Items where Division is "84202-Mathematics Education (S1)" and Year is 2014

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 71.

Aisyah, Nyimas and Dollah, Mohd. Uzi (2014) VALUES DESIGNED BY TEACHERS IN MATHEMATICS TEACHING IN SECONDARY SCHOOL. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 735-742. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Albab, Irkham Ulil (2014) Strategies In Learning Reflection Geometry. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Alfiah, Zen and Noornia, Anton and Meiliasari, Meiliasari (2014) Design Research: Developing Mathematical Reasoning On Early Algebra For Middle School Students. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Ambarsari, Kusuma Wardani (2014) Developing The Level Six Pisa Like Problems For Enrichment Programme In Secondary School. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Amin, Siti M. (2014) Writing Books On Mathematics For Primary School On A Pmri Approach. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Andrea, Arifsyah Nasution and Siti, M Amin and Lukito, Agung and Abels, Meike J and Dolk, Marteen (2014) Educational Design Research: Supporting Fifth-Grade Students To Learn About Proportion. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Apriani, Rahayu and Indaryanti, Indaryanti and Hiltrimartin, Cecil (2014) IMPLEMENTATION OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL TEAMS GAMES TOURNAMENT (TGT) ON LEARNING MATHEMATICS IN SMP N 12 PALEMBANG. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 743-749. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Aprilianti, Puteri and Somakim, Somakim and Yusuf, Muhammad (2014) The Development Of Hand Out For High School Mathematicematics Olympiad Training. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Ariani, Yetti and Helsa, Yullys (2014) Developing Mmi For Elementary School Students Based On Pmri. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Baiduri, Baiduri and Taufik, Marhan (2014) CHARACTERISTICS OF THINKING PROCESSES OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH HIGH-CAPABILITY IN UNDERSTANDING MATHEMATICS PROBLEMS. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 691-701. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Bandri, Sepannur (2014) The Development Of Contextual-Based Interactive Multimedia Learning Materials In Geometry For Elementary School Classes V. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Boni, Fasius Hery (2014) Fostering Students? Understanding About Angle Magnitude Through Reasoning Activities. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Cici, Tri Wanita and Abadi, Abadi and Amin, Siti M. and Wijers, Monica and Eerde, Van (2014) Learning Line Symmetry Through Batik Exploration. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Djufri, Djufri and Hidayat, Mukhlis and Melvina, Melvina (2014) IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT MODEL FOR BIOLOGY IN ACEH PROVINCE. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 509-515. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Effendi, Effendi (2014) THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSTRUCTIONAL ANIMATION-MEDIA OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL CELL WIHT BASED POWERPOINT. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 516-532.

Farida, Fachrudin and Helsa, Yullys and Firman, Firman (2014) Developing Integrated Learning Model For Character Education Toward The Implementation Of Curriculum 2013 In Elementary School. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Hajizah, Mimi Nur (2014) The Development Of Interactive Mathematics Multimedia About Circle With Contextual Teaching And Learning Approach For Student Grade 8 Junior High School. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Hamdani, Dedy and Azwar, Prisma Gita and Swiatoro, Eko (2014) THE DIFFERENCE OF LEARNING RESULTS BETWEEN STUDENTS TAUGHT WITH EXPERIMENT AND DEMONSTRATION BASED PROBLEM SOLVING METHODS IN CLASS VII SMPN 5 CITY OF BENGKULU. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 501-508. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Hapizah, Hapizah (2014) Analisis Materi Persamaan Diferensial untuk Perkuliahan dengan Strategi Probing-Prompting. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Matematika (JPPM), 7 (1). ISSN 19793545

Hapizah, Hapizah (2014) Blended Learning As A Way To Optimize Semester Credit System (SKS). In: International Seminar on Mathematics Education and Graph Theory, 2014, Unisma, Malang.

Hapizah, Hapizah (2014) Pengembangan Instrumen Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah Persamaan Diferensial. Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif (Kreano), 5 (1). ISSN 20862334

Hartono, Hartono and Rustaman, Nuryani Y (2014) Teaching Science Process Skils in Blended Learning Environment: A Case Study at Strata-1 Elementary Teacher Education. In: Revitalizing Core Values of Basic Education as a Means of Improving the Quality of Human Resources in FAcing Global Challenges. Indonesia University of Education, Sumedang Campus- West Java, Sumedang - Jawa Barat, pp. 221-227. ISBN 97937808-7


Indaryanti, Indaryanti and Purwoko, Purwoko (2014) DESIGNING OF THE INTUITIVE MATERIAL IN REAL ANALYSIS 1. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 712-719. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Irsal, Nur Aliyyah (2014) The Development Of Mathematics Open-Ended Problems In Circle Main Topic For Junior High School. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Isandespha, Ida Nurmila (2014) Portfolio Assessment Guidelines In Mathemathics Learning Through Realistic Approach To Lcm (Least Common Multiple) And Gcf (Greatest Common Factor) Subjects In Primary School. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Ismet, Ismet (2014) CHARACTERISTICS OF MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS-BASED MECHANICS LEARNING (PPMB-MR). In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 545-551. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Julie, Hongki and Suwarsono, St. and Juniati, Dwi (2014) Cognitive Profile Of Subject About Philosophy, Principles And Characteristics Ofrealistic Mathematics Education Before And Afterstudying The Realistic Mathematics Education Learning Resource. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

KHAIRANI, NENENG and Hartono, Yusuf and Hiltrimartin, Cecil (2014) ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN PENALARAN MATEMATIKA SISWA SMA KOTA PALEMBANG. Undergraduate thesis, Sriwijaya University.

Kertayasa, I Ketut (2014) STUDENT RESPONSES TO ONLINE MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 702-711. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Komarudin, Umar and Sardianto, Markos Sihaan and Sudirman, Sudirman (2014) Developing Interactive Multimedia For Physics Learning Simulation Model Of Gas Kinetic Theory For Senior High School Students Grade XI. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Kurniasari, Asia and Hiltrimartin, Cecil (2014) STUDENT'S STRATEGY IN ANSWERING MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM-SOLVING QUESTION AT SMA NEGERI 1 INDRALAYA UTARA. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 685-690. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Lestiana, Herani Tri and Abadi, Abadi and Budiarto, Mega Teguh and Abels, Meike J and van Eerde, Dolly (2014) Promoting Students? Understanding Of The Addition Of Fractions. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Lumowa, Sonja V. T. (2014) THE EFFECT OF ARTICULATION LEARNING MODEL BY USING MNEMONIC METHOD FOR THE RESULTS OF ENTOMOLOGY LEARNING OUTCOMESOF FIFTH GRADE COLLEGE STUDENTS OF BIOLOGY EDUCATIONAL FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL MULAWARMAN UNIVERSITY 2012/2013 LEARNING YEAR. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 615-621. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Marion, Marion (2014) Design Of Learning Mathematics Using Webbed Models. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Matitaputty, Christi (2014) Design Research: Using Marine Manipulative To Support Students Understanding Of Place Value Concepts. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Nafsiah, Nafsiah and Indaryanti, Indaryanti and Hiltrimartin, Cecil (2014) PRACTICE COOPERATIVE LEARNING TYPE OF GROUP INVESTIGATION AT LESSONS MATHEMATIC IN CLASS VIII SMPN 39 PALEMBANG. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 729-734. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Nasution, Marhamah Fajriyah (2014) MODEL APPLICATION OF LEARNING IN SCIENCE TEACHING CHILDREN TO LEARN MATH AT THE STUDENTS OF SMP STATE 53 PALEMBANG. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 720-728.

Ningtyas, Yoga Dwi Windy Kusuma (2014) Supporting 5th Grade Indonesian Students In Learning Percentages. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Nurjanah, Nurjanah (2014) The Development Of Contextual Based Direct Instruction Model For Improving Students? Mathematical Connections In Pengantar Dasar Matematika Course. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Nurjanah, Nurjanah and Mardiana, Dinny and Kosasih, Usep (2014) Development Of Teaching Materials In Mathematical Proof Through Cooperative Learning To Develop Students? Mathematical Communication And Disposition. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Palenewen, Evie and Jumadil, Edy (2014) THE EFFECT OF ACTIVE KNOWLEDGE SHARING STRATEGIES FOR LEARNING OUTCOMES BIOLOGY SUBJECT OF EIGHT GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP NEGERI 5 SAMARINDA 2013/2014. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 533-539. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Rambitan, Vandalita Maria Magdalena (2014) THE APPLICATION OF LEARNING MODELS NUMBER HEAD TOGETHER TO IMPROVE BIOLOGY LEARNING OUTCOMES IN SUBJECT OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 644-654. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Rifandi, Ronal and Budiarto, Mega Teguh and Lukito, Agung and Abels, Meike J and Dolk, Maarten (2014) Developing Grade 5 Students? Understanding Of Multiplication Of Two Fractions Through Taking A Part Of A Part Of A Whole Activity. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Risnawati, Risnawati and Zubaidah, Mz Amir and Mardianita, Wahyunur (2014) Influence Of Cooperative Learning Models Of Stad With Approach Realistic Mathematics Education (Rme), Pairs Check, And Inquiry Againts Understanding Of Concept And Problem Solving Of Mathematics. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Said, Fachry Assagaf (2014) Developing The 5th Grade Students? Understanding Of The Concept Of Mean. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Saleh, Trimurti (2014) A STUDY ABOUT TEACHING LEARNING MATHEMATICS U\backslashSING STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING (SCL) APPROACH BY HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN PALEMBANG. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 779-785. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Sander, Alex and Abd, Fuad Rachman and Inderawati, Rita (2014) The Development Of Learning Video For English Speaking Ability Teaching By Using Movie Maker Program At Eleventh Grade Of Sma Negeri 1 Banyuasin Ii. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Sanjaya, Sanjaya (2014) DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING MATERIALS OF BASIC CHEMISTRY COURSE IN SUBJECT THERMOCHEMICAL WITH TOPICS BIO-COAL BRIKET FORM. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 607-614. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Saragih, Sehatta (2014) THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CONTEXTUAL MINI LABORATORY APPROACH TO IMPROVE THE MATHEMATICAL UNDERSTANDING OF STUDENTS IN MARGINAL SCHOOL PALM PLANTATION AREA KOTO GASIBSUBDISTRIC, SIAK REGENCY. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 750-758. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Septy, Liana and Yusuf, Muhammad and Aisyah, Nyimas (2014) Development Of The Learning Comics Media To Train Students Understanding Mathematical Concepts In The Class Vii Smp Negeri 2 Belitang III. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Setiawan, Iwan and Swistoro, Eko (2014) INCREASED MASTERY OF CONCEPTUAL AND PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE THROUGH PROBLEM SOLVING APPLICATION OF LEARNING STRATEGIES IN WAVE SUBJECTS. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 552-558. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Sinaga, Tarida N. and Siahaan, Sardianto Markos and Waspodo, Waspodo (2014) DEVELOPING PISA MODEL INSTRUMEN FOR INTEGRATED NATURAL SCIENCES SUBJECT PHYSICS CONTENT TO ASSES REASONING GRADE IX JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 631-643. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Sitinjak, Mariati Purnama (2014) EFFECTIVENESS OF PROBLEM SOLVING LEARNING MODEL ON STUDENTS? CRITICAL THINKING SKILL. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 587-592. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Slamet, Slamet (2014) STAGE OF CRITICAL THINKING ABILITIES IN SOLVING MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS FOR PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS DEPARTEMENT OF MATHEMATICS FMIPA UM MALANG. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 759-764. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Somakim, Somakim (2014) LEARNING MATHEMATICS FOR SOCIAL PROGRAM STUDENTS OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 765-770. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Srimulyani, Decky and Helsa, Yullys (2014) Developing Matrix And Vector Materials Based On Contructivism. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Sundari, Sundari (2014) ELECTRONIC GAMES IMPROVE THE STUDENT RESPONSE IN MATHEMATICAL LEARNING. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 771-778.

Supratman, Supratman (2014) Piaget?s Theory In A Development Of Critical Thinking. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Susanti, Eka Eka (2014) Optimasi Biaya Pengangkutan Menggunakan Program Linear Multiobjektif Fuzzy (Studi Kasus pada Pt.Sentosa Mulia Bahagia). In: PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL MATEMATIKA DAN STATISTIKA 2014. JURUSAN MATEMATIKA FAKULTAS MIPA UNIVERSITAS TANJUNG PURA, pp. 19-26. ISBN 978-602-8355-39-1

Susanti, Ely and Kusumah, Yaya S (2014) Learning Material Based On Realistic Mathematics Education (Case Study In Enhancing Students? Mathematical Habits Of Mind). In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Susanti, Lidia and Ardhana, I Wayan and Kuswandi, Dedi (2014) THE EFFECTS OF THE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (PROBLEM SOLVING, DIRECT INSTRUCTION) AND ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION ON THE BIOLOGY LEARNING OUTCOME OF GRADE TEN STUDENTS. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 575-586. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9


Takwim, Ahsani and Darmawijoyo, Darmawijoyo and Hartono, Yusuf (2014) THE ABILITY OF STUDENTS TO USE MATHEMATICAL WRITINGS COMMUNICATION USING PMRI APPROACH IN SMP YSP PUSRI PALEMBANG. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 676-684. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Talisadika, Serrisanti Maifa (2014) Supporting Students? Computational Estimation Skill By Informal Dan Formal Stage Of Rounding Numbers. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Usmeldi, Usmeldi (2014) The Development Of Physics Learning Media Using Lectora Software To Increase Competencies Of The Students Of SMKN 1 Padang. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Valindra, Desi (2014) The Contribution Of Disposition And Inference Skills To Critical Thinking Mathematics Ability Of Students At Senior High School Jakarta. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

Vita, Nova Anwar (2014) The Influence Of Psychology Of Mathematics Education On Student?s Character In Elementary School. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang.

W, K. Anom and Mujamil, Jejem and Safitri, Eka (2014) IMPROVING THE ACTIVITY AND THE STUDENTS? CHEMISTRY LEARNING OUTPUT ON THE TWELFTH GRADE SCIENCE CLASS AT SMAN 1 INDRALAYA UTARA BY USING BAJAPRETA MODEL. In: The 1st Sriwijaya University Learning And Education International Conference (SULE-IC) 2014. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, pp. 559-566. ISBN 978-602-70378-0-9

Wahyuni, Reni (2014) Students? Understanding In Identifying Properties Of The Square And Rectangle Based On Realistic Matematics Education. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

van Galen, Frans (2014) Designing For Science Education And Mathematics Education. In: Ratu Ilma (Eds).The Second South East Asia Design/ Development Research (SEA-DR) International Conference, April 26-27,2014, Unsri, Palembang, April 26th-27th,2014, Palembang.

This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 17:43:46 2025 WIB.