in freshwater swamps of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2019) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Conidial Density and Viability of Beauveria bassiana Isolates from Java and Sumatra and Their Virulence Against Nilaparvata lugens at Different Temperatures. Brawijaya University.

Herlinda, Siti (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Development of Spodoptera frugiperda fed on young maize plant’s fresh leaves inoculated with endophytic fungi from South Sumatra,Indonesia. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2021) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Endophytic fungi confirmed as entomopathogens of the new invasive pest, the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), infesting maize in South Sumatra, Indonesia. EgyptianSociety for Biological Control of Pests, Egypt.

Herlinda, Siti (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Endophytic fungi from South Sumatra (Indonesia) in seed-treated corn seedlings Affecting development of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). EgyptianSociety for Biological Control of Pests, Egypt.

Herlinda, Siti (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Endophytic fungi from South Sumatra (Indonesia) in seed-treated corn suppressing Spodoptera frugiperda growth. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2023) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Entomopathogenic Fungi from South Sumatra (Indonesia) Pathogenicity to Egg, Larvae, and adult of Aedes aegypti. Departemen Biologi IPB, Indonesia dan Masyarakat Biologi Indonesia.

Herlinda, Siti (2018) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Entomopathogenic fungi of soils of freshwater swamps, tidal lowlands, peatlands, and highlands of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Exploring entomopathogenic fungi from South Sumatra (Indonesia) soiland their pathogenicity against anew invasive maize pest, Spodoptera frugiperda. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: First report of entomopathogenic fungi from South Sumatra (Indonesia) pathogeniciti to egg, larvae, and adult of Culex quinquefasciatus. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: First report of occurrence of corn and rice strains of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda in South Sumatra, Indonesia and its damage in maize. King Saud University.

Herlinda, Siti (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Growth of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) fed on young maizecolonized with endophytic fungus Beauveria bassiana from South Sumatra, Indonesia. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Herbivore insects and predatory arthropods in freshwater swamp rice field in South Sumatra, Indonesia sprayed with bioinsecticides of entomophatogenic fungi and abamectin. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Impact of mycoinsecticides and abamectin applications on species diversity and abundance of aquatic insects in rice fields of freshwater swamps of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2019) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Insecticidal activity of culture filtrates from liquid medium ofBeauveriabassianaisolates from South Sumatra (Indonesia) wetland soil against larvae of Spodopteralitura. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2018) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Komunitas serangga hama padi rawah lebak yang ditanam dengan berbagai jarak tanam. Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Departemen Proteksi Tanaman FP, IPB.

Herlinda, Siti (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: New emerging entomopathogenic fungi isolated from soil inSouth Sumatra (Indonesia) and their filtrate and conidial insecticidal activity against Spodoptera litura. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2018) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Species Richness and Abudance of Spiders Inhabiting Rice In Fresh Swamps and Tidal Lowlands In South Sumatra, Indonesia. International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences, Philipina.

Herlinda, Siti (2019) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: The abundance of canopy arthropods in South Sumatra (Indonesia) freshwater swamp main and ratooned rice applied with bioinsecticides and synthetic insecticide. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2021) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: The endophytic fungi from South Sumatra (Indonesia) and their pathogenecity againstthe new invasive fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: The impact of bioinsecticide overdoses of Beauveria bassianaon species diversity and abundance of not targeted arthropods in South Sumatra(Indonesia)freshwater swamp paddy. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Herlinda, Siti (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Toxicity of entomopathogenic fungal culture filtrate of lowland and highland soil of South Sumatra (Indonesia) against Spodoptera lituralarvae. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

Hermawan, Agus (2014) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: P Use Efficiency by Corn (Zea mays L.) in Ultisols due to Application of Coal Fly Ash-Chicken Manure Mixture. University of Brawijaya.

Hermawan, Agus (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Performance of paddy crop in swampland under organic pellet fertilization from Azolla and vermicompost. Universitas Lancang Kuning.

Hermawan, Agus (2018) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Physical Properties of Briquette Fertilizers Made from Urea and Fly Ash-Azolla. Jurusan Tanah FP UNILA.

Heroza, Rahmat Izwan and Hasyim, Hamzah and Kusriastuti, Rita and Dale, Pat (2022) Design and Evaluation of Mobile-Based Applications for Supporting Malaria Surveillance Activities in Indonesian Regions (Correspondence Author). Darshan Publishers.

Herpandi, Herpandi (2023) Effectiveness of Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) on Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristic of Notopterus notopterus Bone Chips (Bukti Korespondensi). Unsri. (Unpublished)

Herpandi, Herpandi (2023) Utilization of Cuttlefish Bone as The Alternative Source of Heterogenic Alkali Catalyst (Bukti Korespondensi). Unsri. (Unpublished)


Hesti Wahyuni, Anggraini and Hesti Wahyuni, Anggraini (2023) Correspondence Author of _ Need Analysis on Developing of Teaching Materials on the Basis of Students‘ Learning Styles in Higher Education. The European Union Digital Library (EUDL) in collaboration with EAI ( European Alliance for Innovation.

Hesti Wahyuni, Anggraini and Hesti Wahyuni, Anggraini (2023) Correspondence Author of_ Teacher Presence and Social Presence in Online Language Learning in Higher Education Students’ Perceptions. Atlantis Press.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_A Study of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Nasal Irrigation During Covid-19 Pandemic. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Activated Platelet Rich Plasma as a New Treatment Modality for Cataract Disorders: In Vivo Study. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Basic Concept of Cell: A Narrative Review. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Brain Development of Attachment Experience: How Does It Affects Our Brain? Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Cancer Treatment in Islamic Traditional Medicine. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Data Analysis Procedures with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM): Narrative Literature Review. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Effect of Andrographis paniculata on Blood Sugar Levels Through Regulation of Alpha-Glucosidase Enzyme Expression: An In Vivo Study. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Effects of Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F.) Extract on Diabetic Nephropathy in Rats. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Efficacy of Exosome Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ACSs-Exosome) on Skin Flaps Transplantation in Plastic Surgery: A Systematic Literature Review. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Technique Guideline. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Euthanasia Procedure of Animal Model in Biomedical Research. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Evaluation of the anti-gout effect of Sonchus Arvensis on monosodium urate crystal-induced gout arthritis via anti-inflammatory action - an in vivo study. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Evaluation of the anti-gout effect of Sonchus Arvensis on monosodium urate crystal-induced gout arthritis via anti-inflammatory action - an in vivo study. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Fluid and Drug Administration Procedure Animal Model in Biomedical Research. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Inflammatory Response Plays a Role in Innate Immunity: A Narrative Literature Review. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Mechanisms of Cellular Adaptation and Change: A Narrative Literature Review. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Optimizing Anabas testudineus oil processing by refinement process for quality parameters and fatty acid composition. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Pathophysiological to Clinical Aspects of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM): Narrative Literature Review. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Pathophysiological to Clinical Aspects of Head Injury: Narrative Literature Review. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Potency of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) and Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) in Handling Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Potential of Activated Platelet-Rich Plasma Against Osteoarthritis: In Vivo Study. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Potential of Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) and Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) as a Supplement to the Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Potential of karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) fraction against kidney damage in diabetic rats. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Protocol for Anesthesia Animal Model in Biomedical Study. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in Research: Narrative Literature Review. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_The Herbal Potential of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) and Guava (Psidium guajava L.) as Supplements for the Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_The Potential of Cinnamon Extract (Cinnamomum burmanii) as Anti-insomnia Medication through Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal Axis Improvement in Rats. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_The Role of Natural Physical, Mechanical, and Biochemical Barriers as Innate Immunity: A Narrative Literature Review. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_The Role of Pattern Recognition Receptor (PRR) in the Body's Defense System: A Narrative Literature Review. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rachmat (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_The efficacy and safety of electrolyzed water against Covid-19 as an alternative hand sanitizer. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Hidayat, Rama Agas and Fajri, Iqbal and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) Hierarki Pada Rumah Limas Palembang Hasyim Ning (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Negeri Semarang. (Submitted)

Hidayat, Rama Agas and Fajri, Iqbal and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2021) Hierarki Pada Rumah Limas Palembang Hasyim Ning (Corresponding Author). Jurusan Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Hidayatullah, Syarif and Muslim, Muslim and Taqwa, Ferdinand Hukama (2015) Bukti korespondensi: Pendederan Larva Ikan Gabus (Channa striata) di Kolam Terpal dengan Padat Tebar Berbeda. Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan Universitas Riau, Riau.

Honorita, Bunaiyah and Yazid, Muhammad and Riswani, Riswani (2022) Corespondence Author of_ Strengthening Farmers’ Social Capital to Build the Sustainable Agriculture in Tidal Swamplands, South Sumatra. ASR Research Centre.

Hudaidah, Hudaidah (2022) Corespondence author of_Pola Hunian Prasejarah di Goa Putri Padang Bindu Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu. Jurnal Mozaik Humaniora Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Airlangga.

Hudaidah, Hudaidah (2023) SURAT TUGAS DEKAN NOMOR 0019/UN9.FKIP/TU.ST/2023 AN Dr Hudaidah_Penulis Buku (Kearifan Lokal pada Alat Tradisional Budaya Tangkap Ikan Air Tawar Sumatera Selatan). Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang.

Hudaidah, Hudaidah and Andhifani, Wahyu Rizky and Kurniawan, Abimardha and Utami, Luh Suwita coressponding Author untuk jurnal sejarah Universitas Malaysia. SEJARAH: Journal Of The Department Of History. (Submitted)

Humaedi, Muhammad Dwi Caesar and Saloma, Saloma and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Iqbal, Maulid Muhammad (2021) Compressive Strength and Microstructural of Palm Oil Fuel Ash-Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Mortar (Corresponding Author). IOP Publishing. (Unpublished)


Husin, Azizah (2023) EVALUATION OF STUDENTS' ENVIRONMENTAL CARE CHARACTERS AT ADIWIYATA SCHOOL (CASE STUDY OF SMPN 19 PALEMBANG) (Corespondence author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2023) The Effect of Out Class Learning Design on Students' Creative Thinking Ability in Social Studies Learning for Grade IV Elementary School Students (Coresponden Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2023) Eksploitasi Anak sebagai Penjual Asongan di Kota Palembang (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)



Husin, Azizah (2022) HOUSEWIVES' KNOWLEDGE ON ENERGY CONSERVATION (Corresponding Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2023) Housewives' Knowledge on Energy Conservation (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)



Husin, Azizah (2022) Identification of The Tourism Potential of Firdaus Park Sriwijaya University (Corresponding Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2023) Impact of Prostitution Localization (PMD) on the Education and Social of Youth Way Lunik, Bandar Lampung City (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2023) Keterlibatan Orang Tua dalam Pendidikan Anak pada Kelompok Bermain (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)


Husin, Azizah (2023) Pendidikan Pola Hidup Sehat Pada Lansia Menggunakan Media Video Di Panti Sosial Harapan Kita (Coressponding Autor). Coressponding Author. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2023) Peran Kelompok Budidaya Ikan Patin Dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Keluarga Di Desa Triyoso, Kecamatan Belitang, Kabupaten Oku Timur (Coressponding Author). Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan UNIVED Bengkulu. (Unpublished)


Husin, Azizah (2023) The Role of Elderly Cadres in Increasing Elderly Participation in Posyandu Activities in Margoyoso Village, Jayaloka District (Corresponding Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2023) The Role of Household Women (IRT) With a Traditional Shop a Livelihood in Fulfillment of Family Needs in Serijabo Village (Corespondence Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2023) The Role of The Tourism Aware Group in The Economic Development of The Community of Burai Tourism Village (Corresponding Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)


Husin, Azizah (2023) Sensitivity of Parents in Dealing with Children's Association in Mangun Jaya Share, Kayuagung District (Coresponden Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2023) Survei Kepuasan Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat Universitas Sriwijaya terhadap Pelaksanaan Hybrid Learning Pasca Covid 19 (Corespondence Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah and Maharani, Siti Dewi and Yosef, Yosef and Sumarni, Sri (2022) Teachers Perceptions of Environmental Care Education in Elementary Scholls (Corresponding AUtor). Scientific Research Publishing. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2022) Character Education Cares about the Environment in the Family (Author). Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2022) Character Education Cares about the Environment in the Family(Corresponding author). Sriwijaya University.

Husin, Azizah (2017) Conditions and Issues Park of Community Reading in Palembang (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2021) Dampak Eksploitasi Anak Dalam Bidang Pendidikan (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2018) EKSPLOITASI ANAK JALANAN SEBAGAI PENGAMEN (STUDI KASUS DI KAWASAN BKB KOTA PALEMBANG) (PALEMBANG) (Pembimbing). Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2020) Entrepreneurship Education for Family Investment Values in Indonesia and the Philippines (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2020) Entrepreneurship Education for Family Investment Values in Indonesia and the Philippines. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2017) FAKTOR-FAKTOR PENENTU TINGKAT FERTILITAS PEREMPUAN WILAYAH SLUM AREA KECAMATAN KERTAPATI KOTA PALEMBANG (PEMBIMBING). Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2018) Faktor-faktor Penyebab Anak Putus Sekolah di Desa Srigeni Lama Kabupaten Ogan komering Ilir (Pembimbing). Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2018) Identifikasi Kebutuhan Masyarakat Terhadap Pendirian Taman Bacaan Masyarakat di Desa Tanjung Seteko Kecamatan Indralaya. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2018) Identifikasi Kebutuhan Masyarakat Terhadap Pendirian Taman Bacaan Masyarakat di Desa Tanjung Seteko Kecamatan Indralaya (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2022) Impact of Prostitution Localization (PMD) on the Education and Social of Youth Way Lunik, Bandar Lampung City (Correspondence Author). Sriwijaya University, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2022) Impact of Prostitution Localization (PMD) on the Education and Social of Youth Way Lunik, Bandar Lampung City (Corresponding Author). Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2021) KESIAPAN BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK DALAM MENGIKUTI PENDIDIKAN KESETARAAN (Studi Kasus Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat Tut Wuri Handayani Kota Palembang) (PEMBIMBING). Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2018) LAYANAN PEKERJA SOSIAL DI PANTI TERATAI KOTA PALEMBANG (PEMBIMBING). Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)


Husin, Azizah (2019) Layanan Lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Kasih Sayang Ibu Batusangkar Sumatera Barat (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2018) MOTIVASI BELAJAR ANAK DARI ORANG TUA YANG BERCERAI DI DESA LUMPATAN KABUPATEN MUSI BANYUASIN (PEMBIMBING). Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2019) Opportunities for the School System to Instill Environmental Values. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2019) Opportunities for the School System to Instill Environmental Values (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)


Husin, Azizah (2019) PELAKSANAAN PARENTING OLEH ORANG TUA DI DESA SUNGAI KELI KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR (PEMBIMBING). Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)


Husin, Azizah (2021) PELAKSANAAN PENDIDIKAN KESETARAAN PAKET C DI PKBM AT-TAUBAH TANJUNG RAJA (PEMBIMBING). Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2019) PELESTARIAN KESENIAN DAERAH RANAU DI SANGGAR SENI DUAGHA DESA PAGAR DEWA KECAMATAN WARKUK RANAU SELATAN KABUPATEN OKU SELATAN (Pembimbing). Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Kependidikan Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2018) PENDIDIKAN MORAL ANAK OLEH ORANG TUA YANG BEKERJA DI DESA PANDAN ARANG KECAMATAN KIKIM SELATAN KABUPATEN LAHAT (PEMBIMBING). Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)




Husin, Azizah (2019) PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN ASSESMENT PEMINATAN JURUSAN DALAN GOOGLE FORM DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS (PEMBIMBING S2). Fakultas Ilmu Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)





Husin, Azizah (2018) PROSES PEMBINAAN KARAKTER ANGGOTA PASKIBRAKA DI KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR (PEMBIMBING). Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2018) Partisipasi Tokoh Masyarakat dalam Kewaspadaan Penyalahgunaan Narkotika di Kelurahan Timbangan Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2018) Partisipasi Tokoh Masyarakat dalam Kewaspadaan Penyalahgunaan Narkotika di Kelurahan Timbangan Kabupaten Ogan Ilir (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2020) Penanaman Etos Kerja Santri di Pondok Pesantren. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2020) Penanaman Etos Kerja Santri di Pondok Pesantren (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2021) Pengetahuan Guru Terhadap Potensi Sekolah untuk Pendidikan Nilai Lingkungan Hidup. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

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Husin, Azizah (2018) Performance of Community Reading Park in Palembang (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2019) Planting Values for Saving Groundwater through Family Education (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2019) Proses Pengasuhan Anak Balita pada Ibu Pekerja. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2019) Proses Pengasuhan Anak Balita pada Ibu Pekerja. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

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Husin, Azizah (2018) Supervisor Competencies of Non Formal Education In Palembang (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2019) Swamp Land Utilization for Socio-cultural, Economic and Potential Development of Lake OPI Ecotourism in Palembang. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2019) Swamp Land Utilization for Socio-cultural, Economic and Potential Development of Lake OPI Ecotourism in Palembang (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2016) TEACHER CREATIVITY IN THE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2016) TEACHER CREATIVITY IN THE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2020) Teachers and Parents’ Needs for Parental Involvement in Elementary Education. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2018) Teachers and Parents’ Needs for Parental Involvement in Elementary Education (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2020) Teachers’ Perceptions of Environmental Care Education in Elementary Schools. Sriwijaya University, Indonesia.

Husin, Azizah (2020) Teachers’ Perceptions of Environmental Care Education in Elementary Schools (Author). Sriwijaya University. (Unpublished)

Husin, Azizah (2018) UPAYA PEMBERDAYAAN BAGI PENGRAJIN TENUN SONGKET DI DESA BURAI KECAMATAN TANGJUNG BATU KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR (PEMBIMBING). Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Husnah, Farida and syafitri, sani and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) PERKEMBANGAN PONDOK PESANTREN SAFINATUSSALAMAHDI DESAMARPUNGE KECAMATAN PUTRI BETUNG KABUPATENGAYOLUES TAHUN 2007-2020 (Corresponding Author). Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raudhatul Ulum. (Submitted)

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Ibrahim, Ali (2024) Koresponden:Application of the Service Quality Method to Assess the Quality of Administrative Services at Sriwijaya University. Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia.

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Ibrahim, Ali (2023) Korespondensi : Assessing User Experience and Usability in the OVO Application: Utilizing the User Experience Questionnaire and System Usability Scale for Evaluation. Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII).

Ibrahim, Ali (2023) Korespondensi : Social Consumer Relation Management Using Social Media as a Marketing Scheme in University. Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI). Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI). (Unpublished)

Ibrahim, Ali (2023) Korespondensi : THE FUNCTION OF SOCIAL MEDIA AS A SUPPORTING TOOL FOR LECTURER CAREER DEVELOPMENT IN UNIVERSITIES IN THE INDUSTRY 4.0 ERA. Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komputer. (Unpublished)

Ibrahim, Ali (2024) Korespondensi : THE FUNCTION OF SOCIAL MEDIA AS A SUPPORTING TOOL FOR LECTURER CAREER DEVELOPMENT IN UNIVERSITIES IN THE INDUSTRY 4.0 ERA. Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Nusa Mandiri.

Ibrahim, Ali (2023) Korespondensi: Website-Based Customer Relationship Management Modeling At Ar-Rasyid Islamic Hospital Palembang. Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Islam Indagiri, Tembilahan Riau Indonesia.

Ibrahim, Ali (2023) Korespondensi:Social Customer Relationship Management as a Communication Tool for Academic Communities in Higher Education Institutions through Social Media. Science and Information Organization.

Idris, Haerawati (2018) The 1st Sriwijaya International Conference on Environmental Issue (sertifikat). Sriwijaya International Conference on Environmental Issue.

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Determinant of Health Services Utilization by Persons with Disabilities in Palembang City (bukti corresponding author). E3S Web of Conferences. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Determinant of Independent National Health Insurance ownership in Indonesia (corresponding author). Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Determinant of Independent National Health Insurance ownership in Indonesia (corresponding author). Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Determinant of postnatal care service utilization in indonesia: a secondary analysis using the Indonesian health and demographics survey (corresponding author). makara journal of health research. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Determinants of the Utilization of Outpatient Among Child in Indonesia (turnitin). turnitin universitas sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Evaluation of Chronic Diseases Management Program (Prolanis) (corresponding author). Atlantis Press. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Evaluation of Iron Tablet Program Among Adolescent Girl (corresponding author). Atlantis Press. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Evaluation of Iron Tablet Program Among Adolescent Girl (corresponding author). Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (MKMI). (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Evaluation of program for overcoming Intestinal Worm Infection among children (corresponding author). Kesmas: National Public Health Journal. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Factors Affecting the Use of Contraceptive in Indonesia: Analysis from the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) (corresponding author). KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2019) Factors Affecting the Use of Contraceptive in Indonesia: Analysis from the National Socioeconomic Survey (bukti korespondensi). Jurnal Kesmas.

Idris, Haerawati (2022) Factors associated with the choice of delivery place: A cross-sectional study in rural areas of Indonesia (Corresponding). Belitung Nursing Journal. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati Immunization Completeness Among Children Aged 0-59 Months In Indonesia (Corresponding). Jummec journal. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2022) Misperception of Vaccine Acceptance to the COVID-19 Vaccine in Indonesia: A Systematic Review (Corresponding). Jurnal Kesmas.

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Mobile Health Quality Among National Health Insurance Participants in South Sumatera (corresponding author). KEMAS: jurnal kemas kesehatan masyarakat. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Mobile Health Quality among National Health Insurance Participants in South Sumatra (bukti korespondensi author). Jurnal Kesmas.

Idris, Haerawati (2020) Outpatient visit among elderly In Indonesia (corresponding author). Journal of Public Health science (IJPHS). (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2023) THE PRACTICE OF EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING BY REGION IN INDONESIA (bukti korespondensi). Journal of public health.

Idris, Haerawati (2020) The Relationship of Hospital Cost, Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction (corresponding author). Jurnal ilmu kesehatan masyarakat (JIKM). (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati (2019) Seminar Internasional SICPH Tahun 2019 (sertifikat). FKM UNSRI.

Idris, Haerawati (2019) Seminar SICPH FKM UNSRI Tahun 2019 (Sertifikat). FKM unsri.

Idris, Haerawati (2021) Utilization of teleconsultation: mitigation in handling mental disorders in the covid-19 era (Corresponding). International Journal Mental Health and Addiction.

Idris, Haerawati (2020) The determinant of health services demand in Indonesia: An analysis of indonesia family life survey 5 (IFLS) (corresponding author). Journal of health and translational medicine. (Submitted)

Idris, Haerawati and Budi, Iwan Stia and Hasyim, Hamzah and Purba, Imelda G and Ermi, Nurmalia (2020) MODUL PERENCANAAN KESEHATAN DI TINGKAT DINAS KESEHATAN. Technical Report. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat UNSRI, Palembang.

Idris, Haerawati and Hasyim, Hamzah and Utama, Feranita (2017) ANALYSIS OF DIABETES MELLITUS DETERMINANTS IN INDONESIA: A STUDY FROM THE INDONESIAN BASIC HEALTH RESEARCH 2013. Acta Med Indones, 49 (4). pp. 291-8.

Idris, Haerawati and Hasyim, Hamzah and Utama, Feranita (2022) ANALYSIS OF DIABETES MELLITUS DETERMINANTS IN INDONESIA: A STUDY FROM THE INDONESIAN BASIC HEALTH RESEARCH 2013 (Correspondence Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Idris, Yakni and Dewi, Ratna and Sutejo, Yulindasari and Al Munawar, S. A (2021) Bearing Capacity of Folded Plate Foundations in Clay Soil (Corresponding Author). Institut za Istrazivanja I Projektovanja u Privredi. (Unpublished)

Idris, Yakni and Saloma, Saloma and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Federico, Federico (2017) Structural Behaviour of Steel Building with Modified X-Braced EBF (Eccentrically Braced Frames) by Pushover Analysis (Corresponding Author). INSIGHT Publishing. (Unpublished)


Imamatul, Azizah and Riska, Syafitri and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2023) Struktur Pemerintahan Palembang Syu Pada Masa Pendudukan Jepang Tahun 1942-1945 (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya, Fajar Historia: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah dan Pendidikan. (Unpublished)

Imanudin, Momon Sodik (2019) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Determination of Planting Time of Watermelon Under a Shallow Groundwater Table in Tidal Lowland Agriculture Areas of South Sumatra, Indonesia. John Wiley & Sons Ltd with ICID.

Imanudin, Momon Sodik (2021) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Drainmod Model Adaptation for Developing Recommendations Water Management in the Tertiary Block of Tidal Lowland Agriculture. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung.

Imanudin, Momon Sodik (2018) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Impacts of El Niño Climate Anomaly on Irrigation Scheduling of Maize Crop Using Budget Models under Tropical Climate Conditions. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)

Imanudin, Momon Sodik (2018) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Ratoon Systems in Tidal Lowland : Study of Groundwater Dynamics and the Change of Nutrient Status on Rice Growth. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Imanudin, Momon Sodik (2019) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Determination of Planting Time of Watermelon Under a Shallow Groundwater Table in Tidal Lowland Agriculture Areas of South Sumatra, Indonesia. John Wiley & Sons Ltd with ICID.

Imanudin, Momon Sodik (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Developing Water Management Objective On Tropical Peatlands Under Oilpalm Cultivation. The Open Access IOP Conference Series. (Unpublished)

Imanudin, Momon Sodik (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Field Adaptation for Watermelon Cultivation Under Shallow Ground Water Table In Tidal Lowland Reclamation Area. Universitas Lambung Managkurat bekerjasama dengan Himpunan Gambut Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Imanudin, Momon Sodik (2021) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Integrated Duflow-Drainmod Model For Planning of Water Management Operation In Tidal Lowland Reclamation Areas. The Open Access IOP Conference Series. (Unpublished)

Imanudin, Momon Sodik (2018) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Land And Water Management Option of Tidal Lowland Reclamation Area to Support Rice Production (A Case Study in Delta Sugihan Kanan of South Sumatra Indonesia). Universitas Lambung Managkurat bekerjasama dengan Himpunan Gambut Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Imanudin, Momon Sodik (2018) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Option For Land and Water Management To Prevent Fire In Peat Land Areas of Sumatera Indonesia. Universitas Lambung Managkurat bekerjasama dengan Himpunan Gambut Indonesia.

Imanudin, Momon Sodik (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Real-time irrigation scheduling for upland crop based on soil and climate characteristics of tidal lowland area in South Sumatera. The Open Access IOP Conference Series. (Unpublished)

Indaryanti, Indaryanti and Aisyah, Nyimas and WINARNI, SESI and Astuti, Puji (2018) Corespondence author of On values in non-routine mathematical problems for senior high school students. IOP Publishing.

Indriyani Syafutri, Merynda and Pratama, Filli and Syaiful, Friska and Faizal, Achmad (2016) Dokumen Bukti Korespondensi Artikel Ilmiah dengan judul : Effects of Varieties and Cooking Methods on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Cooked Rice. Elsevier B.V..

Iqbal, Muhammad and Setiawan, Arum and Yustian, Indra (2019) First inland record of bull shark Carcharhinus leucas (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae) in Indonesian Borneo (Corresponding Author). Ecologica Montenegrina. (Unpublished)

Irfan, Muhammad and Virgo, Frinsyah and Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur and Ariani, Menik and Sulaiman, Albertus and Iskandar, Iskhaq (2020) Corespondence author of The dynamics of rainfall and temperature on peatland in South Sumatra during the 2019 extreme dry season. IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Irfan, Muhammad and Virgo, Frinsyah and Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur and Ariani, Menik and Sulaiman, Albertus and Iskandar, Iskhaq (2021) Corespondence author of The dynamics of rainfall and temperature on peatland in South Sumatra during the 2019 extreme dry season. Universitas Negeri Padang, Universitas Negeri Padang.

Irfan, Muhammad (2022) Bukti Korespondensi sebagai Reviewer International Journal of Geomate (Q3). Fakultas Ilmu Matematika dan IPA, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Irfan, Muhammad (2020) Bukti Korespondensi sebagai Reviewer Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management. Fakultas Ilmu Matematika dan IPA, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Irfan, Muhammad and Ariani, Menik and Sutopo, Sutopo and Iskandar, Iskhaq (2020) Bukti korespondensi paper: Is there a correlation between rainfall and soil moisture on peatlands in South Sumatra? IOP Publishing Ltd.

Irfan, Muhammad and Iskandar, Iskhaq (2022) Bukti korespondensi artikel: THE IMPACT OF POSITIVE IOD AND LA NIÑA ON THE DYNAMICS OF HYDRO-CLIMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS ON PEATLAND. Geomate International Society, Tsu, Japan, Japan.

Irfan, Muhammad and Iskhaq, Iskandar (2022) THE IMPACT OF POSITIVE IOD AND LA NIÑA ON THE DYNAMICS OF HYDRO-CLIMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS ON PEATLAND. International Journal of Geomate, 23 (97). pp. 115-122. ISSN 2186-2982 (P), 2186-2990 (O)

Irfan, Muhammad and Koriyanti, Erry and Saleh, Khairul and Kurniawati, Netty and Iskandar, Iskhaq (2022) Bukti korespondensi paper: What are the dynamics of hydrometeorological parameters on peatlands during the 2019 extreme dry season? IOP Publishing Ltd.

Irfan, Muhammad and Kurniawati, Netty and Ariani, Menik and Iskandar, Iskhaq (2020) Bukti korespondensi paper: Study of groundwater level and its correlation to soil moisture on peatlands in South Sumatra. IOP Publishing Ltd.

Irfan, Muhammad and Mardiansyah, Wijaya and Ariani, Menik and Iskandar, Iskhaq (2019) Bukti korespondensi paper: Is TRMM product good proxy for gauge precipitation over peat land area of the South Sumatera? IOP Publishing Ltd.

Irfan, Muhammad and Satya, Octavianus Cakra and Arsali, Arsali and Ariani, Menik and Iskandar, Iskhaq (2021) Bukti korespondensi paper: What is the rate of groundwater level decline on peatlands in South Sumatera during the 2019 extreme dry season? IOP Publishing Ltd.

Irfan, Muhammad and Virgo, Frinsyah and Iskandar, Iskhaq (2022) Bukti korespondensi artikel: ANALYSIS OF RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE DYNAMICS IN PEATLANDS DURING 2018-2021 CLIMATE CHANGE. Geomate International Society, Tsu, Japan, Japan.

Irhan, Ahmad Rifani and Yuliana, Saadah and Widiyanti, Marlina (2018) The Effect Firm Characteristic On Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure In The Firms Listed In Indonesia Sharia Stock Index. Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan dan Pembangunan Daerah (The Journal of Perspectives on Financing and Regional Development), 6 (3). pp. 303-318. ISSN 2355-8520

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2018) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Analisis Jalur Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Loyalitas Penumpang BRT Trans Musi. PNL, Lhoksmawae. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2018) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Analisis Perbandingan Profil Pengrajin di Tiga Sentra Kerajinan Tenun Songket Palembang. PNL, Lhoksmawae. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2019) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Application of Simple Correspondence Analysis to Analyze Factors that Influence Land Productivity of Pagar Alam Coffee Farming. FMIPA IPB. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2020) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Binary Logistic Regression Modeling on Net Income of Pagar Alam Coffee Farmers. Universitas Sanata Dharma. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2019) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Characteristics Comparison on FMIPA and FKIP Alumni of Sriwijaya University Based on Relationship between GPA, Field of Work, and Length Time to Get First Job. FMIPA IPB. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2012) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Clique Identification in Flight Route Problem. Yildiz University, Istanbul Turkey. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2022) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Correspondence Analysis to Know Factors Related to the Use of Reducant Herbicide on Pagaralam Coffee Farmers. Universitas Pattimura. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2021) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Eksplorasi Data Persepsi Alumni pada Tingkat Item-Item Kompetensi dari Hasil Tracer Study Unsri Tahun 2020. PNL, Lhoksmawae. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2014) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Generalized Model and Optimal Solution of Internet Pricing Scheme in Single Link under Multiservice Networks. Fasilkom Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2021) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Hubungan antara IPK dengan kesesuaian tingkat pendidikan dan bidang studi pada pekerjaan alumni. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2021) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Independence Test and Plots in Correspondence Analysis to Explore Tracer Study Data. Universitas Sanata Dharma. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2015) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Mixed integer nonlinear programming model of wireless pricing scheme with QoS attribute of bandwidth and end-to-end delay. AIP Publishing LLC.. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2022) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Model Regresi Data Panel pada Faktor-faktor yang Menentukan Produksi Kopi di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Tahun 2015-2021. Politeknik Balikpapan (Poltekba). (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2015) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Nonlinear Programming Approach of Wireless Pricing Models. Fasilkom Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2022) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Pemanfaatan Gawai pada Adaptasi Teknologi untuk Media Pembelajaran bagi Guru SDN 9 Tanjung Batu di Desa Limbang Jaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. PNL, Lhoksmawae. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2021) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Penyuluhan Pengolahan Pasca Panen Cabe Kelompok Petani Perintis di Kota Pagar Alam. PNL, Lhoksmawae. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2013) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Preprocessing And Probing Techniques In Simplifying Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (Ocvrp) Model(Case Study: Rubbish Transportation In Kecamatan Sukarami Palembang City). Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU). (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2021) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Profil alumni FMIPA dan FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya ditinjau dari variabel dan persepsi pada pekerjaan. Universitas PGRI Semarang. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2019) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Relationship Between GPA, Length of Study, and Competency with the Length of Time to Get a Job. Polsri (Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya). (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2022) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Socialization of sustainable Pagar Alam Coffee Farming using herbicide reductors. Universitas Merdeka Malang. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2011) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_The determination of optimal route of open capacitated vehicle routing problem (OCVRP) on garbage transportation model in Kecamatan Seberang Ulu II Kota Palembang. Yildiz University, Istanbul Turkey. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2014) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_The new improved models of single link internet pricing scheme in multiple QoS network. IIENG (Intl Insitute of Engineers). (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2018) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Timetable Creation of BRT Trans Musi Palembang on AAL Ampera Route. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2017) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Timetable Creation of BRT Transmusi by Using Branch and Bound Method. SANDKRS, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2022) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR_Model Regresi Data Panel pada Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) Sumatera Selatan Tahun 2016-2021. Universitas Tadulako. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2021) CORRESPONDENCE AYTHOR OF_Hypothesis Testing in The Study of The Characteristics of Pagaralam Coffee Farmers as Herbicide Reductant Users. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2019) CORRESPONDING AUTHOR OF_Analyzing Characteristics of Songket Palembang Weavers Productivity Using Path Analysis. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2020) CORRESPONDING AUTHOR OF_Deskripsi Profil dan Karakter Usaha Tani Kopi Pagar Alam Berdasarkan Descriptive Statistics dan Korelasi. PNL, Lhoksmawae. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Indrawati, Indrawati and Puspita, Fitri Maya and Herdayana, Lisma CORRESPONDING AUTHOR OF_Improving the Models of Internet Charging in Single Link Multiple Class QoS Networks. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Maiyanti, Sri Indra and Ngudiantoro, Ngudiantoro and SYARIFUDDIN, FAUZI YUSUF and PUTRI, RIZKI EKA (2022) CORRESPONDING AUTHOR OF_Perbandingan rata-rata total income lulusan Universitas Sriwijaya menurut gender dan bidang pekerjaan. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Ngudiantoro, Ngudiantoro and Desiani, Anita (2023) CORRESPONDING AUTHOR_A Profile Analysis of Blacksmith in Desa Limbang Jaya I Kecamatan Tanjung Batu Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Ngudiantoro, Ngudiantoro and Desiani, Anita and Rodiah, Desty (2019) CORRESPONDING AUTHOR OF_Aplikasi group analysis pada perbandingan tiga sentra kerajinan tenun songket Palembang. PNL, Lhoksmawae.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Ngudiantoro, Ngudiantoro and Maiyanti, Sri Indra (2023) CORESPONDING AUTHOR OF_Application of Two Groups Analysis and Cluster Analysis on comparison of Characteristics of Pagaralam Coffee Farmers Categories. universitas Pattimura.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Ngudiantoro, Ngudiantoro and Maiyanti, Sri Indra CORRESPONDING AUTHOR OF_Regression model on Pagaralam coffee farmers’ income with the influence of the use of herbicide reductant variable. universitas Pattimura.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Ngudiantoro, Ngudiantoro and Maiyanti, Sri Indra and Setiawan, Arum and Affandi, Azhar Kholiq (2023) CORRESPONDING AUTHOR OF_Penyuluhan Desain Packing Produk dan Pemanfaatan Digital Marketing pada Usaha Kerupuk di Desa Tanjung Pering Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten OI. PNL, Lhoksmawae.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Ngudiantoro, Ngudiantoro and Rodiah, Desty (2021) CORRESPONDING AUTHOR OF_Correspondence Analysis pada Hubungan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Kopi Pagaralam. Universitas Pattimura.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Ngudiantoro, Ngudiantoro and SAMSURI, MUKHLIZAR NIRWAN and Suprihatin, Bambang (2021) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Logistic regression model on land productivity of Pagar Alam coffee farming. IOP Publishing.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Puspita, Fitri Maya (2014) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Model and Optimal Solution of Single Link Pricing Scheme Multiservice Network. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Unpublished)

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Suprihatin, Bambang and CAHYANI, KARIAH AYU (2023) CORRESPONDING AUTHOR OF_Aplikasi analisis biplot dan analisis klaster pada data usaha perkebunan karet di Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Bangun, Putra Bahtera Jaya and Hazrati, Izzah Solution of Multiple Constraints Knapsack Problem (MCKP) by Using Branch and Bound Method and Greedy Algorithm (CORRESPONDING AUTHOR).

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Ngudiantoro, Ngudiantoro and Desiani, Anita and Rodiah, Desty Aplikasi group analysis pada perbandingan tiga sentra kerajinan tenun songket Palembang (CORRESPONDING AUTHOR). PNL, Lhoksmawae.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Ngudiantoro, Ngudiantoro and Desiani, Anita and Rodiah, Desty Deskripsi hubungan luas areal dan produksi perkebunan kopi di Indonesia menggunakan analisis bivariat dan analisis klaster (CORRESPONDING AUTHOR). PNL, Lhoksmawae.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Puspita, Fitri Maya and Husniah, Iffah Optimization of Wireless Internet Pricing Scheme in Serving Multi QoS Network Using Various Attributes (CORRESPONDING AUTHOR). UAD.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Puspita, Fitri Maya and Indrawati, Indrawati and AGUSTIN, RAHAYU TAMY Bit Error Rate (BER) QoS attribute in solving wireless pricing scheme on single link multi service network (CORRESPONDING AUTHOR). IJECE.

Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana and Puspita, Fitri Maya and Indrawati, Indrawati and Rizta, Amrina Modeling and Optimal Solution of Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (Ocvrp) in Garbage Transportation in Kecamatan Seberang Ulu I Kota Palembang (CORRESPONDING AUTHOR). ajbasweb.

Irnansyah, Irnansyah and Mirizon, Soni and Petrus, Ismail (2022) DEVELOPING HOTS-BASED DESCRIPTIVE READING MATERIALS IN INDONESIAN CONTEXT FOR TENTH GRADERS. ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education, 10 (2). pp. 645-654. ISSN 23017554


Irwanto, Dedi (2024) Sejarah DPRD Sumatera Selatan Masa Orde Baru. Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah, 3 (3). pp. 812-820. ISSN 2828-5271

Iskandar, Iskhaq and Mardiansyah, Wijaya and Setiabudidaya, Dedi and Irfan, Muhammad (2017) Hasil Turnitin test Paper: Spatio-temporal variations of sea surface temperature in the Banda Sea during the period of 2002-2008. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya, Makasar.

Isnaini, Isnaini and Melki, Melki and Agussalim, Andi (2015) Komposisi dan struktur komunitas ikan di perairan Muara Musi dan Muara Banyuasin, Kab. Banyuasin, Prov. SumSel (Publikasi). In: Seminar Nasional Perikanan Tangkap IPB ke-6, 22 Oktober 2015, Bogor.

Isnainy, Henny and Hasyim, Hamzah and Sitorus, Rico Januar (2014) IMPLEMENTASI KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA DI LABORATORIUM KIMIA FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA TAHUN 2009. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 5 (01). pp. 19-24. ISSN 20866380

Isnurhadi, Isnurhadi Corresponding Author: Bank capital, efficiency and risk: Evidence from Islamic banks. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, Korea Distribution Science Association.

Isnurhadi, Isnurhadi and Sulastri, Sulastri and Saftiana, Yulia and Jie, Ferry (2022) Corresponding Author: Banking industry sustainable growth rate under risk: Empirical study of the banking industry in ASEAN countries. MDPI, Sutainability.

Isnurhadi, Isnurhadi and Widya Oktarini, Kurnia and Meutia, Inten and Mukhtaruddin, Mukhtaruddin (2020) Corresponding Author: Effect of stakeholder engagement and corporate governance on integrated reporting disclosure. Universitas Pasundan, Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management.

Iwan, Iwan Efriandy and Rohman, Abdul and Aspahani, Aspahani (2024) Komite Manajemen Resiko: Peran Corporate Governance dan Kepemilikan Institusional. MBIA, 23 (1). pp. 212-225. ISSN 2086-5090

Iwan, Iwan Efriandy and Rohman, Abdul Rohman and Aspahani, Aspahani (2024) Komite Manajemen Resiko: Peran Corporate Governance dan Kepemilikan Institusional. MBIA, 23 (2). pp. 212-225. ISSN 2655-826

Iyakrus, Iyakrus (2017) CORESPONDENCE AUTHOR Physical Fitness Of South Sumatera Football Athletes For Pon XIV 2016. UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SEMARANG. (Submitted)


Iyakrus, Iyakrus Corespondence Development of STEAM-Based Physical Education Learning Model to Improve Physical Fitness of Elementary School Students. Coresponden Author Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Iyakrus, Iyakrus (2022) Correspondence PHYSICAL ACTIVITY OF PROSPECTIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Теорія та методика фізичного виховання Physical Education Theory, Rumania. (Unpublished)

Iyakrus, Iyakrus (2022) Correspondence author High-intensity interval training for undergraduate students: Study protocols for randomized controlled trials. Editura Universitatea din Pitesti, Rumania. (Unpublished)

Iyakrus, Iyakrus (2023) KORESNPONDENSI Physical Activity Level and Body Mass Index Profile of Physical Education Teacher Candidates in Palembang City. Horizon Research Publishing, US. (Unpublished)

Iyakrus, Iyakrus and Bayu, Wahyu and Solahuddin, Soleh and Usra, Meirizal and Yusfi, Herri and Victorian, Ahmad Richard and Ramadhan, Arizky (2022) Correspondence author of Physical Activity of Prospective Physical Education Teachers During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Universitas Sriwijaya.

idris, haerawati (2023) Factors Associated with the Completion of Antenatal Care in Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Data Analysis Based on the 2018 Indonesian Basic Health Survey (bukti koresponensi). belitung nursing journal.


Jauhari, Jaidan and AJ, SUHARLI and Nawawi, Zainuddin and Sriyanti, Ida (2021) Synthesis and Characteristics Of Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) Nanofiber Membrane Using Electrospinning Method (Corresponden Author). University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy.

Johan, Akmal and Adi, Wisnu Ari and Arsyad, Fitri Suryani and Setiabudidaya, Dedi (2020) Corespondence author of_Effect of Lanthanum Substituted CoFe2-xLaxO4 on Change of Structure Parameter and Phase Formation. Key Engineering Materials.

Johan, Akmal and Setiabudidaya, Dedi and Arsyad, Fitri Suryani and Ramlan, Ramlan and Adi, Wisnu Ari (2022) Corespondence author of_Strong and weak ferromagnetic of cobalt ferrite: Structural, magnetic properties and reflection loss characteristic. Materials Chemistry and Physics.

Jorena, Jorena and Royani, Idha (2021) Analisis Proses Ekstraksi pada Nano Kafein Terhadap Konsentrasi Kafein Terbuang pada Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) dan Rongga Tercipta. Analisis Proses Ekstraksi pada Nano Kafein Terhadap Konsentrasi Kafein Terbuang pada Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) dan Rongga Tercipta, 11 (1). pp. 51-58. ISSN 20890133

Jubaedah, Dade (2024) Aplikasi Pemuasaan dan Pakan Fermentasi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Rasio Konversi Pakan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-12 Tahun 2024, 12 (1). pp. 135-142. ISSN 2986-2302

Jubaedah, Dade and Kamas, Mohammd Mukhlis and Muchsin, Ismudi and Hariyadi, Sigid (2016) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : The Trophic Status of the Lubuk Lampam Floodplain in South Sumatera, Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia.

Jubaedah, Dade and Marsi, Marsi and Wijayanti, Marini and Rahmani, Sofiatul (2020) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Combination Cockie Shells (Anadara granosa) and Calcite Lime to Improve Swamp Water pH for Catfish (Pangasius sp.) culture. Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.

Juliantina, Ika and Sutejo, Yulindasari and Dewi, Ratna and Adhitya, Bimo Brata and Rustam, Reffanda Kurniawan (2023) Korespondensi IJASEIT Jurnal Internasional 8 : Identification of Slope Stability Analysis. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Jumadi, Jumadi and Fikriyah, Vidya N. and Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky and Priyono, Kuswaji Dwi and Musiyam, Muhammad and Mardiah, Andri N. R. and Rohman, Arif and Hasyim, Hamzah and Ibrahim, Mohd. Hairy (2022) A Year of Spatio-Temporal Clusters of COVID-19 in Indonesia (Corresponding author). Sciendo. (Submitted)

Junaidi, Yulian and Indahsari, Siti Rachmi and Adi, Suhendra Ahmad (2023) ASPEK KEBERLANJUTAN PROGRAM MINA PADI DI DESA SUNGAI REBO: PELAJARAN DARI CSR PT KILANG PERTAMINA INTERNASIONAL RU III PLAJU. Journal of comprehensive science, 2 (8). pp. 1431-1442. ISSN 2962-4738

Juniah, Restu (2023) Korespondensi-Analisis Ekonomi Perbandingan Penggunaan Alat Coal Crusher Dan Fixed Screen Dalam Kegiatan Coal Getting. Restu. (Unpublished)

Juniah, Restu (2023) Korespondensi-Analisis Nilai Keekonomian Peruntukan Lahan Bekas Tambang Batubara Sebagai Asimilator Karbon. Restu. (Unpublished)


Juniah, Restu (2023) Korespondensi-Perencanaan teknis dan ekonomis reklamasi periode 2021-2023 di disposal PT. Bima Putra Abadi Citranusa (Bomba Group). Restu. (Unpublished)

Juniah, Restu (2023) Korespondensi-Potensi Pemanfaatan Air Void Tambang Batubara Untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro. Restu. (Unpublished)

Juniah, Restu (2023) Korespondensi-Study of Benefit Economic Value of Post Coal Mining Land as Carbon Absorber at PT Sungai Pangean Jaya. Restu. (Unpublished)

Juniah, Restu (2023) Korespondensi-Technical Blasting and Ripping of Overburden to Reduce the Effect of Ground Vibration on Slope Stability and Residence around Coal Mine. Restu. (Unpublished)

Juniah, Restu (2023) Korespondensi-Technical Review of Land Usage of Former Limestone Mine for Rubber Plantation in PT Semen BaturajaTbk for Sustainable Mining Environment. Restu. (Unpublished)

Juniah, Restu (2023) Korespondensi-The Influence of Sand Mining towards the Sustainability of Power Support and Capacity of Lambidaro River. Restu. (Unpublished)

Juniah, Restu (2023) Korespondensi-The Performance Analysis Of Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation At Golden Great Borneo Company In Lahat Regency Of Indonesia During Year 2021. Restu. (Unpublished)

Juniah, Restu (2023) Korespondensi_Potential Economic Value of Water Resource Sustainability for Sustainable Environment: A Case Study in South Sumatra, Indonesia. INSIGHT - Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human Development, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

juainah, norma and Ermanovida, Ermanovida and Chotimah, Umi and Kurnisar, Kurnisar (2024) Strategi Dalam Membangun Nilai Karakter Cinta Tanah Air Mahasiswa Melalui Pembelajaran Pkn Berbasis Hots. EDUKATIF : JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN. ISSN 26568063


Karnita, Anggun and Sumarni, Sri (2021) Identifikasi Capaian Indikator Bidang Pengembangan Kognitif Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Selama Belajar Dari Rumah Di TK PGRI Tanjung Batu. Jurnal Pendidikan Anak, 7 (1). pp. 37-42. ISSN 2580-9504

Kendi, Sumar and Alfatih, Andy (2019) Corresponding Author Of Implementation of Village Minister Regulation No. 21 of 2015 in Utilization of Village Funds for Community Empowerment (Study in The Village of Embacang Kelekar and Suban Baru Village of Kelekar District in 2016). Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Taman Siswa Palembang, collaborated with CMHC (Research & Sains Center) and HM Publisher.

Kesuma, Yudianita (2023) Corresponding Author_Association Between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Sleep Disturbance in Adolescents. Fakultas Kedokteran Unsri.

Kesuma, Yudianita (2023) Corresponding Author_Electronic Media Use and Sleep Disorders Among Adolescents During The COVID19 Pandemic. Fakultas Kedokteran Unsri.

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2023) BUKTI KORESPONDESI_Monitoring the Muara Laboh Geothermal Field in Indonesia using the ISBAS Method with Sentinel-1 SAR Images. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2013) Corresepondence author of_Monitoring and characterization of land subsidence in the Bandung Basin, West Java, Indonesia, using SAR interferometry. SEG. (Submitted)

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2022) Correspondence Author of_Earthquake affects subsidence in Jakarta using Sentinel-1A time series images and 2D-MSBAS method. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. (Submitted)

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2013) Correspondence author of_Detection of Localized Surface Uplift by Differential SAR Interferometry at the Hangingstone Oil Sand Field, Alberta, Canada. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. (Submitted)


Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2012) Correspondence author of_Geomechanical Modeling for InSAR-derived Surface Deformation at Steam-Injection Oil Sand Fields. Elsevier. (Submitted)

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2010) Correspondence author of_Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurement and its inversion for monitoring Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) process. : The Indonesian Association of Geophysicists (HAGI) and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG),.

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2010) Correspondence author of_Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Inversion for Reservoir Monitoring. Society of Exploration Geophysics of Japan (SEGJ).

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2014) Correspondence author of_Lithology-controlled subsidence and seasonal aquifer response in the Bandung basin, Indonesia, observed by Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry. Elsevier. (Submitted)

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2019) Correspondence author of_Peatland subsidence and vegetation cover degradation as impacts of the 2015 El-Niño event revealed by Sentinel-1A SAR data. Elsevier. (Submitted)

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2010) Correspondence author of_Surface and subsurface monitoring at oilfield using synthetics aperture radar interferometry (InSAR). Society of Exploration Geophysic of Japan (SEG).

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2011) Correspondence author of_The proposed inversion technique of remote sensing data for reservoir monitoring. Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2013) Detection of Localized Surface Uplift by Differential SAR Interferometry at the Hangingstone Oil Sand Field, Alberta, Canada. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 6 (6). pp. 1-11. ISSN 21511535

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2022) Earthquake affects subsidence in Jakarta using Sentinel-1A time series images and 2D-MSBAS method. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences,, 45 (1). pp. 111-128. ISSN 2815-5890

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2019) Peatland subsidence and vegetation cover degradation as impacts of the 2015 El niño event revealed by Sentinel-1A SAR data. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation, 84 (10195). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1872-826X

Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2022) SPATIOTEMPORAL VARIATIONS OF SOIL MOISTURE AND GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN A SOUTH SUMATRA PEATLAND, INDONESIA DURING 2015–2018. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 2 (15). pp. 58-70. ISSN 25421565

Khalisa,, Fairuz Putri and Mirizon, Soni and Eryansyah, Eryansyah (2022) Challenges and Strategies in Early Teaching Experience: Voice of Novice EFL Indonesian Lecturers. Voices of English Language Education Society, 6 (2). pp. 417-428. ISSN 25797484

Komalasari1, Febrianti and Faisya, Achmad Fickry and Windusari, Yuanita and Hasyim, Hamzah (2021) Korelasi Kebersihan Kuku Terhadap Infeksi Kecacingan Pada Pemulung Anak Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA). Jurnal ‘Aisyiyah Medika, 6 (2). pp. 196-206. ISSN 2622-3872

Koriyanti, Erry and Royani, Idha (2019) Effect of template removal process with methanol solvent on cavities number of melamine molecularly imprinted polymer (MIPS). Effect of template removal process with methanol solvent on cavities number of melamine molecularly imprinted polymer (MIPS). pp. 1-5. ISSN 17426588/ 17426596

Koriyanti, Erry and Royani, Idha (2020) Optimasi Ukuran dan Jumlah Pori yang Terbentuk Pada Molacularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) Nano Karbaril (C12H11NO2). Optimasi Ukuran dan Jumlah Pori yang Terbentuk Pada Molacularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) Nano Karbaril (C12H11NO2), 10 (2). pp. 93-98. ISSN 2301-4970

Koriyanti, Erry and Royani, Idha (2017) PEMBUATAN MOLECULARLY IMPRINTED POLYMER (MIP) MELAMIN MENGGUNAKAN METODE COOLING-HEATING. Pembuatan Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) melamin menggunakan metode cooling-heating, 6. pp. 45-50. ISSN 2339-0654

Krisdayanti, Nabila and Hasyim, Hamzah (2021) Knowledge, Attitude, And Personal Hygiene Behaviors With Pathological Leukorrhea In Adolescent Girls At SMK'Aisyiyah Palembang. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat,, 12 (2). pp. 181-191. ISSN 2548-7949

Kusuma, Febridho Jaya and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Alian, Alian (2022) Perkembangan Obyek Wisata Benteng Marlborough Tahun 2013-2019 (Corresponding Author). Universitas Negeri Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Kusuma, Febridho Jaya and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Alian, Alian (2022) Perkembangan Obyek Wisata Benteng Marlborough Tahun 2013-2019 (Corresponding Author). Universitas Negeri Jakarta. (Unpublished)


LESTARI, INDAH and Aisyah, Nyimas and Indaryanti, Indaryanti (2019) Corespondence author of Analyzing students' character values in non-routine mathematics problems. IOP Publishing.

Latifa, Nafiyah and Budianta, Dedik and Ayu, Ieke Wulan (2023) Korespeondensi: PENENTUAN REKOMENDASI DOSIS PUPUK N P K TUNGGAL SPESIFIK LOKASI PADA TANAMAN PADI SAWAH TADAH HUJAN. Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Palangkaraya. (Submitted)

Leni, Sabrina and Yazid, Muhammad and Maryadi, Maryadi (2018) Corespondence Author of_ The Problems and Utilization of Credits and Their Effect on The Income of Oil Palms Farmers in Musi Banyuasin Regency Indonesia. iVolga Press.

Lestari, Endang Lestari (2023) Korespondensi : Analisis Pengaruh Digital Sales Promotion Terhadap Minat Beli Pengguna Gopay. Perpustakaan Unsri.

Lestari, Ratih and Sari, Dwi Wulan and Husin, Laila (2023) Factors affecting farmers’ decision in selling rice farmland in Pemulutan Subdistrict, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 18 (3). pp. 1576-1583. ISSN 2581-9615

Lestari, Windi and Sari, Dwi Wulan and Husin, Laila (2023) Factors affecting farmers’ decision in selling rice farmland in Pemulutan Subdistrict, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 18 (3). pp. 1099-1105. ISSN 2581-9615

Liana, Phey (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Prevalence of Extended-Spectrum Beta Lactamase-Producing Microorganisms in Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital Palembang. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Liana, Phey (2023) Bukti Korespondensi The polymorphisms of TNF-α related-gene and antibody production following third dose of COVID-19 vaccination: A pilot study. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Liana, Phey (2023) Bukti Korespondensi artikel Correlation between CRP level dan Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in Malignancy Patients with neutropenic fever. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Liana, Phey (2023) Bukti Korespondensi artikel Lymphocyte Levels in Predicting the Outcome of COVID-19 Patient: A Prognostic Study from Single Center in Indonesia. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Liana, Phey (2023) Bukti Korespondensi artikel Relationship between the Number of CD4+ and CD8+ Cells in Patients with COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital, Palembang, Indonesia. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Liana, Phey (2023) Bukti Korespondensi artikel Total-to-HDL Cholesterol Ratio and Visceral Adiposity Index Correlation in Type Two Diabetics with or without Ischemic Stroke. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Liana, Phey (2023) Bukti korespondensi Anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor binding domain (S-RBD) IgG antibodies following CoronaVac Administration: a longitudinal study. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S-RBD IgG antibodies. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Liana, Phey (2023) Bukti korespondensi Korelasi Hitung Leukosit dan neutrofil dengan kadar neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs) pada Pasien Keganasan dengan Demam Neutropenia. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Liana, Phey (2023) Bukti korespondensi artikel C-Reactive Protein as The Predictor of Mortality for COVID-19 Patients in Indonesia. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Liana, Phey (2020) Correspondence author of Comparison of Blood Gas Analysis between Benchtop and Handheld Device. Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Klinik. (Submitted)

Liana, Phey (2023) bukti korespondensi artikel D-dimer as Sensitive biomarker of survival rate in patients with COVID-19. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Liberty, Iche Andriyani (2022) Corresponding Author_Association Between Triglyceride-Glucose Index (TyG Index) and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Liberty, Iche Andriyani (2022) Corresponding Author_Routine laboratory tests: Potential practical parameters to detect coronavirus disease-2019 in resource-limited settings. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy (2022) Comparative Structure Behavior System of Fixed Base and Base Isolation as Earthquake Result in Irregular Building Configuration (corresponding author). Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an (UNSIQ). (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy (2022) Tren desain arsitektur di indonesia yang mempengaruhi kerentanan bangunan terhadap gempa (corresponding author). Universitas STEKOM Semarang. (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy and Gagoek, Hardiman and Nuroji, - (2022) The Application Of Rapid Visual Analysis (RVS) in the Architectural Design Process as Support Disaster Resilient in Indonesia (corresponding author). Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy and Gagoek, Hardiman and Nuroji, - (2022) Behavior Identification of Subtractive Transformation in Building Design Process against Earthquakes (corresponding author). Asian Urban Research Group. (Submitted)

Livian, Teddy and Gagoek, Hardiman and Nuroji, - (2022) Cara Praktis Mengevaluasi Kebutuhan Mitigasi Jaringan Sanitasi Bangunan Akibat Gempa (corresponding author). Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy and Gagoek, Hardiman and Nuroji, - (2022) Identifikasi Ketahanan Konfigurasi Bangunan Terhadap Gempa (Studi Kasus : Rumah Sakit Swasta 10 Lantai Di Palembang) (corresponding author). Program Doktor Ilmu Arsitektur dan Perkotaan UNDIP. (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy and Gagoek, Hardiman and Nuroji, - and Sri, Tudjono (2022) Method of Buildings Structural Vulnerability and Geometry Form Designs Evaluation Towards Earthquakes with The SVA Architectural Design (corresponding author). Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Diponegoro. (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy and Gagoek, Hardiman and Nuroji, - and Sri, Tudjono (2022) The New Method in Calculating Columns and Beams Dimensions That Meets Requirements of The Strong Column - Weak Beam and Non - Soft Story (corresponding author). Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Diponegoro. (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy and Gagoek, Hardiman and Nuroji, - and Sri, Tudjono (2022) Simplified Vulnerabiltiy Analysis (SVA) Preliminary Design of the Frame Structure in the Architectural Design Process (corresponding author). Indian Society for Education and Environment. (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy and Gagoek, Hardiman and Nuroji, - and Sri, Tudjono (2022) The Soft Story Challenge to Architectural Design in Earthquake-Prone Areas (corresponding author). Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy and Gagoek, Hardiman and Nuroji, - and Sri, Tudjono (2022) The effect of earthquake on architecture geometry with non-parallel system irregularity configuration (corresponding author). Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy and Husnul, Hidayat and Dessa, Andriyali A (2022) The study of shear wall uses in buildings during the architecture design process (corresponding author). Universitas Petra Surabaya.

Livian, Teddy and Johannes, Adiyanto and Husnul, Hidayat (2022) IDENTIFIKASI PERILAKU TRANSFORMASI GEOMETRIS BANGUNAN DALAM PROSES DISAIN BANGUNAN TERHADAP GEMPA (corresponding author). Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Livian, Teddy and Johannes, Adiyanto and Husnul, Hidayat (2022) Identifying geometric configuration of earthquake-resistant buildings (corresponding author). Universitas Kristen Widya Mandira, Kupang NTT. (Unpublished)

Lubis, Fitri Nova Liya (2021) Bukti korespondesi prosiding international dengan judul : the effectiveness of herbal fermentation into drinking water on performance of kampong chickens. IOP Publishing.

Lumbanraja, SN and Budianta, Dedik and Rohim, AM (2021) Korespondensi: PENGARUH ECOENZYM DAN SP-36 TERHADAP BEBERAPA SIFAT KIMIA TANAH DAN PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN SAWI (Brassica juncea L.) PADA ULTISOL. Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Palangkaraya. (Submitted)

Lussetyowati, Tutur (2008) Korespondensi_IMPROVING URBAN PUBLIC SPACE IN HISTORIC URBAN AREA TO SUPPORT COMMUNITY AND TOURISM ACTIVITIES INVOLVING COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION. Department of Architecture School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development Institute of Technology, Bandung. (Submitted)

Lussetyowati, Tutur (2012) Korespondensi_Improving Quality of Life through Creative Connectivity. Case Study: Traditional Handicraft Home Industry in Tuan Kentang, Palembang. Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) - School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development. (Submitted)

Lussetyowati, Tutur (2020) Korespondensi_Study on Community Participation of Kampoong 3-4 Ulu Palembang Revitalization. Atlantis Press. (Submitted)

Lussetyowati, Tutur (2012) Penggunaan Ruang Publik di Permukiman Tepian Sungai Musi Palembang (Korespondesi). Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya. (Unpublished)

Lussetyowati, Tutur (2014) Preservation and Conservation through Cultural Heritage Tourism Case Study: Musi Riverside Palembang (Korespondesi). Elsevier ScienceDirect. (Unpublished)

Lussetyowati, Tutur and Sutriyono, Edy and Taqwa, Ridhah and Fransiska, Widya (2017) ANALYSIS ON URBAN SPACE DESIGN CRITERIA (CASE STUDY: MUSI RIVER SIDE SETTLEMENT), INDONESIA (korespondensi). EM International. (Unpublished)

Lussetyowati, Tutur and Sutriyono, Edy and Taqwa, Ridhah and Fransiska, Widya (2017) Analysis on urban space design criteria (Case study: Musi river side settlement), Indonesia (Korespondesi). EMI International. (Unpublished)


MAYASARI, ARDINA and Indaryanti, Indaryanti and Hartono, Yusuf and Hiltrimartin, Cecil and Araiku, Jeri (2023) Corespondence author of RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY WITH MATHEMATICAL MODELING ABILITY. Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro.

MELYANA, ANISA and Indaryanti, Indaryanti and Hiltrimartin, Cecil and Hartono, Yusuf (2021) Corespondence author of Mathematics modeling ability of students in System of Linear Equation of Two Variables Materials with PBL Model at SMPN 1 Pangkalan Baru. Atlantis Press.

MELYANA, ANISA and Indaryanti, Indaryanti and Hiltrimartin, Cecil and Hartono, Yusuf (2022) Letter of Acceptance Mathematics Modeling Ability of Students in System of Linear Equation of Two Variables Materials with PBL Model at SMPN 1 Pangkalan Baru. Atlantis Press.


MUKTI, SUBKHI PANGESTU and Ermayanti, Ermayanti and Susanti, Rahmi (2022) Corresponden Author Artikel: Representasi 3D Jaringan Epidermis dan Stomata Daun Beberapa Jenis Tumbuhan Apocynaceae serta Sumbangannya pada Pembelajaran Biologi SMA. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)


Maharani, Siti Dewi and Ms, Zulela and Nadiroh, Nadiroh (2019) Transformation of The Value of Religious Characters in Civic Education Learning in Elementary Schools (Corresponding Author). University of Hamburg. (Unpublished)

Maharani, Siti Dewi and Rahmi, Susanti and Indarti, Luluk hanun and Syamsi, Atika (2022) Integrating HOTS-Based Student Electronic Worksheet: Teaching Styles in Elementary School During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Corresponding Autor). Journal of Social Studies Education Research (JSSER). (Unpublished)

Maharani, Siti Dewi and Suganda, Vina Amilia and Laihat, Laihat and Harini, Bunda and Pulungan, Marwan and Safitri, Mazda leva Okta (2022) Asesmen Pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar (Corresponding Autror). Turnitin Universitas sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Maharani, Siti Dewi and Waty, Evy Ratna Kartika and Sumarni, Sri and Makmum, Raharjo (2023) Parental Self-Efficacy in Helping Elementary Children Learn at Home (Corresponding Autor). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Malahayati, Nura (2023) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Effect of Germination and eggshells nanocalcium fortification on chyaracteristics of germinated mung bean drink (Vigna radiata.). College of Food and Agriculture, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates.

Malahayati, Nura (2017) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Profiles of Modified Sago Starch by Heat Moisture Treatment and Autoclaving-Cooling. IJSR.

Malahayati, Nura (2018) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Total Phenolic, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Curcumin Extract of Kunci Pepet (Kaempferia rotunda L). RJPBCS.

Malahayati, Nura and Muhammad, Kharida and Bakar, Jamilah and Karim, Roselina (2020) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Fortification of Rice Noodles with Vitamin A Quality Sensory Evaluation, and Enhancement of Vitamin A Intakes. Center For Academic Publication, Japan. (Unpublished)

Malahayati, Nura and Syaiful, Friska and Sujatmiko, Harumi (2020) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Atribut Fisik, Kimia, dan Sensoris Minuman Jeli Susu Kerbau. Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya. (Unpublished)

Malahayati, Nura and Widowati, Tri Wardani and Alsoyuna, Nurul Saniah (2021) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : The Effect of Extraction Time on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Nanocalcium Powder From Chiken and Duck Eggshells. HACCP Consulting, Slovakia. (Unpublished)

Malahayati, Nura and Widowati, Tri Wardani and Febrianti, Anita (2021) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Karakterisasi Ekstrak Kurkumin dari Kunyit Putih (Kaemferia rotunda L.) dan Kunyit Kuning (Curcuma domestica Val.). Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, UGM. (Unpublished)

Mardalena, Mardalena Analisis Bagi Hasil Tangkap Ikan Pada Nelayan Di Pulau Baai Kota Bengkulu (Bukti Korespondensi). CONVERGENCE : The Journal Of Economic Development. (Unpublished)

Mardalena, Mardalena (2021) KAJIAN POLA MIGRASI, KONSUMSI, DAN SAVING MASYARAKAT BERPENGHASILAN RENDAH (MBR) PADA KAWASAN KUMUH DI KOTA PALEMBANG (bukti korepsondensi). Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Mardetini, Edutivia and Hasmidyani, Dwi and Amrina, Dian Eka (2023) Artikel Pengetahuan Awal Materi Pajak dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Akuntansi Perpajakan. Jurnal Neraca: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Ekonomi Akuntansi, 7 (1). pp. 34-43. ISSN 2580-2690 (Printed ISSN) 2615-3025 (e-ISSN)


Maritska, Ziske (2023) The Condition of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Lineages and Resistances in Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Maritska, Ziske (2023) Correspondence_Birth Anthropometry Characteristics of Hypospadias Patients in Palembang, Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Maritska, Ziske (2023) Correspondence_Geographical Variations of Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) in South Sumatera Region. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Maritska, Ziske (2023) Correspondence_Screening A Trinucleotide Repeat Expansion: How precise PCR can be? Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Maritska, Ziske (2022) Corresponding Author_Current status of disorders of sexual development in Indonesia. Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publication.

Maritska, Ziske (2021) Corresponding Author_Dermatoglyphics findings in intellectual disability children with down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publication.

Maritska, Ziske (2022) Corresponding Author_Parental risk factors in schizophrenia: The apple does not fall far from the tree. Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publication.

Maritska, Ziske (2022) Corresponding Author_document DRD2 Gene (Advances in Human Biology). Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publication.

Maritska, Ziske Corresponding Letters_Genetics of Lamellar Ichtyosis. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Maritska, Ziske (2023) DRD2 Gene Polymorphisms in Schizophrenia Patients. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Maritska, Ziske (2023) Detection of Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolate caused by Mutation in the gyrA gene. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Maritska, Ziske (2023) PHYSICAL COMORBIDITIES IN CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Maritska, Ziske (2023) Risk Factors of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Palembang, Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Maritska, Ziske (2023) Sindrom Down dalam Islam. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Maritska, Ziske (2023) Special month for special needs children. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Mariyani, Mariyani and Chotimah, Umi and Kurnisar, Kurnisar and Rini Setiyowati, Rini (2024) PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUATAN PERANGKAT PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS TPACK BAGI GURU SMPN 6 TALANG KELAPA KABUPATEN BANYUASIN. Journal of Sriwijaya Community Service on Education (JSCSE). ISSN 2829-7490

Marlina, Leni (2017) Korespondensi_Improving the critical thinking skills of junior high school students on Earth and Space Science (ESS) materials. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Martadiansyah, Abarham (2023) Bukti_Korespondensi_Placenta accreta spectrum disorder in a primigravida with angular pregnancy: a case report. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

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Meutia, Inten (2023) Corresponding authors_Sustainability reporting and audit committee attributes: Evidencefrombanks in Indonesia. University Sains Malaysia.

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Meutia, Inten Korespondensi Characteristics of The Sharia Supervisory Board and Its Relevance To Islamic Social Reporting at Islamic Banks in Indonesia. EKUITAS.

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Miksusanti, Miksusanti (2023) Corespondence author of_Optimization of Tween 80 and PEG-400 Concentration in Indonesian Virgin Coconut Oil Nanoemulsion as Antibacterial against Staphyloccocus aureus. Universiti Kebanggaan Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Miksusanti, Miksusanti (2023) Korespondensi Artikel Formulation And Optimization Peel-Off Gel Mask with Polyvinyl Alcohol and Gelatin Based Using Factorial Design from Banana Peel Flour (Musa paradisiaca L) As Antioxidant). Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Miksusanti, Miksusanti (2022) Korespondensi Artikel Impact of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) on Probiotic Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

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Miksusanti, Miksusanti (2019) Korespondensi Artikel Patch Film from Celullose Derivative Incorporating with Virgin Coconut Oil and its Physical and Antibacterial Properties. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Miksusanti, Miksusanti (2018) Korespondensi Artikel Properties of Ethanolysis Product from Ketapang Seed Oil (Terminalia Catappa Linn) Incorporated in Mucoadhesive Patch Film. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Miksusanti, Miksusanti (2019) Korespondensi Artikel The Change of Nutrients Rations Quality of Feed Fermented with Different Moisture Content. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Miksusanti, Miksusanti (2022) Korespondensi Artikel Viability and Antibacterial Activity of Bifidobacterium bifidum in Fermented Robusta Coffee for Diarrhea Treatment. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Miksusanti, Miksusanti (2020) Korespondensi Jurnal : The Effect of Consumption Nata De Cocolawak on Lipid Serum Levels on Healthy Women. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

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Misnaniarti, Misnaniarti (2015) Correspondence author of_Factors Contributing to Unmet Need For Contraception In Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd. (Submitted)

Misnaniarti, Misnaniarti (2017) Correspondence author of_Ketersediaan Fasilitas dan Tenaga Kesehatan dalam Mendukung Cakupan Semesta Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya dan Pelayanan Kesehatan, Kementerian Kesehatan RI. (Submitted)

Misnaniarti, Misnaniarti (2020) Correspondence author of_Outpatient Care Utilization among Elderly in South Sumatra Based on National Social-Economic Survey Data. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Makassar. (Submitted)

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Mitta, Agustarina and Hiltrimartin, Cecil and Aisyah, Nyimas and Ismet, Ismet and Meilinda, Meilinda and Silvhiany, Sary (2022) The development of teaching materials based on mathematical modeling in the context of climate change for prospective teachers. Al-Jabar: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 13 (2). pp. 401-412. ISSN 2086-5872

Mohruni, Amrifan Saladin and Yanis, Muhammad and Budiman, Arie Yudha and SUNDARI, ELLA and MARTOMI, EKA SATRIA (2015) Corresponding Authors_Mathematical Modeling of Surface Roughness on Tropical Wood Machining using Response Surface Methodology. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

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Mohruni, Amrifan Saladin and Yanis, Muhammad and Sharif, Safian and Yani, Irsyadi (2019) Corresponding Author_Optimum Performance of Green Machining on Thin Walled Ti6al4v Using RSM and ANN in Terms of Cutting Force and Surface Roughness. Penerbit UTM Press, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Monado, Fiber and Ariani, Menik and Royani, Idha (2019) Comparative study of conceptual design of gas-cooled fast reactor core type tall versus pan cake based on MCANDLE-B burn up strategy. Comparative study of conceptual design of gas-cooled fast reactor core type tall versus pan cake based on MCANDLE-B burn up strategy. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6596

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Muhammad Hasan, Winanda and Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Aryawati, Riris Corresponding Author_Estimasi Kelimpahan Plankton Menggunakan Metode Hidroakustik di Sebagian Perairan Estuari Pesisir Timur Banyuasin. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Muhammad Radif Dwisetyo, Muhammad Radif Dwisetyo and Hartati, Hartati and Giartama, Giartama and Silvi Aryanti, Silvi Aryanti (2020) Pengaruh Interval Training Terhadap Volume Oksigen Maksimal Pada Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Futsal (Coresspondence Author). universitas sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

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Muharani, Laily and Yazid, Muhammad and Adriani, Dessy (2020) Corespondence Author of_ Evaluasi Keberlanjutan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Swadaya berdasarkan Tahapan Perkembangan Tanaman di pasang Surut kecamatan Pulau Rimau Kabupaten Banyuasin. Research Center for Suboptimal Lands (PUR-PLSO), Universitas Sriwijaya.

Muhyiddin, Nurlina Nurlina T. and Harahap, Lily Rahmawati and Yuliana, Sa'adah and Andriana, Isni and Tarmizi, M. Irfan and Farhan, Muhammad (2020) Ekonomi Bisnis Menurut Perspektif Islam dan Konvensial. Penerbit Peneleh, Malang, Jawa Timur. ISBN 978-623-93405-5-1

Mukhlis, Mukhlis and Robiani, Bernadette and Adnan, Nazeli and Hamira, Hamira and Dirta Pratama, Atiyatna (2023) Korespondensi_Reviewing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Performance of Small Industries in South Sumatra. Repository Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Mukhlis, Mukhlis Assessing Small Industrial Agglomeration and Economic Growth in South Sumatra (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Mukhlis, Mukhlis (2018) Dampak transaksi non tunai terhadap perputaran uang di Indonesia (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Mukhlis, Mukhlis Effect of Investment on Employment in the Formal Small Industries In the District/City of South Sumatra Province, Indonesia (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Mukhlis, Mukhlis Examining the technical efficiency of small industries: A case study of the crackers industry in South Sumatera, Indonesia (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Mukhlis, Mukhlis Investigating the effect of total assets, financing, and third-party funds on Islamic Banking Revenue in Indonesia (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Mukhlis, Mukhlis Potential Agglomeration of Small Food Industry in Palembang, South Sumatra Indonesia (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Mukhtaruddin, Mukhtaruddin Bukti Konfirmasi Corresponding Authors JPSP 2022. Journal of Positive School Psychology.

Mukhtaruddin, Mukhtaruddin Bukti Konfirmasi Corresponding Authors RIBER. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research.

Mukhtaruddin, Mukhtaruddin Corresponding Author_Financial distress, earning management, financial statement fraud and audit quality as a moderating variable: listed companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchang. F1000Research.

Mukhtaruddin, Mukhtaruddin Corresponding Author_The Determination of Audit Consideration at Public Accounting Firm’s in Palembang City: Job Stress as a Mediation Variable. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research.

Mukhtaruddin, Mukhtaruddin Corresponding Author_The Ethical Perception Of Accounting Department Students: The Effect Of Human Character And Professional Perception As An Intervening Variable. Journal of Positive School Psychology.

Muliani, Rizka and Zulkarnain, Mohammad (2019) Korespondensi Analysis of the iron profile and the incidence of iron deficiency anemia in the third-trimester pregnant women in the coendemic areas of Bengkulu City, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Mulyono, Budi (2020) Corespondence Author of Analysis of Mathematical Writing Errors Related to The Angle of Trigonometri Functions. Kalamatika: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika. (Submitted)

Mulyono, Budi (2019) Corespondence Author of Cara Identifikasi Pengetahuan Prosedural dan Pemahaman Konseptual Mahasiswa Terhadap Materi Limit. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika (JPM) Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Mulyono, Budi (2022) Corespondence Author of Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Peserta Didik Kelas IX Terhadap Materi Persamaan Kuadrat Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah. Jurnal Teorema: Teori dan Riset Matematika. (Submitted)

Mulyono, Budi (2019) Correspondence Author of Developing and Applying the Law of Cosines: Using Star Maps as a Context. IGI Global. (Submitted)

Mulyono, Budi (2022) Correspondence Author of Ethnomathematics of 100-Pillars Limas House and Its Integration in Mathematics Learning for Junior High School. Jurnal Aksioma. (Submitted)

Mulyono, Budi (2018) Correspondence Author of How to study limit through computer-aided learning with conceptual-conflict strategy. IOP Publishing Ltd. (Submitted)

Mulyono, Budi (2022) Correspondence Author of Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Melalui Implementasi Blended Learning Materi Program Linear. JNPM (Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Matematika). (Submitted)

Mulyono, Budi (2017) Correspondence Author of Pemahaman Konsep dalam Pembelajaran Matematika. UHAMKA. (Submitted)

Mulyono, Budi (2022) Corresponding Author of Constraints of Blended Learning Implementation in Higher Education. Jurnal Gantang. (Submitted)

Murniati, Murniati (2023) Corespondence author_Pelatihan Penggunaan Air Track Sebagai Media Pembelajaran bagi Guru-guru Fisika di MGMP Kabupaten Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan. Journal of Sriwijaya Community Services on Education (JSCSE).


Murti, Krisna (2021) Korespondensi: DIFFUSE LARGE B CELL LYMPHOMA. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Asprianto, Muhammad and Dewi, Citra and Bahar, Erial (2023) SURAT PERNYATAAN SEBAGAI CORRESPONDING AUTHOR : Perbandingan Ekspresi PD-L1 dan TILS pada Karsinoma Payudara Triple Negative dan HER2 Enriched. Pernyataan Pribadi.

Murti, Krisna and Dewi, Citra and Amalia, Ella and Kurniawati, Nyiayu Fauziah and Ulfa, Maria and Pratama, Eka Putra (2023) SURAT PERNYATAAN SEBAGAI CORRESPONDING AUTHOR : Mastitis Granulomatosa : sebuah tantangan diagnosis. Pernyataan Pribadi.

Murti, Krisna and Ellyzar, Ellyzar and Sulastri, Henny and Theodorus, Theodorus (2023) Similarity : Hubungan antara overekspresi Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor dengan Er, Pr, Her-2, Ki67 pada subtipe molekular karsinoma payudara invasif tidak spesifik. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Murti, Krisna and Febriyanto, Angga and Fertilita, Soilia (2023) Corresponding Author of_Status Anemia Tidak Berhubungan dengan Subtipe Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Lestari, Mayang Indah and Liberty, Iche Andriyani and Hafy, Zen and Linardi, Violantina and Khoirudin, Muhammad (2023) Corresponding Author of_Waste anesthetic gases have a significant association with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 2,732 participants. Elsevier BV. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Lestari, Mayang Indah and Liberty, Iche Andriyani and Hafy, Zen and Linardi, Violantina and Khoirudin, Muhammad and Umar, Tungki Pratama (2023) Corresponding Author of_Association of vitamin D with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage: A systematic review of animal and human studies. Acta Biochimica Polonica. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Lestari, Mayang Indah and Liberty, Iche Andriyani and Hafy, Zen and Linardi, Violantina and Khoirudin, Muhammad and Umar, Tungki Pratama (2023) Korespondensi : Association of vitamin D with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage: A systematic review of animal and human studies. Acta Biochimica Polonica. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Liana, Phey and Liberty, Iche Andriyani and Hafy, Zen and Salim, Eddy Mart and Zulkarnain, Mohammad and Umar, Tungki Pratama (2022) Corresponding Author of_A systematic review on neutrophil extracellular traps and its prognostication role in COVID‑19 patients. Spinger Link. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Liana, Phey and Liberty, Iche Andriyani and Hafy, Zen and Salim, Eddy Mart and Zulkarnain, Mohammad and Umar, Tungki Pratama (2022) Korespondensi : A systematic review on neutrophil extracellular traps and its prognostication role in COVID‑19 patients. Spinger Link. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Muslina, Muslina and Kartika, Ika and Hidayat, Rachmat and Amalia, Ella (2021) Korespondensi : NFATc1 and Tumor Associated Macrophages Affect Progression of Certain Subsets of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Non-GCB Subtypes. CMHC (Research & Sains Center) colaborated with HM Publisher. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Muslina, Muslina and Nursanti, Apriyani and Hafy, Zen (2023) Korespondensi : Role of MYC in the tumor microenvironment in high grade non-Hodgkin B cell lymphomas. IOP Publishing Ltd.. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Neti, Neti and Kartika, Ika (2023) Corresponding Author of_Hubungan Kepadatan Sel Plasma pada Lingkungan Mikro Tumor dengan Stadium Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma. Majalah Patologi Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Neti, Neti and Kurniawati, Nyiayu Fauziah and Kartika, Ika and Rasyid, Riana Sari Puspita and Hafy, Zen (2021) Corresponding Author of_NFATc1 is Suppressed in Tumor Microenvironment of Hodgkin Lymphoma. Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Neti, Neti and Kurniawati, Nyiayu Fauziah and Kartika, Ika and Rasyid, Riana Sari Puspita and Hafy, Zen (2020) Korespondensi: NFATc1 is Suppressed in Tumor Microenvironment of Hodgkin Lymphoma. Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Neti, Neti and Liberty, Iche Andriyani (2023) Korespondensi : ADVANCE STAGE OF HODGKIN LYMPHOMA SHOWS HIGH DENSITY OF PLASMA CELLS BUT LOW ANGIOGENESIS. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Putri, Nadya Virana and Neti, Neti and Rasyid, Riana Sari Puspita (2021) Korespodensi: Hubungan Kepadatan Tumor-Associated-Macrophages dan TumorAssociated-Neutrophils dengan Karakteristik Klinikohistopatologi pada Pasien Limfoma Hodgkin. Majalah Patologi Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Ramkita, Nora (2023) Corresponding Author of_Penyuluhan pentingnya fase pra-analitik di bidang Patologi Anatomi di Kota Prabumulih. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Ulfa, Maria (2023) Korespondensi : LANGERHANS CELLS HISTIOCYTOSIS. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Yunalda, Indah and Farida, Aida and Kartika, Ika and Bahar, Erial (2023) SURAT PERNYATAAN SEBAGAI CORRESPONDING AUTHOR : Kepadatan CD8 di Lingkungan Mikrotumor pada subtipe Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. Pernyataan Pribadi.

Murti, Krisna and Zulfikar, M. Bima and Liberty, Iche Andriyani and Dewi, Citra and Rasyid, Riana Sari Puspita (2023) Corresponding Author of_Correlation of Microvessel Density with Clinicothological Features of Hodgkin Lymphoma. Majalah Patologi Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Murti, Krisna and Zulfikar, M. Bima and Liberty, Iche Andriyani and Dewi, Citra and Rasyid, Riana Sari Puspita (2023) Korespodensi : Correlation of Microvessel Density with Clinicothological Features of Hodgkin Lymphoma. Majalah Patologi Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Muslim, Muslim (2024) Korespondensi_First Records of Two Siluriform Fishes, Bagrichthys micranodus (Actinopterygii Siluriformes, Bagridae) and Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Pangasiidae) From Sumatra, Indonesia. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria.

Muslim, Muslim (2024) Korespondensi_Growth and Survival of Bronze Featherback (Notopterus notopterus, Pallas 1769) Reared on Net Cages in Kelekar River. Jurnal Sumberdaya Akuatik Indopasifik.

Muslim, Muslim (2024) Korespondensi_Length-weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Trichopodus trichopterus from Ogan Ilir Peat Swamp, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal Aquaculture.

Muslim, Muslim (2024) Korespondensi_Sexual Dimorphism and Reproductive Biology of Bronze Featherback (Notopterus notopterus, Pallas 1769) from Kelekar River, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Baghdad Science Journal.

Muslim, A. and M., Hyakumachi and K., Kageyama and Suwandi, Suwandi and Pratama, Rahmat (2019) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul artikel : A Rapid bioassay to evaluate efficacy of Hypovirulent Binucleate Rhizoctonia in reducing fusarium crown and root rot of tomato. BENTHAM Open. (Unpublished)

Muslim, A. and Pratama, Rahmat and Suwandi, Suwandi and Hamidson, Harman (2022) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul artikel : Diseases Severity, Genetic Variation , and Pathogenicity of Ceratocystis Wilt on Lansium domesticum in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Mustaanullah, M and Budianta, Dedik and Napoleon, A (2022) Korespondensi: PEMBERIAN PUPUK ANORGANIK DAN VERMIKOMPOST UNTUK PERTUMBUHAN KEDELAI DI TANAH PASANG SURUT. Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Palangkaraya. (Submitted)

Mustopa, A Zaenal and Umami, Rifqiah Nur and Melki, Melki (2015) ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY ASSAY OF MANGROVE EXTRACTS AGAINST SALMONELLA TYPHI AND LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES (Publikasi). Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 7 (2). pp. 603-612. ISSN 2476-9347

Mutahar, Rini (2019) Corespondence author of Relationship Between Sources of Information on Knowledge and Adolescent Attitude AT SMA N 1 Kayuagung, OKI, Sumatera Selatan. Atlantis Press. (Submitted)

Mutahar, Rini (2011) Corespondence author of_Determinants of Indonesian People Attitudes Towards People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Department of Public Health Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Unversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. (Submitted)

Mutahar, Rini (2016) Corespondence author of_Spatial Modeling of Filariasis Vulnerability Zone Area in Banyuasin District, South Sumatera. American Scientific Publishers. (Submitted)


Mutahar, Rini and Kusumaningrum, Arie and Sartika, Diana Dewi (2017) Corespondence author of_The Enhancement of Pregnant Women's Knowledge and Attitude to Maternal Health through Art of `Dulmuluk' in Ogan Ilir District, South Sumatera. Atlantis Press. (Submitted)

Mutahar, Rini and Novrikasari, Novrikasari and Sitorus, Rico Januar and Rosyada, Amrina and Andarini, Desheila (2019) Corespondence author of_FACTORS DETERMINING DRUG UPTAKE DURING MASS DRUG ADMINISTRATION (MDA) IN BANYUASIN DISTRICT. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication. (Submitted)

mohammad, zulkarnaian (2022) Korespondensi : The Relationship between Stunting and Tooth Eruption of Primary School Children at Tuah Negeri Sub-district, Musi Rawas District, South Sumatera Province, Indonesia. Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI.

mohammad, zulkarnaian (2022) Korespondensi The Relationship between Stunting and Tooth Eruption of Primary School Children at Tuah Negeri Sub-district, Musi Rawas District, South Sumatera Province, Indonesia. Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI.

mohammad, zulkarnaian (2023) Korespondensi_Faktor Risiko Status Gizi dan Erupsi Gigi Tetap Premolar-2 pada Anak Usia 10 Tahun di Kecamatan Tuah Negeri. Fakultas Kedokteran Unsri.

mohammad, zulkarnaian (2021) The Prevalence and Factors Associated with Prophylactic Antibiotic Use during Delivery: A Hospital-Based Retrospective Study in Palembang, Indonesia (Koresponding Author). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).

muhammad yerizam, yerizam and ASYENI MIFTAHUL JANNAH, ASYENI and nabila aprianti, nabila and yandriani, yandriani and muhammad rendana, rendana and annisa Qonita Ernas, Annisa and Juice Lowise Tamba, Juice (2023) Bioethanol production from coconut husk using DES-NADES pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis method. "Comptes Rendus Chimie", e-ISSN : 1878-1543 publish by "Institut De France Academie des Sciences", 26 (S1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1878-1543



NUGRAHA, ADRIAN (2023) Corespondence author of Dampak Putusan Arbitrase Laut China Selatan pada Pengembangan Bersama Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian Setjen DPR RI.

NURVITA, DIAH and Akhsan, Hamdi and Muslim, Muhammad and Ariska, Melly (2022) Development of digital handout of quantum mechanics no spin and quantum mechanics with spin using professional pdf flip app. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2165. ISSN 1742-6596

Nadjib, Abdul and Madri Bafadhal, Oemar (2021) Korespondensi_Model tata kelola pemerintah untuk memitigasi krisis akibat Covid-19 dan dampaknya pada kesejahteraan masyarakat. jurnal.iicet. (Submitted)

Najib, Abdul (2021) Korespondensi_Social Capital, Bureaucratic Neutrality, and Regional Head Election in Indonesia. Studia Regionalne i Lokalne. (Unpublished)


Najib, Abdul (2022) Korespondensi_The Role of Universities in Preparing Local Governments for the Society 5.0 Era. The Ishlah. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah (2024) Korepondensi_ANALISIS SPASIAL DAN EPIDEMIOLOGI KEJADIAN PNEUMONIA BALITA DI BANGKA BELITUNG (Najmah & Syarifah). Viva Medika : Jurnal Kesehatan, Kebidanan dan Keperawatan. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah (2024) Korepondensi_Spatial and Epidemiological Analysis of the Incidence of Under-5 Pneumonia in Bangka Belitung (Najmah&Syarifah). Viva Medika : Jurnal Kesehatan, Kebidanan dan Keperawatan. (In Press)

Najmah, Najmah (2024) Korespondensi_ Analisis Spasial Pemberian TTD pada Ibu Hamil dan Rematri Serta Stunting pada Balita: Studi Perbandingan Dua Daerah di Sumatera Selatan (Najmah & Mita). Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah (2021) Korespondensi_'It's better to treat a COVID patient than a HIV patient': using feminist participatory research to assess women's challenges to access HIV care in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease.


Najmah, Najmah (2024) Korespondensi_Achievement Of The Implementation Of 12 Indicators Of The Healthy Indonesia Program With A Family Approach (Pis-Pk) In Palembang City, South Sumatera In 2022. Jurnal Endurance : Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah (2022) Korespondensi_Associations Between Clinical Manifestations and the Final Status COVID-19 Sufferer in Palembang, Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat.

Najmah, Najmah (2013) Korespondensi_Characteristics among injecting drug users accessing and not accessing needle and syringe program in Palembang, South Sumatra. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat.

Najmah, Najmah (2022) Korespondensi_Descriptive epidemiology of COVID-19 in Palembang, Indonesia. Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive (PHPMA).

Najmah, Najmah (2020) Korespondensi_From Drawings to Puppet Shows: Creating a Collective Space for HIV-Positive Women: Learning from Feminist-Participatory Action Research. Atlantis Press.

Najmah, Najmah (2021) Korespondensi_Gender, violence and power in Indonesia across tiem and space. South East Asia Research.


Najmah, Najmah (2023) Korespondensi_Hubungan Status Pengobatan dan Riwayat Pengobatan Sebelumnya Terhadap Keberhasilan Pengobatan TBC Usia Produktif di Kota Palembang. MANUJU: MALAHAYATI NURSING JOURNAL. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah (2024) Korespondensi_Identifikasi Pengetahuan, Perilaku, dan Sikap Ibu terhadap Pencegahan Balita Stunting di Desa Burai, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah (2016) Korespondensi_Intervensi Terpadu Pengurangan Dampak Buruk Asap Rokok pada Ruangan Berpengatur Udara di Lingkungan Universitas Sriwijaya. Litbangkes Kementrian Kesehatan Indonesia.

Najmah, Najmah (2016) Korespondensi_Intervensi Terpadu Pengurangan Dampak Buruk Asap Rokok pada Ruangan Berpengatur Udara di Lingkungan Universitas Sriwijaya. Litbangkes Kementrian Kesehatan Indonesia. (In Press)

Najmah, Najmah (2024) Korespondensi_Karakteristik Pasien dan Riwayat Pengobatan terhadap Kepatuhan Pengobatan Tuberkulosis Kota Palembang (Najmah & Ullya). PREPOTIF : Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah (2024) Korespondensi_Pemetaan Distribusi Prevalensi dan Faktor Risiko Kejadian Stunting Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis di Kabupaten Muara Enim Tahun 2022 (Najmah & Nabila). Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Nasional. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah (2024) Korespondensi_Pemetaan Stunting, Wasting, dan Obesitas Berdasarkan Kondisi Geografis di Kota Palembang. Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah (2020) Korespondensi_Perceptions of and barriers to HIV testing of women in Indonesia. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters.

Najmah, Najmah (2020) Korespondensi_Predicitive modeling, empowering women, and COVID-19 in South Sumatra, Indonesia. ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement.

Najmah, Najmah (2024) Korespondensi_SPASIAL KEJADIAN STUNTING, CAKUPAN INISIASI MENYUSU DINI (IMD) DAN CAKUPAN ASI EKSKLUSIF (Najmah, Sarah). Jurnal Kesehatan Global. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah (2024) Korespondensi_Spatial and Epidemiological Analysis of Tuberculosis Incidence in Children in Palembang City in 2022. Jurnal Kesehatan. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah (2021) Korespondensi_‘Believe it or not, it’s Covid-19': Family perceptions of covid-19 in Palembang, Indonesia. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific.

Najmah, Najmah and Indah Purnama Sari, Indah (2020) Korespondensi_FACTORS INFLUENCING HIV KNOWLEDGE AMONG WOMEN OF CHILDBEARING AGE IN SOUTH SUMATRA, INDONESIA (Najmah, Indah PS et al). Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah and Namirah, Adelliani (2023) Korespondensi_Non-Disclosure of Sexual Orientation of Men Having Sex With Men (MSM): A Hidden Threat of HIV Transmission in Palembang, Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat. (Submitted)

Najmah, Najmah and Sylpi, Kharismae (2021) Korespondensi of_DISTRIBUSI SPASIAL DAN EPIDEMIOLOGI HIV-AIDS DI PROVINSI SUMATERA SELATAN TAHUN 2021. LLDIKTI Wilayah X. (Unpublished)

Najmah, Najmah and Yeni, Yeni (2020) Korespondensi_Predicitive modeling, empowering women, and Covid-19 in South Sumatra, Indonesia. ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement. (Submitted)

Nasir, Subriyer (2022) Correspondence Author of_Application of Ceramic Filter and Reverse Osmosis Membrane for Produced Water Treatment. Journal of Pollution, University of Tehran.

Nasir, Subriyer (2022) Correspondence Author of_Produced Water Treatment using the Residue Catalytic Cracking (RCC) Spent Catalyst as Ceramic Filter Material Integrated with Reverse Osmosis (RO) System. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering.

Nasir, Subriyer and Ibrahim, Eddy and Arief, A. Taufik (2016) Correspondence Author-Design and experimental testing of small-scale acid mine drainage treatment plant. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science.

Nasir, Subriyer and SISNAYATI, SISNAYATI (2015) Correspondence Author of_Ceramic Filters and Their Application for Cadmium Removal from Industry effluent. International Journal of Technology.


Nawawi, Zainuddin (2019) Corresponding author : Antibacterial Potency of Ozonated Water against Escherichia coli. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. (Unpublished)

Nawawi, Zainuddin (2022) Corresponding author : DEVELOPMENT OF CYLINDER DIELECTRIC BARRIER DISCHARGE WITH STAINLESS STEEL FOR OZONE PRODUCTION. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Unpublished)

Nawawi, Zainuddin (2022) Corresponding author : Effect of distance tip gap on screw electrode of ozone generator: simulation and experimental study. Electrical Engineering Department, Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD). (Unpublished)

Nawawi, Zainuddin (2019) Corresponding author : Efficacy of Dissolved Ozone against Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus Microorganism. Polskie Towarzystwo Inzynierii Ekologicznej. (Unpublished)

Nawawi, Zainuddin (2019) Corresponding author : Fractal analysis of electrical tree grown in silicone rubber nanocomposites. Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).

Nawawi, Zainuddin (2021) Corresponding author : Ozone Generation of Electric Field Induction at Sharp Edges Electrodes: Simulation and Experimental Study. International Hellenic University, School of Science (Kavala Campus). (Unpublished)

Nawawi, Zainuddin (2020) Corresponding author The usage of thermoelectric generator as a renewable energy source. Electrical Engineering Department, Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD).

Nawawi, Zainuddin (2016) Corresponding author: Performance Analysis of a PV/FC Hybrid System for Generating Electricity in Iraq’s Remote Areas. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Nawawi, Zainuddin (2021) Corresponding_author : Ozone Generation of Electric Field Induction at Sharp Edges Electrodes: Simulation and Experimental Study. International Hellenic University, School of Science (Kavala Campus). (Unpublished)

Nawawi, Zainuddin and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2020) Corrensponding author : Artificial Neural Network Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicle Ultrasonic Multi-Sensor System. Universitas Brawijaya.

Nawawi, Zainuddin and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2019) Corresponding Author : Comparative Control Strategy of Asymmetric Bridge Converter For Switched Reluctance Motor. The Association for Computing Machinery, Penang, Malaysia.

Nawawi, Zainuddin and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2022) Corresponding Author :The Impact of Telemetry Received Signal Strength of IMU/GNSS Data Transmission on Autonomous Vehicle Navigation. Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).

Nawawi, Zainuddin and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2022) Corresponding author : "Investigation of Partial Discharges in Non-Woody Kenaf Based Pressboard Under Influence of Moisture". Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).

Nawawi, Zainuddin and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2019) Corresponding author : Review and Design of GPS-RFID Localization for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation. The Association for Computing Machinery.

Nawawi, Zainuddin and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2022) Corresponding author : Steering Control in Electric Power Steering Autonomous Vehicle Using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control and PI Control. MDPI.

Nawawi, Zainuddin and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2020) Corresponding author : Tests Measurement of UHF RFID for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro-IEEE.

Nawawi, Zainudin and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2022) Corresponding author : Neural network training for serial multisensor of autonomous vehicle system. IAES.

Nengyanti, Nengyanti (2023) Corespondence author of _Analisis Peran Gender Suami Dan Istri Dalam Rumah Tangga Penenun Kain Songket (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Tuan Kentang Kecamatan Seberang Ulu 1 Kota Palembang). Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS).

Nengyanti, Nengyanti (2023) Corespondence author of _Faktor Sosiodemografi terhadap Tumbuh Kembang Balita. JURNAL KEPERAWATAN SILAMPARI (JKS) INSTITUT PENELITIAN MATEMATIKA KOMPUTER, KEPERAWATAN, PENDIDIKAN, DAN EKONOMI (IPM2KPE).

Nengyanti, Nengyanti (2023) Corespondence author of _Institutional isomorphism in policies on sexual violence prevention and management in Indonesian universities. Institutional isomorphism in policies on sexual violence prevention and management. (Submitted)


Nengyanti, Nengyanti (2023) Corespondence author of _The Evidence of Womenâ ™s Labor Reasons Performing Informal Economic Activities in Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia. GE2J 2019, July 10-11, semarang city central of java, Indonesia.

Nengyanti, Nengyanti (2023) Corespondence author of_Cross-tabulation Analysis of Indonesian Social Research in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy (2023) 12.1:131-154.

Nirwan Syarif, - (2022) Microdetection of Chromium Mixed–Valences using CuNi Ti Electrode and Linear Sweep Voltammetry. Correspondence. Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry.

Nirwan Syarif, - and Ahmad Maqom Mahmuda, - and Sri Haryati, - and Eka Yunita, - and Wulandhari Sudarsono, - and Lee Chew Tin, - (2018) Application of Water Lettuce (Pistia S.) as Conductive Carbon in Electrochemical Capacitor. Correspondence. AIDIC.

Nirwan Syarif, - and Assaidah, - (2016) Multichannel Data Aquisition System for Monitoring Supercapacitor Module and Cells. Correspondence. UAD.

Nirwan Syarif, - and Dedi Rohendi, - and Nyimas Febrika Sya’baniah, - (2023) Electrochemical Evaluation of Lithium-Ion Battery with Anode of Layer-Reduced Biocarbon and Cathode of LiFePO4. Correspondence. Unijourn Publisher.

Nirwan Syarif, - and Dedi Rohendi, - and Sri Haryati, - and Lee Chew Tin, - (2019) Preparing of Carbon Nanodots from Binchotan Carbon by Electrochemically Sonification and Dialysis. Correspondence. AIP Publishing.

Nirwan Syarif, - and Dedi Rohendi, - and Sri Hayati, - and Chew Tin Lee, - and Wai Yin Wong, - and Wulandhari Sudarsono, - and Afriyanti Sumboja, - (2021) Gelam Tree-Derived Carbon Nanosheets as Thick and Free-Standing Electrode for Supercapacitor. Correspondence. AIDIC.

Nirwan Syarif, - and Dedi Rohendi, - and Supriatini, - (2023) Making Supercapacitors as Teaching Materials for Science Lab Work in High Schools for Supporting the Development of Renewable Energy. Correspondence. LP2M - STAI Hubbulwathan, Duri, Riau.

Nirwan Syarif, - and Dedi Rohendi, - and Wulandari Sudarsono, - and Wai Yin Wong, - (2023) Module Stabilizing of Biocarbon Based Electrochemical Capacitor. Correspondence. -. (Unpublished)

Nirwan Syarif, - and Dedi Rohendi, - and Wulandhari, - and Iwan Kurniawan, - (2023) Optimization of Biomass-Based Electrochemical Capacitor Performance. Correspondence. -. (Unpublished)

Nirwan Syarif, - and Ivandini Tribidasari A, - and Widajanti Wibowo, - (2023) Direct Synthesis Carbon Metal Oxide Composites for Electrochemical Capacitors Electrode. Correspondence. ITJEMAST. (Unpublished)

Nirwan Syarif, - and Ivandini Tribidasari A., - and Widajanti Wibowo, - (2012) Binder-less activated carbon electrode from gelam wood for use in supercapacitors. Correspondence. IAPC Publisher.

Nirwan Syarif, - and Marini Cinthya Pardede, - (2023) Hydrothermal Assisted Microwave Pyrolysis of Water Hyacinth for Electrochemical Capacitors Electrodes. Correspondence. ITJEMAST. (Unpublished)

Nirwan Syarif, . (2023) Performance of Biocarbon Based Electrodes for Electrochemical Capacitor. Correspondence. Elsevier.

Noresti, Izka and Aisyah, Nyimas (2023) Higher order thinking skills of high school students on circle materials through problem-based learning. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2811 (1). ISSN 15517616

Nova, Ria and Nurmaini, Siti and Partan, Radiyati Umi and Putra, Sukman Tulus (2021) Automated Image Segmentation for Cardiac Septal Defects Based on Contour Region with Convolutional Neural Networks: A Preliminary Study (Corresponding Author). Elsevier Ltd..

Nova, Ria and Putra, Sukman Tulus and Nurmaini, Siti and Partan, Radiyati Umi (2021) Cardiac Septal Defect in Children: Hemodynamics, Clinical Manifestations and Detection (Corresponding Author). HM Publisher.

Novia, Novia (2023) Correspondence Author of ANALYSIS OF GASES EMISSIONS FROM BIODIESEL COMBUSTION IN A FIRE TUBE BOILER BY USING CFD MODELING. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. (Unpublished)

Novia, Novia (2023) Correspondence Author of Bioethanol production from sodium hydroxide – dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment of rice husk via simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. MATEC Web of Conferences. (Unpublished)

Novia, Novia (2023) Correspondence Author of Effect of Dilute Acid - Alkaline Pretreatment on Rice Husk Composition and Hydrodynamic Modeling with CFD. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Novia, Novia (2023) Correspondence Author of Hydrodynamic Analysis of Hydrolysis of the Rice Husk Cellulose by Using CFD Modeling. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. (Unpublished)


Novia, Novia (2023) (Korespondensi) Aqueous Ammonia Soaking-Dilute Acid Pretreatment to Produce Bioethanol from Rice Hull. Technology Reports of Kansai University. (Unpublished)

Novia, Novia (2023) (Korespondensi) Kinetics of Lignin Removal from Rice Husk Using Hydrogen Peroxide and Combined Hydrogen Peroxide–Aqueous Ammonia Pretreatments. Fermentation. (Unpublished)

Novia, Novia (2023) (Korespondensi)Kinetic Model for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose from Pre-Treated Rice Husks. Fermentation. (Unpublished)

Novianti, Lidia and Safrina, Sri and Cakra Satya, Octavianus and Hadi, Hadi and Kholiq Affandi, Azhar and Virgo, Frinsyah and Irfan, Muhammad (2023) Corespondence author of Dampak ENSO dan IOD terhadap dinamika kelembaban udara dan temperatur di Kota Palembang pada Tahun 2017-2021. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Novianti, Lidia and Safrina, Sri and Cakra Satya, Octavianus and Hadi, hadi and Kholiq Affandi, Azhar and Virgo, Frinsyah and Irfan, Muhammad (2023) Corespondence author of Dampak ENSO dan IOD terhadap dinamika kelembaban udara dan temperatur di Kota Palembang pada Tahun 2017-2021. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya, MIPA Unsri.

Novriadhy, Dian and Yazid, Muhammad and Faizal, Muhammad and Ngudiantoro, Ngudiantoro (2020) Corespondence Author of_ The Importance of Environmental Services Inclusion in Waste Management The Household Responses in Palembang City. EM International.

Novriansa, Agil and Aryanto, Aryanto and Burhanuddin, Burhanuddin (2020) The Effect of Stress Arousal and Supervisor Support on Burnout in Local Government Internal Auditors. In: 6th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting and Business Conference (SEABC) 2020, 18-19 November 2020, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Analysis of Physical Activity Against Musculoskeletal Disorders in Pregnant Women in Plaju Health Center_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Analysis of Physical Activity Against Stress Levels in Pregnant Women at Plaju Health Center_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Analysis of Physical Activity on the Quality of Life of Pregnant Women in the Plaju Public Health Center, Palembang_Corresponding Author. (Unpublished)

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Determinants of Preventive Behavior towards the Spread of Covid-19 among Ships that Docked at Boombaru Port, Palembang_Corresponding Author. Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Implementasi Gerakan Respon Diare pada Balita di Kecamatan Jejawi Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Safety Analysis of Light Rail Transit in Palembang_Corresponding Author. (Unpublished)


Novrikasari, Novrikasari Analisis Beban Kerja pada Phase of Flight dalam Safety Performance Pilot di Bandara Udara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang FULL DRAFT.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Analisis Determinan Kejadian Stunting pada Balita (Usia24-59 Bulan)_Corresponding Author. (Unpublished)

Novrikasari, Novrikasari Analisis Implementasi Sistem Tanggap Darurat Kebakaran di PT. Semen Baturaja (Persero)Tbk Pabrik Baturaja FULL DRAFT.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Analisis Kesiapsiagaan Bencana Teknologi dari Pabrik X pada Aspek Proyeksi Zona Bahaya_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Bowtie Method: Study of Occupational Health and Safety Risks in Cement Production Process_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Complaints in Female Packing Workers_Corresponding Author. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Community Preparedness for Earthquakes Based on Settlement Environment Analysis_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Correlation Between Farmer's Respiratory Health and Indoor Air Quality In Pulokerto And Sungai Rebo Wetland Area_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Determinan kecelakaan kerja pada peserta BPJS ketenagakerjaan cabang Palembang_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) The Effect of Alumunium Dust Exposure on Lung Function Disorders_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) GAMBARAN STRES KERJA PADA PERAWAT WANITA DI RS.X PALEMBANG_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Gejala Heat Strain pada Pekerja Pembuat Tahu di Kawasan Kamboja Kota Palembang_Corresponding Author. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Program Studi Ilmu Lingkungan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNDIP.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) HUBUNGAN FAKTOR PEKERJAAN TERHADAP TINGKAT STRES KERJA KARYAWAN KONTRAK DI PT. X_Corresponding Author. (Unpublished)




Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Pengaruh Kualitas Sistem, Kualitas Informasi, Kualitas Pelayanan pada Kepuasan Pengguna dan Dampaknya pada Manfaat Bersih (Penelitian terhadap Sistem InformasiSurveilans Penyakit Tidak Menular di Kota Palembang)_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Penurunan Kadar Enzim Kolinesterase Tenaga Sprayer di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) People’s Behavior of North Indralaya of Ogan Ilir Against Wetland Fires_Corresponding Author.

Novrikasari, Novrikasari (2023) Wetland Fires and Its Environmental Conditions_Corresponding Author.

Nugraha, Adrian (2023) Corespondence author of Integrated coastal management in the current regional autonomy law regime in Indonesia: context of community engagement. Routledge.

Nugraha, Adrian (2023) Corespondence author of Pemanfaatan dan Pembangunan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Terluar Sebagai Strategi Memperkuat Pertahanan, Keamanan dan Kedaulatan Maritim. Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya.

Nugraha, Andhyka Tyaz and Fitri, Hadiati and Widiyanti, Marlina and Guntoro, Rahmad and Sulastri, Sulastri (2019) The Role Of The Risk Management Committee In Managing Supply Chain Risk And Enhancing Supply Chain Performance: An Emerging Market Perspective. Intermational Journal of Supply Chain Management, 8 (1). pp. 319-327. ISSN 2050-7399

Nukman, Nukman (2023) KORESPONDENSI_The Effect Of Fine Coal Intube Moldswhen Pouring Aluminum Alloy 6061 On Wear Rate And Hardness Value. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Nukman, Nukman (2018) Korespondensi SENTEN 2018 Self-Ignition Temperature of Peat dan The effect of heat treatment on fatigue testing of aluminum cans. IOP Publisher. (Submitted)

Nukman, Nukman (2023) Korespondensi dari_The Effect Of Adding Used Lubricant On Used Aluminum Beverage Cans Castings On The Hardness Value. Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). (Submitted)

Nukman, Nukman (2023) Korespondensi_Experimental study of convective heat transfer of alumina oxide nanofluids in triangle channel with uniform heat flux. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Nukman, Nukman (2015) The Potential of Biomass from Wood, Leaves, and Grass as Renewable Energy Sources in South Sumatera, Indonesia. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 37. pp. 2710-2715. ISSN 1556-7036


Nurhayati, Nurhayati (2023) Applying Web-Based Technology in Developing Student Worksheets OnWriting Local Culture Content Drama Script (korespondesi). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Nurhayati, Nurhayati (2023) Development of Reading Literacy Assessment Questions: An Ef ort toImprove Students' Critical Thinking (korespondensi). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Nurhayati, Nurhayati (2023) Korespondensi_The Efforts of Revitalizing and Increasing the Appreciation towards Siti Zubaidah Performance Art. LEBCSR-17. (Submitted)

Nurhayati, Nurhayati (2023) The Use of Collaborative Strategies to Improve Students' Writing AbilityandSelf-Ef icacy: A Mixed Method Study (korespendensi). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Nurhayati, Nurhayati and Purnomo, Mulyadi Eko and Subadiyono, Subadiyono and Meidarini, Subiya (2023) Korespondensi_Developing Module “Experts in Dulmuluk Performance” in University Students. KnE Social Sciences. (Submitted)

Nurhayati, Nurhayati and Suhendi, Didi and Mirizon, Soni and Vianty, Machdalena and Agustina, Ayu and Putri, Arba Ina (2023) Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Pementasan Syair Perang Menteng Menggunakan Aplikasi Digital. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional (26 Oktober 2022). (Submitted)

Nurhidayanti, Nurhidayanti and Shalifah, Nuril and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) Eksistensi Kesenian Wayang Kulit Palembang Tahun 2000 – 2019 (Corresponding Author). Universitas Diponegoro. (Unpublished)

Nurhidayanti, Nurhidayanti and Shalifah, Nuril and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) Eksistensi Kesenian Wayang Kulit Palembang Tahun 2000 – 2019 (Corresponding Author). Universitas Diponegoro. (Unpublished)

Nurhisanah, Shofi and Hasyim, Hamzah (2022) Environmental health risk assessment of sulfur dioxide (SO2) at workers around in combined cycle power plant (CCPP) (corresponding author). CellPress, Indralaya. (Submitted)

Nuriah Hasnah, Nyimas and Chotimah, Umi and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2023) Needs Analysis of the Use of Digital Supplementary Books on Social Character Material for Civic Education at the Junior High School. Teknodika, 21 (1). ISSN 2656-6621

Nuriah Hasnah, Nyimas and Chotimah, Umi and Syarifudin, Syarifudin (2023) Needs Analysis of the Use of Digital Supplementary Books on Social Character Material for Civic Education at the Junior High School. Teknodika, 21 (1). ISSN 2656-6621

Nurjannah, Siti Aisyah and Budiono, Bambang and Imran, Iswandi (2019) Non-linear Numerical Modeling of Partially Pre-stressed Beam-column Sub-assemblages Made of Reactive Powder Concrete. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 51 (1). pp. 28-47. ISSN 2337-5779

Nurjuliasti Ningsih, Ellis and Setiawan, Agung and Hartoni, Hartoni and Fauziyah, Fauziyah (2022) Corresponding Author_Perubahan luasan Pulau Pramuka, Pulau Panggang dan Pulau Karya Kepulauan Seribu DKI Jakarta menggunakan data citra satelit penginderaan jauh. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Nurmaini, Siti and Stiawan, Deris and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2021) Corresponding author : Attack classification of an intrusion detection system using deep learning and hyperparameter optimization. Elsevier.

Nurmaini, Siti and Stiawan, Deris and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2018) Corresponding author : Deep learning with focal loss approach for attacks classification. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta.

Nurmaini, Siti and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2019) Corresponding Author : Short Term Electrical Energy Consumption Forecasting using RNN-LSTM. Universitas Sriwijaya - IEEE.

Nurmaini, Siti and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2020) Corresponding author : Improving Classification Attacks in IOT Intrusion Detection System using Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization. STMIK AKAKOM Yogyakarta - IEEE, Yogyakarta.

Nurmaini, Siti and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2022) Corresponding author : Indonesian load prediction estimation using long short term memory. IAES.

Nurmaini, Siti and Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2021) Corresponding author : Robot movement controller based on dynamic facial pattern recognition. IAES.

Nurul Komariah, Leily and Arita, Susila and E. Prianda, Baikuni and K. Dewi, Tri Corresponding_Technical assessment of biodiesel storage tank ; a corrosion case study. Elsevier.

Nurul Komariah, Leily and Arita, Susila and Rendana, Muhammad and Ramayanti, Cindi and Luh Suriani, Ni and Erisna, Desi (2022) Corresponding_Microbial Contamination of Diesel-Biodiesel Blends in Storage Tank; an analysis of colony morphology. Elsevier. (Unpublished)

Nyimas, Aisyah and Meryansumayeka, Meryansumayeka and Chotimah, Umi and Marion, Ira (2024) Secondary School Students' Character Values in Mathematics. Scitepress.



Octarina, Sisca (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI-3-Phase Matheuristic Model in Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem of Triangular Shape Items. Magister Program of Material Science, Graduate School of Universitas Sriwijaya.

Octarina, Sisca (2023) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI-Formulation of Set Covering Problem Using Myopic Algorithm and Greedy Reduction Algorithm in Determining the Location of Temporary Landfills in Semambu Island Village, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra. Magister Program of Material Science, Graduate School of Universitas Sriwijaya.

Octarina, Sisca (2021) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI-Implementasi Metode Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure dan Model Dotted Board pada Cutting Stock Problem Bentuk Reguler. UP2M, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science Sriwijaya University.

Octarina, Sisca (2015) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI-Optimasi Produksi dan Analisis Sensitivitas Menggunakan Algoritma Titik Interior (Studi Kasus: UP2K Melati, Prabumulih). Department of Matematics, FMIPA, Universitas Padjadjaran. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI-Set Covering Model in Solving Multiple Cutting Stock Problem. Magister Program of Material Science, Graduate School of Universitas Sriwijaya.

Octarina, Sisca (2017) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI-The Application to Find Cutting Patterns in Two Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem. RGN Publications.

Octarina, Sisca (2021) Bukti Korespondensi-Column Generation Model in Capacitated Multi-Periods Cutting Stock Problem with Pattern Set-Up Cost. Magister Program of Material Science, Graduate School of Universitas Sriwijaya.

Octarina, Sisca (2018) Correspondence Author of_Gilmore and Gomory Model on Two Dimensional Multiple Stock Size Cutting Stock Problem. IOP Conference Series. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2022) Correspondence Author of_Greedy Reduction Algorithm as the Heuristic Approach in Determining the Temporary Waste Disposal Sites in Sukarami Sub-District, Palembang, Indonesia. Magister Program of Material Science, Graduate School of Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2018) Correspondence Author of_Implementasi Algoritma Auction pada Penjadwalan Transportasi Publik Bus Rapid Transit Trans-Musi (Studi Kasus: Semua Koridor di Kota Palembang). Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2017) Correspondence Author of_Implementasi Algoritma Brudy dalam Persoalan Knapscak 0-1 di UD. Subur Tani Makmur. Universitas Jambi. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2018) Correspondence Author of_Implementasi Algoritma Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) dan Formulasi Model Dotted Board pada Penyelesaian Cutting Stock Problem Bentuk Irregular. Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2017) Correspondence Author of_Implementasi Branch and Cut dalam Penyelesaian Model Gilmore and Gomory Hasil Pattern Generation. FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2020) Correspondence Author of_Implementation of Arc Flow Model Incapacitated Multi-Period Cutting Stock Problem with The Pattern Set Up Cost to Minimize The Trim Loss. IOP Conference Series. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2023) Correspondence Author of_Implementation of Pattern Generation Algorithm in Forming Gilmore and Gomory Model for Two Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem. IOP Conference Series. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2017) Correspondence Author of_Minimisasi Trim Loss Kertas Gulungan Pada Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) Satu Dimensi. Universitas Jambi. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2022) Correspondence Author of_Models and Heuristic Algorithms for Solving Discrete Location Problems of Temporary Disposal Places in Palembang City. International Association of Engineers. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2015) Correspondence Author of_Optimasi Trim Loss pada Cutting Stock Problem Menggunakan Column Generation Technique dan Algoritma Balas yang Dimodifikasi. LPPM Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2018) Correspondence Author of_Pengoptimalan Lokasi Tempat Pembuangan Sementara (TPS) Menggunakan Greedy Reduction Algorithm (GRA) di Kecamatan Kemuning. Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2015) Correspondence Author of_Penyelesaian Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) dengan Metode Branch and Bound (Aplikasi Permasalahan Pengangkutan Barang Kantor Pos Palembang). Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2017) Correspondence Author of_Reduksi Pola Pemotongan Hasil Pattern Generation pada Cutting Stock Problem. FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2018) Correspondence Author of_SICBAS 2018 Implementation of Branch and Cut Method on N-Sheet Model in Solving Two dimensional Cutting Stock Problem. IOP Conference Series. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2020) Correspondence Author of_The Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure Method in Formulating Set Covering Model on Cutting Stock Problem. IOP Publishing Ltd. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2019) Correspondence Author of_The Modified Branch and Bound Algorithm dan Dotted Board Model for Triangular Shape Items. IOP Conference Series. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2020) Correspondence Author of_The N-Sheet Model in Capacitated Multi-Period Cutting Stock Problem with Pattern Set-Up Cost. IEEE Explorers. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2023) Correspondence author of_Implementation of Branch and Cut Method on N-Sheet Model in Solving Two dimensional Cutting Stock Problem. IOP Conference Series. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2022) Corresponding Author of_Set Covering Model Using Greedy Heuristic Algorithm to Determine The Temporary Waste Disposal Sites in Palembang. Magister Program of Material Science, Graduate School of Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Octarina, Sisca (2016) Planning The Zone Tariff of BRT Trans Musi Using Sequential Agglomerative Hierarchical Non-Overlapping (SAHN) Algorithm (Bukti Korespondensi). Ripublication.

Octarina, Sisca (2016) Prosiding Semirata 2016 Bidang MIPA BKS-PTN Wilayah Barat. In: Semirata 2016 Bidang MIPA, BKS-PTN Barat, 22-24 Mei 2016, Palembang, Indonesia.

Oktarina, Santi (2024) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI Pengembangan model blended learing berpadukan project based leaening pada pembelajaran menulis ilmiah. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Oktarina, Santi (2024) Bukti Korespondensi_Interactive Multimedia in Teaching Academic Writing. Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. (Unpublished)

Oktarina, Santi (2023) Bukti Koresponding artikel Needs Analysis for Blended Learning Models and Project-Based Learning to Increase Student Creativity and Productivity in Writing Scientific Papers. LP2M STAIN HUBBULWATHAN.

Oktarina, Santi (2024) Bukti koresponding_Learning Based-Creative Writing In Senior High School. Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. (Unpublished)

Oktarina, Selly (2023) Corespondence Author of_THE ROLE OF HUMAN CAPITAL AND SOCIAL CAPITAL IN AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL AREAS (2022). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Oktarina, Selly (2019) Corespondence author of_Activities of Farmer Women Groups in Utilizing Digital Communication Media in Urban Farming Activities in Bogor City. IJPSAT.

Oktarina, Selly (2022) Corespondence author of_Participatory Communication and Affecting Factors on Empowering Women Farmers in The Urban Farming Program at Bogor City and Bogor Regency. FISIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang.

Oktarina, Selly (2022) Corespondence author of_The Glass Ceiling Phenomenon Pada Perempuan Pekerja. UIN Syarif Kasim.

Oktarina, Selly (2021) Corespondence author of_The role of communication and farmer institutional urgency to the agriculture development program. IJMMU.

Oktarina, Selly and Malini, Henny and Wahyuni, Reshi (2021) Corespondence author of_Farmer Perception and sustainability Strategy on Agricultural Development Program in Rural. FP Universitas Tanjungpura.


Oktarina, Santi (2019) Analisis Kebutuhan Buku Teks Sejarah Sastra Berdasarkan Pendekatan Genre. Jurnal Logat, 6 (2). pp. 205-217. ISSN 23557273

Oktarina, Santi (2021) Analysis Of Teacher Needs Related To E-Learning Schoology Content In Creative Writing In Middle Schools Throughout Palembang City (Corespondence Author). Universitas Kuningan. (Unpublished)

Oktarina, Santi (2017) Analysis of Learning Model Requirements Writing Academic Based On-Learning Moodle. International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review, 3 (2). pp. 94-105. ISSN 24068586

Oktarina, Santi (2015) Aplikasi Kesantunan Berbahasa Berbasis Karakter dalam Perangkat Pembelajaran Pada Paud di Kota Palembang Universitas Sriwijaya. Jurnal Logat, 2 (2). pp. 77-90. ISSN 23557273

Oktarina, Santi Implementasi Konsep Merantau dalam Cerita Rakyat Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia. In: Seminar “ Merantau: Imagining Migration In The Malay World:Imagining Migration In The Malay World:International Seminar in Honour of Prof. E. Ulrich Kratz, 30-31 Maret 2011, Goethe University German.. (Unpublished)

Oktarina, Santi (2020) In-Service Teacher Training and Education in Indonesia. Creative Education, 11 (1). pp. 328-342. ISSN 21514771

Oktarina, Santi (2014) Kesantunan Berbahasa Sebagai Implementasi Pendidikan Berbasis Karakter Pada Anak Usia Dini Di Kota Palembang. Jurnal logat, 2 (1). pp. 83-97. ISSN 23557273

Oktarina, Santi (2011) PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER BANGSA MELALUI SASTRA MELAYU INDONESIA: PENGHINDARAN TERHADAP DEGRADASI MORAL ANAK BANGSA. In: Seminar Antar Bangsa Pengajian Melayu dalam Tamadun Nusantara, Brunei Darussalam, 2011, Brunei Darusaalam.

Oktarina, Santi (2018) STUDENTS’ AND LECTURERS’ PERCEPTION ON ACADEMIC WRITING INSTRUCTION. ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education, 6 (2). pp. 69-76. ISSN 23017554

Oktarina, Santi (2021) Students’ Responses Towards E-Learning Schoology Content On Creative Writing Learning During The Covid�19 Pandemic (Corespondence Author). Universitas Kuningan. (Unpublished)

Oktarina, Santi (2014) The Use of Crearive and Productive Facebook-Based Model To Increase The Quality of Writing Course. Journal of Teaching and Education, 3 (2). pp. 137-149. ISSN 21655266

Oktarina, Santi and Sumarni, Sri and Alwi, Zahra (2015) APLIKASI KESANTUNAN BERBAHASA BERBASIS KARAKTER DALAM PERANGKAT PEMBELAJARAN PADA PAUD DI KOTA PALEMBANG UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA. Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia dan Pembelajaran, 2 (2). pp. 77-90. ISSN 2355-7273

Oktarini, Maya (2023) Corresponden Author: Modifikasi Desain Bangunan Untuk Penanggulangan Sampah di Permukiman Lahan Basah Tepian Sungai. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya (2023) Corresponden Author: The Spreading of Vernacular Architecture at The Riverways of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Gadjah Mada. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya (2023) Corresponding Author: KEBUTUHAN RUANG TERBUKA PADA PERMUKIMAN TEPIAN SUNGAI. Journal of Innovation Research and Knowlegde. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya (2023) Corresponding Author: Pengaruh Vegetasi Terhadap Kualitas Genangan Pada Ruang Terbuka di Permukiman Tepian Sungai Musi, Palembang. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)


Oktarini, Maya (2023) Corresponding Author:Pendekatan Sosial Budaya Dalam Penataan Permukiman Tepian Sungai Musi, Palembang. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya (2023) Corresponding author: KEPUASAN LINGKUNGAN DAN KEINGINAN PINDAH PADA PEMUKIM DI PERMUKIMAN KUMUH TEPIAN SUNGAI MUSI, PALEMBANG. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya (2023) Corresponsing Author: Bentuk Ruang Terbuka pada Permukiman Tepian Sungai Musi, Palembang. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya Fitri (2023) Coresponding Author: Bentuk Ruang Terbuka pada Permukiman Tepian Sungai Musi, Palembang. Jurnal Archvisual, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya Fitri (2022) Coresponding Author: Penataan Ruang Terbuka Publik sebagai Wadah Aktivitas Warga pada Permukiman di Tepian Sungai Musi, Palembang. Jurnal Archvisual, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya Fitri (2019) Coresponding Author: The Spreading of Vernacular Architecture at The Riverways of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Geography. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya Fitri (2022) Correspondent author: Persepsi Pemukim terhadap Kualitas Lingkungan di Permukiman Kumuh Tepian Sungai Musi, Palembang. Direktorat Bina Teknik Permukiman dan Perumahan.

Oktarini, Maya Fitri (2023) Corresponding Author of The Decision-Making in Planning of the Riverfront Housing. Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya Fitri (2020) Corresponding Author: Community Adaptation to Traditional Markets during the Pandemic Period in Palembang City. Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya.

Oktarini, Maya Fitri (2022) Corresponding Author: PERSEPSI PEMUKIM TERHADAP KUALITAS LINGKUNGAN DI PERMUKIMAN KUMUH TEPIAN SUNGAI MUSI, PALEMBANG. Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya Fitri (2021) Corresponding Author: The Preservation of Riverbank Settlement as a Tourism Potential in The City of Palembang, South Sumatera. Faculty landscape architecture and environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya Fitri (2023) Corresponding Author: The Social and Cultural Aspects of Waste Disposal Management in the Planning Revitalization of Riverbank Settlement. Universitas Bina Nusantara. (Unpublished)

Oktarini, Maya Fitri (2023) Corresponding author: The Decision-Making in Planning of Housing on Musi Riverbank, Palembang. Universitas Diponegoro. (Unpublished)

Oktavia, Dina Levika and Dewi, Ratna and Saloma, Saloma and Hadinata, Febrian and Yulindasari, Yulindasari (2019) The Effects Of Rice Husk Ash Substitution On Physical And Mechanical Properties Of Clay (Corresponding Author). IJSTR. (Unpublished)

Oktaviani, Oktaviani (2024) Sosialisasi keamanan aplikasi dan penggunaan pestisida petani tanaman padi di Situ Gede. SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan.

Oktrarina, santi (2019) The Need Analysis of Interactive Multimedia of MOODLE basedAcademic Writing in Sriwijaya University. In: International Conference in Language, Literature, Arts and Culture, 2019, Riau.


P. Arsadha, Juliet and Rizky Rimadhina, Dhina and ASYENI MIFTAHUL JANNAH, ASYENI and s. safaruddin, Safaruddin (2023) Analisa Pengaruh Mineral Klinker Terhadap Kuat Tekan Semen untuk Mendapatkan Proporsi Bahan Baku Portland Composite Cement (PCC) dengan Penurunan Faktor Klinker. seminar avoer XIV. pp. 151-158. ISSN 2987-2480

P. SARI, NITA and GULO, NOVIANTRIO and NAJA, MIFTAHUN and Fauziyah, Fauziyah (2022) Corresponding Author_Influence of environmental variability on the body condition of the mangrove horseshoe crab Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda from Banyuasin Estuarine, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Center for Biodiversity of Montenegro. (Unpublished)

PAJARIA, YUSIRESITA and Inten, Meutia and Widiyanti, Marlina Pengaruh Diversitas Dewan Direksi Dan Komisaris, Ukuran Perusahaan, Dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility Perusahaan Sektor Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia. AKUNTABILITAS : JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN AKUNTANSI, 10 (2). pp. 177-200. ISSN 1987-4392

PERMATASARI, ANNISA and Yosy, Deny Salverra and Bakri, Achirul and Nova, Ria (2022) Accuracy of Heart Auscultation Examination by General Practitioners from Various Levels ff Competency in Detection of Heart Abnormality in Basic School Children (Corresponding Author). HM Publisher.

PRATAMA, RISKY NUR AULIA and Septiana, D.R. and Saputra, E and Fuadi, Nurul and Taqwa, Ferdinand Hukama (2020) Bukti korespondensi: Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Digital untuk Peningkatan Produksi Budidaya Ikan Skala Rumah Tangga di Lahan Suboptimal. Pusat Unggulan Riset Lahan Suboptimal, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang.

PRATIWI, NURUL and Aisyah, Nyimas and Susanti, Ely and Pratiwi, Weni Dwi (2021) Analysis of Junior High School Student’s Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Solving Non-routine Problems on Material of Two-variable Linear Equation Systems. Atlantis Press. ISSN 2352-5398

PRIMADANI, NOVIA ASWARA and Alfatih, Andy (2023) Corresponding Author Of The Influence of Organizational Communication Climate Toward Employees Performance (Study of Employees PT Pertamina (Persero) Ru III Plaju, Palembang, Indonesia). Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Taman Siswa Palembang, collaborated with CMHC (Research & Sains Center) and HM Publisher.

PUSPITA, DESI and Alfatih, Andy (2020) Corresponding Author Of Pengaruh Efektivitas Komunikasi Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Siswa Bersekolah di SMP Negeri 1 Pendopo Barat. Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia.

PUTRI, GISZKA and Hasyim, Hamzah and Fajar, Nur Alam (2021) ANALISIS PERILAKU PENCEGAHAN COVID-19 PADA PASIEN KOMORBIDITAS DIABETES MELITUS DI KOTA PALEMBANG (Corresponding). Indonesian Public Health Union. (Submitted)

PUTRI, QODRIA UTAMI and Augustin, Diah and Hasanudin, Hasanudin (2022) Kinetika Esterifikasi Asam Lemak Bebas dari Sludge Industri Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Menggunakan Katalis Komposit Montmorillonite/Karbon Tersulfonasi dari Tetes Tebu. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 18 (1). pp. 48-57. ISSN 1412-4092

PUTRI, QODRIA UTAMI and Hasanudin, Hasanudin and ASRI, WAN RYAN and Mara, Ady and Maryana, Roni and Gea, Saharman and Wijaya, Karna (2023) Production of levulinic acid from glucose using nickel phosphate‑silica catalyst (Corresponding author). Springer Nature. (Unpublished)

Palupi, Rizki (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Addition of Propionic Acid on Nutrient Digestibility and Its Effect on Production and Carcass Quality of Broiler. University of Baghdad.

Palupi, Rizki (2023) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Effects of Lactobacillus-Fermented Feed on Production Performance and Carcass Quality of Broiler Chickens. Scienceline Publication, Turkey.

Palupi, Rizki (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: The effect of the use of cassava tuber (Manihot esculenta) and Indigofera zollingeriana leaf flour combination as a source of energy supplemented with citric acid in ration on broiler small intestine characteristics and productivity. Network Veterinarians of Banglades.

Palupi, Rizki (2024) The effectiveness of adding eco-enzymes in drinking water on production performance and carcass of Lohmann roosters. The effectiveness of adding eco-enzymes in drinking water on production performance and carcass of Lohmann roosters, 20 (2). 216 -230. ISSN 1673-064X


Panggabean, Tamaria and Triana, Arjuna Neni and Hayati, Ari (2017) SIMILARITY;Kinerja Pengeringan Gabah Menggunakan Alat Pengering Tipe Rak dengan Energi Surya, Biomassa, dan Kombinasi. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM.

Parisa, Nita (2023) Antidepressant Effect of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) Bark Extract in Chronic Stress-Induced Rats (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Parisa, Nita (2023) Assesment of Antioxidant Activity Test of Kersen Leaf (The phenolic.) and Epiphyte with DPPH (2.2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhidrazyl) (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Parisa, Nita (2023) Carbapenem Resistance of OXA-48 Gene Coding in Klebsiella Pneumoniae and Escherichia Coli (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Parisa, Nita (2023) Drug Pattern Study On ARB At The Outpatient Department Of Mohammad Hoesin General Public Hospital Palembang (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Parisa, Nita (2023) Evaluation of Rationality in Prescribing Metformin (Biguanide Group) at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Parisa, Nita (2023) Evaluation of the anti-gout effect of Sonchus Arvensis on monosodium urate crystal-induced gout arthritis via anti-inflammatory action - an in vivo study (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Parisa, Nita (2024) Extract Ethanol of Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis) Leaves as Anti-Hyperuricemia: In Vitro Studies (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Parisa, Nita (2024) Flavonoids as Antioxidants a Review on Tempuyung Plant (Sonchus arvensis) (Bukti Korespondensi). Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences.

Parisa, Nita (2024) The Impact of Sambiloto Extract (Andrographis paniculata) as a Potential Antidiabetic Treatment (Bukti Korespondensi). Biomedical Journal of Indonesia.

Parisa, Nita (2024) The Inflammation Process of Gout Arthritis and Its Treatment (Bukti Korespondensi). Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research.

Parisa, Nita (2023) The Potential of Bay Leave (Syzygium Polyanthum) as an Anti-diabetic Agent (Bukti Korespondensi). Journal of Islamic and Complementary Medicine.

Parisa, Nita (2023) Prescription Profile of Antibiotic Drugs Post Excision Biopsy of Oral Soft Tissue Disease in Palembang (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Parisa, Nita (2023) Rasionalitas Penggunaan Azitromisin pada Pasien ISPA di Rumah Sakit Moh. Hoesin (RSMH) Palembang Periode 1 Juli 2018-30 Juni 2021 (Bukti Korespondensi). Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Parisa, Nita (2023) Utilization of Kersen Leaves as Antihyperuricemia (Bukti Korespondensi). Sriwijaya Journal of Medicine.

Partan, Radiyati Umi (2023) Korespondensi_Deep Learning for Improving the Effectiveness of Routine Prenatal Screening for Major Congenital Heart Diseases. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Partan, Radiyati Umi (2020) Korespondensi_Exploration of seluang fish (Rasbora argyrotaenia) oil extraction methods by enzyme extraction and wet pressing with quality analysis. Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia.

Partan, Radiyati Umi (2023) Korespondensi_Optimizing anabas testudineus oil processing by refinement process for quality parameters and fatty acid composition. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Partan, Radiyati Umi (2023) Korespondensi_Seluang Fish (Rasbora sp.) Oil Improves Interleukin-17 Levels and Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Parwiyanti, Parwiyanti and Malahayati, Nura (2024) Chemical and microbiological characteristics of kombucha made from robusta cascara and green tea. Coffee Science. ISSN 1984-3909

Parwiyanti, Parwiyanti and Malahayati, Nura and Lidiasari, Eka (2024) KARAKTERISTIK FISIK PATI GEMBILI (Dioscorea esculenta L.) DAN TALAS (Colocasia esculenta L.) TERMODIFIKASI ALKOHOL-BASA. Enviagro, Jurnal Pertanian dan Lingkungan, 10 (2). pp. 35-45. ISSN 1978-1644

Parwiyanti, Parwiyanti and Pratama, Filli and Arnita, Renti (2011) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan Judul : Sifat kimia dan fisik gula cair dari pati umbi gadung (Dioscoreahispida Dennts). PATPI bekerjasama dengan Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian IPB.

Parwiyanti, Parwiyanti and Pratama, Filli and Wijaya, Agus and Malahayati, Nura (2018) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan Judul : Karakteristik Roti Bebas Gluten Berbahan Dasar Pati Ganyong Termodifikasi. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Parwiyanti, Parwiyanti and Pratama, Filli and Wijaya, Agus and Malahayati, Nura (2016) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan Judul : Profil Pasting Pati Ganyong Termodifikasi dengan Heat Moisture Treatment dan Gum Xanthan untuk Produk Roti. PATPI bekerjasama dengan Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian IPB.

Parwiyanti, Parwiyanti and Pratama, Filli and Wijaya, Agus and Malahayati, Nura (2016) SPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan Judul : Profil Pasting Pati Ganyong Termodifikasi dengan Heat Moisture Treatment dan Gum Xanthan untukProduk Roti. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Parwiyanti, Parwiyanti and Pratama, Filli and Wijaya, Agus and Malahayati, Nura and Lidiasari, Eka (2016) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan Judul : Sifat Fisik Pati Ganyong (Canna edulis Kerr.) Termodifikasi dan Penambahan Gum Xanthan untuk Rerotian. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, UGM.

Passarella, Rossi (2018) Bukti Korespondensi Developing tree height calculation by using aerial photographs for monitoring results of revegetation ex-mining land based on government regulation in Indonesia. IOP Publishing Ltd..

Passarella, Rossi (2019) Bukti Korespondensi Leak Detection in Water Pipe using FSR (Force Sensitive Resistor) Sensor,. IEEE.

Passarella, Rossi (2022) Bukti koresponden Performance Improvement of Decision Tree Model using Fuzzy Membership Function for Classification of Corn Plant Diseases and Pests. Research Center of Inorganic Materials and Coordination Complexes, FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya,.

Passarella, Rossi (2022) Bukti koresponden Short Single-Lead ECG Signal Delineation-Based Deep Learning: Implementation in Automatic Atrial Fibrillation Identification. MDPI.

Passarella, Rossi (2019) Bukti korespondensi Design of A Convolutional Neural Network System to Increase Diagnostic Efficiency of Alzheimer's Disease. IOP Publishing Ltd..

Passarella, Rossi (2017) Bukti korespondensi Disaster mitigation management using geofencing in Indonesia. IEEE.

Passarella, Rossi (2017) Bukti korespondensi The user engagement impact along information technology of infrastructure library (ITIL) adoption. IEEE.

Passarella, Rossi (2018) Bukti korespondensi Using Pressure Sensors towards Pipeline Leakage Detection. IEEE.

Passarella, Rossi (2019) Hasil Koresponden Pull-down Fitness Technique Analysis using Motion Capture. IOP.

Passarella, Rossi (2019) Hasil korespondensi Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) Obstacle Avoidance Using Fuzzy Kohonen Network (FKN). IOP Publishing Ltd..

Passarella, Rossi (2020) bukti koresponden Accurate Detection of Septal Defects with Fetal Ultrasonography Images Using Deep Learning-based Multiclass Instance Segmentation. IEEE.

Passarella, Rossi (2022) bukti koresponden DAE-ConvBiLSTM: End-to-end learning single-lead electrocardiogram signal for heart abnormalities detection. PLOS ONE.

Passarella, Rossi (2016) bukti korespondensi Object reconstruction from 2d drawing sketch to 3d object. Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia, Indonesia.

Passarella, Rossi (2022) bukti korespondensi paper Using the Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Method to Examine Human Factors in Indonesian Aviation Accidents. The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, Japan.

Patmawati, Patmawati and Rochmawati, Daud and Inten, Meutia and Yuniartie, Emylia and Meita, rahmawati (2021) SOSIALISASI DAN EDUKASI FINANCIAL LITERACY BAGI PENGRAJIN SONGKET DI DESA MUARA PENIMBUNG ULU GUNA MENGURANGI PERILAKU KONSUMTIF DI ERA NEW NORMAL. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Patriana1, Vinna and Sumarni, Sri and Hasmalena, Hasmalena (2017) PENINGKATAN KECERDASAN KINESTETIK MELALUI GERAK DAN LAGU PADA ANAK KELOMPOK B DI PAUD TERPADU BON THORIF PALEMBANG. Jurnal Tumbuh Kembang : Kajian Teori dan Pembelajaran PAUD, 4 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2657-0785

Patriot, Evelina Astra (2023) Correspondence Author_Etnosains: Persepsi Calon Guru Kimia terhadap Pembelajaran Kontekstual Berbasis Budaya. UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.

Patriot, Evelina Astra (2023) Correspondence Author_Implementation e-learning through physics education study program learning on Self-Regulated Learning (SRL). Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.

Permatasari, Imas and Wahab, Zakaria and Widiyanti, Marlina and Hanafi, Agustina (2019) Effect Of Instagram,Influencers Credibility And Motivation Towards Donating Behavior. Jurnal Ilmiah Econosains, 17 (2). pp. 144-157. ISSN 1693-1661

Prasetiyo, Rahayu and Bayu, Wahyu and Darisman, Eka Kurnia (2022) Correspondence author of Psychological characteristics of athletes in regional training center. Universitas Islam Riau. (Submitted)

Prasetyo, M. Agung and Saloma, Saloma and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Juliantina, Ika and P.W, M. Lindung Persada (2021) The effect of foam and fly ash percentage on properties of foamed concrete (Corresponding Author). AIP Publishing. (Unpublished)

Pratama, Diyan Surya and Sumarni, Sri and Safaruddin, Safaruddin and Iyakrus, Iyakrus (2021) Digital Based Learning Media Development to Increase Baseball Technique for Grade VI Elementary School Students. Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 10 (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 2252-6420

Pratama, Filli and Indriyani Syafutri, Merynda (2019) Dokumen Bukti Korespondensi Artikel Ilmiah dengan judul : Effect of Autoclaving-Cooling On The Physical Properties, Microstructure, and Starch Hydrolysis of Milled Rice. North University of Baia Mare Romania.

Pratama, R. and Muslim, A. and Suwandi, Suwandi and Damiri, Nurhayati and Soleha, S. (2021) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul artikel : Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), a new host plant of Ceratocystis wilt in South Sumatra, Indonesia. CSIRO, Netherlands.

Pratama, Rahmat and Muslim, A. and Suwandi, Suwandi and Damiri, Nurhayati and Soleha, Soleha (2021) Corresponding Author Karya Ilmiah dengan judul : First report of bullet wood (Mimusops elengi) sudden decline disease. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Pratama, Rahmat and Muslim, A. and Suwandi, Suwandi and Damiri, Nurhayati and Soleha, Soleha (2021) Corresponding Author Karya Ilmiah dengan judul : Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), a new host plant of Ceratocystis wilt in South Sumatra, Indonesia. CSIRO, Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Pratiwi, Anggi Nurul and Aisyah, Nyimas and Somakim, Somakim and Kamran, Muhammad (2023) STEM-based approach: A learning design to improve critical thinking skills. Al-Jabar: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 14 (1). pp. 225-237. ISSN 2086-5872

Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2018) Bukti Korespondensi_EFFECT OF FLY ASH AS REINFORCEMENT ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ALUMINUM SCRAP BASED HYBRID COMPOSITE. School of Engineering. Taylor’s University.

Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2020) Bukti koresponding_Development of liquid smoke production process as a latex coagulant by utilizing a refrigeration machine. IOP Publishing.

Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2020) Bukti_korespondensi_The Effect of Annealing Process and Mold Variations to Failure Time of CuZn Cast Alloy by Dynamic Load_Diah Kusuma Pratiwi. WARSE.

Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2020) Corresponding_Authors_The Effect of the Annealing Process and Mold Variations to Failure Time of CuznCast Alloy by Dynamic Load. WARSE.

Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2016) bukti korespondensi_Effect of ageing time 200 °C on microstructure behaviour of Al-Zn-Cu-Mg cast alloys. Fakultas Teknik UNSRI.

Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2018) bukti korespondensi_The Effect of Air Flow Rate and Ratio Between Coal and Coconut Shell on Heat Energy Produced in an Updraft Gasifier. IOP Publishing.

Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2019) bukti koresponding_Analysis of Upgrading Process of South Sumatera Low Rank Coal. IOP Publishing.

Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2018) bukti koresponding_Optimization of Angular Distortion on Weld Joints Using Taguchi Approach. UKM PRESS.

Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2018) bukti koresponding_The Effect of Air Flow Rate and Ratio Between Coal and Coconut Shell on Heat Energy Produced in an Updraft Gasifier. IOP Publishing.

Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2018) bukti koresponsi_Sustainable Development of Lubricator to Optimization Process of Lubrication in Wire Rope Sling. IOP Publishing.

Pratiwi, Diah Kusuma (2020) corresponding author_The Effect of Annealing Process and Mold Variations to Failure Time of CuznCast Alloy by Dynamic Load. awrse, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research.

Pratiwi, Indah and Sakinah, Sakinah and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) The Preservation of Ratib Saman in Palembang, 2000-2019 (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Pratiwi, Indah and Sakinah, Sakinah and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) The Preservation of Ratib Saman in Palembang, 2000-2019 (Corresponding Author). IHiS (Indonesian Historical Studies). (Unpublished)

Pratiwi, Indah and Sakinah, Sakinah and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) The Preservation of Ratib Saman in Palembang, 2000-2019 (Corresponding Author). IHiS (Indonesian Historical Studies). (Unpublished)

Pratiwi, Okky Assetya and Hasyim, Hamzah and Sunarsih, Elvi (2013) Analisis Determinan Perilaku Petugas dalam Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Sistem PET di PT Pusri Palembang. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat,, 4 (02). pp. 132-139. ISSN 2548-7949

Priyanti, Nita and Jalal, Fasli and Sumarni, Sri and Andika, Windi Dwi (2019) Influence Methods of Training for Competence of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge for (TPACK) PAUD Teachers in Banten Province. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7 (11). pp. 2482-2486. ISSN ISSN: 2332-3205 (Print) ISSN: 2332-3213 (Online)

Priyanto, Langgeng (2023) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI_The reproductive success of Simmental bovine after sex-sorting under various incubation and centrifugation protocols. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Priyanto, Langgeng (2023) The Effects of Various High Dosage of αTocopherol and Ascorbic Acid in Tris Egg. The Effects of Various High Dosage of αTocopherol and Ascorbic Acid in Tris Egg. ISSN 00309923

Pujiastuti, Yulia and Arsi, Arsi and Sandi, Sofia (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI ARTIKEL JURNAL INTERNASIONAL BEREPUTASI dengan judul : Characteristics of Bacillus thuringiensis isolates indigenous soil of South Sumatra (indoneisa) and their pathogenicity against oil palm pests Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleoptrea:Scarabaeidae). Society for Indonesian Biodiversity. (Unpublished)

Pujiastuti, Yulia and Arsi, Arsi and Sandi, Sofia (2020) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI ARTIKEL JURNAL INTERNASIONAL BEREPUTASI dengan judul : Characteristics of Bacillus thuringiensis isolates indigenous soil of South Sumatra (indoneisa) and their pathogenicity against oil palm pests Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleoptrea:Scarabaeidae). Society for lndonesian Biodiversity. (Unpublished)

Pujiastuti, Yulia and Sitompul, Kristian B. and SHK, Suparman and Weni, Hastin WS and Herlinda, Siti and Hadi, Buyung A (2018) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI ARTIKEL JURNAL INTERNASIONAL BEREPUTASI dengan judul : Study on Trap Barrier System Towards Rodent Population and Rice Production in Tidal-Area of South Sumatera Indonesia. Universitas Brawijaya. (Unpublished)

Puput, sari and Hartati, Hartati and Meirizal, Usra and Iyakrus, Iyakrus and Destriana, Destriana (2022) Development of Microcontroller-Based Punch Speed Measurements Tool of Karate Athlete (Correspondence Author). Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Purba, Khairul Fahmi and Yazid, Muhammad (2019) Corespondence Author of_ Sustainable Crop Production in Tidal Lowlands - A Research Agenda. Graduated Program Sriwijaya University in collaboration with IATPI.

Purba, Khairul Fahmi and Yazid, Muhammad and Hasmeda, Mery and Adriani, Dessy and Tafarani, Meitry Firdha (2021) Corespondence Author of_ Technical Efficiency and Factors Affecting Rice Production in Tidal Lowlands of South Sumatera Province Indonesia. HACCP Consulting.

Purba, Khairul Fahmi and Yazid, Muhammad and Hasmeda, Mery and Adriani, Dessy and Tafarini, Meitry Firdha (2021) Corespondence Author of_ The Sustainability of Rice Farming Practices in Tidal Swamplands of South Sumatra Indonesia. HACCP Consulting.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2018) Analysis model in the cloud optimization consumption in pricing the internet bandwidth (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Analysis of Information Service Pricing Scheme Model Based on Customer Self-Selection (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_ Sensitivity Analysis of Layout Model Improved Dynamic Spectrum dan Traffic Management in Internet Financing Scheme on Fair Network dan Selfish User DSL-LTE Multiple QoS. Sriwijaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Science. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_An Application of GAMS to Solve Robust Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time. Sriwijaya International Conference on Engineering and Technology (SICETO). (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2015) Bukti Korespondensi_An Improved Model of Internet Pricing Scheme Of Multi Link Multi Service Network With Various Value of Base Price, Quality Premium and QoS Level. Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering 2014. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Analysis Model in the Cloud Optimization Consumption in Pricing the Internet Bandwidth. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Analysis of Information Service Pricing Scheme Model Based on Customer Self-Selection. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Analysis of Information Service Pricing Scheme Model Based on Customer Self-Selection. Science & Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Application of the robust capacitated vehicle routing problem with time Windows model on gallon water distribution. the 6 th National conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Bit Error Rate (BER) QoS attribute in solving wireless pricing scheme on single link multi service network. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2019) Bukti Korespondensi_Branch and Cut Method for Solving Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) Model of LPG Gas Distribution Routes. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)


Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Cobb-Douglass Utility Function in Optimizing the Internet Pricing Scheme Model. Telkomnika, Universitas Ahmad dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Cobb-Douglass Utility Function in Optimizing the Internet Pricing Scheme Model. Telkomnika, Universitas Ahmad dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Demand robust counterpart open capacitated vehicle routing problem time windows and deadline model of garbage transportation with LINGO 13.0. IJECE, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2024) Bukti Korespondensi_Determining the Best Location for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution in Palembang Using the Set Covering Problem Model and Greedy Heuristic Algorithm. International Journal of Science and Society. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_End-to-End Delay QoS Attribute-Based Bundling Strategy of Wireless Improved Reverse Charging Network Pricing Model. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_End-to-End Delay QoS Attribute-Based Bundling Strategy of Wireless Improved Reverse Charging Network Pricing Model. Science & Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Facility Location Problem of Dynamic Optimal Location of Hospital Emergency Department in Palembang. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Fair DSL-LTE Dynamic Spectrum Design Based-Utility Functions on Multiple Quality of Service Network. Journal of Applied Science, Engineering, Technology, and Education. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2024) Bukti Korespondensi_Fuzzy Model Set Cover Problem Of of optimal location of Emergency Departments in Palembang Based On Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution Method with Some Criteria. The 7th SENATIK 2022. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2015) Bukti Korespondensi_Generalized MINLP of Internet Pricing Scheme under Multi Link QoS Networks. Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI 2015). (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2019) Bukti Korespondensi_Generalized Model and Optimal Solution of Internet Pricing Scheme in Single Link under Multiservice Networks. ICONCSE. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2014) Bukti Korespondensi_Generalized Models for Internet Pricing Scheme under Multi Class QoS Networks. IJAAS. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Greedy Reduction Algorithm as the Heuristic Approach in Determining the Temporary Waste Disposal Sites in Sukarami Sub-District, Palembang, Indonesia. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Heuristic Approach For Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Heuristic Approach For Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows. Science & Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2014) Bukti Korespondensi_IModel and Optimal Solution of Single Link Pricing Scheme Multiservice Network. Telkomnika, Universitas Ahmad dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Improve Fuzzy Inventory Model of Fractal Interpolation with Vertical Scaling Factor. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Improved Incentive Pricing Model of Wireless Pricing Scheme with End to End Delay Attribute. AIP Conference Proceedings. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Improved Incentive Pricing Wireless Multi-service Single Link with Bandwidth Attribute. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Improved Incentive Pricing-Based Quasi-Linear Utility Function of Wireless Networks. IAES. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Improved Model of Internet Pricing Incentive Mechanism based on Multi bottleneck Links in Multi QoS Networks. ICECCE 2021. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Improved Multi-Service-Reverse Charging Models for the Multi-link Internet wireless Using Bit Error Rate QoS Attribute. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2017) Bukti Korespondensi_Improved bundle pricing model on wireless internet pricing scheme in serving multiple qos network based on quasi-linear utility function. ICECOS 2017. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2018) Bukti Korespondensi_Improved cloud computing model of internet pricing schemes based on Cobb-Douglas utility function. Sicbas 2018. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Improved cloud radio access network based fair network model in internet pricing. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Improved cloud radio access network based fair network model in internet pricing. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Improved incentive pricing-based quasi-linear utility function of wireless networks. Telkomnika, Universitas Ahmad dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2019) Bukti Korespondensi_Improved internet wireless reverse charging models under multi link service network by end-To-end delay QoS attribute. ISRITI 2019. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2014) Bukti Korespondensi_Improving the models of internet charging in single link multiple class QoS Networks. SPRINGER. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Information Services Financing Scheme Model with Marginal Costs and Supervisory Costs for Modified Cobb-Douglas and Linear Utility Functions. ISRITI 2022. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Internet Pricing on Bandwidth Function Diminished with Increasing Bandwidth Utility Function. Telkomnika, Universitas Ahmad dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2024) Bukti Korespondensi_Inventory Model for Deteriorating Pharmaceutical Items with Linear Demand Rate. Science & Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2018) Bukti Korespondensi_LINGO-based on robust counterpart open capacitated vehicle routing problem (RC-OCVRP) model of waste transportation in Palembang. ICOIACT 2018. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2018) Bukti Korespondensi_LINGO-based optimization problem of cloud computing of bandwidth consumption in the Internet. ICOIACT 2018. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2019) Bukti Korespondensi_Mathematical Model of Improved Reverse Charging of Wireless Internet Pricing Scheme in Servicing Multiple QoS. JESR. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Mathematical Model of Traffic Management-Perfect Substitute-Selfish User Scheme. ISRITI 2022. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Mathematical model of information service pricing scheme based on utility functions of constant elasticity of substitution. the 6 th National conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Mathematical modelling of traveling salesman problem (TSP) by implementing simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. National Conference on Mathematics Education (NaCoME). (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Mathematical modelling of traveling salesman problem (TSP) by implementing simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. National Conference on Mathematics Education (NaCoME). (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP)-based bandwidth utility function on internet pricing scheme with monitoring and marginal cost. IJECE, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2016) Bukti Korespondensi_Mixed integer nonlinear programming model of wireless pricing scheme with QoS attribute of bandwidth and end-To-end delay. Progress in Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering Proceedings, AIP Conference Proceedings. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2017) Bukti Korespondensi_Model Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (RC-OCVRP) dalam Pengoptimalan Pengangkutan Sampah di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Dan Kecamatan Alang-Alang Lebar Kota Palembang. Jurnal Kependudukan Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2018) Bukti Korespondensi_Model of Demand Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (DRC-OCVRP) Simplification by Applying Preprocessing Techniques in Rubbish Controlling in Sematang Borang District, Palembang. E3S Web of Conferences, 1st Sriwijaya International Conference on Environmental Issues, SRICOENV 2018. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Models and Heuristic Algorithms for Solving Discrete Location Problems of Temporary Disposal Places in Palembang City. Telkomnika, Universitas Ahmad dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Models of improved multilink reverse charging network by utilizing the bit error rate QoS attribute. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Models of improved multilink reverse charging network by utilizing the bit error rate QoS attribute. IJEECS. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Modification of Wireless Reverse Charging Scheme with Bundling Optimization Issues. ISRITI 2020. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Modification of Wireless Reverse Charging Scheme with Bundling Optimization Issues. ISRITI 2020. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2015) Bukti Korespondensi_Nonlinear Programming Approach of Wireless Pricing Models. International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI). (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2019) Bukti Korespondensi_Numerical Solution of Internet Pricing Scheme Based on Perfect Substitute Utility Function. ICONCSE. (Submitted)


Puspita, Fitri Maya (2017) Bukti Korespondensi_OThe comparison of internet pricing scheme in multi link bottleneck multi service network. Proceedings Of The 6th International Conference On Computing And Informatics. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2016) Bukti Korespondensi_On the symbolic manipulation for the cardinality of certain degree polynomials. International Conference on Mathematics, Engineering and Industrial Applications 2016. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Optimization of Rice Inventory Using Fuzzy Inventory Model and Lagrange Interpolation Method. BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2024) Bukti Korespondensi_Optimization of Temporary Disposal Facilities Location with Set Covering Problem Model and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm in Ilir Barat I District Palembang. The 7th SENATIK 2022. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2016) Bukti Korespondensi_Optimization of Wireless Internet Pricing Scheme in Serving Multi QoS Network Using Various Attributes. Telkomnika, Universitas Ahmad dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Penerapan Algoritma Tabu Search Pada Model ACVRP Untuk Menentukan Rute Pengangkutan Sampah yang Optimal di Kecamatan Kalidoni. UNIGAL. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2019) Bukti Korespondensi_Penerapan metode Economic Part Period (EPP) dan metode Part Period Balancing (PPB) dalam perencanaan pengendalian persediaan alat suntik pada perusahaan farmasi. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2019) Bukti Korespondensi_Pengendalian Persediaan Obat di PT. Pratapa Nirmala Palembang dengan Metode Heuristik Silver Meal (HSM). Jurnal Penelitian Sains. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Quasi Linear Utility Function Based-Wireless Internet Incentive-Pricing Models. ISRITI 2021. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing(RC-OCVRP) Model in Optimization of Garbage Transportation in District Sako and Sukarami, Palembang City. IJECE, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Robust Counterpart Open-Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Deadline (RCOCVRPTWD) Model in Optimization of Waste Transportation in Subdistrict Kalidoni, Palembang Using LINGO 13.0. ICOMSET 2020. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Robust Counterpart Open-Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Deadline (RCOCVRPTWD) Model in Optimization of Waste Transportation in Subdistrict Kalidoni, Palembang Using LINGO 13.0. ICOMSET. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Robust Optimization Model and Its Solution on The Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows. Sriwijaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Science. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Robust Set Cover Problem in Determining the Optimal Location of Emergency Units in Palembang City with Unknown Distance. Sriwijaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Science. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2024) Bukti Korespondensi_Robust-Set Covering Problem and Sensitivity Analysis to Determine The Location of Temporary Waste Disposal Sites. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)


Puspita, Fitri Maya (2024) Bukti Korespondensi_Saving Matrix Method and Nearest Neighbor Method For Garbage Transport Route Problems. The 7th SENATIK 2022. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Selfish User Network Optimization With Celluler Network Traffic Management Model Using Lingo 13.0. Science & Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Selfish User Network Optimization with Cellular Network Traffic Management Model Using Lingo 13.0. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Set Covering Model Using Greedy Heuristic Algorithm to Determine The Temporary Waste Disposal Sites in Palembang. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Set covering location problem and p-median problem model in determining the optimal temporary waste disposal sites location in Seberang Ulu I sub-district Palembang. the 6 th National conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2019) Bukti Korespondensi_Set covering models in optimizing the emergency unit location of health facility in Palembang. Sriwijaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Science. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_Solving capacitated vehicle routing problem using of Clarke and Wright algorithm and LINGO in LPG distribution. 5th Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika (SENATIK) 2020. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2017) Bukti Korespondensi_THE NEW APPROACH OF BUNDLE-PRICING SCHEME MODELS BY USING BRANCH AND BOUND SOLVER. Persatuan Alumni Malaysia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2017) Bukti Korespondensi_The Application of Transportation Methods of PT Lion Air by Using Vogel’s Method and Zero Suffix Method. Universitas Riau. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2019) Bukti Korespondensi_The Comparison of Bundle-Pricing Scheme Models Using Quasi-Linear Utility Function. Universitas Lampung. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_The Genetic Algorithm Approach in Solving Set Covering Model to Determine The Temporary Waste Disposal Sites in Kemuning Sub-District Palembang. Sriwijaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Science. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_The greedy randomized adaptive search procedure method in formulating set covering model on cutting stock problem. 5th Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika (SENATIK) 2020. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_The improved model of incentive-pricing of internet schemes for Cobb-Douglas utility function by using LINGO 13.0. 5th th Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika (SENATIK) 2020. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_The robust counterpart open capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows. 5th Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika (SENATIK) 2020. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_The robust counterpart open capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows on waste transport problems. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Utility Function-based Pricing Strategies in Maximizing the Information Service Provider’s Revenue with Marginal and Monitoring Costs. Telkomnika, Universitas Ahmad dahlan. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2017) Bukti Korespondensi_Utility function based-mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem model of information service pricing schemes. 2017 International Conference on Data and Software Engineering, ICoDSE 2017. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Validate Proof of Information Service Financing Scheme Model by Using The Customer Self-Selection Bundling Strategy Based on Quasi-Linear Utility Functions. Sriwijaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Science. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Validation of Improved Dynamic Spectrum and Traffic Management Models of Internet Pricing of Fair DSL-LTE Multiple QoS Network. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Waste Collection Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows for Route Optimization of Garbage Transport Vehicles. Science and Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2017) Bukti Korespondensi_Wireless single link pricing scheme under multi service network with bandwidth QoS attribute. Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2017) Bukti Korespondensi_Wireless single link pricing scheme under multi service network with bandwidth qos attribute. Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_“Formulation of Set Covering Problem Using Myopic Algorithm and Greedy Reduction Algorithm In Determining The Location Of Temporary Landfills In Semambu Island Village, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra. Science & Technology Indonesia. (Submitted)

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2014) Cobb-Douglass utility function in optimizing the internet pricing scheme model (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2020) Demand robust counterpart open capacitated vehicle routing problem time windows and deadline model of garbage transportation with LINGO 13.0 (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) End-to-end delay qos attribute-based bundling strategy of wireless improved reverse charging network pricing model (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2022) Facility Location Problem of Dynamic Optimal Location of Hospital Emergency Department in Palembang (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2023) Formulation of Set Covering Problem Using Myopic Algorithm and Greedy Reduction Algorithm in Determining the Location of Temporary Landfills in Semambu Island Village, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2022) Greedy Reduction Algorithm as the Heuristic Approach in Determining the Temporary Waste Disposal Sites in Sukarami Sub-District, Palembang, Indonesia (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Heuristic approach for robust counterpart open capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Improved incentive pricing-based quasi-linear utility function of wireless networks (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2019) Mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP)-based bandwidth utility function on internet pricing scheme with monitoring and marginal cost (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2022) Models and Heuristic Algorithms for Solving Discrete Location Problems of Temporary Disposal Places in Palembang City (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2021) Models of improved multilink reverse charging network by utilizing the bit error rate QoS attribute (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2018) Robust counterpart open capacitated vehicle routing (RC-OCVRP) model in optimization of garbage transportation in District Sako and Sukarami, Palembang City (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2017) Utility function-based pricing strategies in maximizing the information service provider's revenue with marginal and monitoring costs (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2022) Validation of Improved Dynamic Spectrum and Traffic Management Models of Internet Pricing of Fair DSL-LTE Multiple QoS Network (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya (2017) Wireless single link pricing scheme under multi service network with bandwidth qos attribute (cited by scopus document). Scopus.

Puspita, Fitri Maya and Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2014) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Cobb-Douglass Utility Function in Optimizing the Internet Pricing Scheme Model. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. (Unpublished)

Puspita, Fitri Maya and Irmeilyana, Irmeilyana (2012) CORRESPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Preprocessing techniques in SCVRP model: case of rubbish transportation problem in Kecamatan Ilir Barat II Palembang South Sumatera Indonesia. Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES). (Unpublished)

Puspita, Fitri Maya and WULANDARI, AYU and Yuliza, Evi and Sitepu, Robinson and Yunita, Yunita (2021) End-to-End Delay QoS Attribute-Based Bundling Strategy of Wireless Improved Reverse Charging Network Pricing Model. Science and Technology Indonesia, 6 (1). pp. 30-38. ISSN e-ISSN:2580-4391 p-ISSN:2580-4405

Puspita, Fitri Maya and WULANDARI, AYU and Yuliza, Evi and Sitepu, Robinson and Yunita, Yunita (2020) Modification of Wireless Reverse Charging Scheme with Bundling Optimization Issues. 2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems ( ISRITI), 12 (1). pp. 556-561. ISSN 2036-1660

Puspitahati, Puspitahati (2017) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Analysis of precipitation, Run off and tides of water level in lebak swamp Ogan Keramasan. IJSR, India, India.

Puspitahati, Puspitahati (2021) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: An NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) Hydroponic Irrigation System design Using Various Gutter Slopes On Pakcoy Plants (Brassica rapa L.). IOP PUBLISHING Ltd., Palembang.

Puspitahati, Puspitahati (2016) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Analisis Neraca Air dalam Ketersediaan Air Terhadap Perubahan Iklim di Beberapa Sub DAS Musi. PUR-PLSO Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang.

Puspitahati, Puspitahati (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Floating Raft Hydroponic System Using Spray Bars Pumps On Pakcoy Cultivation Growth (Brassica rapa L.). EAI, Palembang.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2020) Bukti Korespondensi_ the effect of measurement Results Flue Gas Emission With And Without Using Flow Straightener on Stack. AIP.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2016) Bukti Korespondensi_Analisa Jarak Antara Dua Silinder Berpenampang Ellip Terhadap Tekanan Aliran Udara Pada Dindingnya. Badan Kerja Sama Teknik Mesin Indonesia.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2017) Bukti Korespondensi_CFD Analysis Of Flue Gas Streamline Through Varied Of Flow Straightener Inclination. Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2016) Bukti Korespondensi_Convective Heat Transfer of One Row Arrangement of Elliptical Cylinder. Global Digital Central.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2019) Bukti Korespondensi_Effect of Savonius blade height on the performance of a hybrid Darrieus-Savonius wind turbine. UMP Press.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Experimental Study of Convective Heat Transfer of Alumina Oxide Nanofluids in Triangle Channel With Uniform Heat Flux. Global Digital Central.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2018) Bukti Korespondensi_Investigations on the Effect of Radius Rotor in Combined Darrieus-Savonius Wind Turbine. Hindawi.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2012) Bukti Korespondensi_Kaji Eksperimental Pemisahan Aliran Kerosen-Air (Variasi Sudut Kemiringan Side Arm pada Rasio Diameter = 1). Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Industri Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta,

Puspitasari, Dewi (2014) Bukti Korespondensi_Kerosene-Water Flow Pattern In T-Junction Vertical Diameter Ratio 0.5 (Variation of Inclination Branch).

Puspitasari, Dewi (2015) Bukti Korespondensi_Kerosene-water separation in T-junction with orientation upward branch with a 60° angle: Variation of diameter ratio. AIP.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2012) Bukti Korespondensi_Pemisahan Aliran Kerosen-air (Pada Variasi Sudut Kemiringan Side Arm vertikal keatas). Jurnal Rotasi Undip.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2012) Bukti Korespondensi_Pengaruh Rasio Diameter T-Junction Terhadap Pemisahan Aliran Kerosen-Air. Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar (IRWNS).

Puspitasari, Dewi (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Shockwave Study on The Wings NACA 0012, NACA64-206 and NASA SC(2)-0706 With ^ =15o at 0.85 Mach Number. Asosiasi Peneliti Sriwijaya.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2018) Bukti Korespondensi_The Effect of 45º Upward Flow Straightener Position on Flow Uniformity in Sampling Point of Chimney. IOP Science Publishing.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2018) Bukti Korespondensi_The Effects of Flow Straightener Inclination on Distribution of Flue Gas Flow. AIP.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2018) Bukti Korespondensi_The Effects of Flow Straightener Inclination on Distribution of Flue Gas Flow. AIP.

Puspitasari, Dewi (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_The Effects of the Exhaust Fan Position to Indoor Air Pollution Distribution in Enclosed Parking Garage. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Puspitasari, Dewi (2016) Bukti Korespondensi_Visualization and pressure distribution of gas-liquid flow in ¾ inch plexyglass pipe diameter with the slope orientation upward, horizontal and downward. EDP Sciences.

Puspitasari, Erica Fifi and Sukmawati, Neli and Fatimah, Siti (2023) Corespondence author of_Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar Peserta Didik pada Pembelajaran Ekonomi melalui Model PjBL di SMAN 13 Palembang. UNIVERSITAS PGRI PALEMBANG.

Putra, Erik Rahmana and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) Ekskalasi Pondok Pesantren Daarul Khair Di Muara Jaya Kecamatan Kotabumi Lampung Utara Pada Tahun 1991-2003 (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya.

Putra, Raniasa (2022) Korespondensi:Antecedents of e-government perceived net benefits: a study of e-filing in Indonesia. UAD. (Submitted)

Putri, Giszka and Hasyim, Hamzah and Fajar, Nur Alam (2022) Analysis of COVID-19 Prevention Behaviour among Diabetes Mellitus Comorbidity Patients in Palembang (Correspondence Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Putri, Nabilah Julaika and Luthfi, Muhammad Ilmi and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) Eksistensi Majelis Al-Awwabien Dalam Mengamalkan Ritual Ratib Al-Haddad Di Kota Palembang Tahun 1985-2008 (Corresponding Author). Program Studi Sejarah Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial FKIP UNSRI. (Unpublished)

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2019) Correspondence author of Aquatic in asian games: context of pisa-like mathematics problem. JOURNAL ON MATHEmatics Education. (Submitted)

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2020) Correspondence author of Designing PISA-like mathematics task using Asian games context. Journal on Mathematics Education. (Submitted)

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2022) Correspondence author of Designing Student Worksheet on Relation and Function Material for Mathematics Learning: Jumping Task. Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal. (Submitted)

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2021) Correspondence author of Designing a healthy menu project for indonesian junior high school students. Journal on Mathematics Education. (Submitted)

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2020) Correspondence author of Developing PMRI learning environment through lesson study for pre-service primary school teacher. Jornal on Mathematics Education. (Submitted)

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2019) Correspondence author of PISA-like mathematics problems: using taekwondo context of asian games. Journal on Mathematics Education. (Submitted)

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2019) Correspondence author of Sailing context in pisa-like mathematics problems. Journal on Mathematics Education. (Submitted)

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2022) Correspondence author of Students problem-solving ability in solving algebra tasks using the context of Palembang. Journal on Mathematics Education. (Submitted)

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2022) Corresponding author of Promising research studies between mathematics literacy and financial literacy through project-based learning. Journal on Mathematics Education. (Submitted)

Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra (2023) Similarity result of Collaborative learning through lesson study in pmri training for primary school pre-service teacher: the simulation of polygon matter. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Putri, Debby Andhika and Hasyim, Hamzah and Zulkifli, Hilda and Ghiffari, Ahmad and Anwar, Chairil (2021) Relationship between Preventive Behavioral Factors and Malaria Incidence in Endemic Areas of Lahat Regency in 2021. Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research, 5 (12). ISSN 2598 -0580

Putri, Nabilah Julaika and Luthfi, Muhammad Ilmi and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) Eksistensi Majelis Al-Awwabien Dalam Mengamalkan Ritual Ratib Al-Haddad Di Kota Palembang Tahun 1985-2008 (Corresponding Author). Program Studi Sejarah Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial FKIP UNSRI. (Unpublished)

Putri, Nabilah Julaika and Luthfi, Muhammad Ilmi and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) Eksistensi Majelis Al-Awwabien Dalam Mengamalkan Ritual Ratib Al-Haddad Di Kota Palembang Tahun 1985-2008 (Corresponding Author). Program Studi Sejarah Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial FKIP UNSRI. (Unpublished)


Putri, Wike Ayu Eka and Melki, Melki (2020) Kajian Kualitas Air Muara Sungai Musi Sumatera Selatan. Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences, 6 (1). pp. 36-42. ISSN p-ISSN: 25497103. e-ISSN: 25497103

Putu Samawati, Putu (2017) Korespondensi Argumen Hukum Mengenai Larangan Jabatan Rangkap Komisaris Dan Direktur Dalam Sebuah Perseroan Terbatas. Simbur Cahaya Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang.

Putu Samawati, Putu (2022) Korespondensi Artikel Demokratisasi Kewarganegaraan Ganda Terbatas Bagi Perkawinan Campuran Dalam Perspektif Nilai-Nilai Pancasila. Jurnal Pancasila Keindonesiaan BPIP RI, Jakarta.

Putu Samawati, Putu (2019) Korespondensi Artikel Demonopolisasi PT.KAI (Persero) dan PT.Pelindo (Persero) Penguatan Sistem Ekonomi Demokrasi. Jurnal Mimbar Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Putu Samawati, Putu (2022) Korespondensi Artikel Kehadiran Badan Usaha Pelabuhan (BUP) Swasta Dalam Meningkatkan Persaingan Pengusahaan Kepelabuhanan di Indonesia. Jurnal Lex Librum Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sumpah Pemuda, Palembang.

Putu Samawati, Putu (2020) Korespondensi Artikel Konsep Ekonomi Kerakyatan Pada Pilihan Kebijakan Monopoli atau Demonopolisasi BUMN di Indonesia. Jurnal Lex Librum Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Sumpah Pemuda, Palembang.

Putu Samawati, Putu (2021) Korespondensi Artikel Konsesi Pelabuhan Bentuk Pendelegasian Pengelolaan Kepelabuhanan Kepada Badan Usaha Pelabuhan. Jurnal Repertorium FH-UNSRI, Palembang.

Putu Samawati, Putu (2022) Korespondensi Artikel Monopolistic Port Business Activities PostDemonopolization Of PT.Pelindo (Persero) Based On Business Competition Law. Kanun Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh.

Putu Samawati, Putu (2019) Korespondensi Artikel Restructuring of SOEs As A Strategy To Face Demonopolization Policies. Jurnal Media Hukum Fakultas Hukum Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.

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Putu Samawati, Putu (2020) Korespondensi Problematic of The Draft of Omnibus Law On Job Creation In Indonesian. GALATI UNIV PRESS, China.

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RS, Iza Rumesten (2023) Corespondence Author of_Protection of Human Rights Against the Environment in the Indonesian Legal System. FACMED - Faculty of Medical and Law Sciences (Brazil), Brazil. (Unpublished)

RS, Iza Rumesten (2023) Corespondence author of_Discretionary Policy Responses in India and Indonesia Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges, Strategies, and the Imperative for Legal Reform. Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Indonesia., Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES),.

RS, Iza Rumesten (2023) Corespondence author of_Indonesian Ombudsman: Strengthening Role in Improving The Quality of Public Services. Faculty of Law, Universitas Pekalongan.

RS, Iza Rumesten (2023) Corespondence author of_Legal Politics of Digitalization Policy in the Implementation of General Elections in the Context of Prevention of General Election Disputes in Indonesia. Otjivanda Presse, German. (Unpublished)

RS, Iza Rumesten (2023) Corespondence author of_Unraveling the Challenges in Implementing Final and Binding Decisions of Administrative Courts: A Critical Study. Transnational Press, London.

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Ramadhan Hidayatullah, Adietya and Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Agustriani, Fitri (2022) Corresponding Author_Pemetaan Lokasi Horseshoe Crabs sebagai Primitive Animal di Perairan Pesisir Banyuasin, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Ramdhani, Destri and Ariska, Popy and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) Eksistensi Kampung Pempek 26 Ilir Palembang Sumatera Selatan Tahun 1993-2010 (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Ramdhani, Destri and Ariska, Popy and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) Eksistensi Kampung Pempek 26 Ilir Palembang Sumatera Selatan Tahun 1993-2010 (Corresponding Author). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Raniasa, Putra (2022) Korespondensi:Antecedents of e-government perceived net benefits: a study of e-filing in Indonesia(Full). UAD. (Submitted)

Renda, Pera and Hasmalena, Hasmalena and Sumarni, Sri (2017) Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Sentra Di TK Negeri Pembina 1 Palembang. Jurnal Tumbuh Kembang : Kajian Teori dan Pembelajaran PAUD, 4 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2657-0785

Resti, Yulia (2023) Bukti Korespondesi artikel : A Bootstrap-Aggregating in Random Forest Model for Classification of Corn Plant Diseases and Pests. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Resti, Yulia (2021) Bukti Korespondesi artikel : Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus in Women of Reproductive Age using The Prediction Methods of Naive Bayes. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Resti, Yulia (2023) Bukti Korespondesi artikel : Fuzzy Discretization on the Multinomial Naïve Bayes Method for Modeling Multiclass Classification of Corn Plant Diseases and Pests. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Resti, Yulia (2022) Bukti Korespondesi artikel : Identification of Corn Plant Diseases and Pests Based on Digital Images using Multinomial Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Resti, Yulia (2022) Bukti Korespondesi artikel : Implementation of a Breakpoint Halfway Discretization to Predict Jakarta's Air Quality. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Resti, Yulia (2023) Bukti Korespondesi artikel : Median-KNN Regressor-SMOTE-Tomek Links for Handling Missing and Imbalanced Data in Air Quality Prediction. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

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Resti, Yulia (2022) Bukti Korespondesi artikel : Performance Improvement of Decision Tree Model using Fuzzy Membership Function for Classification of Corn Plant Diseases and Pests. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Resti, Yulia (2020) Bukti Korespondesi artikel : Performance of Cans Classification System for Dierent Conveyor Belt Speed using Naïve Bayes. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya.

Resti, Yulia (2017) Bukti Korespondesi artikel : Quadratic Discriminant Analysis of Dengue Viruses Disease Incidence in Palembang. FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Restiani, Tia and Chotimah, Umi and Kurnisar, Kurnisar (2019) ANALISIS NILAI-NILAI DALAM ADAT PERNIKAHAN DI KECAMATAN TANJUNG BATU KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR. Jurnal Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, 6 (1). ISSN 2614-6134

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Rinto, Rinto (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Analisis Bakteri Asam Laktat dan Senyawa Bioaktif selama Fermentasi Bekasam Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Universitas Gadjah Mada. (Unpublished)

Rinto, Rinto (2017) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Fractionation of Anticholesterol Bioactive Compounds from Bekasam (Indonesian Fermented Fish Product). UPM Press. (Unpublished)

Rinto, Rinto (2023) Korespondensi Peningkatan Sifat Fungsional Bekasam menggunakan Starter Lactobacillus acidophilus. Institute Pertanian Bogor.

Rinto, Rinto and Herpandi, Herpandi and Widiastuti, Indah and Sudirman, Sabri (2022) Analisis Bakteri Asam Laktat dan Senyawa Bioaktif selama Fermentasi Bekasam Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus). AGRITECH - Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian, 42 (4). pp. 400-409. ISSN 0216-0455

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Riswandi, Riswandi and Hamzah, Basuni and Wijaya, Agus and Abrar, Arfan (2020) Bukti Dokumen Korespondensi Karya Ilmiah dengan judul : "Bali Heifers Performance on Cassava Leaves, Palm Oil Sludge and Yeast Supplementation in a Ration Based on Kumpai Grass (Hymenachne amplexicaulis (Rudge) Nees)". Nexus Academic Publisher. (Unpublished)

Riswandi, Riswandi and Hamzah, Basuni and Wijaya, Agus and Abrar, Arfan (2019) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Bali Heifers Performance on Cassava Leaves, Palm Oil Sludge and Yeast Supplementation in a Ration Based on Kumpai Grass (Hymenachne amplexicaulis (Rudge) Nees). Nexus Academic Publisher. (Unpublished)

Riswandi, Riswandi and Hamzah, Basuni and Wijaya, Agus and Abrar, Arfan and Akbar, M. Reski Valian (2018) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul dengan judul : Evaluasi Kualitas Fisik dan Uji Palatabilitas Ransum Berbasis Rumput Kumpai Tembaga (Hymenachne acutigluma) Melalui Kombinasi Lumpur Sawit dan Daun Ubi Kayu. PUR-PLSO UNSRI. (Unpublished)

Riswandi, Riswandi and Imsya, Afnur and Sandi, Sofia and Putra, A.S.S. (2017) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Evaluasi Kualitas Fisik Biskuit Berbahan Dasar Rumput Kumpai Minyak dengan Level Legum Rawa (Neptunia Oleracea Lour) yang Berbeda. PS. Peternakan Unsri. (Unpublished)

Riswandi, Riswandi and Indra Munawar Ali, Asep and Muhakka, Muhakka and Syaifudin, Y. and Akbar, I. (2015) Bukti Dokumen Korespondensi Karya Ilmiah dengan judul : "Nutrient Digestibility and Productivity of Bali Cattle Fed Fermented Hymenachne amplexia­calis Based Rations Supplemented with Leucaena leucocephala". Bogor Agricultural University. (Unpublished)

Riswandi, Riswandi and M. Ali, Asep Indra and Imsya, Afnur and Sandi, Sofia and Hamzah, Basuni and Supriadi, Agus (2021) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Aspergillus aryzae Supplementation in Swamp Roughage Haylage-Based Rations on in vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristics and Methane Gas Emission. Nexus Academic Publishers, Pakistan. (Unpublished)

Riswandi, Riswandi and Muhakka, Muhakka and Lehan, M. (2015) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Evaluasi Nilai Kecernaan Secara In Vitro Ransum Ternak Sapi Bali yang Disuplementasi dengan Probiotik Bioplus. PS. Peternakan Unsri. (Unpublished)

Riswandi, Riswandi and Muslima, R.A. (2018) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Manajemen Pemberian Pakan Ternak Kambing di Desa Sukamulya Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. PS. Peternakan Unsri. (Unpublished)

Riswandi, Riswandi and Priyanto, Langgeng and Imsya, Afnur and Meilia, Meilia (2017) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul : Kecernaan In Vitro Ransum Berbasis Rumput Kumpai (Hymenachne acutigluma) Fermentasi Disuplementasi Legum Berbeda. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana, Bali. (Unpublished)

Riswandi, Riswandi and Priyanto, Langgeng and Imsya, Afnur and Nopiyanti, Meilia (2017) Bukti Dokumen Korespondensi Karya Ilmiah dengan judul : "Kecernaan In Vitro Ransum Berbasis RumputKumpai (Hymenachne acutigluma) FermentasiDisuplementasi Legum Berbeda". Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana. (Unpublished)

Riyanti, Fahma (2023) Bukti koresponden: The Synthesis of MnFe2O4-Activated Carbon Composite for Removal of Methyl Red From Aqueous Solution. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Riyanti, Fahma (2023) koresponden The effect of fuel on the physiochemical properties of ZnFe2O4 synthesized by solution combustion method. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)


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Rohani, Rohani and Yusuf, Syafruddin and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2021) Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Team Assisted Individualization Terhadap Keterampilan Sosial di Sekolah Menengah Atas Palembang (Corresponding Author). Fajar Historia: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah dan Pendidikan, Universitas Hamzanwadi. (Unpublished)

Rohani, Rohani and Yusuf, Syafruddin and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2021) Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Team Assisted Individualization Terhadap Keterampilan Sosial di Sekolah Menengah Atas Palembang (Corresponding Author). Fajar Historia: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah dan Pendidikan, Universitas Hamzanwadi. (Unpublished)

Rohendi, Dedi (2020) Ammonia Liquid Waste Processing Using Electrolysis Method. Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry, 5 (3). pp. 66-70. ISSN 25409395

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Rohendi, Dedi (2013) Characterization of electrodes and performance tests on MEAs with varying platinum content and under various operational conditions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (IJHE), 38. pp. 9431-9437. ISSN 0360-3199 / 1879-3487

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Rohendi, Dedi (2012) Correspondence author of Effect of PTFE Content and Sintering Temperature on the Properties of a Fuel Cell Electrode Backing Layer. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Unpublished)

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Rohendi, Dedi (2014) Effect of PTFE Content and Sintering Temperature on the Properties of a Fuel Cell Electrode Backing Layer. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology / Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 11 (4). ISSN 1550-624X e-ISSN : 1551-6989

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Rohendi, Dedi (2022) Reviewer Internal UNSRI 2022. Dedi Rohendi. (Unpublished)

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Rohendi, Dedi (2019) Similarity Checker of Storage and Release of Hydrogen as a Fuel of the Fuel Cell with Media of NaBO2/NaBH4. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rohendi, Dedi (2019) Utilization of catalyst-coated membrane (CCM) and spraying methods in fabrication membrane electrode assembly (MEA) for direct methanol fuel Cell (DMFC) using Pt-Co / C catalyst,. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 1282. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6588E-ISSN:1742-6596

Romadhon, Zulkhaidar and Yazid, Muhammad and Mulyana, Andy and Yunita, Yunita (2021) Corespondence Author of_ Social Demographic Factors Influencing Consumer’s Preferences on Rice Attributes in Indonesia A Multinomial Logistic Approach. HACCP Consulting.

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Royani, Idha (2014) Characterization of an atrazine molecularly imprinted polymer prepared by a cooling method. Characterization of an atrazine molecularly imprinted polymer prepared by a cooling method. pp. 116-119. ISSN 0094243X, 15517616

Royani, Idha (2014) Effect of Heating Time on Atrazine-Based MIP Materials Synthesized via the Cooling-Heating Method. Effect of Heating Time on Atrazine-based MIP Materials Synthesized via the Cooling-heating Method, 896. ISSN 16628985

Royani, Idha (2012) Pengaruh Konsentrasi Polimer MIP (Molecularly Imprinted Polymer) Atrazin Terhadap Jumlah Ikatan yang Terbentuk. PENGARUH KONSENTRASI POLIMER MIP (MOLECULARLY IMPRINTED POLYMER) ATRAZIN TERHADAP JUMLAH IKATAN YANG TERBENTUK. pp. 77-79. ISSN 9789791954495

Royani, Idha (2016) Synthesis and Study of Guest-Rebinding of MIP Based on MAA Prepared using Theophylline Template. Synthesis and Study of Guest-Rebinding of MIP Based on MAA Prepared using Theophylline Template. pp. 1-7. ISSN 17426588/ 17426596

Royani, Idha (2016) Synthesis and characterization of MAA-based molecularly-imprinted polymer (MIP) with D-glucose template. Synthesis and characterization of MAA-based molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) with D-glucose template. pp. 1-7. ISSN 17426588/ 17426596

Royani, Idha and Assaidah, Assaidah (2019) The effect of atrazine concentration on galvanic cell potential based on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPS) and aluminium as contact electrode. The effect of atrazine concentration on galvanic cell potential based on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPS) and aluminium as contact electrode. pp. 1-5. ISSN 17426588 / 17426596

Royani, Idha and Koriyanti, Erry and Jorena, Jorena and Saleh, Khairul and Monado, Fiber (2020) Temperature in the Extraction Process: The Number of Cavities Created in Polymer Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) Caffeine. Temperature in the Extraction Process: The Number of Cavities Created in Polymer Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) Caffeine, 860. pp. 297-302. ISSN 1662-9795


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Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2021) Assessment of phytoplankton community structure in Musi Estuary, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding Author of_An Assessment of Pb and Cu in Waters, Sediments, and Mud Crabs (Scylla serrata) from Mangrove Ecosystem Near Tanjung Api-Api Port Area, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2024) Corresponding Author of_Anti-Inflammatory Activity and Phytochemical Profile from the Leaves of the Mangrove Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl. for Future Drug Discovery. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding Author of_Antibacterial Potential of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Mangrove Rhizophora apiculata Blume Species at Tanjung Api-Api, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding Author of_Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic, Phytochemical Content, and HPLC Profile of Selected Mangrove Species from Tanjung Api-Api Port Area, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2024) Corresponding Author of_Bioaccumulation and Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination (Lead and Copper) Build Up in the Roots of Avicennia alba and Excoecaria agallocha. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding Author of_Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal (Pb, Cu) Contamination in Water, Sediment, and Polychaeta (Neoleanira Tetragona) from Coastal Areas Affected by Aquaculture, Urban Rivers, and Ports in South Sumatra. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2024) Corresponding Author of_Ecological study of macrozoobenthos in the mudflat zone of Sembilang National Park, South Sumatra. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2024) Corresponding Author of_Environmental risk assessment of Pb, Cu, Zn, and Cd concentrations accumulated in selected mangrove roots and surrounding their sediment. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity. (Unpublished)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2024) Corresponding Author of_Impact of Environmental Factors on Phytoplankton Community Structure From Two Different River Estuaries, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2024) Corresponding Author of_Investigating the antioxidant activity, total phenolics and phytochemical profile in Avicennia alba and Excoecaria agallocha root extracts as a defence mechanism against pollutants. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding Author of_Karakteristik Mikroplastik Pada Saluran Pencernaan Kerang Anadara granosa (Linnaeus, 1758) Menggunakan Metode Ekstraksi Basa. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2024) Corresponding Author of_Mangrove wetland ecotourism development potential in the Sungsang-Sembilang Region, South Sumatra. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding Author of_Mollusks Diversity in the Protected Coastline of Berbak-Sembilang National Park Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2024) Corresponding Author of_The ecological health of coral reefs in the waters of Enggano Island, the outermost island in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author of_First Assesment of coral Mussidae in Kelagian Island waters,Lampung. Sriwijaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Sciences. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author result of_A review: The potential of microalgae as a marine food alternative in Banyuasin Estuary, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author result of_Abundance and diversity of macrobenthos at Tanjung Api-Api waters, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2022) Corresponding author result of_An ecological assessment of crab’s diversity among habitats of migratory birds at Berbak-Sembilang National. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author result of_Assessment distribution of the phytoplankton community structure at the fishing ground, Banyuasin estuary, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author result of_Assessment the macrobenthic diversity and community structure in the Musi Estuary, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author result of_Bioteknologi Kelautan: Dalam Perspektif Marine Bioprospecting. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author result of_Correlation Between the Phytoplankton Distribution with the Oceanographic Parameters of the Deep-Sea Surface of Sangihe-Talaud, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author result of_Evaluation of Calcium and Phosphorus content in Scallop Shells (Placuna placenta) and Blood Cockle Shells (Anadara granosa) from Banyuasin Waters, South Sumatra. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author result of_Gastropods as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in the Banyuasin estuary shrimp pond area, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author result of_Insecticidal Activity and Phytochemical Profiles of Avicennia marina and Excoecaria agallocha Leaves Extracts. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author result of_Phytochemical composition, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Anadara granosa (Linnaeus, 1758) collected from the east coast of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan (2023) Corresponding author result of_Phytochemical profile and toxicity of extracts from the leaf of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. collected in mangrove areas affected by port activities. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Rozirwan, Rozirwan and Melki, Melki and Apri, Rezi and Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Agussalim, Andi and HARTONI, HARTONI and Iskandar, Iskhaq (2021) Assessment the macrobenthic diversity and community structure in the Musi Estuary, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 41. pp. 346-350. ISSN 1872-2032

Rozirwan, Rozirwan and Melki, Melki and Apri, Rezi and Nugroho, Redho Y and Fauziyah, Fauziyah and Agussalim, Andi and Iskandar, Iskhaq (2021) Assessment of phytoplankton community structure in Musi Estuary, South Sumatra, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux, 14 (3). pp. 1451-1463. ISSN p-ISSN: 1844-8143. e-ISSN: 1844-9166

Rukiyah, Rukiyah and taruni, suningsih and Syafdaningsih, Syafdaningsih (2022) Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Kreativitas Seni Rupa Anak Usia Dini. Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 6 (4). pp. 3714-3726. ISSN 2549-8959



SARI, YUNITA DIAN EKA and Santoso, Budi and Indaryanti, Indaryanti (2019) Letter of Acceptance KEMAMPUAN SISWA MENGUBAH SOAL CERITA MENJADI BENTUK OPERASI ALJABAR. Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Sriwijaya.

SARI, YUNITA DIAN EKA and Santoso, Budi and Indaryanti, Indaryanti (2021) Letter of Acceptence Kemampuan Siswa Mengubah Soal Cerita menjadi Bentuk Operasi Aljabar. Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Sriwijaya.

SULASTRY, ELSIE and Pasaribu, Abidin and Akhsan, Hamdi (2021) PENGEMBANGAN MODUL ELEKTRONIK BERBASIS MULTI REPRESENTASI PADA MATERI SUHU DAN KALOR UNTUK SMA. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan IPA Tahun 2021 "Redesain Pembelajaran IPA yang Adaptif di Masa Pandemi Covid-19", 1 (1). ISSN xxxxxx

SURYANTO, DIKI and Aisyah, Nyimas and Susanti, Ely (2022) Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Geometri Modern dengan Strategi Syntactic With Two-Column Proof Untuk Mahasiswa Calon Guru. Aksioma, 11 (4). pp. 2929-2940. ISSN 2089-8703

Saggaff, Anis and Nawawi, Zainudin and Yuliati, Kiki and Samsuryadi, Samsuryadi and Purnomo, Mulyadi Eko and Hasyim, Hamzah and Adhitya, Bimo Brata and Atiyanta, Dirta Pratama and Putri, Vegitya Ramadhani and Rosidawani, Rosidawani and Septadina, Indri Seta and Andriani, Nely and Riswani, Riswani and Rozirwan, Rozirwan and Putra, Raniasa and Sutarno, Sutarno and Septiawati, Dwi (2020) Rencana Induk Pengembangan (RIP) Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Sriwijaya (Tahun 2021- 2025). Unsri Press, Indralaya. ISBN 978-623-399-033-2

Sahara, Eli (2017) Bukti Koresponden-Peningkatan Asam Lemak Tak Jenuh (Pufas) Dengan Menggunakan Rhizopus Oryzae Dalam Fermentasi Bekatul. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2022) Bukti Koresponden-Quality Assessment of Silver Arabic Chicken Eggs with the Addition of Chitosan in Rations. Gmail. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2018) Bukti Koresponden-The Effect of Chitosan Addition to the Digestibility of Dried Matter, Organic Matter and Crude Protein of Tegal’s Duck Ration. Gmail. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2014) Bukti Koresponden: Analisis Sifat Fisik Bekatul dan Ekstrak Minyak Bekatul Hasil Fermentasi Rhizopus sp. dengan Menggunakan Inokulum Tempe. Gmail. (Unpublished)


Sahara, Eli (2020) Bukti Koresponden: CHITOSAN INHIBITION TEST AGAINST E. coli AND DIGESTIBILITY OF THE RATION IN THE IN-VITRO METHOD. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2021) Bukti Koresponden: Peningkatan Kandungan Vitamin C Telur Ayam Arab Silver Dengan Penambahan Serbuk Kunyit Dan Vitamin C Dalam Ransum. Gmail. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2021) Bukti Koresponden: Quality Assessment of Silver Arabic Chicken Eggs with the Addition of Chitosan in Rations.pdf. Gmail. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2019) Bukti Koresponden: Supplementation of Lactic Acid Bacteria Derived from Ensiled Kumpai Tembaga on Live Body Weight, Gastrointestinal Tract, Internal Organs, and Blood Profiles in Pegagan Ducks. Gmail. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2019) Bukti Koresponden: The Effect of Chitosan Addition to the Digestibility of Dried Matter, Organic Matter and Crude Protein of Tegal’s Duck Rations. Gmail. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2018) Bukti Koresponden: The Effect of Fermentation Bran and Chitosan in Ration to Percentage of Tegal Duck Digestive Tract Weight. Gmail. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2018) Bukti Koresponden: The Influence of Phytase Enzyme to Laying Performance and Quality of Egg Shell of Golden Arabian Chicken. Gmail. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2016) Bukti Koresponden: The effect of chitosan in the ration on tegal duck performance. Gmail. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2018) Bukti Koresponden:Pengaruh Pemberian Kitosan Terhadap Mikroflora Saluran Cerna Itik Tegal. Gmail. (Unpublished)

Sahara, Eli (2022) Bukti Koresponden:The Effects of Probiotic from Hymenachne Acutigluma Silage in Feed to the Length of Small Intestine and Caeca in Pegagan Ducks. Gmail. (Unpublished)

Said, Muhammad (2020) Corespondence author of_Modification Bentonite Using Fe(III) and Its Application as Adsorbent for Phenol. Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry. (Submitted)

Said, Muhammad (2020) Corespondence author of_Pillarization of Bentonite using Fe3+/Ti4+ and Its Application for Congo Red and Direct Violet Removal. International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation. (Submitted)

Said, Muhammad (2022) corespondece author of_Insertion of bentonite with Organometallic [Fe3O(OOC6H5)6(H2O)3(NO3).nH2O] as Adsorbent of Congo Red. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. (Submitted)

Said, Muhammad (2021) corespondence author of_Cr (III)-Doped Bentonite: Synthesis, Characterization and Application for Phenol Removal. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Said, Muhammad (2020) corespondence author of_Cr/Al Pillared Bentonite and Its Application on Congo Red and Direct Blue Removal. Molekul. (Submitted)

Said, Muhammad (2022) corespondence author of_Effect of Al Concentration over ZnO-Al2O3 Physicochemical Characteristics and Removal of Remazol Red RB. ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering. (Submitted)

Said, Muhammad (2022) corespondence author of_Removal of Congo Red and Procion Red Using Zn/Fe Pillared Bentonite. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. (Submitted)

Said, Muhammad (2022) corespondence author of_Removal of Remazol Yellow Using SnO2-Co Photocatalyst. Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol.. (Submitted)

Said, Muhammad (2022) corespondence author of_SnO2–Fe3O4 nanocomposites for the photodegradation of the Congo red dye. Heliyon. (Submitted)

Said, Muhammad (2021) corespondence author of_Synthesis of Al/Fe Pillared Bentonite: Characterisation and Analysis of Thermodynamic Parameter. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Sailah, Siti and Erni, Erni and Virgo, Frinsyah and Ibrahim, Eddy and Setiabudidaya, Dedi and Faizal, H M (2023) Corespondence author of Analysis of overburden and interburden layer to predict acid mine drainage by use of Geo-Penetrating Radar Investigation. IOP Publishing.

Sakinah, Sakinah and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) PENYELENGGARAAN SEKOLAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM TERPADU: SEBUAH PENDEKATAN STUDI KASUS (Coresponding Author). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Saleh, Irsan (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Potential of karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) fraction against kidney damage in diabetic rats. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya.

Saleh, Irsan (2020) Corespondence author of_Potential of karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) fraction against kidney damage in diabetic rats. Herba Polonica. (Unpublished)

Salni, Salni (2023) Corespondence author of A subchronic toxicity test of combination n-hexane and ethyl acetate fraction of rose myrtle leaves (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa [Ait.] Hassk) on male white rats. -. (Unpublished)


Salni, Salni (2022) Corespondence author of_Antioxidant compounds and activity from the leaf of the mistletoe (Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq.) on Duku plant (Lansium domesticum Corr.). Fakultas MIPA Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Salni, Salni (2022) Corespondence author of_High Efficient Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange Dye in Aqueous Solution by CoFe2O4-SiO2-TiO2 Magnetic Catalyst. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.


Salni, Salni (2022) Corespondence author of_Preparation of CoFe2O4/SiO2/Ag Magnetic Composite as Photocatalyst for Congo Red Dye and Antibacterial Potential. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Salni, Salni (2019) Corespondence author of_STUD I BIONOMIK NYAMUK Mansonia spp SEBAGAI VEKTOR POTENSIAL PENULARAN FILARIASIS Brugia malayi DI KABUPATEN BANYUASIN. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Salni, Salni (2021) Corespondence author of_Solution combustion method to synthesize magnetic Fe3O4 as photocatalytic of Congo red dye and antibacterial activity. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Salni, Salni (2023) Corespondence author of_Synthesis of Fe3O4/SiO2/NiO magnetic composite: Evaluation of its catalytic activity for methylene blue degradation. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Salni, Salni (2022) Corespondence of author is Synthesis of NiFe2O4/SiO2/NiO Magnetic and Application for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange Dye under UV Irradiation. Fakultas Mipa Produsi Biologi Universitas sriwijaya.

Salni, Salni and Herlina, Herlina and Purnamasari, Aprila (2021) Corespondence author of_A subchronic toxicity test of combination n-hexane and ethyl acetate fraction of rose myrtle leaves (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa [Ait.] Hassk) on male white rats. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Salni, Salni and Marisa, Hanifa Peer review, Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oil from Rosemytle Leaves (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk). Jurusan Kimia, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman,.

Samawati, Putu (2019) Korespondensi Artikel Legal Reason Underlying Demonopolization by State-Owned Enterprises In Indonesia. Journal SLRev FH-UNSRI, Palembang.

Samawati, Putu (2021) Korespondensi_The Privilege of The Indonesia Investment Authority in Indonesia Omnibus Law on Job Creation. UIN Jakarta, Yogyakarta.

Samsuryadi, Samsuryadi (2023) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI: A Framework for Determining the Big Five Personality Traits Using Machine Learning Classification through Graphology. Email GMAIL. (Unpublished)

Samsuryadi, Samsuryadi (2021) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI: Automated handwriting analysis based on pattern recognition: a survey. Email GMAIL. (Unpublished)

Sandi, Sofia (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul - Organic Acid and Probiotic Derived From Grass Silage Improved Egg Quality In Pegagan Laying Duck A Research Note. Springer Netherlands.

Sandi, Sofia (2020) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul - Perubahan Kandungan Neutral Detergent Fiber, Acid Detegent Fiber dan In-Vitro True Digestibility Hijauan Rawa Dengan dan Tanpa Silase. Progarm Studi Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Unsri.

Sandi, Sofia (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul-The Effect of Probiotic Derived from Kumpai Minyak (Hymenachne Amplexicaulis) Silage on Performance and Wgg Quality Characteristics of Pegagan Ducks. Scienceline Publication. Turkey.

Sandi, Sofia (2019) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Effect of Supplementation Organic Acid Salt and Probiotics Derived from Silage of Kumpai Tembaga Grass on Quality Carcass and Meat of Pegagan Duck. Nexus Academic Publishers, Pakistan.


Sani, Safitri (2023) Pengembangan Soal Kognitif Berbasis Hots dalam Mata Pelajaran Sejarah pada Pokok Bahasan Perkembangan Kerajaan Islam di Indonesia pada Masa Islam Untuk Siswa Kelas X. DIAJAR: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, 2 (1). pp. 70-75.

Sanjaya, Nico and Saloma, Saloma and Hanafiah, Hanafiah and Juliantina, Ika and Nurjannah, Siti Aisyah (2020) Compressive Strength, Permeability and Porosity Analysis of Pervious Concrete by Variation of Aggregate and Compacting Method (Corresponding Author). IOP Publishing. (Unpublished)

Santati, Parama (2023) CORRENSPONDENCE AUTHOR OF_Kinerja Pegawai Melalui Peran Budaya Organisasi dan Komitmen Organisasi di Universitas PGRI Palembang. Jurnal Media Wahana Ekonomika, Palembang.

Santoso, Budi (2020) KORESPONDENSI Phenol compound content and antibacterial activity of gaharu leaf extract products (Aquilaria malaccensis). KORESPONDENSI Phenol compound content and antibacterial activity of gaharu leaf extract products (Aquilaria malaccensis).

Santoso, Budi (2022) KORESPONDENSI The Addition of Gambir Catechin Extract in the Production of Functional Robusta Coffee Powder. Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. (Unpublished)

Santoso, Budi (2019) KORESPONDENSI The effect of eel’s protein extract on the characteristics of edible film. Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Santoso, Budi (2021) KORESPONDENSI: Functional Characteristics Improvement of Edible Film Through Addition of Gambier and Bay Leaf Extract. Bentham Science Publishers B.V. (Unpublished)

Santri, Didi Jaya (2021) Bukti Korespondensi Artikel Analysis of Swamp Microalgal Isolates from South Sumatra as Biofuel Candidates. Intrnational Information and Engineering Technology Association.

Santri, Didi Jaya (2022) Coresponding Author Artikel Correlation Analysis of Metacognitive Skills with Students Learning Outcomes on Reproductive System Materials. Atlantis Press.

Sari, Astriana and Alfatih, Andy and Susanto, Tri Agus (2018) Corresponding Author Of The Quality of Public Services: Study of Birth Certificate Making in Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Taman Siswa Palembang, collaborated with CMHC (Research & Sains Center) and HM Publisher.

Sari, Astriana and Alfatih, Andy and Susanto, Tri Agus (2018) The Quality of Public Services: Study of Birth Certificate Making in Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia. The Quality of Public Services: Study of Birth Certificate Making in Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia, 1 (1). pp. 46-54. ISSN 27224252

Sari, Diah Kartika (2020) Correspondence Author of Analysis Of Increasing Creative Thinking Skills In The Use Of local Materials. Young Scholar Symposium On Science and Environment.


Sari, Diah Kartika (2022) Correspondence Author of Development of Authentic Asssessment Based On Creative Thinking Skill In A Carbohydrates Qualitative Analysis Project Based Using Local Material. Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia.

Sari, Diah Kartika (2021) Correspondence Author of Development of a Virtual Laboratory For Biochemistry Practicum During The Covid-19 Pandemic. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA.

Sari, Diah Kartika (2022) Correspondence Author of Development of a Virtual Laboratory for Biochemistry Practicum during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA).


Sari, Diah Kartika (2022) Correspondence Author of Pendampingan Pengembangan Laboratorium Virtual Bagi Guru Kimia SMA di Kota Palembang. Jurnal Pengabdian UNDIKMA : Jurnal Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Kepada Masyarakat.

Sari, Diah Kartika (2021) Correspondence Author of Pengaruh Laboratorium Virtual Analisis Kualitatif Lipid Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa. Orbital : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia.

Sari, Diah Kartika (2021) Correspondence Author of Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa (LKM) Berbasis Project Based Learning (PjBL) Materi Analisis Kuantitatif Protein Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia. Jurnal Penelitian Pendididkan Kimia.

Sari, Diah Kartika (2022) Correspondence Author of Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Pembelajaran Menggunakan Laboratorium Virtual Mata Kuliah Praktikum Biokimia. Orbital : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia.

Sari, Diah Kartika (2021) Correspondence Author of Profil Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Pada Perkuliahan Praktikum Biokimia di Jenjang S1 Prodi Pendidikan Kimia Menuju Era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) Studi Kasus di Beberapa LPTK. Jurnal Penelitian Pendididkan Kimia.

Sari, Diah Kartika (2022) Correspondence Author of Student Perceptions Of The Hybrid Learning Practicum Qualitative Analysis Protein Based Contrutivism Needham’s 5 Phase. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA.

Sari, Diah Kartika (2021) Correspondence Author of Student Preceptions Of the Hybird Learning Practicum Qualitative Analysis Portein Based Contructivism Needham's 5-phase. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA.

Sari, Diah Kartika (2019) Correspondence Author of The Importance of Verification Practicum Before Project Based Practicum Based On local Material In Science Education. Young Scholar Symposium On Science and Environment.

Sari, Dwi Wulan (2024) Farm Household Vulnerability Due to Land and Forest Fire in Peatland Areas in South Sumatra. LAND MDPI, 13 (642). pp. 1-17.

Sari, Dwi Wulan (2024) Livelihood Alternatives in Restored Peatland Areas in South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. LAND MDPI, 13 (643). pp. 1-24.

Sari, Dwi Wulan (2024) SWOT analysis of Ecotourism development in Sembilang National Park, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Dinasti International Journal of Education Management and Social Science, 5 (4). pp. 207-218. ISSN 2686-6331

Sari, Meisji Liana (2019) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Effect of Supplementation Organic Acid Salt and Probiotics Derived from Silage of Kumpai Tembaga Grass on Quality Carcass and Meat of Pegagan Duck. Unique Scientific Publishers, Pakistan.

Sari, Meisji Liana (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Kualitas Kimia Telur asin Itik Pegagan dengan Menggunakan Larutan Daun Indigofera (Indigofera zollingeriana Miq.). PS. Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Unsri.

Sari, Meisji Liana (2022) BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Pengaruh Pemberian Probiotik dan Tepung Kunyit dalam Ransum Terhadap Saluran Pencernaan Itik Pegagan. PS. Produksi Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Cenderawasi.

Sari, Tuti Indah (2020) Corresponding Author Additional Information of Journal Title of Journal : DEPROTEINIZED NATURAL RUBBER GRAFTED WITH POLYACRYLONITRILE(PAN)/POLYSTIRENE(PS) AND ITS MECHANICAL PROPERTIES DEGRADATION BY DIMETHYL ETHER. IJTech (International Journal of Technology).

Sari, Tuti Indah (2022) Corresponding Author Additional Information of Journal Title of Journal : Karakteristik Natural Rubber Grafting Pati (Srarcfi) Dimodifikasi Dengan Asam Akrilat. Jurnal Penelitian Karet.

Sari, Tuti Indah (2016) Corresponding Author Additional Information of Journal Title of Journal : Modification Of Natural Rubber As A Resistant Material To Dimethyl Ether. Journal Applied Science.

Sari, Tuti Indah (2021) Corresponding Author Additional Information of Journal Title of Journal : PENGARUH FLY ASH DAN CARBON BLACK SEBAGAI REINFORCEMENT FILLER TERHADAP SIFAT MEKANIS SEAL DARI KARET ALAM. Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri.

Sari, Tuti Indah (2023) Corresponding Author Additional Information of Journal Title of Journal : Pengaruh Konsentrasi Inisiator Kalium Persulfat dan Monomer Asam Akrilat terhadap Persen Grafting Karet Alam/Starch. Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Sari, Tuti Indah (2015) Corresponding Author Additional Information of Journal Title of Journal : THE EFFECT OF ACRYLONITRILE AND STYRENE COMPOSITION ON REDUCING THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES DEGRADATION OF NATURAL RUBBER BY DIMETHYL ETHER. IJTech (International Journal of Technology). (Unpublished)

Sari, Tuti Indah Sari Deproteinized Natural Rubber Grafted with Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/Polystirene (PS) and Degradation of its Mechanical Properties by Dimethyl Ether. International Journal of Technology. ISSN 2087-2100

Sarno, Sarno and Agus Suwignyo, Rujito and Munandar, Munandar and Dahlan, Zulkifli (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Short Communication The phenology of Sonneratia alba J. Smith in Berbak and Sembilang National Park, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Sartika, Diana Dewi and Soraida, Safira and Isyanawulan, Gita and Arianti, Yosi (2022) Korespondensi Habitus Primer pada Anak Berkonflik dengan Hukum. Universitas Bangka Belitung.

Sartika, Diana Dewi and Soraida, Safira and Madrah, Muna Yastuti (2022) Korespondensi Children and crime: A study on child perpetrators in South Sumatera, Indonesia. Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute.

Sartika, Diana Dewi and Supraja, Muhamad (2021) Koresponding Children in The Circle of Criminal Practices In Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatera. Universitas Negeri Semarang.

Sartika, Diana Dewi and Supraja, Muhamad (2019) Similarity Learning About Crime (A Study on Children in Conflict with the Law at LPKA of Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia). Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication.

Sasongko, Jovialco and Widiyanti, Marlina and Taufik, Taufik (2015) Reaksi Pasar Modal Atas Peristiwa Pengumuman Presiden Ri 2014 (Studi Pada Saham Sektor Pertambangan Di BURSA EFEK INDONESIA). Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Bisnis dan Terapan, 12 (1). pp. 33-44. ISSN 0216-6836

Septi, Septi and Virgo, Frinsyah and Sailah, Siti (2022) Corespondence author of ANALISIS KUALITAS AIR TANAH WILAYAH SEKITAR TPA SUKAWINATAN PALEMBANG. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika, 10 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN p-ISSN 2355-5785; e-ISSN 2550-0325

Septian, Muhammad Rio and Alfatih, Andy and Meilinda, Nurly (2018) Corresponding Author Of The Role of Advertising Exposure to Consumer Purchase Interest: Study of Gain Mass Milk Ads in Fitness Center. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Taman Siswa Palembang, collaborated with CMHC (Research & Sains Center) and HM Publisher.

Septian, Muhammad Rio and Alfatih, Andy and Meilinda, Nurly (2018) The Role of Advertising Exposure to Consumer Purchase Interest: Study of Gain Mass Milk Ads in Fitness Center. The Role of Advertising Exposure to Consumer Purchase Interest: Study of Gain Mass Milk Ads in Fitness Center, 1 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 27224252

Septiana, Betaria and Yazid, Muhammad and Hakim, Maryati Mustofa (2019) Corespondence Author of_ Analysis of Factor Influencing the Productivity of Lowland Rice in the Second Planting Season in Palembang City, Indonesia. iVolga Press.

Septiawati, Dwi and Hasyim, Hamzah and Najmah, Najmah (2013) Faktor Risiko Ergonomi saat Mengetik dan Hubungannya dengan Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat,, 4 (3). pp. 237-244. ISSN 2548-7949

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Setyawan, Dwi (2023) Correspondence author of Acid mine drainage prevention through the dry coating method using fly ash and bottom ash. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology. (Unpublished)


Setyawan, Dwi (2016) Correspondence author of Measuring Soil Recovery after Coal Minesite Rehabilitation in South Sumatra. SICEST Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Setyawan, Dwi (2011) Correspondence author of Nutrient cycling index in relation to organic matter and soil respiration of rehabilitated mine sites in Kelian, East Kalimantan. Jurnal Tanah Tropika. (Unpublished)

Setyawan, Dwi (2014) Correspondence author of Respirasi Tanah sebagai Indikator Kepulihan Lahan Pascatambang Batubara di Sumatera Selatan. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal. (Unpublished)

Setyawan, Dwi (2014) Correspondence of Soil Surface Assessment under Plantation Forest in South Sumatra using Landscape Function Analysis Procedure. International Union of Soil Science. (Unpublished)

Setyawan, Dwi (2023) Corresponding author of Metode Klasifikasi Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Berbasis Citra Landsat 8I untuk Identifikasi Sebaran Kondisi Kesehatan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit di PT. Andira Agro, Sumatera Selatan. Corresponding author Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Setyawan, Dwi (2023) Corresponding author of Pupuk Organik Cair asal Limbah Kulit Nanas untuk Perbaikan Lahan Karet Rakyat di Payaraman Barat, Ogan Ilir. Corresponding author Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Setyawan, Dwi (2023) Corresponding author of Revegetation of tin post-mining sites in Bangka Island to enhance soil surface development. Corresponding author Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Setyawan, Dwi (2023) Corresponding author of The use of Drone for Identifying and Mapping of Revegetation Plant in Coal Post-mines in Tanjung Enim, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Corresponding author Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Setyawan, Dwi (2023) Corresponding author of Urea Application to Enhance Sugarcane Trash Decomposition: A Field Test in PTPN VII of Cinta Manis District in South Sumatera. Corresponding author Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Shamsudin, Mad Nasir and Yazid, Muhammad and Rahim, Khalid Abdul and Radam, Alias and Muda, Azizi (2013) Corespondence Author of_ The Achievement of Water Management Objectives Based on Willingness to Pay for a Water Service Fee in Tidal Lowlands. Taylor & Francis Group.

Siorus, Rico Januar (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Monograp Peningkatan Kepatuhan Berobat Pada Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) Di Kota Palembang. Wawasan Ilmu. (Unpublished)

Sitepu, Robinson and Puspita, Fitri Maya and Apriliyani, Shintya (2017) Utility function based-mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem model of information service pricing schemes. nternational Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICODSE), 1234 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1757 8385

Sitepu, Robinson and Puspita, Fitri Maya and Kurniadi, Elika and Yunita, Yunita and apriliyani, shintya (2019) Mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP)-based bandwidth utility function on internet pricing scheme with monitoring and marginal cost. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 9 (2). pp. 1240-1248. ISSN 2088-8708

Sitepu, Robinson and Puspita, Fitri Maya and ROMELDA S, SETIA and FIKRI, AHMAD and susanto, beta and Kaban, Hadir (2019) Set covering models in optimizing the emergency unit location of health facility in Palembang. Sriwijaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Science, 1282 (8). pp. 1-9. ISSN ISBN 1742-6588, e ISSN 1742-6596

Sitompul, Agnes Martha Helena and Sitorus, Rico Januar and Hasyim, Hamzah (2012) Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Keluhan Nyeri Pinggang pada Pengrajin Songket Di Desa Talang Aur Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 3 (01). pp. 42-46. ISSN 20866380

Sitorus, Rico J and Natalia, Merry and Purba, Imelda and Mutahar, Rini and Fujianti, Poppy (2019) The External Factors Associated with Stunting Occurrence among 12 – 59 Months Old Toddler. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (29). pp. 137-140. ISSN 2277-3878

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2023) BUKU DASAR EPIDEMIOLOGI. unsri.

Sitorus, Rico Januar Bukti Ithenticate_Transmission Dynamics of Novel Coronavirus–SARS-CoV-2 in South Sumatera, Indonesia. UNSRI. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Efek Samping Terapi Antiretroviral dan Kepatuhan Berobat Penderita HIV/AIDS. Poltekes Tanjung Karang. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Kondisi Klinis dan Determinan Status Gizi Anak dengan HIV. Poltekes Tanjung Karang. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar Bukti Korespondensi The Effect of Smoking on Carbon Monoxide Respiration among Active Smokers in Palembang City, Indonesia. Kesmas: Jurnal. FKM UI. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2023) Bukti Korespondensi The External Factors Associated with Stunting Occurrence among 12 – 59 Months Old Toddler. IJRTE. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar Bukti Korespondensi The Risk Factor For Mortality In Covid-19 Patients In Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang, Indonesia Palembang, Indonesia. FKM UNSRI. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2023) Bukti Korespondensi The Three-Year Survival Rate Of Cervical Cancer Patients At Referral Hospital In Southern Sumatra, Indonesia. Universitas Airlangga. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar Bukti Korespondensi-Determinan Kadar Cluster Diferensiasi 4 (CD4) pada Orang dengan HIV/AIDS. Jurnal kesehatan. Poltekes TanjungKarang. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2023) Bukti korespondensi Tracing Of Covid-19 Transmission Based On Close Contact Population: Cases In South Sumatra. Universitas Airlangga. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2023) Bukti korespondensi Transmission Dynamics of Novel Coronavirus–SARS-CoV-2 in South Sumatera, Indonesia. Elsevier. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2023) Bukti korespondensi Understanding the Health-related Quality of Life of People Living with HIV Based on Sexual Orientation. Universitas Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar Efek Samping Terapi Antiretroviral dan Kepatuhan Berobat Penderita HIV/AIDS. Poltekes Tanjung Karang. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2020) Ithenticate Keluhan Kesehatan Subjektif Pada Masyarakat Pengguna Insektisida Antinyamuk di Kecamatan Indralaya. UNSRI.

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2023) KOrenpondensi Kondisi Klinis dan Determinan Status Gizi Anak dengan HIV. Poltekes Tanjung Karang. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2022) Link Kelengkapan Prosiding. UNSRI. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2023) SK Hibah Kompetitif, Kontrak dan Laporan Penelitian. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2020) SK PEMBIMBING DAN PENGUJI S3. UNSRI. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2022) SK PEMBIMBING S3. UNSRI.

Sitorus, Rico Januar SK PENGUJI LUAR. unsri. (Unpublished)

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2022) SK PENGUJI S3. unsRI.

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2019) Sertfikat Etik a.n Imelda G.Purba. UNSRI.

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2022) Sertfikat Etik a.n Mustika. UNSRI.

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2022) Sertfikat etik a.n Maisaroh. UNSRI.

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2020) Sertifikat Etik a.n Danny Kusuma Aerosta. UNSRI.

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2020) Sertifikat Etik a.n Tety Verianti. UNSRI.

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Sitorus, Rico Januar (2018) Sertifikat etik a.n Imelda "Keluhan Kesehatan Subjektif. UNSRI.

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Sitorus, Rico Januar (2022) Sertikat etik a.n Rico Januar "Model Prediksi Status Kesehatan Anak dengan HIV/AIDS (ADHA) di Sumatera Selatan". UNSRI.

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2021) Serttifikat Etik Dandy Wijaya. UNSRI.

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2021) Serttifikat Etik_Stigma Sosial pada ODHA. UNSRI.

Sitorus, Rico Januar (2019) sertifikat Etik a.n Yusri. UNSRI.

Sitorus, Rico Januar and Mutahar, Rini (2018) Corespondence author o_The Risk Factors Analysis Occurrence of Chlamydia Infection to Direct Female Seks Workers (DFSW) in Indonesia. EDP Sciences. (Submitted)

Sitorus, Rico Januar and Novrikasari, Novrikasari and Syakurah, Rizma Adlia and Natalia, Merry (2021) Efek Samping Terapi Antiretroviral dan Kepatuhan Berobat Penderita HIV/AIDS. Jurnal Kesehatan, 12 (3). pp. 389-395. ISSN 2548-5695

Sitorus, Rico Januar and Paridah, Yusro and Flora, Rostika and Nurlaili, Nurlaili and Risnawati, Tanjung (2021) ANALISIS PERILAKU KETERATURAN MENGKONSUMSI TABLET TAMBAH DARAH DENGAN KEJADIAN ANEMIA PADA IBU HAMIL [similarity]. Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari.

Sitorus, Rico Januar and Purba, Imelda and Natalia, Merry and Tantrakarnapa, Kraichat (2021) The Effect of Smoking on Carbon Monoxide Respiration among Active Smokers in Palembang City, Indonesia. Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 16 (2). pp. 108-112. ISSN 1907-7505

Sitorus, Rico Januar and Wathan, Irzanita and Ridwan, Hibsah and Wibisono, Hariadi and Nuraini, Lesti and Yusri, Yusri and Kosim, Gandi and Nurdin, Nugi and Mamat, Hatta and Andrayani, Iche and Nyoman, Yudi Antara and Natalia, Merry (2021) Transmission dynamics of novel Coronavirus–SARS-CoV-2 in South Sumatera, Indonesia. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, 11 (10077). pp. 1-4.

Situmorang, Kritmas and Hasyim, Hamzah and Sitorus, Rico Januar (2010) FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PENGGUNAAN ALAT PELINDUNG DIRI (APD) PADA PEKERJA DI BAGIAN PENGANTONGAN DAN PENYIMPANAN UREA (PPU) ? PT. PUSRI PALEMBANG. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 1 (02). pp. 92-96. ISSN 20866380

Soleha, Soleha and Muslim, A. and Suwandi, Suwandi and Kadir, Sabaruddin and Pratama, Rahmat (2022) Corresponding Author Karya Ilmiah dengan judul : Host range studies of Fusarium oxysporum, causal agent of seedling wilt Disease of Acacia mangium. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Soleha, Soleha and Muslim, A. and Suwandi, Suwandi and Kadir, Sabaruddin and Pratama, Rahmat (2021) Corresponding Author Karya Ilmiah dengan judul : The identification and pathogenicity of fusarium oxysporum causing acacia seedling wilt disease. Northeast Forestry University, China. (Unpublished)

Soleha, Soleha and Muslim, A. and Suwandi, Suwandi and Kadir, Sabaruddin and Pratama, Rahmat (2022) DOKUMEN BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul artikel : Host range studies of Fusarium oxysporum, causal agent of seedling wilt Disease of Acacia mangium. Biology Department, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Sri Maryati, Maryati and Sitepu, Christian Damar Sagara (2024) PERAN GREEN PROCESS INNOVATION DAN ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE DALAM MENINGKATKAN KINERJA KEUANGAN PERUSAHAAN. Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC), 22. pp. 1-11. ISSN 978-979-587-937-4 (Submitted)

Sriati, Sriati (2019) Bukti Korespondensi_Hubungan Dinamika Kelompok dengan Partisipasi Petani dalam Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (PUAP) di Kecamatan Sematang Borang Kota Palembang. (Sriati, dkk). FEMA -IPB. (Submitted)

Sriati, Sriati (2021) Bukti Korespondensi_Kinerja Gabungan Kelompok Tani Dalam Meningka Kabupaten Banyuasin. (Sriati,dkk). FEMA -IPB. (Submitted)

Sriati, Sriati (2017) Bukti Korespondensi_Partisipasi Petani dan Efektivitas Gapoktan dalam Penguatan Lembaga Distribus Banyuasin. (Sriati, dkk). FEMA -IPB. (Submitted)

Stefhany, Stefhany and Yusnaini, Yusnaini and Rina, Tjandrakirana and Arista, Hakiki (2023) Corresponding_Entrenchment Effect and Corporate Governance: Audit Quality Analysis. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review.

Stiawan, Deris (2022) Submission : Dimensional Reduction With Fast ICA for IoT Botnet Detection. Journal of Applied Security Research. (Unpublished)

Stiawan, Deris (2022) Submission : Improvement of attack detection performance on the internet of things with PSO-search and random forest. Journal of Computional Science. (Unpublished)

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Asam Folat: Peran dalam Metabolisme dan Metode Pemeriksaan (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Cytotoxic, Antiproliferation, and Necrosis Effects of the n-Hexane Fraction Extract of Gendola Leaf (Basella rubra Linn.) (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Cytotoxicity, antiproliferative and apoptotic effect of n-hexane fraction of lime parasite (Dendrophtoe pentandra) (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Daily Motivation Through social media During Pandemic Has A Good Impact On Students' Lifestyles, Hba1c, And Lipid Profiles (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Daily Motivation Through social media During Pandemic Has A Good Impact On Students' Lifestyles, Hba1c, And Lipid Profiles (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Efek Antihiperglikemik Infusa Daun Benalu Kersen (Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq) Pada Tikus Putih Jantan Yang Diinduksi Aloksan (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Efek antihiperglikemik ekstrak etanol daun benalu kersen (Dendrophthoe pentandra (l.) Miq) pada tikus putih jantan yang diinduksi aloksan (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Efek inhibisi infusa daun benalu kersen (Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) miq) terhadap enzim alfa-glukosidase (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Efek minyak ikan toman (Channa micropeltes) terhadap kadar profil lipid mencit jantan (Mus musculus) model dislipidemia (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Hubungan Obesitas dengan Kadar Asam Urat Darah pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Hubungan Profil Lipid dengan Kejadian Ulkus Kaki Diabetik pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 RSUP dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Identification of KRAS gene codon 12 polymorphism in colorectal cancer patients at Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang(Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Korelasi Kadar Asam Urat dengan Derajat Keganasan Kanker Kolorektal (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Korelasi antara indeks massa tubuh dan profil lipid pada remaja obesitas di kota Palembang (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Mean Differences of Total Cholesterol Levels among Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians at Maha Vihara Maitreya Duta Palembang, Indonesia (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) The Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Thrombocytosis in Colorectal Cancer Patients (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Uji Fitokimia dan Potensi Antidiabetes Fraksi Etanol Air Benalu Kersen (Dendrophtoe petandra (L) Miq) (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Uji Sitotoksik Ekstrak dan Fraksi Dendrophtoe pentandra (L) Miq pada sel T47D (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) Uji Sitotoksik Ekstrak dan Fraksi Dendrophtoe pentandra (L) Miq pada sel T47D (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) The correlation between uric acid and stages of malignancy among gastric cancer patient in Palembang, Indonesia (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Subandrate, Subandrate (2023) The effect of pindang patin intake on serum cholesterol and DL levels of male mice (Mus Musculus L.) (Korespondensi). FK UNSRI.

Suci, A. and Aisyah, Nyimas and Meryansumayeka, Meryansumayeka (2020) Students' characters in solving higher-order thinking skill questions assisted with technology. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1480. ISSN 1742-6596

Suci Flambonita, Suci (2020) HUKUM KETENAGAKERJAAN: (telaah Keberlakuan Undang-undang Ketenagakerjaan bagi home based workers di Indonesia Prespektif Upah yang Layak) (Korespondensi). MNC Publishing, Malang. (Unpublished)

Suci Flambonita, Suci (2021) TYPOLOGY OF VILLAGE GOVERNANCE ASSESSED BASED ON SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE (Korespondensi). Fakultas Hukum dan Syariah Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang, Palembang. (Unpublished)

Suci Flambonita, Suci and Abdul Rachmat Budiono, Abdul (2019) The Paradigm of Proper Wage for Home Base Worker in Indonesian Labor System Based on Fair Wage Theory (Korespondensi). Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Suci Flambonita, Suci and Abdul Rachmat Budiono, Abdul and Iwan Permadi, Iwan and Abdul Madjid, Madjid (2019) The Concept of Proper Wages for Workers Based on Social Justice (Korespondensi). (International Of Law, Policy And Globatization), Hongkong. (Unpublished)

Suci Flambonita, Suci and Connie Pania Putri, Pania and Erniwati, Erni and Diana Novianti, Diana (2021) Design of The Position Consultative Assembly Before and After The Amandement of State Constitution of The Republic Indonesia (Korespondensi). Technium Social Sciences Journal, Rumania. (Unpublished)

Suci Flambonita, Suci and Ernaningsih, Wahyu and Vera Novianti, Vera (2021) IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES DURING PANDEMIC BASE ON LABOR SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE (Korespondensi). Nurani: Jurnal Kajian Syariah dan Masyarakat, Palembang. (Unpublished)

Suci Flambonita, Suci and Putu Samawati, Putu and Ahmaturrahman, Ahmaturrahman (2023) Efforts To Increase The Locally Generated Revenue of Palembang: Access ToIncentives And Investment (Korespondensi). Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang, Indonesia, Palembang. (Unpublished)

Suci Flambonita, Suci and Vera Novianti, Vera (2021) PROSEDUR PEMBERIAN INSENTIF DAN KEMUDAHAN INVESTASI DI KOTA PALEMBANG (Korespondensi). Program Studi Magister Kenotariatan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang. (Unpublished)

Suci Flambonita, Suci and Vera Novianti, Vera and Febriansyah, Artha (2021) THE CONCEPT OF LEGAL PLURALISM IN INDONESIA IN THE NEW SOCIAL MOVEMENT (Korespondensi). Program Studi Magister Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. (Unpublished)

Suci Flambonita, Suci and Vera Novianti, Vera and Febriansyah, Artha (2022) Preventive Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers as Part of an Effort to Prevent Human Trafficking in Johor Bahru Malaysia (Korespondensi). Journal La Sociale, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Suci Flambonita, Suci and Vera Novianti, Vera and Febriansyah, Artha and Ernaningsih, Wahyu (2021) The Paradigm of Pluralism In Indonesia: Communal VS Legal State (Korespondensi). Technium Social Sciences Journal, Rumania. (Unpublished)

Suci Flambonita, Suci and Vera Novianti, Vera and Febriansyah, Artha and Ernaningsih, Wahyu (2021) The Paradigm of Pluralism In Indonesia: Communal VS Legal State (Korespondensi)., Rumania.

Sudirman, Sabri (2023) Antioxidant activity of the fractions from water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) extract (Corresponding Author). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Sudirman, Sabri (2023) In vitro Inhibitory HMG-CoA Reductase Activity of Purified Polyphenol Compounds from Water Lettuce (Pistia Stratiotes) Leaf Extract (Corresponding Author). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Sudirman, Sabri (2023) Kandungan Senyawa Polifenol dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Daun Tumbuhan Apu-Apu (Pistia stratiotes) dengan Metode Pengeringan yang Berbeda (Corresponding Author). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Sudirman, Sabri (2023) Total polyphenol and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activities of water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) leave extracts (Corresponding Author). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Suhayat, Harlis and Amelia, Zaza Yulianti and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) EKSISTENSI ISTANA ADAT KESULTANAN PALEMBANG DARUSSALAM SEBAGAI WADAH PELESTARIAN ADAT BUDAYA PALEMBANG TAHUN 2004-2020 TAHUN 1980-2020 (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Suhel, Suhel and Bashir, Abdul and Saadah, Yuliana (2019) Determinants of Recreation Demand in Kongar Lake of South Sumatera: Approximate travel cost method (Bukti Korespondensi). Forest and Society. (Unpublished)

Sukemi, Sukemi (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Path Loss Prediction Accuracy Based on Random Forest Algorithm in Palembang City Area. Jurusan sistem Komputer UNSRI. (Unpublished)

Sukemi, Sukemi (2023) An adaptable sentence segmentation based on Indonesian rules (similarity). Perpustakaan UNSRI, universitas sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

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Sukma, Yovika and Somakim, Somakim and Indaryanti, Indaryanti (2020) Corespondence author Students' number sense on fraction problems. IOP Publishing.

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Sulastri, Sulastri (2022) Correspondence author of_Banking industry sustainable growth rate under risk, empirical study of the banking industry in ASEAN countries. MDPI. (Unpublished)

Sulastri, Sulastri (2024) Correspondence author of_On being green in the social media interactivity’s information seeking-sharing: Case of Generation Z in Indonesia. EnPress Publisher, El Monte, CA 91731, USA.

Sulkipani, Sulkipani and Emil, El Faisal and Chotimah, Umi and Kevin, Yehezkiel Juniko (2024) Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Buku Ajar Berbasis Kontekstual Pada Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan.

Sulthan, Faiz and Saloma, Saloma (2018) Influence of Hooked-EndSteel Fibers on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforcement Self-Compacting Concrete (SFRSCC) (Corresponding Author). IOP. (Unpublished)

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Sunarsih, Elvi (2021) Spatial Pattern Analysis of Malaria Cases in Muara Enim Regency using Moran Index and Local Indicator Spatial Autocorrelation (Correspondensi). Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI. (Unpublished)

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Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2017) Altitude Control of Heavy-Lift Hexacopter using Direct Inverse Control Based on Elman Recurrent Neural Network. Association for Computing Machinery New York NY United States, Canberra, Australia.

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Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2017) Corresponding author : Attitude and Altitude Control of a Quadcopter using Neural Network Based Direct Inverse Control Scheme. American Scientific Publishers.

Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2018) Corresponding author : Comparison of Cascade and Feedforward-Feedback Controllers for Temperature Control on Stirred Tank Heater Systems. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro - IEEE, Semarang.

Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2021) Corresponding author : Desain Pengembangan Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gelombang Laut Berbasis Keseimbangan Gyroscope. Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang.

Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2017) Corresponding author : Design and Development of Heavy-lift Hexacopter for Heavy Payload. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro - IEEE, Semarang.

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Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho (2017) Corresponding author : Modified Elman Recurrent Neural Network for Attitude and Altitude Control of Heavy-lift Hexacopter. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia - IEEE.

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Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho and Dwijayanti, Suci (2021) Coresponding author : Water Quality Monitoring System in Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on Internet of Things (IoT). Universitas Sriwijaya - IEEE.

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Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho and Dwijayanti, Suci (2018) Corresponding author : Identification of RegionalDialectsUsingMel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) andNeural Network. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro-IEEE, Semarang.

Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho and Dwijayanti, Suci (2020) Corresponding author : Penalaan Parameter Pengendali PID untuk Pengendalian Kecepatan Motor Arus Searah Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Genetika dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan. Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto.

Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho and Dwijayanti, Suci (2019) Corresponding author : Water Distribution Control Using Arduino with Fuzzy Logic Algorithm Method: A Prototype Design. Universitas Sriwijaya - IEEE.

Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho and Dwijayanti, Suci (2021) Corresponding author : YOLO Algorithm-Based Surrounding Object Identification on Autonomous Electric Vehicle. UNISSULA-IEEE.

Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho and Dwijayanti, Suci (2021) The Detection System of Helipad for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Landing Using YOLO Algorithm. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta.

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Suprapto, Bhakti Yudho and Nawawi, Zainuddin (2019) Corresponding author : Review and design of environmental smart detector for autonomous vehicle in urban traffic. Universitas Brawijaya-AIP.

Supriadi, Agus and Saputra, Daniel and Priyanto, Gatot and Pambayun, Rindit and Oswari, Liniyanti D. (2023) Korespondensi of Mapping and development strategy of Pempek — a specialty traditional food of south Sumatra Indonesia. Universitas sriwijaya. (Submitted)

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Suprihatin, Bambang (2023) Correspondence author of_Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction Using a New Enhancement Technique of Modified Convolution Filters and Sauvola Thresholding. International Journal of Image and Graphics.

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Susilawati, Susilawati (2023) Shallot cultivation in tropical climate ecosystems using floating and non-floating systems with different doses of cow manure : Corresponding Author. Advances in Horticultural Science. (Unpublished)

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Suwandi, Suwandi (2021) Growth response of Ganoderma sp. mycelium treated with root exudates of herbaceous plants (Correspondence). TPAK Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Suwandi, Suwandi (2021) Growth responses of oil palm seedling inoculated with Ganoderma boninense under competition with edible herbaceous plants (Corresponding author). TPAK Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

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Suwandi, Suwandi (2021) Insecticidal activity of culture filtrates from liquid medium of Beauveria bassiana isolates from South Sumatra (Indonesia) wetland soil against larvae of Spodoptera litura (Correspondence). TPAK Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

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Suwandi, Suwandi (2021) Potensi jamur asal umbi tanaman terna tahunan sebagai pengendali Ganoderma boninense penyebab penyakit busuk pangkal batang pada kelapa sawit (correspondence). TPAK Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Suwandi, Suwandi (2021) Protection of chili pepper from mosaic virus disease and Aphis gossypii by a fermented water extract of compost (Corresponding Author). TPAK Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Suwandi, Suwandi (2021) The endophytic fungi from South Sumatra (Indonesia) and their pathogenicity against the new invasive fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (correspondence). TPAK Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

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Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) Seni Tari Tepak Keraton Terhadap Budaya Palembang Darussalam (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2022) Student Development Zone: Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in Critical Thinking Orientation (Corresponding Auhtor). Hamburg University.

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Alian, Alian and Sani, Safitri (2022) Development of Encyclopedia Art, Culture, and Tourism in Palembang. Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan, 14 (1). pp. 1681-1684. ISSN 2087-9490

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Alian, Alian and Sani, Safitri and Nur, Fatah Abidin and Sinta, Sinta and Ria, Resti Oktaviani and Mar’ati, Zarro (2023) Developing Mobile Learning Activity Based on Multiple Learning Objects for the South Sumatra Local Wisdom Course (Coresponding Author). Universitas Teknologi MARA ( UITM ) Shah Alam, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Alian, Alian and Syafitri, Sani and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) Development of Encyclopedia Art, Culture, and Tourism in Palembang (Coresponding Author). LP2M STAI Hubbulwathan Duri. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Asmi, Adhitya Rol and Susanti, Helen (2021) Pergeseran Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Adat Pernikahan di Palembang 1990-2010 (Corresponding Author). Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga.. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Asmi, Adithya Rol and Sani, Safitri (2022) Development of Palembang Local Wisdom Photography Gallery (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Fhadillah, Muhammad Irham and Lylyatmi, Desty and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) The Development of Ziarah Kubra Tradition in Palembang City Community in 1970-2008 (Cooresponding Author). Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial, IAIN Ponorogo. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Fhadillah, Muhammad Irham and Lylyatmi, Desty and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) The Development of Ziarah Kubra Tradition in Palembang City Community in 1970-2008 (Coresponding Author). Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial.

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Novario, Kemas Gerby (2022) Mahkamah Kehormatan Dewan (MKD) dan Penegakan Kode Etik DPR RI (DPR Honorary Council and The Enforcement of The Code of Ethics) (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya, Mahkamah Kehormatan Dewan. (Submitted)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Suprianto, Suprianto and Tiara, Lindita (2022) Estetika Gerak Tari Siwar di Kecamatan Tanjung Sakti Kabupaten Lahat (Coresponding Author). Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Suprianto, Suprianto and Tiara, Lindita (2022) Estetika Gerak Tari Siwar di Kecamatan Tanjung Sakti Kabupaten Lahat (Coresponding Author). Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Prayitno, Dandi Dwi and Anggraeni, Ratih Dian and Melati, Ria (2021) Perkembangan Tari Seinggok Sepemunyian sebagai Simbol Akulturasi Budaya di Kota Prabumulih Tahun 2006-2019 (Corresponding Author). Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Syarhrial, Zulfiati and Suparman, Atwi (2023) Virtual Museum : A Learning Material of Indonesia National History (Cooresponding Author). International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious, Universitas Negeri Jakarta.

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin (2021) Struktur Pemerintahan Palembang Syu Pada Masa Pendudukan Jepang Tahun 1942-1945 (Corresponding Author). Fajar Historia: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah dan Pendidikan, Fajar Historia: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah dan Pendidikan. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Asmi, Adhitya Rol and Safitri, Sani and Abidin, Nur Fatah (2022) Cuisine as Cultural Identity of Palembang Residents (Corresponding AUthor). Atlantis Press SARL.. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Asmi, Adhitya Rol and Susanti, Helen (2021) Pergeseran Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Adat Pernikahan di Palembang 1990-2010 (Corresponding Author). Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga.. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Fhadillah, Muhammad Irham and Lylyatmi, Desty and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) The Development of Ziarah Kubra Tradition in Palembang City Community in 1970-2008. Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial.

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Ajimiliansyah, Ajimiliansyah and Rizki, Tedi and Fikri, Muhammad (2021) Peranan K.H. Anwar dalam Perkembangan Pesantren Nurul Islam Seri Bandung 1932-1959 (Corresponding Author). Department History and Islamic Culture, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab, and Da`wah, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon.. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Prayitno, Dandi Dwi and Anggraeni, Ratih Dian and Melati, Ria (2021) Perkembangan Tari Seinggok Sepemunyian sebagai Simbol Akulturasi Budaya di Kota Prabumulih Tahun 2006-2019 (Corresponding Author). Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro. (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Sinta, Sinta and Ilahi, Rizki (2021) PERKEMBANGAN MASJID SULTAN MAHMUD BADARUDDIN JAYO WIKRAMO SEBAGAI WARISAN BUDAYA LOKAL TAHUN 1999-2003 (Corresponding AUthor). Department of History Education, University of Education Indonesia (UPI). (Unpublished)

Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and WIRYANI, ADINDA PUTRI and HASIBAH, NISWATUN and ANJELINA, VINA (2022) EKSISTENSI PENGRAJIN GERABAH DI KELURAHAN KEDATON KECAMATAN KAYU AGUNG TAHUN 1980-2020 (Corresponding Author). Universitas PGRI Palembang. (Unpublished)

Sya’diyah, Halimatus and Sumarni, Sri (2021) STIMULASI ORANG TUA BIDANG PENGEMBANGAN NILAI AGAMA DAN MORAL ANAK USIA (4-5) TAHUN MASA COVID-19 DI RT 47 KELURAHAN SUKAJAYA. Tumbuh kembang : Kajian Teori dan Pembelajaran PAUD, 8 (1). pp. 43-53. ISSN 2355-7443

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TANSUKA, MUHAMMAD and Taqwa, Ferdinand Hukama and Mukti, Retno Cahya (2022) Bukti korespondensi: The Optimatization of Kissing Gourami (Helostoma temminckii) Fry Density in Recirculation System Culture. Pusat Unggulan Riset Lahan Suboptimal, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang.


Tafarani, Meitry Firdha and Yazid, Muhammad (2019) Corespondence Author of_ Sustainable Water Management in Tidal Lowlands Agriculture A Research Agenda. Graduated Program Sriwijaya University in collaboration with IATPI.

Tafarini, Meitry Firdha and Yazid, Muhammad and Prayitno, Muh. Bambang and Faizal, Muhammad and Suryadi, Fransiscus Xaverius and Purba, Khairul Fahmi (2022) Corespondence Author of_ The Development of Instruments for Farmers’ Participation in Water Management in Tidal Lowlands Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. United Arab Emirates University.

Tafarini, Meitry Firdha and Yazid, Muhammad and Priyatno, Muh. Bambang and Faizal, Muhammad and Suryadi, Fransiscus Xaverius and Purba, Khairul Fahmi (2022) Corespondence Author of_ Willingness to Pay for Water Management to Support Sustainable Food Production in Tidal Lowlands of South Sumatra, Indonesia. United Arab Emirates University.

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Triyuly, Wienty (2020) Corespondence author of_Synergising the thermal behaviour of water bodies within thermal environment of wetland settlements. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, D-69121. (Unpublished)

Triyuly, Wienty (2018) Correspondence author of_A Review of Thermal Environmental Quality in Residential Areas in Tropical Cities. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. (Unpublished)

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Verawaty, Marieska (2017) GROWTH RESPONSE OF Oedogonium TO THE DIFFERENT NUTRIENT SOURCES AND CONCENTRATIONS. In: 9th International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (ISISM 9), Palembang.

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Verawaty, Marieska (2010) Korespondensi_APPLICATION OF THE AEROBIC GRANULAR TECHNOLOGY TO TREAT DOMESTIC WASTEWATER FOR BIOLOGICAL NUTRIENT REMOVAL. Presented during "WWTP: Wastewater treatment/BNR" as Abstract 109. Australian Water Association, Artarmon, N.S.W., Australia.

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Verawaty, Marieska (2019) Korespondensi_Uji Coliform dan Resistensi Escherichia coli Terhadap Beberapa Antibiotik pada Sampel Air Sungai Sekanak di Kota Palembang. PPS UNSRI.

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Verawaty, Marieska (2017) Korespondensi_Validation of Fluorescence Microbead for Biofilm Labeling Method for Tracking Biofilms Growth and Interaction during The Treatment of Wastewater. PERMI.


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Verawaty, Marieska (2019) PENJERNIHAN AIR DI DESA TANJUNG PERING, KECAMATAN INDERALAYA UTARA, KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR. Aptekmas Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2 (3). pp. 25-30. ISSN 2622-5646

Verawaty, Marieska (2022) Pelatihan Pembuatan Bokashi Sebagai Media Tanam Bagi Ibu-ibu PKK Desa Tanjung Pering, Ogan Ilir. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ulil Albab, 1 (2). pp. 273-281. ISSN 2828-5700

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Vidian, Fajri (2022) Clarification of Corespondence Author of Thermodynamic Simulation of Producer Gas Combustion from Biomass Gasification. European Alliance for Innovation. (Submitted)


Vidian, Fajri (2017) Clarificaton of Corespondence Author of EXPERIMENT ON SAWDUST GASIFICATION USING OPEN TOP DOWNDRAFT GASIFIER INCORPORATED WITH INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). (Submitted)

Virgo, Frinsyah and Erni, Erni and Affandi, Azhar Kholiq and Khakim, Mokhamad Yusup Nur (2018) Corespondence author of Fracture indentification around the aum geothermal manifestation using 2d resistivity method. IOP Publishing.

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Wahab, Zakaria and Widiyanti, Marlina (2014) Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Jasa Penerbangan Garuda Indonesia Airlines (Studi Kasus Konsumen Di Kota Palembang). Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Bisnis dan Terapan (JEMBATAN), 11 (1). pp. 59-72. ISSN 0216-6836

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Wardana, Singgih Tri (2023) Korespondensi_Ethnomedicinal approach of zingiberaceae in traditional medicine of the Kerinci tribe, Jambi, Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of Pempek Palembang: history, food making tradition, and ethnic identity. Journal of Ethnic Foods.

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ Perbudakan dan Konflik di Kesultanan Palembang_. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2022) Corespondence author of _ Attitudes of Lecturers and Students of Sriwijaya University-Indonesia and Omdurman Islamic University- Sudan to On-Line Learning in the Pandemic Covid 19_. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2021) Corespondence author of _ Attitudes of Lecturers and Students of Sriwijaya University-Indonesia and Omdurman Islamic University�Sudan to On-Line Learning in the Pandemic Covid-19. International Journal of Multicultural and multireligious understanding. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ Cosmopolitan Palembang: Palembang's Interconnection and Global Trade in 1900- 1930_. Paramita : Historical Studies Journal. (Submitted)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2022) Corespondence author of _ Cosmopolitan Palembang: Palembang's Interconnection and Global Trade in 1900- 1930. Paramita : Historical Studies Journal. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ Economic Development of Tin Pewter Craftsmen in Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung (2005–2015). Crisektra: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R Corespondence author of _ Economic Development of Tin Pewter Craftsmen in Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung (2005–2015)_. Criksetra: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ Economic Development of Tin Pewter Craftsmen in Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung (2005–2015)_-. Criksetra: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ From Sacred to Profane: A Study of Changes in The Meaning of The Bukit Siguntang Site, A Heritage of The Srivijaya Kingdom_. Migration Letters. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ From Sacred to Profane: A Study of Changes in The Meaning of The Bukit Siguntang Site, A Heritage of The Srivijaya Kingdom. Migration Letters. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ KERAJINAN GENTENG TRADISIONAL MAJU, LINGKUNGAN ALAM MUNDUR_. Candrasangkala: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ Nipah Crafts and Its Impact on Communities and The Environment In 3-4 Ulu Seberang Ulu 1 District, Palembang City. Criksetra: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ Nipah Crafts and Its Impact on Communities and The Environment In 3-4 Ulu Seberang Ulu 1 District, Palembang City_. Criksetra: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ Nipah Crafts and Its Impact on Communities and The Environment In 3-4 Ulu Seberang Ulu 1 District, Palembang City_-. Criksetra: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ PENGARUH ORGANISASI PERSAUDARAAN SETIA HATI TERATE TERHADAP MASYARAKAT LEMPUING. Candrasangkala: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ PENGARUH ORGANISASI PERSAUDARAAN SETIA HATI TERATE TERHADAP MASYARAKAT LEMPUING_. Candrasangkala: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ PERAHU TONGKANG DAN KEHIDUPAN MASYARAKAT DESA KEMANG BEJALU. Panalungtik. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ Pasar 16 Ilir: Ruang Perdagangan di Kota Palembang Awal Abad 20. DIAKRONIKA. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ Pasar 16 Ilir: Ruang Perdagangan di Kota Palembang Awal Abad 20_. DIAKRONIKA. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2024) Corespondence author of _ Pempek Palembang: History, Food Making Tradition, and Ethnic Identity_. Journal of Ethnic Foods. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ Perahu Tongkang dan Kehidupan Masyarakat Desa Kemang Bejalu_. Panalungtik. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2022) Corespondence author of _ Perbudakan dan Konflik di Kesultanan Palembang. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2022) Corespondence author of _ Posisi Sungsang dalam krisis perpolitikan di Kesultanan Palembang awal abad 19. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2020) Corespondence author of _ SUNGAI MUSI SEBAGAI PERTAHANAN BAGI KESULTANAN PALEMBANG. Jurnal Tuah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2022) Corespondence author of _ Sang Nila Utama The Founder of Singapore and the Values of Sriwijaya. International Journal of Multicultural and multireligious understanding. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2022) Corespondence author of _ Sang Nila Utama The Founder of Singapore and the Values of Sriwijaya_. International Journal of Multicultural and multireligious understanding. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2024) Corespondence author of _ The Continuity of Limas House of Pangeran Syarif Ali in South Sumatra from Dutch to Present. YUPA : Historical Studies Journal. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _ Tin Bangka Island: The Scramble between England and Dutch in Palembang Sultanate. Atlantis Press. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2024) Corespondence author of _ Urbanisasi dalam Tinjauan Historis: Studi Kasus Pemukiman Kumuh di Kelurahan 3-4 Ulu Kota Palembang, 2010-2020_. Fajar Historia. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2024) Corespondence author of _ Urbanisasi dalam Tinjauan Historis: Studi Kasus Pemukiman Kumuh di Kelurahan 3-4 Ulu Kota Palembang, 2010-2020. Fajar Historia. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2022) Corespondence author of _ Wajah Bali di Desa Tugumulyo Ogan Komering Ilir. Jurnal Kajian Bali. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _Menjaga Kebalian: Jatidiri Orang Bali di Desa Tugumulyo Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Jurnal Kajian Bali. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _Posisi Sungsang dalam Krisis Perpolitikan di Kesultanan Palembang Awal Abad 19_. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2024) Corespondence author of _The Continuity of Limas House of Pangeran Syarif Ali in South Sumatra from Dutch to Present_. YUPA : Historical Studies Journal. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of _The Relationship Between Orang Laut and Palembang in 17-18 Centuries_. Proceedings of the Fifth Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2024) Corespondence author of _Tin Bangka Island: The Scramble between England and Dutch in Palembang Sultanate. Atlantis Press. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of_Economic Development of Tin Pewter Craftsmen in Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung (2005–2015). Criksetra: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of_Kerajinan Genteng Tradisional. Candrasangkala: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corespondence author of_Kerajinan Genteng Tradisional Maju, Lingkungan Alam Mundur. Candrasangkala: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sejarah. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Correspondence Author_Menjaga Kebalian Jatidiri Orang Bali di Desa Tugumulyo Kabupaten Ogan Komering ilir provinsi sumatera selatan. Jurnal Kajian Bali. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corresponding Auhor_The Relationship Between Orang Laut and Palembang in 17-18 Centuries. SULE-IC Atlantis Press. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2023) Corresponding Author_Pasar 16 Ilir: Ruang Perdagangan di Kota Palembang Awal Abad 20. Diakronika. (Unpublished)

Wargadalem, Farida R (2020) Pemberontakan PRRI Sumatera Selatan Tanpa Dewan Garuda. -. (Unpublished)

Widiastuti, Indah (2023) Bukti Correspondensi Changes in Freshness of Steak and Loin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) during 15 Day-chilled Storage. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Widiastuti, Indah (2023) Bukti Correspondensi Karakteristik Sotong (Sepia recurvirostra) Asapdengan Perbedaan Konsentrasi Asap Cair. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Widiastuti, Indah (2021) Corresponding Authors of The Effect of Low Salt Concentration on The Quality of Dry Salted Anchovy: A Case Study of Sungsang Village, South Sumatera, Indonesia. IOP Publishing Ltd.. (Unpublished)


Widiyanti, Marlina (2019) Pengaruh Net Profit Margin, Return On Assets Dan Debt To Equity Ratio Terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba Pada Perusahaan Lq-45. Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 7 (3). pp. 545-554. ISSN ISSN 2338-1507 (Print) E-ISSN 2541-061X (Online)

Widiyanti, Marlina and Bakar, Samadi W. (2014) Pengaruh Working Capital Turnover, Cash Turnover, Inventory Turnover Dan Current Ratio Terhadap Profitabilitas (Roa) Perusahaan Property Dan Real Estate Yang Terdaftar Di BEI. Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis Sriwijaya, 12 (2). pp. 111-126. ISSN 1412-4521

Widiyanti, Marlina and Elfina, Friska Dwi (2015) Pengaruh Financial Leverage Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Otomotif Dan Komponen Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Sriwijaya, 13 (1). pp. 117-136. ISSN 1412-4521

Widiyanti, Marlina and Hendrawaty, Ernie (2019) ANTECEDENTS OF ECONOMIC CONVERGENCE IN ASEAN COUNTRIES: FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT, TRADE, GOVERNMENT SIZE, POPULATION AND ECONOMIC CONVERGENCE. Journal of Security and Sustainability, 9 (2). pp. 431-445. ISSN 2029-7017

Widiyanti, Marlina and Lestariningsih, Marsudi and Irwanto, Iin and Rini, Endang Sulistya (2020) CUSTOMER INTEGRATION, TOP MANAGEMENT SUPPORT, ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND SUPPLY CHAIN TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION. EXAMINING THE MEDIATING ROLE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT SPECIFIC SUPPLY CHAIN TECHNOLOGY. Intermational Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9 (4). pp. 1252-1259. ISSN 2050-7399

Widiyanti, Marlina and Sadalia, Isfenti and Nugraha, Andhyka Tyaz (2021) Integrating Fiscal Matters With Environmental Sustainibility In Asean Countries: Role Of Fiscal Deficit, Interest Rate And Stock Exchange Index. Journal of Security and Sustainability, 10 (28). pp. 349-359. ISSN 2029-7017

Widiyanti, Marlina and Sadalia, Isfenti and Zunaidah, Zunaidah and Nisrul, Irawati and Hendrawaty, Ernie (2019) DETERMINING FIRM’S PERFORMANCE: MODERATING ROLE OF CSR IN RENEWABLE ENERGY SECTOR OF INDONESIA. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 19 (2). pp. 432-441. ISSN 2081-7452

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_A Phenolic Compound From Active Extract of Endophytic Fungus Isolated From Leaf Stalk of Jambu Bol (Syzygium malaccense). Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2021) Corespondence author of_A Phenolic Compound of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Stem of Syzygium aqueum and Its Diuretic Activity. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Active Compound Phenyl Ether from Potential Endophytic Fungi of Syzygium zeylanicum. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Antibacterial Activity of Endophytic Fungi from Sembukan (Paederia foetida L.) Leaves. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Antibacterial activity of endophytic fungi isolated from the stem bark of jambu mawar (Syzygium jambos). Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Endophytic Fungi Extract Isolated from Root Bark of Sungkai (Peronema canescens). Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of endophytic fungi isolated from Peronema canescens leaves. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2021) Corespondence author of_Antioxidant Compound of Endophytic Fungi Penecillium oxalicum Isolated from Swietenia Mahagoni L. Jacq. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2023) Corespondence author of_Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from The Leaves of Sungkai (Peronema canescens). Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2020) Corespondence author of_Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Endophytyc Fungi Isolated Syzygium aqueum Leaves. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Bioactive Compound of Endophytic Fungi Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Bioactivity endophytic fungi isolated from branch of Jambu mawar (Syzygium jambos (L). Alston). Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Bioactivity endophytic fungi isolated from the leaf stalk of Syzygium jambos L. Alston. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2021) Corespondence author of_Bioremediation of Spent Bleaching Earth (SBE) by An Indigenous Lipolytic Bacteria Consortium withVariations of Humidity, pH, and Incubation Time. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2021) Corespondence author of_Chemical Characterization of Secondary Metabolite from the Endophytic Fungus Trichoderma reesei isolated from The Twig of Syzygium aqueum. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Determination of (+)-Catechin and Antioxidant Activity in Sterculia quadrifida R. Br Stem Bark Infusion. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Diversity and antibacterial activity of endophytic fungi isolated from the medicinal plant of Syzygium jambos. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2023) Corespondence author of_Diversity and antioxidant activity of endophytic fungi isolated from salam (Syzygium polyanthum). Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Diversity of endophytic fungi from the root bark of Syzygium zeylanicum, and the antibacterial activity of fungal extracts, and secondary metabolite. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2021) Corespondence author of_Diversity of endophytic fungi in Syzygium aqueum. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2019) Corespondence author of_Effectiveness of Leaves Extract Fractions of Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I.C Nielsen Against Microbes. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2021) Corespondence author of_Endophytic fungi biodiversity hosted by jambu bol (Syzygium malaccense L). Merr & Perry) plants and their antibacterial activity. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2023) Corespondence author of_Endophytic fungi isolated from root bark of sungkai (Peronema canescens) as antibacterial and antioxidant. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2023) Corespondence author of_Isolation and identification of Direct Red 80 synthetic dye degradation bacteria from Palembang Indonesia jumputan cloth industrial waste. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2021) Corespondence author of_Optimization of antibacterial production of endophytic fungi with various sources of C, N, and pH using the Response Surface Methodology. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2021) Corespondence author of_Potency of endophytic fungi from Nauclea orientalis L. as antioxidant producer. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2021) Corespondence author of_Prosiding IOP The potency of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Hippobroma longiflora (L) G. Don as an antioxidant sources. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2019) Corespondence author of_SCREENING ENDOPHYTIC FUNGI OF Melaleuca cajuputi Powell LEAVES AS AN ANTIBACTERIAL SOURCES. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2021) Corespondence author of_Secondary Metabolite and Antioxidant Activity of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Syzygium aqueum Leaves Stalk. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Synthesis and Study of Structural Properties of Calcium Oxide Nanoparticles Produced by Laser-Induced Plasma and its Effect on Antibacterial Activity. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2023) Corespondence author of_Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial activity of some mesalazine derivatives. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widjajanti, Hary (2022) Corespondence author of_Tritirachium oryzae and other Endophytic Mediated Jambu Bol (Syzygium malaccense)are Potential as an Antioxidant. Fakultas MIPA-Prodi Biologi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Widodo, Slamet and Widiyanti, Marlina and Hidayati, Tetra and Wiyadi, Wiyadi and Situmorang, Nelson (2019) Human Resources Management Facets: Role Of Organizational Commitment. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 9 (1). pp. 281-293. ISSN 2029-7025

Wijaya, Wahyu Aji and Azwardi, Azwardi and Bashir, Abdul (2023) (Bukti Korespondensi)The Role Of Institutional Quality, Foreign Direct Investment, And Country Size On Trade Openness In The ASEAN-6 Region. Repository Universitas Sriwijaya.

Wijayanti, Marini (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Characterization of Arthrospira platensis cultured in wastewater of Clarias catfish farming media: DNA barcode, helical form, growth, and phycocyanin. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Wijayanti, Marini (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Techno-economic analysis of integrated multitrophic Clarias gariepinus and Arthrospira platensis with different agitation period. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Wijayanti, Marini and Amin, Mohamad and Jubaedah, Dade and Tanbiyaskur, Tanbiyaskur and Marsi, Marsi (2023) Correspondence author of_Aquaponic Biofloc Technology by Swamp Bacteria Probiotic for Clarias Catfish Rearing. FPIK Univesitas Airlangga. (Submitted)

Wijayanti, Marini and Fitrani, Mirna and Jubaedah, Dade and Amin, Mohamad (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Biofloc-Aquaponic Floating System Technology for Striped Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) Rearing. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Wijayanti, Marini and Fitrani, Mirna and Jubaedah, Dade and Tanbiyaskur, Tanbiyaskur and Marsi, Marsi (2023) Bukti korespondensi_Budidaya Ikan Lele (Clarias sp.) dalam Ember Akuaponik Bioflok dengan Probiotik Rawa di Kelompok Agribisnis Desa Sakatiga. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Wijayanti, Marini and Gofar, Nuni (2023) Bukti KOrespondensi pada Artikel_Optimization of Arthrospira platensis Growth by Adding Different Carbon Sources on the Culture Media of Catfish Cultivation Waste and Technical Fertilizer. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Wijayanti, Marini and Jubaedah, Dade (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Karakter barkoding DNA sianobakter asal air rawa dan kolam budidaya patin di Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Wijayanti, Marini and Jubaedah, Dade and Gofar, Nuni (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_OPTIMIZATION OF SPIRULINA PLATENSIS CULTURE MEDIA AS AN EFFORT FOR UTILIZATION OF PANGASIUS FARMING WASTE WATER. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Wijayanti, Marini and Jubaedah, Dade and Tanbiyaskur, Tanbiyaskur and Sasanti, Ade Dwi (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Optimization of striped snakehead fish (Channa striata) culture using swamp microbial combination and nitrification bacteria. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Wijayanti, Marini and Jubaedah, Dade and Tanbiyaskur, Tanbiyaskur and Syaifudin, Mochamad and Widjajanti, Hary (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_DNA Barcoding of Swamp Sediment Bacterial Isolates for Swamp Aquaculture Probiotic. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Wijayanti, Marini and Jubaedah, Dade and Tanbiyaskur, Tanbiyaskur and Syaifudin, Mochamad and Widjajanti, Hary (2023) Bukti korespondensi_DNA Barcoding of Swamp Sediment Bacterial Isolates for Swamp Aquaculture Probiotic. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Wijayanti, Marini and Jubaedah, Dade and Tanbiyaskur, Tanbiyaskur and Widjajanti, Hary (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Eukaryote microbes potential for bioflocs in the swamp aquaculture. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Wildayana, Elisa (2017) Dokumen Bukti Korespondensi untuk karya penelitian dengan judul artikel : Challenging Constraints of Livelihoods for Farmers on the South Sumatra Peatlands, Indonesia. Agricultural Academy of Bulgaria.

Wildayana, Elisa and Armanto, M. Edi (2018) Dokumen Bukti Korespondensi Untuk Karya Penelitian dengan judul : Formulating Popular Policies for Peat Restoration Based on Livelihoods of Local Farmers. Canadian Center of Science and Education. (Unpublished)

Wildayana, Elisa and Armanto, M. Edi (2018) Dokumen Bukti Korespondensi Untuk Karya Penelitian dengan judul : Utilizing Non-Timber Extraction of Swamp Forests over Time for Rural Livelihoods. Canadian Center of Science and Education. (Unpublished)

Wildayana, Elisa and Armanto, M. Edi (2018) Dokumen Bukti Korespondensi untuk karya penelitian dengan judul artikel : Dynamics of Landuse Changes and General Perception of Farmers on South Sumatra Wetlands. Agricultural Academy of Bulgaria. (Unpublished)




YUSRIANTI, HASNI (2023) Bukti Koresponden paper Influence of Cognitive Moral and Love of Money on Unethical Behavior and Accounting Fraud Tendency: Pancasila as a Moderating Variable. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)


Yahanan, Annalisa (2023) Bukti Korespondensi artikel Indonesian Implementation of Domestic Market Obligations on Nickel and Bauxite in Indonesia Under International Trade Regime. LEX SCIENTIA LAW REVIEW. (Submitted)

Yahanan, Annalisa (2023) Bukti Korespondensi artikel Indonesian Travel Policy during the Outbreaks: Vaccination and Quarantine Legal Culture and Policy on Indonesian Air Transportation. Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies. (Submitted)

Yahanan, Annalisa (2023) Bukti Korespondensi artikel Indonesian Travel Policy during the Outbreaks: Vaccination and Quarantine Legal Culture and Policy on Indonesian Air Transportation. Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies. (Submitted)


Yani, Yorinza Taska and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) PEMANFAATAN SENI KERAJINAN LAKUER YANG BERNILAI TRADISI LOKAL SEBAGAI KERAJINAN PALEMBANG (Coresponding Author). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Yani, Suci Diana Mastro and Faisya, Achmad Fickry and Hasyim, Hamzah (2012) ANALISIS DETERMINAN KELUHAN PENDENGARAN SUBYEKTIF PADA MASINIS PT KERETA API (PERSERO) SUB DIVRE III.1 KERTAPATI PALEMBANG. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 3 (02). pp. 108-114. ISSN 20866380

Yani, Yorinza Taska and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2022) Pemanfaatan Seni Kerajinan Lakuer Yang Bernilai Tradisi Lokal Sebagai Kerajinan Palembang (Corresponding Author). Program Studi Sejarah Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial FKIP UNSRI. (Unpublished)

Yazid, Muhammad (2013) Corespondence Author of_ Hedonic Property Value of Water Service in Tidal Lowland Agriculture. DEStech Publications.

Yazid, Muhammad (2013) Corespondence Author of_ IPAIR pada Pertanian Pasang Surut - Keberadaan dan Penanganannya. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak.

Yazid, Muhammad (2010) Corespondence Author of_ Pendapatan Usahatani dan Kemakmuran Terkaitkah Secara Fungsional. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Suamtera Selatan.

Yazid, Muhammad and AF, Nuruly Azmi and Aryani, Desi (2013) Corespondence Author of_ Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Persepsi Pembeli terhadap Bauran. Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Yazid, Muhammad and Adriani, Dessy and Riswani, Riswani and Damayanthy, Dini (2024) Corespondence Author of_ Farm Household Vulnerability Due to Land and Forest Fire in Peatland Areas in South Sumatra. MDPI.

Yazid, Muhammad and Hakim, Nukmal and Purbiyanti, Erni and Mulyana, Eka and Putri, SED. (2015) Corespondence Author of_ Peluang dan Hambatan Penerapan Teknologi Padi Semiorganik dan Organik di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Sumatera Selatan. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya.

Yazid, Muhammad and Purbiyanti, Erni and Januarti, Indri (2016) Corespondence Author of_ Dampak Konversi Lahan Sawah di Indonesia terhadap Akses Pangan Nasional. UNSRI Press.

Yazid, Muhammad and Purfasari, W. and Wildayana, E. (2020) Corespondence Author of_ Social, Economic and Ecological Benefits and Farmers’ Perception of Agricultural Waste Processing in Banyuasin Regency. IOP Publishing.

Yazid, Muhammad and Shamsudin, Mad Nasir and Muda, Azizi and Rahim, Khalid Abdul and Radam, Alias (2010) Corespondence Author of_ Poster Rice-Based Water Service Fee Assessment in Tidal Lowland Agriculture. Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.

Yazid, Muhammad and Shamsudin, Mad Nasir and Rahim, Khalid Abdul and Radam, Alias and Muda, Azizi (2010) Corespondence Author of_ Chemical Use in Tidal Lowland Agriculture. Universiti Putera Malaysia Press.

Yazid, Muhammad and Shamsudin, Mad Nasir and Rahim, Khalid Abdul and Radam, Alias and Muda, Azizi (2010) Corespondence Author of_ Participatory Cost Assessment of Agricultural Water Service in Tidal Lowlands. Institute for Social Science Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Yazid, Muhammad and Shamsudin, Mad Nasir and Rahim, Khalid Abdul and Radam, Alias and Muda, Azizi (2015) Corespondence Author of_ Water Service Valuation in Tidal Lowland Agriculture. Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.

Yazid, Muhammad and Wardani, Azqia and Yunita, Yunita (2021) Corespondence Author of_ Modal Sosial dan Keberlanjutan Usahatani Jagung di Kecamatan Tanjung Lago. Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Yonarta, Danang and Taqwa, Ferdinand Hukama and Amin, Mohamad and Fitrani, Mirna and Muslim, Muslim and Syaifudin, Mochamad (2023) Arsip Artikel: The Production Evaluation of Lais Fish (Kryptopterus sp.) Culture in Wetlands. Quagga-Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 15 (2). pp. 165-171. ISSN 2615-5869

Yonarta, Danang and Taqwa, Ferdinand Hukama and Wijayanti, Marini and Jubaedah, Dade and Muslim, Muslim and Syaifudin, Mochamad (2023) Arsip Artikel : Potential for Aquaculture of Lais Fish (Kryptoterus palembangensis) in Swamplands. Mangifera Edu, 7 (2). pp. 75-82. ISSN 2622-3384

Yonarta, Danang and Taqwa, Ferdinand Hukama and Wijayanti, Marini and Jubaedah, Dade and Muslim, Muslim and Syaifudin, Mochamad (2023) Bukti korespondensi: Potential for Aquaculture of Lais Fish (Kryptoterus palembangensis) in Swamplands. Universitas Wiralodra, Indramayu. (Unpublished)

Yosef, Yosef (2022) Corespondence author of_A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN ISLAMIC AND PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS ON MULTICULTURAL SELF.docx. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Yosef, Yosef and Fadhlina, Rozzaqyah and Sigit, Dwi Sucipto (2022) Correspondence author of_Multicultural Self-efficacy of Undergraduate Students Majoring in Guidance and Counseling. AIOR. (Unpublished)

Yosef, Yosef and Harlina, Harlina and Rahmi Sofah, Rahmi and Rury, Muslifar (2022) Correspondence author of_Designing a Scale for Measuring Multicultural Self-Efficacy of High School Students. AIOR. (Unpublished)

Yosef, Yosef and Hasmalena, Hasmalena and Marwan Pulungan, Marwan and Puspita, Linda and Parwoto, Parwoto (2018) Corespondence author of_THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTRODUCTION TO ELEMENTARY EDUCATION TEXTBOOK. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Unpublished)

Yosef, Yosef and Hasmalena, Hasmalena and Sigit, Dwi Sucipto (2019) Corespondence author of Parental Self-Efficacy in Educating Elementary School Children.docx. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.

Yosef, Yosef and Hasmalena, Hasmalena and Sigit, Dwi Sucipto (2019) Correspondence author of_Development of parental efficacy scale for measuring parents� involvement capabilities in elementary education. Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung dan Asosiasi Bimbingan dan Konseling Indonesia (ABKIN). (Unpublished)

Yosef, Yosef and KARISMA, NOVI (2021) Correspondence author of_Mothers's Self-Efficacy and Its Effect on Adolescents' Academic Achievement. ICCE Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. (Unpublished)

Yosef, Yosef and Kato, Masayuki and Azizah Husin, Azizah and Sri Sumarni, Sri Sumarni (2016) Correspondence Author of_ Curriculum of Elementary Teacher Education- A Study at Kochi University and Sriwijaya University. Universita Hamzanwadi. (Unpublished)

Yosef, Yosef and Sofendi, Sofendi and Sri Sumarni, Sri Sumarni and Azizah Husin, Azizah (2017) Corespondence author of_Students’ Perception of Parent Involvement in Elementary Education: A Study in Philippine and Indonesia. Institute of Academic Researchers. (Unpublished)

Yosef, Yosef and Hasmalena, Hasmalena and sigit, dwi Sucipto (2021) Development of Parental Efficacy Scale for Measuring Parents’ Involvement Capabilities in Elementary Education. Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal, 4 (1). pp. 43-54. ISSN 2614-1566

Yosef, Yosef and Sofendi, Sofendi and Sumarni, Sri and Husin, Azizah (2017) STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION: A STUDY IN PHILIPPINE AND INDONESIA. 1st World Conference on Education, 1 (1). pp. 101-112. ISSN 2613-8654

Yuliani, Yuliani (2020) Korespondensi_Moderating effect of business environment to working capital and profitability in Indonesia. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

Yuliani, Yuliani and Ade Maharini, Adiandari (2020) Korespondensi_Personal financial behavior and financial life cycle: Evidence from Indonesia. Hamstead Psycological Associates.

Yuliani, Yuliani and SUHARTINI KARIM, KARIM and RASYID HS UMRIE, UMRIE and ROBIYANTO, ROBIYANTO (2020) Korespondensi_Moderating effect of business environment to working capital and profitability in Indonesia. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

Yuliani, Yuliani and Suhartini, Karim and Rasyid Hs, Umrie and Samadi w, Bakar and Robiyanto, Robiyanto (2019) Korespondensi_Revisi_Moderating Effect of Business Environment to Working Capital and Profitability in Indonesia. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

Yuliani, Yuliani and Sulastri, Sulastri and Isnurhadi, Isnurhadi and Dinarossi, Utami (2018) Korespondensi_The Association Between Cash Flow and Leverage for Firm Life Cycle. KnE Social Sciences.

Yulianita, Anna (2023) Bukti Corresponden Author_International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Yulianita, Anna (2023) Bukti Corresponden Author_Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People. Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Yulianita, Anna (2023) Korespondence_Demographic and Financial Dynamics in Prabumulih Regionas The Development Expansion Impact. EURASIAN PUBLICATIONS.

Yulianita, Anna (2022) Korespondensi Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (Fdi) in Indonesia: Short Term and Long Term. Modern Economics.

Yulianita, Anna (2022) Korespondensi Factors Affecting Audit Quality: A Literature Review. Jurnal Ilmiah dan Akuntansi Keuangan.

Yulianita, Anna (2019) Korespondensi Regional Economic Convergence In Sumatera island ; An Analysis By Instrial Sector. SEABC.

Yulianita, Anna and Susetyo, Didik and Syamsurijal, Syamsurijal and Azwardi, Azwardi (2017) Korenspondensi Human Capital and Economic Convergence in Indonesia : An Empirical Analysis. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications.

Yulianita, Anna and Adnan, Nazeli and Komri, Yusuf and Marissa, Feny and Apriani, Deassy (2020) PENGEMBANGAN USAHA KEMPLANG DESA KERINJING MELALUI PERLUASAN PEMASARAN DAN INOVASI PENGEMASAN. ejournal unsri, 8 (2). pp. 991-995. ISSN 2614-0144

Yulisman, Yulisman and Jubaedah, Dade and Marsi, Marsi and Wijayanti, Marini and Mukti, Retno Cahya and Amin, Mohamad (2024) APLIKASI PENGGUNAAN KOTORAN PUYUH DAN AMPAS TAHU TERFERMENTASI UNTUK MEDIA PEMELIHARAAN CACING SUTERA DI UPR D5 DESA SUKA PINDAH KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR. Jurnal Abdi Insani, 11 (3). pp. 695-705. ISSN 2828-3155

Yulius, Yulius (2023) Strategi Adaptasi Petani Terhadap Dampak Alih Fungsi Ekosistem Di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan. Agripita.

Yunisvita, Yunisvita (2020) Does monopsony exist in academic labor market? (Corresponding Author). Jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan Fakultas Ekonomi.

Yunisvita, Yunisvita and Tarmizi, Nurlina (2020) Occupational Gender Segregation In Rural Urban Economy (Corresponding Author). Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.

Yunisvita, Yunisvita and Teguh, Muhammad and Apriani, Deassy and Imelda, Imelda (2021) Effect of Economic and Demographic Factors on Educational Mismatch Probability of Sectoral Workers (Corresponding Author). Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya.

Yunisvita, Yunisvita and Teguh, Muhammad and Imelda, Imelda (2021) Labor Market Structure in Indonesia: Segregation or Integration of Occupations? (Corresponding Author). Muhammadiyah University Press.

Yunisvita, Yunisvita and Zainal ridho, Sari Lestari and Yulianita, Anna (2017) Full-time Work Determinants in Rural Urban Fringe (Corresponding Author). econ journals.

Yusnaini, Yusnaini (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_Analysis of Financial Performance, Risk and Financial Distress: Studies of Retail Companies in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Origins Journal Publication [OJP].

Yusnaini, Yusnaini (2023) Bukti Korespondensi_The Effect of Independence, Role Conflict, and Internal-External Auditor Relationship on Audit Quality: Case at Universities in Indonesia. JEFMS.

Yusnaini, Yusnaini (2017) Korespondensi_Accountability And Fraud Type Effects on Fraud Detection Responsibility. IAEME Publication.

Yusnaini, Yusnaini (2018) Korespondensi_Comprehensive performance measurement system, procedural fairness and managerial performance. ABRM, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), 12(4).

Yusnaini, Yusnaini (2018) Korespondensi_Do Cognitive Style and Fairness Affect Accounting Students' Performance. ABACADEMIES.ORG.

Yusnaini, Yusnaini and Arista, Hakiki and Burhanudin, Burhanudin (2023) Corresponding_Cognitive Style and Personality in Fraud Detection: Experimental Study on Government Internal Auditors. European Knowledge Development (EUROKD), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOR STUDIES IN ORGANIZATIONS.

Yusnaini, Yusnaini and Arista, Hakiki and Sri Maryati, Maryati (2023) Korespondensi_Cognitive Orientation and Incentive System on Team Performance: Experimental Studies in Accounting Decision Makin. International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research, International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research.

Yusnaini, Yusnaini and Arista, Hakiki and Tertiarto, Wahyudi (2023) Corresponding Author_Cognitive Mapping and Framing Bias on Decision Making. European Open Science.

Yusrianti, Hasni (2023) Bukti Koresponden paper Financial performance of autonomy regions and parent regions: (south sumatera province). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Yusrianti, Hasni (2023) Bukti Koresponden paper The effects of corporate governance mechanism and disclosure Of corporate sosial responsibility to firm value of mining companies Listed in indonesia stock exchange. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Yusrianti, Hasni (2023) Bukti Korespondensi Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI): Kecenderungan Penyalahgunaan Aset: Multiperspective Fraud Model. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)


Yusrianti, Hasni (2023) Bukti Korespondensi artikel Financial Statement Fraud Risk Factors of Fraud Triangle: Evidence From Indonesia. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)


Yusrianti, Hasni (2023) Bukti Korespondensi artikel PENGARUH PENGALAMAN AUDIT, BEBAN KERJA, TASK SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE TERHADAP PENDETEKSIAN KECURANGAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN (Studi pada KAP di Sumatera Bagian Selatan). Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Yusrianti, Hasni (2023) Bukti Korespondensi artikel The Effect of Financial and Non-Financial Variables to Firm Performance: Comparison Between Indonesia and Thailand. Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Yustian, Indra (2019) Bukti Corresponding Author First photographic inland record of blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae) in Indonesian waters. Ecologica Montenegrina.

Yustian, Indra (2019) Bukti Corresponding Author First photographic inland records of bull shark Carcharhinus leucas (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae) in Sumatran waters, Indonesia. Ecologica Montenegrina.

Yustian, Indra (2021) Bukti Corresponding Author Vocalization of Western Tarsier (Cephalopachus bancanus Horsfield, 1821) in Bangka Island, Indonesia. Prodi Biologi Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Yustian, Indra (2020) Bukti Corresponding Author. Filling a gap on the blank distribution of the giant freshwater stingray Urogymnus polylepis: first records in Malay Peninsula (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters.

Yustian, Indra (2017) Bukti Corresponding Author_The Development of Inventory, Monitoring and Information Networks System of Faunal Diversity in South Sumatra. Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Yustian, Indra and Iqbal, Muhammad and Setiawan, Arum and Zulkifli, Hilda (2022) Bukti korespondensi IJCS - Great Name but Low in Number? The Status of Population of Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris in Banyuasin Peninsula, Sumatra. International Journal of Conservation Science.

Yusuf, Maulana (2023) Corespondence author ofThe Role of Organic Sulfur in the Formation of Methane Emissions on the Spontaneous Combustion of Coal. Journal of Ecological Engineering. (Unpublished)

Yusuf, Maulana (2023) Corresponding Author of Pola Hubungan Temperatur Terhadap Pembentukan Emisi Gas Metana Pada Swabakar Batubara Di Temporary Stockpile Banko Barat. Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Universitas Sriwijaya.

Yusuf, Maulana (2023) Kebijakan dan Strategi Pemanfaatan Batubara Kalori Rendah untuk Kebutuhan PLTU Mulut Tambang di Sumatera Selatan (Corresponding Author). Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia (PERHAPI).

Yusuf, Maulana (2016) Measurement of Methane (CH4) Emission from Spontaneous-Combustion Coal at an Open Pit Coal Mining Activity (Corresponding Author). Faculty Of Mathematics & Sciences Brawijaya University.

Yusuf, Maulana (2016) The Relationship between the Decline of Oxygen and the Increase of Methane Gas (CH4) Emissions on the Environment Health of the Plant (Corresponding Author). Drunpp-Sarajevo.

Yusuf, Maulana (2023) The Role of Organic Sulfur in the Formation of Methane Emissions on the Spontaneous Combustion of Coal (Corresponding Author). Polskie Towarzystwo Inzynierii Ekologicznej.

Yusuf, Maulana and Bochori, Bochori and Al Hadi, Alek (2023) Corresponding Author of Modifikasi Peralatan Pembakaran Batubara Peringkat Rendah Untuk Karakterisasi Emisi Gas Metana. Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Universitas Sriwijaya.

Yusuf, Maulana and Rendana, Muhammad (2024) Corespondence author of Methane gas emission during the spontaneous combustion of sub-bituminous C coal with different organic sulfur content in the temporary stockpile. Taylor and Francis Ltd.. (Unpublished)

Yusuf, Maulana and Rendana, Muhammad (2024) Corespondence author of Methane gas emission during the spontaneous combustion of sub-bituminous C coal with different organic sulfur content in the temporary stockpile. Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability. (Unpublished)

Yusup, Muhamad (2021) Using Rasch model for the development and validation of energy literacy assessment instrument for prospective physics teachers. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6596

Yusup, Muhamad and Kistiono, Kistiono and Ariska, Melly (2020) STRATEGI DALAM GREEN EDUCATION UNTUK MELAHIRKAN MANUSIA DENGAN GREEN BEHAVIOR. Jurnal Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Fisika, 7 (1). pp. 203-210. ISSN 2355-7109

Yusup, Muhamad and Kistiono, Kistiono and Ariska, Melly (2018) STRATEGI DALAM GREEN EDUCATION UNTUK MELAHIRKAN MANUSIA DENGAN GREEN BEHAVIOR. Jurnal Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Fisika, 5 (2). pp. 203-210. ISSN 2355-7109


Yusup, Muhamad and Pasaribu, Abidin and Syuhendri, Syuhendri and THAMRIN, ANISHA SHERANY and ANGGRAINI, RISKA (2022) Pelatihan Pengembangan Instrumen Asesmen Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Bagi MGMP IPA Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. Unram Journal of Community Service, 3 (2). pp. 64-67. ISSN P-ISSN : 27746526 E-ISSN : 27746518

Yusup, Muhamad and SETIAWAN, AGUS and Rustaman, Nuryani Y and Kaniawati, Ida (2017) Developing a Framework For The Assessment Of Pre-Service Physics Teachers' Energy Literacy. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. ISSN 1742-6588E-ISSN:1742-6596

Yusup, Muhamad and SETIAWAN, AGUS and Y, Nuryani and Kaniawati, Ida (2021) Assessment of Prospective Physics Teachers’ Energy Literacy: A Recent Approach. In: Newest Updates in Physical Science Research. Book Publisher International, pp. 80-88.

Yusup, Muhamad and Setiawan, Arum and Rustaman, Nuryani Y and Kaniawati, I (2018) PRE-SERVICE PHYSICS TEACHERS’ KNOWLEDGE, DECISION MAKING, AND SELF-SYSTEM TOWARD ENERGY CONSERVATION. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia, 14 (2). pp. 60-64. ISSN 1693-1246


Zahra, Yuliana and Sitorus, Rico Januar and Hasyim, Hamzah (2011) KEGIATAN PENGELOLAAN BAHAN BERBAHAYA DAN BERACUN DITINJAU DARI ASPEK KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA DI PT. PUPUK SRIWIDJAJA PALEMBANG. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2 (03). pp. 203-209. ISSN 20866380

Ziske, Maritska (2023) Corresponding Author_A Peek Into Medical Students’ Perceptions Towards Learning Environment In Basic Medical Sciences Block. Fakultas Kedokteran Unsri.

Ziske, Maritska (2023) Corresponding Author_Healing the fundamental unit of heredity (gene therapy): current perspective and what the future holds. Fakultas Kedokteran Unsri.

Ziske, Maritska (2023) Corresponding Author_Role of Genetics in Anesthesiology. Fakultas Kedokteran Unsri.

Ziske, Maritska (2023) Korespondensi_Current status of disorders of sexual development in Indonesia. Fakultas Kedokteran Unsri.

Ziske, Maritska (2023) Korespondensi_Parental risk factors in schizophrenia: The apple does not fall far from the tree. Fakultas Kedokteran Unsri.

Ziske, Maritska (2023) Pharmacogenomic considerations in Propofol: A Review (Bukti Korespondensi). Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya.

Zoraya, Sabrina Intan and Sitorus, Rico Januar and Flora, Rostika (2022) Association between tooth brushing behavior and diabetes mellitus occurrence in Indonesia [similarity]. IJHS.

Zubaidah, Zubaidah and Sitorus, Rico Januar and Flora, Rostika and Tantrakarnapa, Kraichat (2022) THE THREE-YEAR SURVIVAL RATE OF CERVICAL CANCER PATIENTS AT REFERRAL HOSPITAL IN SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA [similarity]. Universitas Airlangga..

Zulfiati, Ria and Saloma, Saloma and Idris, Yakni (2019) Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer with Natural Fiber (CORRESPONDING AUTHOR). IOP Publishing. (Unpublished)

Zulfiati, Ria and Saloma, Saloma and Idris, Yakni (2019) Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer with Natural Fiber (CORRESPONDING AUTHOR). IOP Publishing. (Unpublished)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correpondence author of Designing PISA-Like Mathematics Task Using Asian Games Contex. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correpondence author of Designing PISA-Like Mathematics Tasks In Indonesia: Experiences and Challenges. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondece author of Developing PISA-like math problems in the content of space and shape through the context of historical buildings. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Book Chapter 15: PISA's influence on thought and action in mathematics education in Stacey & Turner, R. (2015) Assessing Literacy Mathematics: PISA experience. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Designing A Healthy Menu Project for Indonesian Junior High School Students. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Designing PISA-Like Mathematics Task Using A COVID-19 Context (PISAcomat). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Designing PISA-like task on uncertainty and data using Covid-19 context. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Designing geometrical learning activities assisted with ICT media for supporting students’ higher order thinking skills. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Developing Mathematics Questions Of PISA Type Using Bangka Context. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Developing Mathematics Worksheet Using Futsal Context for School Literacy Movement. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Developing RME-based lesson study for learning community in the learning environment of high school mathematics teachers. Turnitin Unievrsitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Development of PISA Types of Questions and Activities Content Shape and Space Context Pandemic Period. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Development of PISA-Type Questions and Activities in a Smartphone Context. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Development of PISA-like Activities using the Inquiry-based Learning Model and the Context of Religious Holidays during the Pandemic. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2020) Correspondence author of How Students Work With PISA-Like Mathematical Tasks using Covid-19 Context. Universitas Sriwijaya kerjasama INDOMS. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of How Students Work with PISA-Like Mathematical Tasks Using Covid-19 Context. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of How Students Work with PISA-Like Mathematical Tasks Using Covid-19 Context. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Improving PISA-Like Questions Through Trialmusi Video Context: LRT, Damri and Transmusi. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of International Reflections on the Netherlands Didactics of Mathematics: Visions on and Experiences with Realistic Mathematics Education (ICME-13 Monographs). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dalam Mem-posing Masalah menggunakan Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Mathematical Modeling Learning Design with PISA Framework on Grade X Function. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of On Creativity through Mathematization in Solving Non-Routine Problems. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Pengembangan LKPD Pemodelan Matematika Siswa SMP Menggunakan Konteks Ojek Online. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Reading Text for School Literacy Movement in Mathematics Learning. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of School Mathematics Curricula: Asian Perspectives and Glimpses of Reform. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Senior High School Mathematics Learning Through Mathematics Modeling Approach. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Students' Numeracy Skills Relating to Algebra Topic Using COVID-19 Context. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Students’ Strategies in Solving PISA Mathematical Problems Reviewed from Problem-Solving Strategies. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Students’ creative thinking skills in solving PISA-like mathematics problems related to quantity content. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Students’ mathematical reasoning ability in solving PISA-like mathematics problem COVID-19 context. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Students’ problem-solving ability in solving algebra tasks using the context of Palembang. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of Supporting Mathematics Teachers to Develop Jumping Task Using PISA Framework (JUMPISA). Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of The Development of PISA Questions and Activities Using Social Distancing Context During Pandemic. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of The Development of PISA-based Numerical Problem Using the Context of Religious Day during the Pandemic. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of The Journey of Journal on Mathematics Education: From Local to Global. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of The development of PISA-like problems using immunity context during pandemic. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Correspondence author of The development of numeracy problems using light rail transit context. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkardi, Zulkardi (2023) Corresponding author of The Journey of Journal on Mathematics Education - From Local to Global. Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya. (Submitted)

Zulkarnain, Ali Leman (2023) KOrespodensi_Investigation of Effect Garbage Level in Filtration System to Headloss and Water Discharge by Computational Method. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Zulkarnain, Ali Leman (2023) Korespodensi Adaptive model predictive controller for trajectory tracking and obstacle avoidance on autonomous vehicle. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Zulkarnain, Ali Leman (2023) Korespodensi Path Tracking on Autonomous Vehicle for Severe Maneuvre. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Zulkarnain, Ali Leman (2023) Korespondensi Model Predictive Controller for Path Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance Manoeuvre on Autonomous Vehicle. Universitas Sriwijaya.

Zulkarnain, Mohammad (2010) Kelengkapan Disertasi : M. Zulkarnain. Unair. (Submitted)

Zulkarnain, Mohammad and Biancika Jasmine, Annisah and Januar Sitorus, Rico and ALAM FAJAR, NUR and Flora, Rostika (2022) The Relationship Between Stunting and Teeth Eruption in 9-12 Year Old Children in Tuah Negeri Sub-district (Koresponding Author). Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Zulkarnain, Mohammad and Jasmine, Annisah Biancika and Sitorus, Rico Januar and Fajar, Nur Alam and Rostika, Flora (2022) The Relationship Between Stunting and Teeth Eruption in 9-12 Year Old Children in Tuah Negeri Sub-district. The Relationship Between Stunting and Teeth Eruption in 9-12 Year Old Children in Tuah Negeri Sub-district, 18 (12). pp. 150-155. ISSN 2636-9346

Zunaidah, Zunaidah and Nengyanti, Nengyanti and Hadjri, M. Ichsan (2019) Korespondensi_Work Stress, Job Satisfaction, And Turnover Intention: Case Study On Regional Development Banks In Southern Sumatera. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya.

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